Community What are you currently playing?


On a break
Apr 17, 2019
Finally finished all the stuff I needed to be able to jump into FFXIV Shadowbringers on friday. But until then I’m playing some of ny old GameCube and Wii games my friend helped me rip via Dolphin. Plays like a dream.

I finished Mario Sunshine and im playing Wario World and Mario Galaxy now. I think this is the first time ive played a game from beginning to end entirely through an emulator. PC gaming is wild.


Omega Yul
Jun 16, 2019
The only thing I'm playing right now is Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology while sunbathing after swimming in the pool the days I have some free time, and Warframe for 20-30 minutes right before I go to bed.
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Vogon Poetry Appreciator
Sep 6, 2018
Sadly i dropped Doki-Doki Literature Club, probably i didn't find it fun because i already got spoiled. Now, i thiiiiiink i'm going to play either Pyre or Zero Escape :thinking-blob::thinking-blob:
Which Zero Escape? 999? Hope you have fun, and I suggest you keep playing until you reach the true ending. It's totally worth it.


Sep 20, 2018
Started Ys Seven recently,
First "modern" Falcom game I'm playing (from like 2009 I think), when they stopped having PC as their target platform. I must say I'm not really a fan of the party mechanic so far. It's obvious they are replacing the element system from prior Ys games with different party members, but it just feels so annoying to switch back and forth, mainly because you can't switch directly to a certain party member. You basically have to memorize your current party layout and just know if it's shorter to switch left or right. The UI could make this easier, by more clearly showing the order, but nope no such help.

Other than that, the thing that also bothers me is how the boss fights are just slower. The bosses feel like boring sponges, dragging what should be a 1 minute fight into 5 or 8 minutes. On top of that the item system completely trivializes the fights by giving you so much headroom. The only boss I really liked so far was the one you fight before getting to the second village, the one for the fire temple. It required you to avoid melee attacks, simply triggering its stun via (ineffective) ranged attacks, and only attack after its stunned. That felt like a puzzle, the three prior ones were super boring in comparison.

The game is also much slower, 7 hours in and barely any headway in the story, from what i feels like.
Hope this improves later in the game. It's not a bad game by any stretch, quite addicting in fact to level up. It's just a fairly mediocre Ys game so far, sadly.


Once Punched Man
Apr 22, 2019
Finished Halo: Reach. Never cared much about the franchise, always felt that it was on a slowish side of the spectrum and outside of a few encounters not really aggressive for my liking. But the ending of Reach was emotional.
I honestly thought that Noble 6 was Master Chief until the very last moment, trollish "survive" after the credits didn't help either.
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Excluding exclusives
Jan 12, 2019
Still playing the DLC for Dishonored. Finished the Knife of Dunwall DLC yesterday and the first two mission of the Witches of Brigmore DLC. All of them are truly excellent. What a great game!

Planning to play the last mission tonight, right in time before I go on vacation.


Bad at Games.
Apr 17, 2019
I played some more DOS2 last night.

I finished off the Nameless Isle, though I think I missed some stuff. I also realized I missed even more stuff on Reaper's Coast as I Googled an item I picked up and found it's part of a quest. Oh well. I'd like to finish this game at some point, so I'm bound to miss some stuff!
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Bad at Games.
Apr 17, 2019
I have a 3-day weekend because Canada Day is on Monday. Put in some more DOS2 time today.

I'm at the city of Arx now, which is not in the state I imagined it to be.

Also spent some more time playing the Sims 4 Island Living while listening to Critical Role. I think the last time I played D&D was when I was a teenager. It's something I've missed over the years, but Critical Role definitely scratches that itch(which was started by the announcement of Baldur's Gate 3).
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Lost in VR
Jan 4, 2019
I actually finally finished the main campaign (all three of them!) of Assassin's Creed Odyssey and started the first DLC! It took me only 180 hours.

I also started Alchemia. I stared at it for like 10 minutes and then quit, feeling like an idiot.

I also re-started the first episode of The Walking Dead The Final Season: I shelved it at the time because I accidentally deleted the save file instead of copying it (new lesson: don't do this before going to sleep).
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bbq of doom

Nov 16, 2018
Saturday - finished by first complete complete playthrough of FF7 (all weapons/etc.), so I was going to move on to FF9. Instead I grabbed Dark Souls (on Switch). Will likely grab DS1 and DS3 on Steam before the sale is up but for now, portable is great.
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Crossbell City Councillor
Dec 6, 2018
Started Ys Seven recently,
First "modern" Falcom game I'm playing (from like 2009 I think), when they stopped having PC as their target platform. I must say I'm not really a fan of the party mechanic so far. It's obvious they are replacing the element system from prior Ys games with different party members, but it just feels so annoying to switch back and forth, mainly because you can't switch directly to a certain party member. You basically have to memorize your current party layout and just know if it's shorter to switch left or right. The UI could make this easier, by more clearly showing the order, but nope no such help.

Other than that, the thing that also bothers me is how the boss fights are just slower. The bosses feel like boring sponges, dragging what should be a 1 minute fight into 5 or 8 minutes. On top of that the item system completely trivializes the fights by giving you so much headroom. The only boss I really liked so far was the one you fight before getting to the second village, the one for the fire temple. It required you to avoid melee attacks, simply triggering its stun via (ineffective) ranged attacks, and only attack after its stunned. That felt like a puzzle, the three prior ones were super boring in comparison.

The game is also much slower, 7 hours in and barely any headway in the story, from what i feels like.
Hope this improves later in the game. It's not a bad game by any stretch, quite addicting in fact to level up. It's just a fairly mediocre Ys game so far, sadly.
Seven is easily the weakest out of all the party-based Ys games. While some boss fights are enjoyable to solve and pulling a string of flash guards consistently feels very rewarding, more often than not, they overstayed its welcome because of how deep their HP pools are. Thankfully, the story is interesting enough and the final villain reveal is pretty well-done in my opinion.

The good thing about it is that Falcom actually addressed many of the shortcomings of the party system in Memories of Celceta. We can switch between the party members more rapidly, leveling skills makes sense and becoming less of a busywork, the item collection becoming less obnoxious and they improved area mapping and exploration significantly. Sadly, story-wise it fell short, the abruptness of its ending were making it feel like half a game, with a final villain I didn't really care about, compared with Ys Seven. I feel it has one of the worst endings Falcom ever devised, which is out of the norm for them.

Now, third time's the charm: Lacrimosa of Dana takes everything that was good from the previous entries and making it into something truly special. It has one of the best stories out of all Ys games (If not THE best). The combat is fast and responsive as usual plus jump and double-jumps making a comeback. Bosses still has high HP, but our gears and accessories are also improved so we can melt bosses faster with a combination of the right gear plus party members' abilities. No more hugging the edges of the map to complete 100% of all areas. Itemisation and item trading is also improved since it almost eliminates the need to farm materials. Plus there's a number of activities like Raids which gives you crafting materials as rewards. The only problem I have is that (party members) Adol can't have Dogi as part of the playable team. He only appeared as a passive team member during Raids. And finally, the music is one of the best Falcom has ever done. I'm not joking. As much as I love Trails' soundtrack or Brandish TDR/Planet Buster, VIII's OST is sublime. Highly recommended.

TLDR; to really appreciate party-based Ys games, consider playing them in release order.

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On a break
Apr 17, 2019
Seven is easily the weakest out of all the party-based Ys games. While some boss fights are enjoyable to solve and pulling a string of flash guards consistently feels very rewarding, more often than not, they overstayed its welcome because of how deep their HP pools are. Thankfully, the story is interesting enough and the final villain reveal is pretty well-done in my opinion.

The good thing about it is that Falcom actually addressed many of the shortcomings of the party system in Memories of Celceta. We can switch between the party members more rapidly, leveling skills makes sense and becoming less of a busywork, the item collection becoming less obnoxious and they improved area mapping and exploration significantly. Sadly, story-wise it fell short, the abruptness of its ending were making it feel like half a game, with a final villain I didn't really care about, compared with Ys Seven. I feel it has one of the worst endings Falcom ever devised, which is out of the norm for them.

Now, third time's the charm: Lacrimosa of Dana takes everything that was good from the previous entries and making it into something truly special. It has one of the best stories out of all Ys games (If not THE best). The combat is fast and responsive as usual plus jump and double-jumps making a comeback. Bosses still has high HP, but our gears and accessories are also improved so we can melt bosses faster with a combination of the right gear plus party members' abilities. No more hugging the edges of the map to complete 100% of all areas. Itemisation and item trading is also improved since it almost eliminates the need to farm materials. Plus there's a number of activities like Raids which gives you crafting materials as rewards. The only problem I have is that (party members) Adol can't have Dogi as part of the playable team. He only appeared as a passive team member during Raids. And finally, the music is one of the best Falcom has ever done. I'm not joking. As much as I love Trails' soundtrack or Brandish TDR/Planet Buster, VIII's OST is sublime. Highly recommended.

TLDR; to really appreciate party-based Ys games, consider playing them in release order.

I played Ys VIII before Seven and Celceta and I regret it immensely. VIII perfected the team formula and its impossible to go back to the other team based entries.
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Dec 7, 2018
Within the past week or so I finished:

What a fantastic game of deduction. The (mostly) hands-off approach is critical I think to making a game of mystery and deduction greatly rewarding, and this is one of the very few examples that come to mind. I loved Papers, Please as well. I'm down for whatever Lucas Pope does next.

I've played it before, but having played Max Payne and SUPERHOT VR recently, I thought I'd check this out again. A great FPS to this day. I played the expansions Extraction Point and Perseus Mandate for the first time. The former has some nicely-designed levels and ups the challenge in good ways (I believe the AI is better; Increased scale of encounters). I remember one area in the church where I was busting through small rooms continuing this string of connected fights. Perseus Mandate on the other hand is pretty mediocre to poor. There are some good scares and horror scenes, but the level and encounter design are absolute lowest points for the game. They also introduced new enemies that aren't enjoyable to fight at all.

I'm playing Battle Brothers again. I played for ~230 hours when it first released. They've released some significant DLCs since then. One new feature is an origin for your company. I decided to make my new campaign Cultists of Davkul.

A few days into the game...

I don't know what I expected.

Aelphaeis Mangarae

Apr 21, 2019
I've been playing the latest Hitman 2 DLC, which is absolutely lovely. Also Thief 3. I'm on a bit of a stealth game kick after playing through Arkham Knight. (I also got a new phone, and have been enjoying Alien Blackout and KOTOR on it.)

However, most of my free time over the past week has been taken up playing The Sinking City, which is really good in a number of aspects, but the developers made a terrible mistake in how they handled enemies. I just embarked on a quest to investigate a warehouse where someone broke in trying to steal fish, and for some inexplicably reason, there are monsters roaming around inside.

Instead of combat being a rare punctuation that drives home the horror vibe as you make use of your limited supplies to stay alive, every other building has tentacled and twitchy-legged creatures running about inside it. To compensate, crafting materials for ammo are as easy to find as breathing. My gut instinct is that the developers were afraid of being labeled as a "walking sim" or something like that, so they felt compelled to push the game's so-so combat mechanics closer to the forefront. But it's a mistake. Monsters around every corner makes sense for something like Silent Hill, but it's tonally jarring for TSS because you've got crowds of NPCs roaming around and you jump over a fence and suddenly it's monster territory. How does this society even function?

Ubisoft Far Cry games have the same general problem. How does society function when walking 100 meters down a public road attracts hordes of wild beasts and enemy patrol after enemy patrol? You don't have to constantly jangle combat keys in front of the player's face to keep them engaged. Or at least you shouldn't have to. If your audience has that short of an attention span, why are they playing detective game? Worse, you just end up alienating and tiring your target audience with constant interference. People buying a Frogwares game are buying it to play detective. To solve crimes. To put the pieces together and make tough moral/ethical decisions. Shoehorning in lots of combat was such a mistake. Maybe it's something they can pare down with patches.
I played the expansions Extraction Point and Perseus Mandate for the first time. The former has some nicely-designed levels and ups the challenge in good ways (I believe the AI is better; Increased scale of encounters). I remember one area in the church where I was busting through small rooms continuing this string of connected fights. Perseus Mandate on the other hand is pretty mediocre to poor. There are some good scares and horror scenes, but the level and encounter design are absolute lowest points for the game. They also introduced new enemies that aren't enjoyable to fight at all.
Extraction Point is fantastic. I played it last year and I kinda think I should play it again. TimeGate took FEAR and created a fantastic continuation with some amazing horror atmosphere and generally excellent pacing. Refinements such as being able to melee open doors were welcome. It's just a creepy game. Creepier than the original FEAR, IMHO. It's so good that FEAR 2 lifted a fair bit from it while treating it as non-canon, resulting in the split Vivendi/Warner Bros timelines with only the Warner Bros one being officially canon.

Perseus Mandate, on the other hand, is not very good at all, as you say. It does have a crazy good character death scene, but it's a slog. It gets bogged down in endless self-indulgent scripted sequences, the plot is completely incoherent, and it has a bunch of bad 7th gen squad FPS cliches packed into it that it doesn't really know what to do with. It's a disjointed game that clearly doesn't know how to connect itself to FEAR, and as a result it feels like someone's mediocre fan sequel. It literally resorts to "Did you know there was a second character with identical abilities to Point Man but we never mentioned him before?" That's just supreme levels of ass-pull right there. Extraction Point admittedly had Fettel come back to life and admitted this didn't make sense, but it was otherwise a relatively seamless continuation.
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Sep 20, 2018
Seven is easily the weakest out of all the party-based Ys games. While some boss fights are enjoyable to solve and pulling a string of flash guards consistently feels very rewarding, more often than not, they overstayed its welcome because of how deep their HP pools are. Thankfully, the story is interesting enough and the final villain reveal is pretty well-done in my opinion.

The good thing about it is that Falcom actually addressed many of the shortcomings of the party system in Memories of Celceta. We can switch between the party members more rapidly, leveling skills makes sense and becoming less of a busywork, the item collection becoming less obnoxious and they improved area mapping and exploration significantly. Sadly, story-wise it fell short, the abruptness of its ending were making it feel like half a game, with a final villain I didn't really care about, compared with Ys Seven. I feel it has one of the worst endings Falcom ever devised, which is out of the norm for them.

Now, third time's the charm: Lacrimosa of Dana takes everything that was good from the previous entries and making it into something truly special. It has one of the best stories out of all Ys games (If not THE best). The combat is fast and responsive as usual plus jump and double-jumps making a comeback. Bosses still has high HP, but our gears and accessories are also improved so we can melt bosses faster with a combination of the right gear plus party members' abilities. No more hugging the edges of the map to complete 100% of all areas. Itemisation and item trading is also improved since it almost eliminates the need to farm materials. Plus there's a number of activities like Raids which gives you crafting materials as rewards. The only problem I have is that (party members) Adol can't have Dogi as part of the playable team. He only appeared as a passive team member during Raids. And finally, the music is one of the best Falcom has ever done. I'm not joking. As much as I love Trails' soundtrack or Brandish TDR/Planet Buster, VIII's OST is sublime. Highly recommended.

TLDR; to really appreciate party-based Ys games, consider playing them in release order.

Thanks for the heads up. I always play games in release order, if I can.
I guess it makes sense that Falcom wouldn't hit gold with their first attempt at making a new type of Ys game, after all Ark of Napishtim felt super slow and sluggish too, and it took them a while to get to the perfection that is Ys Origin.

I still hope that the remake for Ys V (if it ever comes) will be Adol-only. I just want one more game that plays like Oath in Felghana/Origin but also features modern graphics and animations.
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Bad at Games.
Apr 17, 2019
More DOS2!

I'm pretty close to the end I think. I've finished Lohse and Red Prince's quests. I think I already finished Ifan and Fane's when I was in an earlier map? There are a few side-quests left to do, plus some I probably haven't found and will never do... But it looks like I'm heading to the Cathedral for a final show down.
Dec 5, 2018
A few days ago I finished VtM: Bloodlines for the first time. Game was cool (I liked what It was trying to do), I'm glad the Unofficial patch is a thing because otherwise I couldn't even launch the game (It got stuck just after opening it). Despite some bugs here and there I liked the game.

I'll try to play something short-ish next and then I'll probably dig into either Baldur's Gate or D:OS.


Once Punched Man
Apr 22, 2019
Microsoft fixed the price of Enchanted Arms and I decided to try it because why the hell not (especially considering the fact that right now I can't run anything above the RPGmaker games and Sega Classics without my laptop turning into heater). I don't know why this game was so disliked back in the days, after about 10 hours I think it's pretty serviceable gameplay-wise (to hell with random encounters though, I forgot how annoying they can be) and there's some hilarity to behold with characters explaining to MC how to use a ladder and things like that. For now, I enjoy it more than Infinite Undiscovery, thankfully, it also has dual audio, I'm not the biggest fan of Japanese VA, but English dub of JRPGs from the mid-00s is notoriously hit or miss (with way more misses).

Also tried Far Cry: Instincts. Man, fuck this shit. That's probably the buggiest true AAA game I have ever played. The mission design sucks ass (let's randomly give the player a different amount of bullets for a sniper rifle in a timed objective where they have to protect a reporter from dying while a dozen mobs try to kill her, and in case the bullets run out and the player will try to reach her, well, tough, that's auto-failure), you can die after 3 shots even with the vest on, but you can't save manually, so, sometimes you'll have to repeat the last 15-20 minutes of the game. I like hardcore stuff, but FFS, that's not a military sim.
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Dec 7, 2018
Extraction Point is fantastic. I played it last year and I kinda think I should play it again. TimeGate took FEAR and created a fantastic continuation with some amazing horror atmosphere and generally excellent pacing. Refinements such as being able to melee open doors were welcome. It's just a creepy game. Creepier than the original FEAR, IMHO. It's so good that FEAR 2 lifted a fair bit from it while treating it as non-canon, resulting in the split Vivendi/Warner Bros timelines with only the Warner Bros one being officially canon.

Perseus Mandate, on the other hand, is not very good at all, as you say. It does have a crazy good character death scene, but it's a slog. It gets bogged down in endless self-indulgent scripted sequences, the plot is completely incoherent, and it has a bunch of bad 7th gen squad FPS cliches packed into it that it doesn't really know what to do with. It's a disjointed game that clearly doesn't know how to connect itself to FEAR, and as a result it feels like someone's mediocre fan sequel. It literally resorts to "Did you know there was a second character with identical abilities to Point Man but we never mentioned him before?" That's just supreme levels of ass-pull right there. Extraction Point admittedly had Fettel come back to life and admitted this didn't make sense, but it was otherwise a relatively seamless continuation.
Agreed. The door-bash was a great addition. Even the new weapons in Extraction Point were more interesting (minigun, deployable turret, and laser weapon). It did a better job at making me care a little about a squad member too. Holiday.

Ultimately I think F.E.A.R. is best when you're fighting (standard) Replica Forces in relatively close quarters (office buildings and other similar layouts). Throwing a Heavy Armor or Armacham Forces at you every once in a while is good to change it up, but using Armors too frequently, or worse yet the Elite Nightcrawlers (of Perseus Mandate) just makes you have to play like a traditional FPS.

I never touched the sequels, and generally that's what I hear most people recommending. Is F.E.A.R. 2 worth taking a look at sometime in the future?


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Seven is easily the weakest out of all the party-based Ys games. While some boss fights are enjoyable to solve and pulling a string of flash guards consistently feels very rewarding, more often than not, they overstayed its welcome because of how deep their HP pools are. Thankfully, the story is interesting enough and the final villain reveal is pretty well-done in my opinion.

The good thing about it is that Falcom actually addressed many of the shortcomings of the party system in Memories of Celceta. We can switch between the party members more rapidly, leveling skills makes sense and becoming less of a busywork, the item collection becoming less obnoxious and they improved area mapping and exploration significantly. Sadly, story-wise it fell short, the abruptness of its ending were making it feel like half a game, with a final villain I didn't really care about, compared with Ys Seven. I feel it has one of the worst endings Falcom ever devised, which is out of the norm for them.

Now, third time's the charm: Lacrimosa of Dana takes everything that was good from the previous entries and making it into something truly special. It has one of the best stories out of all Ys games (If not THE best). The combat is fast and responsive as usual plus jump and double-jumps making a comeback. Bosses still has high HP, but our gears and accessories are also improved so we can melt bosses faster with a combination of the right gear plus party members' abilities. No more hugging the edges of the map to complete 100% of all areas. Itemisation and item trading is also improved since it almost eliminates the need to farm materials. Plus there's a number of activities like Raids which gives you crafting materials as rewards. The only problem I have is that (party members) Adol can't have Dogi as part of the playable team. He only appeared as a passive team member during Raids. And finally, the music is one of the best Falcom has ever done. I'm not joking. As much as I love Trails' soundtrack or Brandish TDR/Planet Buster, VIII's OST is sublime. Highly recommended.

TLDR; to really appreciate party-based Ys games, consider playing them in release order.

I personally like Seven more than Celceta all things considered. It has rougher gameplay, but better dungeons, bosses, music and story.
I also found the ending stretch in Celceta so bad that it soured me quite a bit on the entire game.
I liked the party members in Celceta more tough.

VIII is the formula perfected without a doubt, and going back to the others is hard. (I played Celceta afterwards..)
But as cruel as life is, VIII also has the worst localization, even after the the redo...
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Bad at Games.
Apr 17, 2019
75+ hours later, I have finally finished Divinity Original Sin 2! Overall, a brilliant game. There are things that I didn't love about it(the loot, the non-class system), but I enjoyed my time with the game. The world and the characters(with some exceptions) never really grabbed me, but exploring the world and the level of environmental interaction was fun to play with. I think the openess of the game is both a positive and a negative... It's really easy to miss something, and I was constantly second guessing myself as to what order I should do things.

I am really excited to see what Larian does with Baldur's Gate 3, as I think several of my cons will be fixed merely by having them use D&D as a basis for the classes/loot. I also am more familiar with the Forgotten Realms(despite all of my knowledge of it being 2-3 game editions out of date) so hopefully that will translate to enjoying the setting more.

Now I have to decide what to play next. I'll probably go with something short, but my next big gaming goal is either to re-play the Baldur's Gate trilogy, or to start Pathfinder: Kingmaker. I am leaning towards the latter, as it seems more doable with my schedule, but we'll see. I'm just happy to have ended my gaming drought! I've only finished 4 other games this year, and all of them were under 10 hours.


Lost in VR
Jan 4, 2019
I started playing Deus Ex Human Revolution again, because why play one of the hundreds of games I haven't even started, when I can play an older game I've already played through twice? :shrugblob:
At least I can say that it's the first time playing it on PC...
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Reactions: Eferis and teezzy
Dec 5, 2018
Since I said I'd play something short I ended up playing Downwell, game was cool (altought I ended up cheating a bit when I realized that the last area was too hard for me).

Now I'm playing Baldur's Gate EE, haven't played much yet (I only did the prologue).
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formerly 'deftones r cool'
Apr 19, 2019
I started playing Deus Ex Human Revolution again, because why play one of the hundreds of games I haven't even started, when I can play an older game I've already played through twice? :shrugblob:
At least I can say that it's the first time playing it on PC...
I'm slowly piecing my way through Mankind Dividedz but honestly would probably rather just play HR again


Lost in VR
Jan 4, 2019
I'm slowly piecing my way through Mankind Dividedz but honestly would probably rather just play HR again
I did end up really liking Mankind Divided, but it took a while to get into it. I feel that Human Revolution is much better paced and the story doesn't take ages to get good and interesting, although the exploration in Mankind Divided is awesome.


Bad at Games.
Apr 17, 2019
Had a horrible migraine on Saturday which basically left me bed ridden and watching Stranger Things 3. Sunday I felt better so I managed to spend a few hours gaming. My Baldur's Gate 3 obsession plus binge watching Critical Role left me with D&D on the brain so I dove into Pathfinder: Kingmaker. So far so good!

I just finished the initial chapter of the story and now am a proud Baron of the Stolen Lands. Took a break after that, as TONS of new things opened up and I was a bit overwhelmed with what to do next.
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Dumb fool
Nov 14, 2018
I've been playing Immortal Redneck a lot lately and finally picked up and dropped like 6 hours into Yakuza Kiwami 2 tonight.
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Reactions: Milena


There was a fish in the percolator!
Apr 6, 2019
Started REmake. I haven't played it since I beat it on GameCube back in 2008 so it should be tons of fun. Just got to the part where you meet


as Chris.

Also, will be starting a new Alan Wake game.


Sep 20, 2018
Started Banner Saga 2,

The combat system is .. well ok. It's among the slowest turn-based system I have played in a long while and I feel like the first 5 rounds at the beginning are often just complete fluff, like just place the enemy closer to me and save my time a bit. I also feel an undo option would make sense, at least before you attack or something. I guess those small mistakes will be less of an issue as I get more used to the system again.

The story and atmosphere is top notch, and can't say a lot of about it without spoiling the first one completely, so in a Spoiler box it goes

I love how depressing this story is. You just fought this impossible fight, made huge sacrifices. Did it matter ? Nah, the world is still breaking apart, and the people you saved barely seem to acknowledge your actions, hell they blame you for being a young girl who can't lead and should better find a husband.
The open sexism, and how you can be a bad ass and literally tell people to leave your caravan (and presumably die) if they can't deal with it is great. Alette feels much more interesting than her boring bland father.

Hope this continues in the remainder of the game
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Reactions: Ge0force and Milena


Planning to Be a Game Designer
Oct 4, 2018
Brooklyn, NY
Since I got the free Nintendo Switch Online membership from Twitch prime, I tried a bit of Smash Ultimate online and it was sometimes a lagfest, despite winning a few matches by luck.

Also tried some NES games such as Double Dragon 2 and Startropics. Super Dodgeball was the worst in terms of emulation because it's so flickery and slow. The game in general is great though.

Overall, it's alright if you want a cheap subscription for online.
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Reactions: Milena and Ge0force