Community Movies/Shows you have seen recently or looking forward to...


There was a fish in the percolator!
Apr 6, 2019
Films that I watched this week:
  • Tenet (2022, Christopher Nolan)
  • Sicario (2015, Denis Villeneuve)
  • Mad Max Fury Road (2015, George Miller)
  • The Cassandra Cat (1963, Vojtech Jasny)
  • Mulholland Drive (2001, David Lynch) *probably my favorite movie of all time
  • The Northman (2022, Robert Eggers) *disappointment of the week


Dumb fool
Nov 14, 2018
Really hitting it, huh NarohDethan? that's awesome. What'd you think of Sicario? I bought a bunch of Criterion films whenever they go on sale, and I'm behind on those, but work has had me so exhausted i haven't watched much. I want to go watch TMNT. OH, we watched the new Spider-Man animated film that just came out on 4k / Digital. Pretty good! but it was a little long for me. but then again....i might've been too fuckin' tired lol.
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There was a fish in the percolator!
Apr 6, 2019
Really hitting it, huh NarohDethan? that's awesome. What'd you think of Sicario? I bought a bunch of Criterion films whenever they go on sale, and I'm behind on those, but work has had me so exhausted i haven't watched much. I want to go watch TMNT. OH, we watched the new Spider-Man animated film that just came out on 4k / Digital. Pretty good! but it was a little long for me. but then again....i might've been too fuckin' tired lol.
I liked Sicario. I was wondering if it was going to be some copaganda shit but it has rather good politics given the subject matter.
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There was a fish in the percolator!
Apr 6, 2019
Films that I watched this week:
  • Nope (Jordan Peele, 2022)
  • Medusa Deluxe (Thomas Hardiman, 2022)
  • Everything everywhere all at once (Daniels, 2022) *my favorite!
  • All Quiet on the Western Front (Edward Berger, 2022)
  • Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (Quentin Tarantino, 2019)
  • Dead Man (Jim Jarmusch, 1995)
  • The Flash (Andy Muschietti, 2023) *not as bad as I expected it
  • Eraserhead (David Lynch, 1977)
  • Gran Turismo (Neill Blomkamp, 2023)
  • Drive (Nicolas Winding Refn, 2011)


Dumb fool
Nov 14, 2018
Dead Man (Jim Jarmusch, 1995)
I loved this movie. I think I'm just a big Jarmusch fan, though. I watched for the first time a few years ago, GHOST DOG, and it's one of my favorite films I've ever seen. Top 10 for me. Dead Man was almost on the cusp of breaking top 10 for me as well. The Criterion editions of both made me fall in love, honestly.
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There was a fish in the percolator!
Apr 6, 2019
I loved this movie. I think I'm just a big Jarmusch fan, though. I watched for the first time a few years ago, GHOST DOG, and it's one of my favorite films I've ever seen. Top 10 for me. Dead Man was almost on the cusp of breaking top 10 for me as well. The Criterion editions of both made me fall in love, honestly.
Dead Man is very good, yeah. Looks like the kind of film that it’s better while stoned
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Dec 10, 2018
I have been actually going through something of a horror binge at the moment. Possibly because we are getting to October (although I think horror is better at Christmas time personally). Now a few of these I can say without a shadow of a doubt are not good films, yet I still had fun with them and didn't regret watching them.

  • The Rizen and The Rizen Possession. Low budget zombie horror flicks. Filmed using the same 4 corridors and two locations. Little bit of cosmic horror towards the end. Possession is the better of the two and can be watched without needing to see the first. A little bit of underlying cosmic horror which is probably why I enjoyed them more than I should.
  • Pitch Black. Noticed it was leaving Prime and thought it was worth a rewatch. May also rewatch the other 2 but nowhere near as good as Pitch Black. Great Sci-Fi horror film.
  • The Lair. I had to watch this and it was included in my Shudder subscription. A new Neil Marshall film. What's not to love. Apparently a lot. If I hadn't seen his name it would have come across as a poor man's Dog Soldiers. As a B Movie it has a decent monster design, some nice and gory effects. But as a Neil Marshall film it is a bit of a let down. OK if you have 90 minutes to burn while you are doing something else in the background. But can think of a lot of things that are a better rewatch than wasting your time on this.
  • The Witch Part 1 Subversion. This is the standout for me. Came across it on Shudder I think, South Korean action/sci-fi type movie. Young Girl has Amnesia, but when she appears on TV people start coming after her. This was so much fun to watch and the best praise I can give it, is that it reminded me of watching something like "The Killer" or "A Better Tomorrow" for the first time. I will be watching the sequel sometime this week and then waiting for the 3rd part. This one has me interested in checking out a couple more South Korean action movies.
Outside of that I have the following on my "To Watch" list.

  • Cocaine Bear
  • Sisu
  • The Super Mario Brother Movie
  • Renfield
  • Spider-Man Across the Spiderverse
  • Hard Boiled (rewatch of a classic John Woo/Chow Yun-Fat movie).
  • Something in the Dirt
  • Quatermass Experiment & Quatermass II (very old British sci-fi/horror series)


Jun 3, 2020
Surprised no one on here is talking about One Piece drama. Speaking as a fan, it is really good. Haven't shed tears for a drama for years and this show managed to do it.
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Dec 10, 2018
One Piece is something else on my watch list. But I also plan to re read the manga (got as far as the beginning of the Dresarosa Arc). But thinking of starting at alabasta to save on some of the early boredom story arcs.
Plus a rewatch of Batman the Animated Series as this appears to be getting added to Netflix, at least in the UK.
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Dec 8, 2018
Stevey how do you like the Arrow Video releases? I've been meaning to grab a few but i feel like they never go on sale.
I think theyre spot on. Seem to have a lot of movies that I'm interested in. Also, they usually have some neat artwork/packaging.
They have some sales now and again, at least in the UK.

