Community Pet Paradise - Post Everything about your pets!


sometimes a doctor of rhythm
Apr 17, 2019
So many adorable pets! I joined MC for the Steam and PC related banter, but I think this might end up being my favorite thread. :cat-heart-blob:

And I have one bonus pic of the Bowie kitty that hangs around outside.

It's a little hard to tell since I had to take the pic from inside due to her being so skittish, but yep, she has one blue and one green eye. Also apologies for the horrible yard, this was taken after some strong winds.


Dead & Forgotten
Sep 5, 2018
So many adorable pets! I joined MC for the Steam and PC related banter, but I think this might end up being my favorite thread. :cat-heart-blob:
hey now ... NOTHING beats a pic of an adorable doggo/cat ... :cat-heart-blob:

And I have one bonus pic of the Bowie kitty that hangs around outside.
... and this one truly is magnificent! :D


sometimes a doctor of rhythm
Apr 17, 2019
Happy Friday everyone! I present a bundle of fluff to brighten your day.

Hopefully we'll get some more doggos or other critters showing up in here so I'm not constantly hijacking this with my cats. :p

I suppose I could share one of my dog, but I don't want to bring the thread down.. he passed away in February.


Dead & Forgotten
Sep 5, 2018
Happy Friday everyone! I present a bundle of fluff to brighten your day.
oh this is just TOO cute!!! :cat-heart-blob:

Hopefully we'll get some more doggos or other critters showing up in here so I'm not constantly hijacking this with my cats. :p
both Wibblewozzer and Rockin' Ranger have MAGNIFICENT doggos ... post more pics in here, ya bums!!! :p

I suppose I could share one of my dog, but I don't want to bring the thread down.. he passed away in February.
oh no :( so sorry to hear that :(


Apr 18, 2019
Thanks! We snagged her at the animal shelter completely by coincidence after going to see another cat that we weren't able to take home and spotting her looking sad on our way out.

And yep blindrhythm we always joke that she's not actually a cat, just a pile of fluff and meows lol
Also the other day when I registered I showed this thread to my wife and she called Wally "a squished up Rona" :LOL: so he has a big fan in our house


sometimes a doctor of rhythm
Apr 17, 2019
Also the other day when I registered I showed this thread to my wife and she called Wally "a squished up Rona" :LOL: so he has a big fan in our house
Ha! After seeing Rona that's a pretty good description. I'll be sure to share some more of him in the future.

And that's a great story of how you got her. I'm sure it made Rona's day. Pretty much all of mine have been rescues, quite literally in a few cases.

When Mitsy was a kitten someone found her sleeping under cars in town during an extremely cold winter and thankfully someone grabbed her before anything happened. They weren't a cat person so they offered her to us and she's been my shadow ever since.

Rocky was born with a misshapen rib cage that if it didn't round out over time he probably wouldn't have survived beyond a few months. Of course due to that he'll always be smaller than other cats his age.

Wally was originally one of the outdoor/farm cats. Got to watch him grow up from a kitten. Around the time he was two something got a hold of him and he nearly lost his tail. I brought him in to nurse him back to health and keep him safe. Ended up keeping him.

And my dog that I mentioned was an abused pup that someone abandoned. A family friend took him in, but wasn't able to afford to take care of him. So we took him in and had him for 11 years. They weren't sure of his age at the time. The guess was 6-8.


sometimes a doctor of rhythm
Apr 17, 2019
Fluffy doggos to join the fluffy kitties. Perfection. Even sleeping Ludo seems so happy in the pics you've shared. :cat-heart-blob:

I wish I could post him doing anything other than sleeping, but he is quite old, and that's pretty much all he does (outside of eating). :grinning-face-with-smiling-eyes:
I can relate. That's why folks have a hard time getting pictures of me too. :p


Robot on the inside
Dec 6, 2018
Wibblewozzer Finnegan's very photogenic :heartblob:
Sort of. I probably have 700 photos of him now and a bunch are super blurry because he never stops moving. I also don't post pictures, typically, where I think he looks weird, heh. He has a very long neck when he stretches it out to the point where he looks a little llama-ish.

