Community Movies/Shows you have seen recently or looking forward to...

Le Pertti

0.05% Game dev
Oct 10, 2018
Paris, France
I started what For All Mankind and after the 4th episode I still don't get where this is going... I understand the stakes, it's an alternate history cold war where USSR is winning, but I can't seem to fathom what the end goal is and what they are fighting for, besides beating the russians. Anyone seen it? Does it pick up the pace soon?
Yeah I finished it and I liked it. They even jump ahead in time quite a bit for season 2.

Deleted member 113

October 28th


Wasnt really a big fan of the original, but this is really good.

Pennywise is awesome.
I was the opposite: I love the original mini-series (that and Salem's Lot are two of my favourite King adaptations), and really disliked the new films, especially the first one, where they were kids. ;)

Still bought the new films on BD for some reason... :LOL:


May 4, 2019
Finally got around to watching Squid Game. Been hearing so much about it over the past month might as well do it before I got spoiled on it.

But yea the show was very fucking good. Strong 9 out of 10 imo.

If it wasn't for the brother cop angle it would probably be a masterpiece but some of that stuff felt too cliche.

But wow that marble episode was ace. And loved the final episode. It felt just right tho I bet people are divided on it. The themes in the show were brutal across the board.

Would say its the best show of the year but I still have to give Mare of Easttown the nod. Kate Winslets performance it it was outstanding. All the performances in that show were good. Squid Game is right there in close 2nd place for sure. Haven't started watching new season of Succession yet waiting for it to end first.

I'm surprised there was no third season of The Boys this year. Same with Barry. Very disappointing.

Need to catch up on my netflix backlog now that I subbed. Gonna watch Bly Manor next. Good timing for Halloween. :p
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Deleted member 113

October 31st

The Thing

I think this is probably my favourite film ever, although it's close between this, Escape from New York and Big Trouble In Little China.

Well, I managed to watch a horror(ish )film every day in October, pretty pleased with that.
Thanks to FunktionJCB for the idea :cat-heart-blob:
Glad you enjoyed it. :thumbsupblob:
Sadly, my marathon was a bust this year, and I failed terribly ( :disappointed-face: ) but I'm still preparing a decent Halloween night for later today. :blobcheer:

I have so much stuff to watch, but I'll probably be watching Freaky, Scream (I received the new BD a few days ago, and it's been a while since I last watched it), and maybe something else.

As for The Thing, it's a classic. People keep talking about Halloween when it comes to John Carpenter, but he has made many better films, and The Thing is probably my favourite of them. Really great film, that only seems to get better with age. :cat-heart-blob:

Happy Halloween!!!


Jun 3, 2020
Honestly, not sure why the interview totally ignores Django Unchained and Hateful Eight. Both are amazing western starring strong Black protag. .

Well, now I want to rewatch them.
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Li Kao

It’s a strange world. Let’s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
After much troubles and tribulations I could see two movies, yeah !

Spring (2014)
While a missed opportunity, I liked Resolution enough and you can bet I would follow this duo of Lovecraft-adjacent filmmakers. This movie touches on some theme very dear to me, romantic relation with an otherworldly being.
The movie is better all around than Resolution, actors are good, and there are some powerful scenes. That being said it’s very slow and far more romantic than horror, to the point I think it misses the mark. Far be it for me to wish to see something too extreme or too dark, but the whole resolution is a little too saccharine

The Cabin in the Woods (2011)
I amply spoiled myself in the past and I suppose that it was a disservice to the movie. That being said, a movie only being interesting for the little twists it contains could be seen as of relative interest. Flat, anecdotal, only saved by the bureaucratic scenes.Again, I very much not want something too gore or disturbing, but of all the horror creatures that could have been used, the main antagonists feel weak sauce as fuck.
Nice to see Chris Hemsworth.
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Jun 3, 2020
Ghostbusters Afterlife is pretty good, It has its problems, but overall its everything I could had asked for.

McNenna Grace killed It.
Yep, pacing is a bit off and some characters are underused, but it is a very good homage to the original, as well as a perfect passing-the-torch movie to what's to come. I still can't stop thinking about it today.