Link to a sale thats on now.

Arrow Films UK
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Jun 3, 2020
Watched Equalizer trilogy last week. Denzel Washington is friendly and menacing at the same time. Great acting.

Now I want to visit Italy.


May 4, 2019

Watched some horror flicks recently.

No One Will Save You was a decent alien invasion flick with some interesting things. Nothing you never seen before but still really well done.

Cobweb was legit great. One of the better horror movies I've seen in years. The final 30 minutes was amazing and the build up to it was really well done. Had some Cabin in the Woods vibes to it. Nothing as crazy but the slow build up to pure chaos in the end always makes for good horror imo. Loved the pacing, audio and all the actors. The homelander guy needs to play in more movies. He has that pure villain demeanor.

Recommend both films for those looking for the spooky October feels.


Dumb fool
Nov 14, 2018
So I watched Killers of the Flower Moon. it pissed me off way more than i thought it would. Felt like a chore watching it, honestly...interested to hear what other ppl think or say.


Dec 8, 2018
So I watched Killers of the Flower Moon. it pissed me off way more than i thought it would. Felt like a chore watching it, honestly...interested to hear what other ppl think or say.
Damn, I was looking forward to that.


Segata's Disciple
Jan 28, 2019
This seems kinda cool.

Apparently it spawned from this older short.

It's a bit too weird, Moebius-esque, not much of what's shown can possibly be explained in a logical way, you gotta go into it like a fairy tale even if it looks all sci fi I guess. I'd prefer some realism to it but it's cool. Like they sort of gut an animal to get some kind of organ from it that they can use like lightsticks but the way they do it it's like the animal's gut is a machine they gotta operate in a very specific way or some shit. Just weird. There's stuff like this everywhere, describing it makes some sense but the way it's portrayed, not so much. Like gutting animals to use their parts for stuff in makeshift ways or combine it with their own technology is realistic and natural but the way it's portrayed isn't. They wanna do something and it's like they're playing one of those GROW games doing stuff that seem completely unrelated/random in a specific order to get to some end result they require. Too weird yet too convenient that it's even viable.
Last edited:


Sep 20, 2018
Just watched The Marvels.

Pretty servicable MCU-fare. Some light character progression on Captain Marvel, and her relationship with her niece, though the real star of the show was of course Iman Vellani as Ms. Marvel. Was clearly the only person in the film who actually cared about their role, at least among the big heroes. Pretty clear that Samuel Jackson is just there to collect his pay check (really miss his performances from the early films). I liked Ms. Marvels family too, some nice dynamic and banter there.

best thing about the film is that it's very short, though. Doesn't wear out its welcome and never drags on too much. That's how all these films should be, honestly. Simple, short, fun and not pretending to be all deep and important.

Would only recommend to people who have been following the films so far, for everyone else, there's not really much for you if you don't already follow the canon quit a bit.

I rate this 7 out of 10 Flerkens.
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Li Kao

It’s a strange world. Let’s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
I saw movies ! Weeeeeee !
Rare occurrence, that.

So I watched my guilty pleasure, a movie by Benson / Moorhead, The Endless (2017).
The movies are usually cosmic horror done elegantly, without the more tropey elements of the Lovecraftian Mythos, the heart is in the right place.
I can see people hating it as, as usual, it can be slow, hypnotic, a little cerebral, but it's nevertheless super good.
I would advise to watch their first film, Resolution (2012), as it's a follow-up of sorts and you get some cool references to it.

It's cosmic horror done right.

Then I watched a movie I wanted to see for 13 years ! Monsters (2010), the first film from Gareth Ewards.
And, as my luck would have it and I should have foreseen, it was shit.
The minuscule plot elements are tropey as fuck, the metaphor is so ham fisted I have trouble considering it a metaphor, and to top it off the rhythm is positively glacial.

You would be excused to gorge yourself on the beautiful landscapes in order to bear the 90 minutes or so runtime. Good cinematography, indeed. Not enough.
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Oct 25, 2018
I watched Rebel Moon and thought it was a good time. The backstories could have used more building up but whatever.


My Neighbour Totoro
Dec 10, 2018

I watched this one a few days ago. It's on Netflix, and I didn't have any expectations, but I have a thing for dystopian movies, and I thought this one was pretty good. So, if you're in the mood for a dystopian movie, I can recommend it to you ;)
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Apr 18, 2019
Just watched the Mario movie and also recently the Barbie movie.

The Mario movie... I understand it was made for kids and it was family friendly. But I just couldn't like it. Pratt's performance as Mario was meh, disliked the Kong designs, the use of licensed music like 'I need a Hero'. The ending was also, what? Was expecting something like Mario showing Peach Brooklyn or trying to learn about her past. Or how they would return to their world. Overall, the movie was a disappointment.

Barbie, meanwhile, exceeded my expectations. Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling did a terrific job; especially the latter. Enjoyed my time watching the movie. Wasn't something spectacular, but it was entertaining and that's all that mattes to me.