Community What are you currently playing?


Junior Member
Apr 19, 2019
Yeah, I mostly play the single player modes in fighting games as well. MK11's seem great with the story mode, all the towers, all the stuff to unlock in the Krypt etc.

I'll probably play this online more than most as I did sort of ok in the Preorder Beta. I think I finished like 13-19 which is great for me as I'm usually lucky to win one out of every ten or so matches in most fighters. :D
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Deleted member 113

All your hype about MK 11 is selling me on the game. :)

Is there a good video around that shows the content (modes, stages, unlockables) from the game?
2Game has the Premium Edition for around the price of the regular edition (when you use their 10% off coupon), so I'm tempted to get it.


Junior Member?
Dec 21, 2018
Just started Doki-Doki Literature Club. Since i got spoiled for many things, naturally i knew what to expect, but still, i enjoyed my first hour in the game! Honestly, it would be more awesome if i played this blind, but oh well!
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Dead & Forgotten
Sep 5, 2018
All your hype about MK 11 is selling me on the game. :)

Is there a good video around that shows the content (modes, stages, unlockables) from the game?
2Game has the Premium Edition for around the price of the regular edition (when you use their 10% off coupon), so I'm tempted to get it.
i'm sure Maximilian has a video (or 15 :p) about all that stuff ... check out his channel
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Junior Member
Apr 19, 2019
yeah, exactly ... there's always just SO MUCH stuff to do in MK games without even touching multiplayer ... it's great!
Yep. Smash Ultimate is great as well. I'm over 80 hours in that and haven't played any MP. Hell, I haven't touched Smash mode period. It's all been world of light, doing classic mode with everyone, the Spirit board and some of the other SP modes.


Dead & Forgotten
Sep 5, 2018
Yep. Smash Ultimate is great as well. I'm over 80 hours in that and haven't played any MP. Hell, I haven't touched Smash mode period. It's all been world of light, doing classic mode with everyone, the Spirit board and some of the other SP modes.
yeah, i heard that one's pretty damn long as well ... with lots of stuff to do! :)


Junior Member
Apr 18, 2019
Can I interest you kids in some Undernight In-Birth EXE:Late[st]

I just live at the arcade playing that, Jubeat, and Museca right now. Was on a bit of a Souls kick after Sekiro left me wanting but I'm out the house too much rn (mostly to play those other games ironically).
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Deleted member 113

Can I interest you kids in some Undernight In-Birth EXE:Late[st]

I just live at the arcade playing that, Jubeat, and Museca right now.
I really enjoyed UNDER NIGHT IN-BIRTH Exe:Late, so I bought Late[st] at launch, and... I'm yet to play the game. :kissing-face-with-smiling-eyes:

I'm currently juggling so many games, some end up being left out.
Sometimes, it's a bit of a problem to have too many games available. You end up not knowing what to play. :giggle:


sometimes a doctor of rhythm
Apr 17, 2019
Isn't this game pretty short? I have always heard great things about it, I should play it myself someday.
HLTB has it at 6-7 hours. That's a nice length for me :)
Yeah, that seems accurate. I put about 5-6 hours into it when I played it. So a bit on the short side, but a fantastic game throughout.


Miserable old git
Jan 22, 2019
Just managed to finish Sekiro after spending around 2 hours a day for a week or two trying to beat the last boss, needless to say I found it difficult :p Amazing game though, loved the hell out of it. I'll probably go back to playing something more basically any other game then :LOL:

I'll probably go back to Far Cry 5 as I was in the middle of playing that or start Resi Evil 2 Remake or Assassins Creed Origins (maybe with some Killing Floor 2 on the side). That or just be a bum and lie on the sofa all weekend watching tv.


