Community What are you currently playing?


Junior Member
Dec 21, 2018
Finished AC: Unity. One of the weaker AC games I've played though some of its missions were fun.

It's also one of the buggiest games I've played. Kept getting this glitch over and over:

Black Flag still remains my favorite in the series.

You've got me curious. Are they full fledged RPGs now?
I just remembered that I got Black Flag for free from something (video card bundle maybe?) and have never played it. In fact I've never played any AssCreed.
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Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
I'm failing to stick to a game until i finish it as i got distracted trying to get a bunch of my old/retro fps shooters working on my PC.
Finished Blood this weekend using the nBlood engine and loved it but damn, getting some of these 20+ year old games to work is a pain.

I'm back to Kingdom Hearts 3 with my Wisdom/Magic build and now i've worked out the controls i can see why they say that build is OP. It is and I LOVE IT! Don't nerf magic, it's toooo much fun!
I also decided to build a Gummi Ship and i'm glad i did as it's much better than default and i also made a teeny ship (drone) inspired by Pop Team Epic. Basically it's a hand giving the middle finger where the finger is made of turrets! Totally immature but it makes me chuckle.


Junior Member
Apr 17, 2019
I'm failing to stick to a game until i finish it as i got distracted trying to get a bunch of my old/retro fps shooters working on my PC.
Finished Blood this weekend using the nBlood engine and loved it but damn, getting some of these 20+ year old games to work is a pain.
you know the remaster is suppose to be out this month, right? That's what I've been waiting for.

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Rockin' Ranger

Rangers With Candy
Nov 7, 2018
I just finished up with ELEX last night, really enjoyed it. My only major complaint is that in your base the game doesn't give you a space to display your toy dinosaurs. I ended the game with 7 dinos, Rex, Tex, Carnosaur, Riptor, Riley, Ramona, and Rumplestilskin.

I also played Whispers of a Machine which I loved. It's up there with Kathy Rain as one of my favorite adventure games. Still have a couple playthroughs of it to go for other paths, ending, and achievements.

Next up I have Hollow Knight for my last game in my current backlog blitz, Chrono Trigger for game of the month in May, and I think I might play Rehtona.

Phoenix RISING

A phoenix always RISES!
Apr 23, 2019
Ann Arbor, MI
I beat all the bosses in Darkest Dungeon and I'm going to do the actual Darkest Dungeon this weekend.

I started Katana ZERO in the meantime. It's good...I'm now wow'ed yet. I have 30 minutes in.

I tried Thronebreaker, and as much of a Witcher fan as I am, reading the books several times, I'm still not a fan of deckbuilding games. I skipped GWENT all during Witcher 3 and I'm still MEH on it now.

My son wants to play the Overwatch event this weekend too.

And then there's always Tekken 7 every now and then.

Next month: Ori.


sometimes a doctor of rhythm
Apr 17, 2019
Finally finished up the last ending in Sekiro and got all of the achievements. Such a great game. It's pretty exciting thinking about how From can expand on what they accomplished with the game whether it's something new or another Dark Souls style game.

Not sure where to go from here. Might be time for either Divinity: OS2 or Dragon Quest XI.

Li Kao

It’s a strange world. Let’s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
Mmh, Two Point Hospital in pause due to how repetitive it gets.
Tropico 4 in semi-pause for the same reason, but the humor saves it and I will get back to it.

Currently playing Assassin's Creed Rogue and I'm shocked at how much I find it better than Black Flag, which I've relatively hated.
It still has awful writing and good things in excess, but at this point this must be an UBI trademark. About the second point, just an example :
I want to find a chest at the other end of an island, good point the game may not be but it feels more open. Lo' and behold, a new mechanic ! Skirmishes ! Little battles with a couple of quests and some really underwhelming rewards. Coo....
By the time I found that chest I had to play through three skirmishes.

TYPICAL UBI :so-good-blob:


Apr 17, 2019
Started playing Factorio for the first time and ended up spending most of the day playing it. It's definitely addictive. My only real complaint after a few hours is that it's obnoxious having to move that guy around the screen in order to do something. I wish it were more like Rimworld, where I can click on anything at any time and do anything whenever. But in Factorio, you click on something and maybe can't do anything with it until you maneuver that dork so he's close enough. Ugh. I haven't really seen that criticism anywhere else, so it may be just me. It's not nearly enough to make the drop the game, especially considering the huge community, mods, and so on. It's pretty great for early access especially.


Oct 6, 2018
I finally finished up AC Odyssey including the Atlantis DLC (which is pretty good, and meaty for just 1 chapter). I'm going to put more time into days gone now.

