As some of you might know, Hello Lady has already been released by the Chinese localization company "Hikari Field." We were fortunate enough to get to know the people from Hikari Field and actually to meet up with them.
Unlike certain other companies, to them, it's not about making a quick buck. In fact, they're coming from a very similar background as we do, having originally started out as a fan translation group, and are likewise a small team of people with a passion for visual novels. As such, it was never their intention to release subpar English translations, and they took the criticism they faced with their previous attempt of releasing one of their titles in English very seriously, reevaluating their plans of releasing titles in English.
Having found that we both have the same passion for the medium and also follow the same philosophy, we decided to engage in a partnership for mutual benefit and release visuals novels together. In other words, we're going to handle the English localization while they're going to handle the Chinese localization. Other than the obvious benefits of getting our games out in one additional major language, this partnership also makes it easier for us to get new licenses; getting both a quality English and Chinese translation is very attractive to developers.
So yeah, for all of you guys, this partnership simply means that you're going to get more titles in the future without any downsides.