But he's a good boy. I make sure to keep it fairly flattering.


sometimes a doctor of rhythm
Apr 17, 2019
Sort of. I probably have 700 photos of him now and a bunch are super blurry because he never stops moving. I also don't post pictures, typically, where I think he looks weird, heh. He has a very long neck when he stretches it out to the point where he looks a little llama-ish.

But he's a good boy. I make sure to keep it fairly flattering.
When I saw the original few pictures you posted of Finnegan I suspected he was a bundle of energy. But even with the challenge of getting a good shot you can tell the camera really loves him.

He's such an adorable and happy pup.



sometimes a doctor of rhythm
Apr 17, 2019
The little fuzzball is definitely still a kitten. I've also got my dog at my parent's house... miss having a dog close by, but having a cat for once is a new experience, and I can't say I dislike it!
Congrats on getting a kitten! They can be a handful at times and a different experience to dogs as you mentioned, but as you discover their unique quirks you'll find they can be incredibly charming and loving.

And Aki looks like they'll be a very fun kitty, though like lashman said, I'm not sure that monitor would agree. :p

Got a couple old shots of Rocky and Wally. The first one to kind of show that even at almost 8 years old they never outgrow the mouse cursor chasing.. it just morphs into something worse (and more adorable).



formerly 'deftones r cool'
Apr 19, 2019
Meet Ruby,

She's a rescue German Shepherd/Rottweiler from East Detroit who currently resides w/ me in the much safer suburbs on the other side of Telegraph road.

Her hobbies include, but are not limited to:

  • Getting belly rubs
  • Going for daily walks, and getting barked at by every dog in the neighborhood, but never barking back
  • Going for car rides even though she has a tendency to get nauseated
  • Begging to go outside every time it rains or snows
  • Watching squirrels and birds in the backyard all day as if it were a tv show
  • Getting bossed around by smaller dogs and cats
  • Using every muscle in her body to avoid taking a bath
  • Eating lots of grass, and then deciding to ralph exclusively in the only carpeted room in the house
  • Stealing all the attention from me whenever I bring a woman over



Cat Loaf Enthusiast
Apr 17, 2019
Ahhh I was gone this weekend and didn't have time to reply to everyone's amazing kitties/puppies!! I seriously love them all :cat-heart-blob::cat-heart-blob:

blindrhythm I'm so very sorry about your sweet kitty, RIP handsome boy :cryingwhyblob:

Meet Ruby,

She's a rescue German Shepherd/Rottweiler from East Detroit who currently resides w/ me in the much safer suburbs on the other side of Telegraph road.

Her hobbies include, but are not limited to:

  • Getting belly rubs
  • Going for daily walks, and getting barked at by every dog in the neighborhood, but never barking back
  • Going for car rides even though she has a tendency to get nauseated
  • Begging to go outside every time it rains or snows
  • Watching squirrels and birds in the backyard all day as if it were a tv show
  • Getting bossed around by smaller dogs and cats
  • Using every muscle in her body to avoid taking a bath
  • Eating lots of grass, and then deciding to ralph exclusively in the only carpeted room in the house
  • Stealing all the attention from me whenever I bring a woman over

those eyes :wd_heart:What a doll!!
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sometimes a doctor of rhythm
Apr 17, 2019
I'm so very sorry about your sweet kitty, RIP handsome boy :cryingwhyblob:
Oh, no worries! All the kitties are fine. :cat-heart-blob:

Probably a poorly worded sentence on my part. Sorry about the scare.

And in fact we recently got a bunch more of 'em. Well, the outdoor/farm cats at least. Cookies, who I really need to get a picture of, recently had her kittens and it seems that Bubbles might have had hers too.

[Edit: Oh! I see what might have thrown you off a bit. The pic of Wally on his back? That's just how he sleeps when I'm at my PC.]
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Dec 22, 2018

These two fuzzballs are Doc and Cari respectively (he on the left, she on the right)
Both are rescues from the Toronto Humane Society - both originally from Quebec apparently.
I've asked them about Quebec politics and poutine, they give me dirty looks.
She's incredibly submissive and suffers anxiety, and hates strangers. She is however a daddy girl and loves to cuddle.
He;s a big attention hog and loves to play and run around our little apartment and is a mommy'd boy who cuddles my fiance

She's 4 going on 5, and he's 2 and half.