I really hope Sony invests in ps5 updates for this game and some others (preferably free but who am I kidding). Would like to see that rumored beast CPU put to work on increased horde sizes, maybe it can match that first demo in the saw mill. Or at least get the game to 60fps.
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Reaper on Station。
Nov 1, 2018
Mt. Whatever
Currently I'm having trouble deciding what to play next on PC, at least when I'm not wasting my life in R6 Siege lol. Might flip a coin between Sleepy Dogs or FFIX w/ mods.

On my 3DS I'm playin' Pokemon Ultra Moon and I think it's finally starting to click with me. I like the trainer customization and I love how many Kanto pokemon are available to me from the start. Plus my leafy owl starter is pretty cool too. I've caught a Growlithe and Ekans already, plus some others, about to enter the first "trial!" Which I guess is the replacement for traditional Gyms.


Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
Still Kingdom Hearts III'ing. Just reached the second Gummi area and farmed asteroids for a bit and was able to upgrade all my Keyblades a few levels. Yay.
I'm enjoying it, not going to play on Brave or Critical as they don't appeal to me but i'm looking forward to getting home this evening for some monstrous fun.

Phoenix RISING

A phoenix always RISES!
Apr 23, 2019
Ann Arbor, MI
Currently playing through Far Cry 5, took over John's territory today. I'm really enjoying it so far even though it doesn't do anything too different from the previous Far Cry games.
This problem with Ubisoft games...they are less and less impressive. If they don't innovate soon, these games will get average scores.

Started playing Factorio for the first time and ended up spending most of the day playing it. It's definitely addictive. My only real complaint after a few hours is that it's obnoxious having to move that guy around the screen in order to do something. I wish it were more like Rimworld, where I can click on anything at any time and do anything whenever. But in Factorio, you click on something and maybe can't do anything with it until you maneuver that dork so he's close enough. Ugh. I haven't really seen that criticism anywhere else, so it may be just me. It's not nearly enough to make the drop the game, especially considering the huge community, mods, and so on. It's pretty great for early access especially.
Factorio is certainly a different kind of sim. IDK, I spent 10 hours on the first mission!!!!

Definitely not my cup of tea.


Junior Member
Apr 17, 2019
Put a decent amount of time into Minit this weekend, although when one run is limited to one minute, it makes it feel like you've played longer. I'm still under an hour of play time in the game. But I'm enjoying it, I think it's a pretty fun concept.


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
I've started playing Narcosis (right now in the Fanatical Exile bundle).
I like underwater games. It's not tooo scary so far. Quite tense and somewhat scary, but not scary-scary.

I really like the HUD. If you look down, you see it proper, but even if you look outside your diving suit, you still see the reflection, which is quite helpful, especially for the thrusters.


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
I've also started playing Anima: Gate of Memories from the same bundle and it's been quite fun too.

It's an action RPG with an anime art style. I think it looks nice, the combat is quite fun, it has a skill tree, items to find and equip and an interesting premise so far. I like it.


Excluding exclusives
Jan 12, 2019
I've finished the Vortex Campaign of Total War: Warhammer 2 last night with Clan Skryre. The new Skaven undercity mechanics are truly amazing, makes them so much more fun to play! The hidden workshop mechanics and doom wheel units of Clan Skryre are amazing as well.

This factions does need to be nerfed tho: despite playing on Hard (with battles on Hard as well), winning the campaign and final mission was extremely easy.


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
I've started playing Narcosis (right now in the Fanatical Exile bundle).
I like underwater games. It's not tooo scary so far. Quite tense and somewhat scary, but not scary-scary.
I take it back, it has scary-scary moments.

So I've also started playing Old Man's Journey to counterbalance this (and it's because it's very short).


Jan 5, 2019
Completed Yakuza 0.

The games I usually play take way less time to finish, and with a lot of those, I lack the motivation and force myself to play them til the end (like AC: Unity). But I never got that feeling with Yakuza 0, and I credit that to its well-paced story and its satisfying and diverse combat system. The characters were greatly fleshed out as well. The game did a good job making your foes (whether big-time or small-time) a legitimate threat. Heck, even underlings at times felt that way too.

Yakuza 0 is very much worth your time. And if it somehow isn't, it has plenty of side activities to make up for it!

  • that hitman dude gives me the creeps.
  • how many times does Kuze want his ass whooped?
  • <3 Goro & Makoto <3


RPG Site Contributer, RPG Fan
Sep 19, 2018
United States
Just finished up Dark Devotion, the indie Dark Souls - Roguelite - Metroidvania game that released last week. I sadly didn't really like it a lot, but I had some fun with it. I felt like the incentive to explore thoroughly to find weapons and upgrades is at odds with the one-way doors and rogue-like sensibilities.

