Community MetaSteam | September 2019 - Valve, I Know What You Did Last Summer!

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I'm level 112, and I get so few boosters, I completely forgot it was a thing.
I don't believe I got a single one this year. If I got any, surely it was a single one.

I really don't get it. I know these are random, but according to the percentage info available for boosters, since I have over twice the probability of getting boosters, I should be receiving more boosters than when I was a lower level.
But, I can assure you I received more boosters when I was, like levels 18-30, than I get now. I used to receive a booster a month, or occasionally two boosters a month.
Now, I get 1 or 2... a year. :(
If you don't idle shovelware you don't get boosters, true story.

Actually checked and the last one I got was in July 2018, f y gaben lol.
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I could be wrong but I think this game's demo would be removed after a few days, as it is just a proof of concept kind of thing the person made

I COULD be wrong and it's a baseless assumption from my ass, but if you're interested in it, give it a play,
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Every Stealth game should have Shadwen's ability to freely rewind time.
No restarting or save-scumming whenever something goes wrong. You got caught? Just rewind time and try again. You killed someone but you actually want to play pacifist? Just rewind time.
It's so good. Also grappling hooks are always great.
Time automatically freezing whenever you don't move does feel a bit weird though sometimes.

Ended up buying the Monthly. Will play some Sonic Mania and hope for some nice surprises in the mystery unlocks next week :)
Trying to pick up Pillars of Eternity 2 from where I left it at, and I feel so lost that I remember why I dropped it:

The combat is chaotic and I can't understand ANYTHING that is happening. All my spells hit like a wet fart. I can't ever understand what is happening in the battlefield. I just close my eyes and hope that Auto-Battle takes care of it.

I never had this much trouble with a CRPG

Would you consider restarting in turn-based mode? I played through the whole game in that mode and it was really well done. Although I still prefer D:OS2 in that regard.
I'm trying! I buy games all the time!

Dont tell me you have them or something to get drops?

Well if the next Steam Seal are like the past summer ones, you can always buy your way to the top. :p

and still get no booster pack whatsoever
Felt like playing some Minecraft. Logged into their website to download the latest client. Was prompted to migrate my account to their new system. Did so, but somehow messed up my birthdate so now Mojang believes I was born in 2019 and I cannot change it, since I need my parents permission to do so.

Sent in a support ticket, and after that saw they are 2 months behind on their support cases!

This is ridiculous...
I'll ask this here too, do we know (for example from steamdb etc) if on the 1st October there'll be a bundle for destiny 2 forsaken + shadowkeep?
I'll ask this here too, do we know (for example from steamdb etc) if on the 1st October there'll be a bundle for destiny 2 forsaken + shadowkeep?

we don't, no :(

but i assume there will be ... or at least i hope there will be, i guess
Done with Code Vein.
Now that i've played three souls likes in a row (Blasphemous, Remnant from the Ashes) it is time to tackle a different genre again.
Like something with flowers and love and relaxing things in it
o_O did you binged it or is it rather short?
Off topic post
The current Humble Software bundle features Paint Shop Pro. Anyone here uses it? Is it any good. I used to use it almost 20 years ago (Damn, I'm old) and thought it was a good alternative to Photoshop.
Sometimes at work I really need a graphic tool do some simple graphic work, but I lack a proper tool for that.
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Off topic post
The current Humble Software bundle features Paint Shop Pro. Anyone here uses it? Is it any good. I used to use it almost 20 years ago (Damn, I'm old) and thought it was a good alternative to Photoshop.
Sometimes at work I really need a graphic tool do some simple graphic work, but I lack a proper tool for that.

get this one instead:


I had to stop about halfway through to write this post because damn it really does sound bad even for Ubisoft standards. He got my attention immediately by saying he doesn't normally do beta vids as the release is often so close he'd rather do a full game review but he's made exceptions two other times before....Anthem and FO76.


- The game's story is apparently about being trapped alone on that island, yet the game has a social hub like a destiny/division. Why? I had no idea until Wibblewozzer mentioned that it's probably for mtx reasons, like showing off your cosmetics to other people. Oh Ubi you sly bastards.

- The writing is hilariously awful. Again yes I know it's an Ubi game but watch the vid it's on a new level for them.

- Just like with far cry new dawn they shoehorned pointless RPG systems into this game like gear score and stats on weapons. Because as I've said in the past Ubi is hell bent on making 1 type of game to release on their assembly line 2-3 times a year. Ironically you can apparently kill guys without helmets in 1 headshot no matter what, so your stats are meaningless.

- At random times a plane will fly overhead and you have to go prone to avoid being spotted or else it'll spawn absurdly spongey drones that you have to take down. In the vid he had to wait upwards of 30 seconds for the plane to pass by.