Miserable old git
Jan 22, 2019
almost always end up this way for me :p i just look at the list of all the games i have installed ... and then just go watch some youtube videos, lol
I can understand that! For me it's just that I'm so happy I've beaten Sekiro which is an amazing game but requires a lot of effort (from me anyway as I'm not that good) that I just feel extremely pleased with myself and tired :p


Dead & Forgotten
Sep 5, 2018
I can understand that! For me it's just that I'm so happy I've beaten Sekiro which is an amazing game but requires a lot of effort (from me anyway as I'm not that good) that I just feel extremely pleased with myself and tired :p
you can say that again ... it took me around 100 tries to beat Iudex Gundyr in DS3 (no, really ... i'm THAT bad at those games)


Junior Member
Apr 17, 2019
I started AC Unity today, and it made me realize how much I like the new AC format. I haven’t played Odyssey yet, but I played like 65 hours of Origins and absolutely loved it. It’s hard going back to the way the old games played, but I still think I’ll finish the game. Odyssey is gonna be my big summer RPG. I can’t wait.


Dec 9, 2018
Just managed to finish Horizon: Zero Dawn after dropping it a few times for various reasons. By the end I think I enjoyed the experience, but I can definitely blame Breath of the Wild for distracting me the first time around.

This leaves me free to play Mortal Kombat X's story mode and prepare myself to (eventually) get Mortal Kombat 11.

Deleted member 113

This leaves me free to play Mortal Kombat X's story mode and prepare myself to (eventually) get Mortal Kombat 11.
Going though it myself right this very moment. ;)

But, I'm sucking so bad at it.
I don't remember struggling to pull moves on a MK game before. It seems I'm losing what little abilities I had. :weary-face:


Junior Member
Jan 20, 2019
Ok, finished Katana ZERO and I am kind of sad it is over. I want more! I do need to find the hidden keys but I don't think that unlocks anything just yet. Either way, it was a lot of fun. I am very surprised by how much the story ended up being a driving force. I liked the gameplay quite a bit, but the story was delivered in a really mysterious (and gorgeous) way.

Next up is more Supraland or keep going in Outward. Likely both.


Junior Member
Feb 25, 2019
I've been dumping all of my game time into Final Fantasy XIV as of late. So many other games I'd like to play, but aside from the fact that I'd like to get caught up on the expansions before the next one in July, I just really enjoy this game. If anyone else here happens to play on the Primal DC just let me know. World is Exodus but that won't matter much after world visiting gets added sometime in the next few weeks.
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Reaper on Station。
Nov 1, 2018
Mt. Whatever
Started playing Spec-Ops: The Line. Now I'll see what the fuzz is about. The ~30 minutes I played certainly left a strong first impression!
Hope you enjoy it! It's one the best stories I've seen in the shooters from last-gen. Especially if you pay attention to the smaller details. The threads it spawned back on GAF were pretty wild too. (y)

A remaster in UE4 would be pretty neat. It's unfortunate the devs seem to be chasing the live-service dream now instead of trying their hand at another strong narrative game...


Jan 5, 2019
Finished AC: Unity. One of the weaker AC games I've played though some of its missions were fun.

It's also one of the buggiest games I've played. Kept getting this glitch over and over:

Black Flag still remains my favorite in the series.

I started AC Unity today, and it made me realize how much I like the new AC format.
You've got me curious. Are they full fledged RPGs now?


Rayon de Soleil
Apr 17, 2019
Academagia, which has been sitting on my wishlist forever until recent sale finally encouraged me to grab it... now, according to Steam, I've already clocked 22 hours!

Despite having "Mixed" steam reviews, I am finding the game pretty enjoyable because it hits many of my personal preferences - in particular, I am sucker for simulations where degree of randomness is caused by action of characters that act independently (which is why I also looked forward to That Which Sleeps which unfortunately turned out to be vaporware). There also seems to be plenty of content that I can justify multiple playthroughs with various roleplaying.


Dumb fool
Nov 14, 2018
I bought and tried out Geeksos, and I couldn't get into it at all!! Decided to refund it. Started Prey (2006) after it got linked in the Steam thread. It's really fun so far ~3 hrs into it.

Added Dragon's Dogma to the list, so far it is very fun! But I felt overwhelmed at first lol

Hope you have fun with it! It's a fantastic game! I always mean to go back to it but I feel guilty with the backlog growing more and more lol.
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Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Hope you enjoy it! It's one the best stories I've seen in the shooters from last-gen. Especially if you pay attention to the smaller details. The threads it spawned back on GAF were pretty wild too. (y)

A remaster in UE4 would be pretty neat. It's unfortunate the devs seem to be chasing the live-service dream now instead of trying their hand at another strong narrative game...
I'm in chapter 12 right now. It certainly has been one hell of a ride so far :sweaty-blob:


Powered by the Cloud
Apr 6, 2019
The Surge
Third area. Trying to enter the lab and unlock a shortcut back to Ops. There's like 2-3 security bots patrolling the area and I cannot even make a dent in one of them. Their every attack is nigh unblockable and if I manage to block, they still cause damage.

Sometimes this game is forcing you to run around like an idiot searching for the next shortcut, and at times you stumble on shortcuts every minute. It seems very unbalanced...


Junior Member
Apr 17, 2019
You've got me curious. Are they full fledged RPGs now?
Pretty much. Origins was heavily influenced by Witcher 3. Origins is so good. Easily my favorite AC game I’ve played.

They’ve also completely changed up the combat. Going back to Unity made me realize I don’t enjoy that style of combat in AC games anymore. Origins has spoiled all other AC games for me, and I absolutely love the series.
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Jan 5, 2019
Thanks to sprinkles, I'm currently playing Yakuza 0. This will be my first Yakuza game.

First impression after the intro: "Wow, Kiryu is a legit badass."

3 hours into the story so far and I'm hooked. Really digging the mature tone, The characters seem well developed too. I haven't even gotten into the side activities yet (well, besides karaoke) and I can't wait to check them all out.

Pretty much. Origins was heavily influenced by Witcher 3. Origins is so good. Easily my favorite AC game I’ve played.

They’ve also completely changed up the combat. Going back to Unity made me realize I don’t enjoy that style of combat in AC games anymore. Origins has spoiled all other AC games for me, and I absolutely love the series.
That sounds great, Origins & Odyssey will be on my radar now. Thanks!
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Dec 22, 2018
Reinstalled Drakan Order of the Flame to play on my htpc, but until I get get a working controller scheme setup, I'm going to stick with Wolfenstein and Soldier of Fortune 2. My march to finish out my 360-era backlog stalled as I found Vanquish getting kinda boring. Come at me.
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Junior Member
Apr 17, 2019
Hit level 30 in Division 2 today, and got through 1 stronghold. I'll probably do the other two tonight, I'm excited to hit the endgame and get my specialization. I've always been playing a lot of Mario + Rabbids on Switch, and that is surprisingly a wonderful strategy game.
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Sep 20, 2018
Just finished Whispers of a Machine. And it's really quite amazing. The game gives you different abilities as you progress based on your characters personality, and then offers different puzzles based on these. These even combine as you progress, so that the last day offers like 9 different versions of it, going by a brief glimpse at walkthroughs. Despite it's brief playtime (about 6.5 hours) that's a lot of choices and replayability to make up for it.

As for the story, it's some really great science fiction about a society that is in a sense "post-A.I." some sort of "collapse" happened due to AI getting out of control (or possibly extremists losing their mind and forcing some sort of technological breakdown), The game is fairly vague about what actually caused this, and doesn't actually portray the pro-AI sect in the game as evil per se. it leaves it open to the character if they follow their ideals or not, which I really liked.
On top of that there's a almost boring murder mystery going on.

I really liked it a lot, and definitely looking forward to their next game.

Deleted member 113

I was playing through Grim Dawn, and really wanted to replay Phoenix Wright, but this weekend I took a break, and played:
-Mortal Kombat X story mode
-Hitman 2 elusive target (The Prince)
-a few hours of Zaccaria Pinball, and NBA 2K Playgrounds 2, between sessions of the above games.
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