Deleted member 113

Don't listen to critics or review score. If you are a fan, you will no doubt enjoy Afterlife.
The "problem" is that nowadays, anyone is a critic.
Gone are the actual film critics that knew about cinema, and even when I disagreed with them they provided some "justification" about their ratings, and their opinions. Nowadays, anyone tweets, has a blog, or does contract work for some film website, and is called a critic.

I had the displeasure of reading several negative reviews for the film, all released a month or so ago.
None were actually about the film itself, and hilariously enough, all said the following, with minor variations: "toxic male trolls put down the previous film because it had women; that film was brilliant, better than what the original films deserved; now, these trolls are getting exactly what they wanted, which is some fan service disguised as a movie, and they removed the women; this film sucks, and the fan base sucks". I kid you not.

A review that only talks about the reaction to the previous film (by the way, one whose scriptwriter was someone who, by admission, didn't even like the original films; that's a great basis to revive an iconic franchise), and tries to pin it exclusively on "toxic male trolls", with one line reserved for the new film, spent on saying "they removed women; the film sucks" (isn't the lead character female?!) is frankly ridiculous, and I can't possibly take them seriously.

That's why websites like "rotten tomatoes" and "metacritic" don't mean a thing to me.
There's a critics section/rating. But, who exactly are these critics?
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Jun 3, 2020
The "problem" is that nowadays, anyone is a critic.
Gone are the actual film critics that knew about cinema, and even when I disagreed with them they provided some "justification" about their ratings, and their opinions. Nowadays, anyone tweets, has a blog, or does contract work for some film website, and is called a critic.

I had the displeasure of reading several negative reviews for the film, all released a month or so ago.
None were actually about the film itself, and hilariously enough, all said the following, with minor variations: "toxic male trolls put down the previous film because it had women; that film was brilliant, better than what the original films deserved; now, these trolls are getting exactly what they wanted, which is some fan service disguised as a movie, and they removed the women; this film sucks, and the fan base sucks". I kid you not.

A review that only talks about the reaction to the previous film (by the way, one whose scriptwriter was someone who, by admission, didn't even like the original films; that's a great basis to revive an iconic franchise), and tries to pin it exclusively on "toxic male trolls", with one line reserved for the new film, spent on saying "they removed women; the film sucks" (isn't the lead character female?!) is frankly ridiculous, and I can't possibly take them seriously.

That's why websites like "rotten tomatoes" and "metacritic" don't mean a thing to me.
There's a critics section/rating. But, who exactly are these critics?
Yeah, I read a few after watching and all of them are exactly what you have described. Many people fail to understand that the 2016 reboot was badmouthed because it is a bad Ghostbuster movie, instead of anything relating to masculinity or hate towards women.

Some also bring up the point that Afterlife is too "fan servicey" and it is a negative... I mean, the original movies are like 30 something years ago, and considering what this movie really is meant to be to the franchise, they should include references to the originals. And honestly? Most of them are very minor and new audience won't even know some of these things or lines are references. These reviews are ridiculous.


Apr 19, 2019
Finished the 2nd season of For all Mankind and it was very enjoyable and a huge step-up from the 1st season. The last episode was a rollercoaster with excellent directing and acting but the turning point makes absolutely no sense... anyway, since they decided to kill my favorite 2 characters I have no one to root for from now on.

Next I guess I'll finally see why nobody shuts up about squid game...
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May 4, 2019
That Red Notice movie on Netflix was something else.

All the nonstop joking, the stupid twists and pointless story. I really can't believe shit like this cost 200 million.

Also shame on The Rock for making these dumb popcorn blockbusters. I understand Reynolds and even Gadot but Rock can be making so much better things. The movies he has been in these past 10 years have been so lame. I think Skyrscraper has been the only one I kind of enjoyed.

I always thought he would be the next Arnold and his early movies (Rundown, Walking Tall) were pretty good start. But then he just stopped doing interesting stuff. Sellout for a paycheck instead of making memorable films. Really makes you appreciate the 80s and 90s. These movies and filmmakers of today suck.