I'm not even done with the vid yet and this is already too much. I wasn't interested in the game that much to begin with but even for Ubi standards this is looking like a train wreck approaching.
Sounds like a hoot and a half. Though I've never really been interested the Ghost Recon games and didn't expect much of this one. I'm starting to get really tired of these light RPG mechanics, if you can even call it that. The way it's implemented in games like these is so... frivolous.
Affinity Photo is nice and you can get 50% off codes quite regularly.

Regarding Breakpoint, Ubi's games have become less distinguishable with every passing year anyway but this one seems to be the pinnacle of 'throw everything we have in and half-arse it like there's no tomorrow'. No idea what that game wants to be, what is its identity or hook?

Done with Code Vein.
Now that i've played three souls likes in a row (Blasphemous, Remnant from the Ashes) it is time to tackle a different genre again.
Like something with flowers and love and relaxing things in it

So like, hm, The Surge 2?
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Sounds like a hoot and a half. Though I've never really been interested the Ghost Recon games and didn't expect much of this one. I'm starting to get really tired of these light RPG mechanics, if you can even call it that. The way it's implemented in games like these is so... frivolous.
They havent nailed Ghost Recon since the expansions for the first game. I like GRAW and GRAW2 but i wouldnt call them Ghost Recon (they're closer than anything else theyve tossed out under the moniker). This one just sounds like they had a survival game and wanted to toss a title on it that people recognized to boost sales.
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it is time to tackle a different genre again.
Like something with flowers and love and relaxing things in it

It's Spooktober soon, so despair, blood and suffering is on the menu. :02peek:

well duuuuuh ... why else would they drag Clancy's corpse out into the sunlight at least once a year? :p

Sadly said corpse didn't include Splinter Cell in any capacity. :02angryeat:
The way that the memories in Code Vein are presented is pretty cool

Also assuming I don't get lazy, later today I will be updating my resume (something that I have kept telling myself) because come Tuesday I will be applying to a new place that I was told about. I am still working at the part time retail job that I have had for over a year now. From what I am told the pay will be a lot better as will the hours. I am not 100% sure if I am qualified for the job but I can still apply and see what they say.

I doubt this would happen but it would be nice if I could get an idea of what the job is like and see if I am a good fit for it and then leave my current job.

Most likely I will ask them (assuming that I get an interview) what are some of the reason that some employees are let go during their "trial run" because it would suck if I left my current job and was then fired within less than 1 month of being at the new place. Also I want to put in my two weeks at my current job only after I know that I will get the "trial run" at the place that I plan to apply to.

In the last 3 years I have worked in a total of 5 different places, all of which were in various fields (including working in the fields with my doing irrigation work). I have worked in an office setting as an intern mainly doing janitor stuff but also setting up printers and other stuff, I also did some sports stuff where I was the score keeper for an indoor hockey league, I also use to work in the fast food by being a delivery driver, the field irrigation stuff, and also working in the stock room of a retail store.

Who known maybe one day I will turn into one of those people that says ya back in my 20s I also use to jump from job to job before finally ending up here and I have no been doing this for over 10 years and I actually kind of like my job sort of thing.
The way that the memories in Code Vein are presented is pretty cool

Also assuming I don't get lazy, later today I will be updating my resume (something that I have kept telling myself) because come Tuesday I will be applying to a new place that I was told about. I am still working at the part time retail job that I have had for over a year now. From what I am told the pay will be a lot better as will the hours. I am not 100% sure if I am qualified for the job but I can still apply and see what they say.

I doubt this would happen but it would be nice if I could get an idea of what the job is like and see if I am a good fit for it and then leave my current job.

Most likely I will ask them (assuming that I get an interview) what are some of the reason that some employees are let go during their "trial run" because it would suck if I left my current job and was then fired within less than 1 month of being at the new place. Also I want to put in my two weeks at my current job only after I know that I will get the "trial run" at the place that I plan to apply to.

In the last 3 years I have worked in a total of 5 different places, all of which were in various fields (including working in the fields with my doing irrigation work). I have worked in an office setting as an intern mainly doing janitor stuff but also setting up printers and other stuff, I also did some sports stuff where I was the score keeper for an indoor hockey league, I also use to work in the fast food by being a delivery driver, the field irrigation stuff, and also working in the stock room of a retail store.

Who known maybe one day I will turn into one of those people that says ya back in my 20s I also use to jump from job to job before finally ending up here and I have no been doing this for over 10 years and I actually kind of like my job sort of thing.
Best of luck!
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Disappeared from this thread for a bit cuz work + I was sick for the last week. Mostly I would come home, eat, shower, maybe post in a less busy thread and then go to sleep lol.

Seems I missed quite a lot! October seems quite stacked game wise, so many interesting releases but honestly I'm just hoping to finally have enough for my Switch and FE: Three Houses lol. Decided against the Lite after all, too many hardware oddities/potential issues.
I don't think channers are credible source even if the screenshot wasn't doctored. More often than not they're just a surface level examination of the games they have problems with.

Also everyone is horny in 2019, it's something we should try to live with. :02spy:
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