I plan on starting up Fell Seal soon, and then either Kiwami 2 or Druidstone.


Sep 11, 2018
I installed Stardew Valley again.
It's a shame the gamepad controls haven't meaningfully changed since I last played it, afaik. I really dislike moving the cursor around with the analog stick.


Junior Member
Mar 29, 2019
Inspired by the announcement of Dwarf Fortress on Steam, I figured I give it another try so I'm ready to deep-dive into it once it gets released :grimacing-face:

I'm following the quickstart guide and I'm a bit further than half way, but it still took me a few hours. I'm excited for all of the fun I'm gonna have! On my PC, I have open the game, some wiki pages, some map legends, all all kinds of other stuff. So far, this picture definitely describes the whole situation really well:

But I'm not giving up yet :minos_dealwith:


Junior Member
Dec 21, 2018
Started playing FFXII Zodiac Age PC version with the extensive Struggle for Freedom mod a few days ago after i finished Sekiro.
So far it's really great i only ever played the original version (IZJS) and Zodiac Age was in my backlog for ages. I'm playing with the rebalanced boards. The game is now actually a bit challenging and i need to think about tactics and jobs to make the best out of it which i never really had to do in the original release but it's not too hard and everything feels pretty good balancing wise.
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Junior Member
Apr 17, 2019
Checked out that Sea of Thieves update last night, and it's real good. Anyone else here play it? I'd like to find some more people to play with so I don't have to rely on randoms, especially in the Arena.
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Junior Member
Dec 21, 2018
I decided to grab Dragon's Dogma on switch over the weekend and I've been enjoying it. I like how you can try out different classes very easily, and the combat overall is definitely satisfying. The other day I was fighting a big Ogre and he fell off a ledge and died.


formerly 'deftones r cool'
Apr 19, 2019
Trails of the Sky is 50% off on Steam, so I caved and finally snagged it for $10. Now I have to decide if it'd be a better game to play on my PSP w/ the copy I've had installed on there but neglected to play for years now or via Steam.

sigh Being a gamer-man sure is hard.
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old school cool
Nov 1, 2018
Still loving Anno 1800.

Also playing some MK11. There's a bunch I like about the game, but all the non-gameplay & presentation stuff is still pretty irritating. Kinda bummed I'm only enjoying Baraka.

Starcraft 2. I think it still plays fantastic. I still need to beat the Zerg & Protoss campaigns. Currently more than 1/2 way through Zerg.

Everquest (Project 99). Feeling the nostalgia kick. There's few game worlds I'd rather spend my time thinking about...

Panzer Dragoon. Never actually played the original until recently (owned Zwei, Saga, and Orta...) I do think it's very good. I was turned off by reviews in the day complaining about the framerate.

Phantasy Star Online. Another nostalgia kick, but still fun to play.


There was a fish in the percolator!
Apr 6, 2019
Started Assassin's Creed Origins. Runs quite decent on my PC, and the game is tons of fun.
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Dec 9, 2018
Most of my gaming time for the last week has been spent playing Days Gone. Aside from a few minor gripes, like the bike fuel and the jarring transitions from cutscenes to gameplay, this game is way better than reviewers led me to believe. The gameplay loop is very engaging, riding around the world on my bike living in a zombie apocalypse. I am actually enjoying the story and the writing as well, that "ride you as much as my bike" line is far better in context. I've played probably at least 20 hours and I plan on trucking through all the way to the end. I haven't decided what I am going to play next, but I am thinking about trying out the Ace Attorney trilogy on PC.



Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Trails of the Sky is 50% off on Steam, so I caved and finally snagged it for $10. Now I have to decide if it'd be a better game to play on my PSP w/ the copy I've had installed on there but neglected to play for years now or via Steam.

sigh Being a gamer-man sure is hard.
Steam is the definitive version. It has an updated translation, turbo mode and can be played with a mouse alone.
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Dirty Weeb
Mar 12, 2019
Steam is the definitive version. It has an updated translation, turbo mode and can be played with a mouse alone.
Bolded for emphasis, playing the Trails in the Sky trilogy only with a mouse is the patrician's method. It's surprisingly relaxing.
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Junior Member
Apr 17, 2019
I've been Slayin' the ol' Spire, yet I feel like I can never beat Act 2. I need to jump into a new game.
I highly recommend Jorbs on youtube if your interested in getting past that.He's former pro poker player so he's really good at the game and has some really helpful tutorials.