Here's a photo of them on the job:


formerly 'deftones r cool'
Apr 19, 2019
Ruby pried herself away from her manicure and nightly mud mask session to tell me to let you all know you are all truly too kind, MetaCouncil.

She sends her regards, and hopes you all have a wonderful week.

She also said you should buy me Risk of Rain 2... but I informed her that was rude, and MC wasn't that kind of forum.


Cat Loaf Enthusiast
Apr 17, 2019
Oh, no worries! All the kitties are fine. :cat-heart-blob:

Probably a poorly worded sentence on my part. Sorry about the scare.

And in fact we recently got a bunch more of 'em. Well, the outdoor/farm cats at least. Cookies, who I really need to get a picture of, recently had her kittens and it seems that Bubbles might have had hers too.

[Edit: Oh! I see what might have thrown you off a bit. The pic of Wally on his back? That's just how he sleeps when I'm at my PC.]
Ohhhh thank goodness, I'm super glad I misread that whole thing entirely haha. :cat-heart-blob: But I'm still very sorry about your pupper!! RIP doggo :cryblob:

Please show a picture of Cookies, Bubbles (and kittens) if you get the chance!

gabbo Gorgeous!!!! That last picture of them melts my heart. My cats are actually Quebecois as well, funny enough! My husband and I adopted them when we lived in Montreal a few years back.

Casper - Your boy seems like quite the character! So cute :cat-heart-blob: Black cats are severely underrated imo.


sometimes a doctor of rhythm
Apr 17, 2019
Ohhhh thank goodness, I'm super glad I misread that whole thing entirely haha. :cat-heart-blob: But I'm still very sorry about your pupper!! RIP doggo :cryblob:

Please show a picture of Cookies, Bubbles (and kittens) if you get the chance!
Thanks for the condolences. Yesterday was a bit rough, it was the first time I had to mow the yard this year and I would occasionally look toward the corner of the house waiting for him to come running.

And I'll definitely try to get some pics of the kittens too. Cookies took hers off somewhere so I'll have to wait until she hopefully brings them back. Bubbles will be easy since she's always around.

i'm sooooo glad this thread is back from the dead ... everyone has such amazing pets :cat-heart-blob:
Agreed. There's no doubt about it anymore, this is my favorite thread on here. But be careful, lash, could be a monkey's paw situation. I mean.. I have 11 cats I can post pictures of and that's not counting the two newest litters. :p


sometimes a doctor of rhythm
Apr 17, 2019

this is just BEYOND adorable ... you're sooooo lucky!
I am seriously jealous of you blindrhythm being able to be surrounded by so many gorgeous kitties! I also absolutely love all their names :smiling-face-with-heart-shaped-eyes: So cute!
Ha! It has its challenges taking care of all of them, well somewhat, the ones outside mostly take care of themselves. I feed them once a day and put together a house of sorts for them so they can hang out on the porch if any mean critters are hanging around.

The biggest struggle is coming up with names. I've had to name 30 or so cats over the past decade and now it's to the point where I'm basically in "say what you see" mode. :LOL:

And yeah, honestly I wouldn't trade it for anything. The pros far outweigh any cons.


sometimes a doctor of rhythm
Apr 17, 2019
Tiny (the Bowie kitty from before) just had her litter so it's going to be tough getting pics now that she's chasing everyone else off the porch, but I did manage to grab one of Nash who I haven't shared yet.

He's been the guardian of Meep, Spotch and Poog since they were born. I love seeing their little cuddle puddle in that straw occasionally. (And yes, I'll try to get a picture of said cuddle puddle if I'm able to. It doesn't happen quite as often now that those three are getting older.)


sometimes a doctor of rhythm
Apr 17, 2019
I realized I could actually show the two cats that all of the outdoor cats are descendants of. Both have moved on since to other nearby farms I'm hoping, I never found evidence of foul play so it's the best guess.

The male is also Rocky's dad.. which is a story I can save for another time.


Willow, the reason there's always one fluffy kitty in each litter: