Community What are you currently playing?


old school cool
Nov 1, 2018
Despite my intentions, I got Battlefield V.

I just didn't think I wanted more. Battlefield 1 was alright at best. I just wasn't hyped for BFV. I got on Origin Premiere -- I guess I thought I would pay $15, see that BFV wasn't for me and be able to ignore it forever at that point. Nuh uh.

I'm really digging it. Coming from BLOPS4 it's really refreshing. Helps that something about the gameplay pacing, time to die, weapon accuracy, level design, and huge mobs of players, it plays less like a Quake 3 match vs pro players and more like any other MP game.
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Dead & Forgotten
Sep 5, 2018
Despite my intentions, I got Battlefield V.

I just didn't think I wanted more. Battlefield 1 was alright at best. I just wasn't hyped for BFV. I got on Origin Premiere -- I guess I thought I would pay $15, see that BFV wasn't for me and be able to ignore it forever at that point. Nuh uh.

I'm really digging it. Coming from BLOPS4 it's really refreshing. Helps that something about the gameplay pacing, time to die, weapon accuracy, level design, and huge mobs of players, it plays less like a Quake 3 match vs pro players and more like any other MP game.
i'm just waiting until it's out properly so i can play through the campaign - that's all i'm really interested in (no, for real) :)


Just nothing
Oct 19, 2018
Doh! I am playing too many games now! Started to play Fidel Dungeon Rescue since they released an update which removed the ghost timer. And also started to play Hitman season 1 >.<
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Dead & Forgotten
Sep 5, 2018
Bethesda games are always bare boned, lack luster experiences that are brought to life by the extremely talented modding community.

Just look at Fallout California for example, it puts 76 to shame
yeah, exactly! but even basic stuff like custom resolutions and quality settings (that go beyond what bethesda includes)
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Deleted member 113

I've done a second playthrough of The Quiet Man, this time in its alternate version with sound.

Yeah, I know the game has become a bit of a laughing stock (I guess they overestimated most people's patience by expecting them to play a 2-3 hour game without hearing dialogues), but as a sucker for both FMV titles, and beat'em ups, I enjoyed my playthrough enough to actually beat it again with sound, and I'm glad I did.
As soon as I launched the game after the update, I was treated to a cutscene that takes place at the end, and then rewinds a bit to certain events, and the added dialogue completely twists and changes the story.
It actually ends up being quite clever, because your perception of the events, and who's the victim and the bad guys without hearing the dialogues is quite different than with full sound. That's what they were trying to pull by having people play through the game twice.
Someone got played... :p

It's not a game for everyone, but hopefully when it goes on sale, more people will give it a try for what it is, a cheap, short, and at times bizarre little game, one that tries to do something a bit different. It may not be always sucessful. but again, I'm quite happy with my purchase, and with my two playthroughs.
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Just nothing
Oct 19, 2018
So I finally finished the Real Estate mini story in Yakuza 0. Even got all properties. Only left to do is to upgrade all properties to max level so I can get maximum profit

Also finished chapter 10. It reveals the connection between the two heroes somewhat
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Panda Pedinte

Best Sig Maker on the board!
Sep 20, 2018
Back to juggling between Dark Souls and Warframe. The new Warframe's big expansion was released a lot more polished than the one released last year and the grind to get the materials needed feels more balanced.

About Dark Souls, I left Blighttown and now the fire keeper from Fire Link shrine is dead :O. I killed the Hydra in Dark Root Basin but I still need a lot of souls to buy the crest to open the door there
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Sep 6, 2018
Started to play two more games this week: The Lion's song and Burly Men at Sea

I am not sure what kind of game Burly Men at Sea is. It's about three men with beards going short adventures.
The Lion's song seems to be a novel game
I just finished The Lion's Song! I thought it was a nice game, and some of your choices actually make differences in the story. Hope you'll have fun!

Not sure what I will play next.
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Reactions: lashman


Nov 1, 2018
I finished Soulcalibur VI Libra of Souls just in time for the early access of Hitman 2 (and just before the Geralt nerf :p).
I'm having fun with the new levels but I'm taking my time as I'm playing it like 1st season, finishing everything possible in a level before going to the next.
I even got back to the 1st level after getting a sniper rifle and I fucked up my 1st try on Master because I forgot this one didn't have a silencer....
So, I'm still in Miami, exploring everything to be ready for Sean Bean next week. I think I'm gonna rush the legacy levels to get more stuff for the elusive target without spoiling 2nd season too fast.
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Reactions: lashman and Yakkue


Sep 20, 2018
Still RDR2.
Post automatically merged:

OH! i did boot up that 428: Shibuya Scramble . i gotta say i am very interested in the game. But... yea. not enough to tear me apart from RDR2. But some day. Perhaps. It looks like an awesome experience of a game.
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Nov 12, 2018
RDR2 is pretty great! I'm slowly chugging away at it but with my limited game time it is a tricky one to pick up and play without getting side tracked wandering around making zero progression.

Now with FO76 and BFV out friends are dragging me between those as well. I'm hoping to finish RDR2 over the weekend as I at least want to see the story through before I end up dropping it due to other distractions.
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Reactions: lashman

Panda Pedinte

Best Sig Maker on the board!
Sep 20, 2018
I just finished Pool Panic yesterday and we had a lot of fun with this game in my house playing competitive multiplayer, or playing through the campaign. Now I'm thinking about starting Sonic Generations, this game has been sitting in my backlog for ages even though I start it I always drop the game after some levels.

I'm still playing Dark Souls PtD, defeated Sif and I'm on my way to Sen's Fortress.


Dead & Forgotten
Sep 5, 2018
I just finished Pool Panic yesterday and we had a lot of fun with this game in my house playing competitive multiplayer, or playing through the campaign. Now I'm thinking about starting Sonic Generations, this game has been sitting in my backlog for ages even though I start it I always drop the game after some levels.

I'm still playing Dark Souls PtD, defeated Sif and I'm on my way to Sen's Fortress.
ooooh, good choice ... Generations is AWESOME!!! :)


Nov 14, 2018
Finally decided to check out the final Hollow Knight dlc, Gods and Glory. Not altogether sure how long I'll remain interested in it's arena challenges but some more time with the game isn't a bad thing. Also considering whether A Boy and his Blob is worth spending some time with...
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Tender, Violent and Queer.
Oct 23, 2018
even Oranges?

and congrats :) that's no small feat!
Especially Oranges. I play Asylum and City on release back on 360/ps3, got a little burnt on the formula or I just didn't follow the hype into Oranges due to it being a different team? I dunno. I adored the games and LOVE Batman: TAS, so the franchise was such a no brainer for me. If I had to rank them all at the end of the day it would be

Origins > Knight = City > Asylum.

Origins just FELT good, and I felt that it had the best "style" in terms of achieving the artistic vision, Origins and Knight felt most like continuations of the Burton films mixed with the animated series, which are two of my favorite film/television adaptations of Batman. Despite being relatively short games, I feel like they all suffer from odd pacing towards the end, but they all had really satisfying end games and escalations.

Origins having a different voice cast is a little jarring, but Troy Baker's Joker is TERRIBLE. I don't mind soundalikes. Some are actually good, and I don't even mind different interpretations on characters. Some adaptations are too iconic and you wont please everyone, but his just simply sounded like a really bad Mark Hamill impression.

Also, outside of Knight, obviously. The character models in general all felt VERY PS3/360 to me. They just give me a lot of nostalgia for that gen. The Arkham games are (were) genuinely the best AAA series I've played. It's so rare to see a franchise like that, especially one that probably had a LOT of hands in the pot, the fact that it was so consistent and told a COMPLETED from start to finish story.

I will say though, the PC port of Knight, next to Final Fantasy XV (XV being much worse) was god awful. I remember the shitshow of Knight upon release. The game is playable, and it was actually really good for the first half performance wise, had some random sets of problems during different sessions. One had terrible chugging. Nightwing got cloned and lead to my laptop being bluescreened. And a crash or two. But my final session with the game was spotless. Just... weird. All the other games had the odd problem here and there, but nothing to Knight's scale.

I had a great time with all of them, and I really will miss it. A really fun experience.
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Reactions: dummmyy and lashman


Tender, Violent and Queer.
Oct 23, 2018
good to hear you've enjoyed them :) i still have to go through Oranges ... other than that - i finished all the other ones as well :)
It's so good. Legit best boss fights in the entire series. It has one or two that are in the lower tiers, but nothing at the bottom. It would probably be the last Arkham Knight, Arkham Knight, fight. Especially with how emotional everything surrounding it all is.
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Reactions: dummmyy and lashman


Just nothing
Oct 19, 2018
I have played all Arkham games except for Knight. And I have to say that I never understood how the fighting worked in the series until Origins ;P
Also I never experienced any performance glitches or bugs when I played Origins. I think many trashed the game because of the bugs, or was it Knight?

Back to Yakuza 0. I beat the second Cabaret King and also got more than 75% sidequests done with Majima. I also started doing "weapon hunting". This I probably wont invest much time in as it seems to be just pure grinding. But I think I need it in order to complete a sidequest which will give me a new hostess for the Cabaret minigame.
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Rockin' Ranger

Rangers With Candy
Nov 7, 2018
Back to Yakuza 0. I beat the second Cabaret King and also got more than 75% sidequests done with Majima. I also started doing "weapon hunting". This I probably wont invest much time in as it seems to be just pure grinding. But I think I need it in order to complete a sidequest which will give me a new hostess for the Cabaret minigame.
I didn't not spend much time with the weapons hunting thing either, it didn't seem that interesting to me. I don't think I ever touched it other than if it was quest related.

I did spend a ton of time with both the business minigames though.

I started playing Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition being it hit it's 20th anniversary and I still hadn't played it. Playing a sorcerer and finally past the painful early levels where I could cast two spells before needing to take a nap. I'm enjoying it quite a bit, but even the enhanced edition shows it's age after having playing Pillars and Tyranny recently. I wish Beamdog would have managed to add more quality of life enhancements rather than adding their own characters.

Oh, and fuck THAC0. Even not needing to calculate the results from it I hate it so much.
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Vogon Poetry Appreciator
Sep 6, 2018
I'm still playing The House in Fata Morgana. I'm at the fifth door, and it's been a hell of a ride. Just got to the part where Giselle and Michel declared their love for each other, and she showed him her scars. That scene was very hard, emotionally speaking, and it was done with a lot of tact in my opinion. Storywise, after all that happened before getting here I'm not quite sure what's going on anymore, but I hope everything becomes clear in the end. And if it doesn't, it has been entertaining enough.

I have a few theories, none of which sound very likely to me:
- The Maid and the White-Haired Girl are the same person (Giselle), so whenever the latter appears in a memory it was actually the former. That doesn't explain who the Maid was in those memories, particularly the times where both characters were interacting with each other.

- Michel and the White-Haired Girl are the same person, or at least different versions of them. This would explain why the Maid thought the player (narrator? Protagonist? Main character? First-person consciousness?) was the WHG, aka Giselle, even though here story was a lie and it was revealed later that you were playing as Michel. Of course, it could be that she was lying about your identity too, or she simply had no idea and wanted to believe this herself, to save her from regaining her own memories. Something I believe supports this theory is the fact that both Michel and the WHG have the same pale white skin, white hair and bright red eyes, so there has to be some connection there. And what about the painting of her with the gashed face? We first saw it in the cellar behind the third door and it appeared again in Michel's room behind the fifth one, but it hasn't been explained yet.

- The White-Haired Girl is a different person altogether. Maybe the events of the fourth door weren't a total lie and she was indeed granted eternal reconstruction, which is why she appears in every memory, but she's not particularly important to your story. The Maid made you believe you were her, but the voice in your head (which I honestly have no idea to whom it belongs -maybe the witch? Unless the Maid is the witch, but the game made it clear enough that she wasn't, so unless that's a lie too she is just Giselle) implied the story was a complete fabrication.

- The White-Haired Girl doesn't exist. I sincerely have no idea what to think of this possibility. If that's the case, then who was it in her place in every memory? Was everything a lie? Did none of them actually happen? Was the voice in my head, which has apparently implanting false memories at the fourth door, altering all the other ones too?

Man, this game got way more interesting than I first thought. The first door was kind of boring at times, but ever since then it's become great. Can't wait to see where it goes from here!
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Child at heart
Oct 19, 2018
I've been playing Valkyria Chronicles 4 in these past couple weeks.

I'm very close to the end of the game, and I honestly think I wouldn't mind if this is the last Valkyria Chronicles game. I don't necessarily hate it though. In fact, I love it so much generally (except for Raz), it's a pretty good strategy RPG with a unique visuals. However, it's just that the game feels outdated in many ways. It's the 4th game in the series and everything still feels samey, too samey. From the pace of the story, to the characters, the gameplay mechanics (tbf, there's a new unit class but yeah), even the the awful interface and menu interactions are still pretty much the same. Every time I switch to the next page of the book, I have to do everything again, from training, upgrading, and conversing with the squad. It gets old pretty fast and I'm so done with all that. Of course, if Valkyria Chronicles 5 is a thing in the future and they could improve the system, then sure I'll be there again. But by the look of things now, the future is rather grim for the franchise.
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Just nothing
Oct 19, 2018
Defeated the fourth Cabaret King in Yakuza 0. I am hoping that after finishing the Cabaret Club mini story/game I can finally continue with the main story and finish the game. Over 60 hours played now
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Just nothing
Oct 19, 2018
I finally did it!
Defeated the fifth and final cabaret King and also the mastermind behind the evil scene

Unlocked the fourth style!

I hope there are no more other long mini games in Yakuza 0. I might be able to finish it before new year :D
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Reactions: dummmyy and lashman


Dumb fool
Nov 14, 2018
I finally did it!
Defeated the fifth and final cabaret King and also the mastermind behind the evil scene

Unlocked the fourth style!

I hope there are no more other long mini games in Yakuza 0. I might be able to finish it before new year :D
AWESOME!!!! This might've been my favorite fighting style in the entire game. Was so fun to play!
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Reactions: Deku and lashman


Premium Title
Nov 6, 2018
United Kingdom
So I finally finished the Real Estate mini story in Yakuza 0. Even got all properties. Only left to do is to upgrade all properties to max level so I can get maximum profit

Also finished chapter 10. It reveals the connection between the two heroes somewhat
I'm going to do this when I start Yakuza 0 over again. I can easily do the Outrun boss battle but struggle at the others!
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Premium Title
Nov 6, 2018
United Kingdom
The Outrun challenge was too difficult for me, so I had to use a drastic method to complete it.
I used cheat engine
With Outrun you just need to find the easiest route and know when to slow down and or accelerate. Will admit, I did take me a while to become 'good' at it.

Except for the pool mini game, I find all other games to be challenging
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Reactions: lashman

Panda Pedinte

Best Sig Maker on the board!
Sep 20, 2018
I won MGS:V in a giveaway so I downloaded it and played the Prologue, as well part of the first mission. I still have no idea what's going on, or what my character did for everyone wanting him to be dead. Keep in mind that I never played a MGS game before, well I played the tutorial of MGS1 years and years ago and I didn't like it.

So far the presentations has been pretty good, and the soundtrack top notch.
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Reactions: lashman


Dead & Forgotten
Sep 5, 2018
I won MGS:V in a giveaway so I downloaded it and played the Prologue, as well part of the first mission. I still have no idea what's going on, or what my character did for everyone wanting him to be dead. Keep in mind that I never played a MGS game before, well I played the tutorial of MGS1 years and years ago and I didn't like it.

So far the presentations has been pretty good, and the soundtrack top notch.
well, the best part of the game is already behind you ... it only goes downhill from there ;)


Nov 4, 2018
I am currently playing through Gabriel Knight.
The remaster is really good and it has a lot of QoL improvements over the original version, like hotspot highlighting. I never played the original but it is widely considered as one of the best adventure games ever made and I am enjoying it so far. The only nitpick is that the protagonist's voiceover is a bit goofy (which, to be fair, is consistent with the original voiceover by Tim Curry) but at first it seemed at odds with the game's dark theme (a string of voodoo-related murders). I got used to it eventually.
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Premium Title
Nov 6, 2018
United Kingdom
I won MGS:V in a giveaway so I downloaded it and played the Prologue, as well part of the first mission. I still have no idea what's going on, or what my character did for everyone wanting him to be dead. Keep in mind that I never played a MGS game before, well I played the tutorial of MGS1 years and years ago and I didn't like it.

So far the presentations has been pretty good, and the soundtrack top notch.
MGS V's a mixed bag of opinions. You are best experiencing the game yourself and seeing what it has to offer. Be optimistic and expect some wacky plot lines and characters!
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Watch Madoka
Nov 16, 2018
MGSV is amazing gameplay wise but the story is a mess, it may actually be beneficial to not have played any other MGS before because they totally butcher the lore.

But the gameplay is addictive as hell, and the missions are really fun.


Careful Icarus
Sep 20, 2018
  • Sunset Overdrive
  • Dead Space 2
  • Puzzle games: Hexologic, Puzlogic, Tametsi, Sig
  • Spiderman (PS4) sort of... I just don't feel it, it feels like work.
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Reactions: lashman


Nov 4, 2018
MGSV is amazing gameplay wise but the story is a mess, it may actually be beneficial to not have played any other MGS before because they totally butcher the lore.

But the gameplay is addictive as hell, and the missions are really fun.
Wasn't the story in Metal Gear always a mess? MGS V was the first MGS I played after 1 and its gameplay was fantastic. The story was Kojima nonsense as expected.
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Watch Madoka
Nov 16, 2018
Wasn't the story in Metal Gear always a mess? MGS V was the first MGS I played after 1 and its gameplay was fantastic. The story was Kojima nonsense as expected.
Maybe but imo there was some order in the chaos :p

V just retcons a lot of stuff that doesn't make sense and it's awful.