Transferring my progress from the other place.
1. Yakuza Kiwami 2 (PS4, 28 hours)
What a fantastic game, as good as the other Yakuza games I've played (0 and Kiwami 1). My only problem is that it doesn't perform that well on console, here's hoping for a PC release.
2. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (PC, 5 hours)
The CoD with more spectacle of the MW bunch, and the most ridiculous in terms of plot.Its not a bad game, it is just meh. And its depiction of Africa is pretty fucked up.
3. DOOM (2016) (PC, 10 hours)
A pretty fun and exciting shooter, with frantic battles and great looking environments. Highly recommended!
4. Tales of Berseria (PC, 46 hours)
My second 'Tales of' that I play to completion. It tells a good story that becomes less and less interesting as you get to the end of the game. The combat system is serviceable, but it is a little too complicated for something that you could just mash your way to victory. Nonetheless, I think this one deserves a playthrough if you are a JRPG fan. Oh, and everyone in the main cast is fantastic.
5. Vanquish (PC, 4 hours)
Another great game from PlatinumGames and Shinji Mikami. The frenzy of this third person shooter is something unmatched in gaming I think, with fantastic gameplay and set pieces. The downside is that the story is just plain weird and ridiculous. And it is very, very short.
6. The Division 2 (PC, 36 hours)
Managed to get to World Tier 1. Fantastic game, highly recommended. I was liked the first Division 1 but never managed to finish it. This one though, hooked me in like few games can. A great rendition of Washington DC, with exciting missions and a weird plot line. It also runs pretty well on my mid tier PC.
7. Shadow of the Tomb Raider (Xbox One X, 15 hours)
This game is what I think everyone expected from the reboot, more focused on exploration than combat. Too bad it came too late, if this was the first or the second game, it would have been better recieved. I think it is worth playing, especially since it is on sale constantly.
8. Dishonored 2 (PC, 12 hours)
A pretty good continuation of the first game, gameplay wise. Story is eh, the main villian motivation is kinda stupid. The game definitely loses steam on the second half, but the first half, is very, VERY good. Recommended if cheap.
9. Cyberdimension Neptunia 4 Goddesses Online (PC, 14 hours)
The most 'okay'-est game I've played in a while. Recent patch fucked up achievement progression so stay clear until it gets patched, if ever.
10. Hitman 2 (PC, 9 hours).
I beat every stage but I still want to do all the mastery stuff. Pretty neat game, with six beautifully crafted levels, interesting storyline and gorgeous graphics.
11. Portal (PC, 3 hours)
Revisited this game thanks to the Spring Cleaning event on Steam, I think I havent played it since 2010! It was a great experience back then and it is still tons of fun now, even though I think the puzzles are a tad easy.
12. Portal 2 (PC, 7 hours)
I had a blast with this game, the gel and tunnel mechanics add so much to the core gameplay, and the voice acting is just top notch. Also, the chamber difficulty is quite higher than the first game, I had to look up the solutions of two puzzles. And Want You Gone is a GREAT song.
13. A Plague Tale: Innocence (PC, 11 hours)
Another okay game. It looks visually stunning but the gameplay is nothing special, and the story takes a dive on the second half.
14. Borderlands: GOTY Enhanced (PC. 16 hours)
Replayed for the first time since I finished it back in 2010 on my Xbox 360. It is still kinda fun. I didnt do the DLCs because honestly I already had my fill, and there's no way I'm doing a second Playthrough soon.
15. Wolfenstein II The New Colossus (PC, 10 hours)
Played it thanks to GamePass. I quite disliked it when I played it on a Xbox but now with proper KB+M controllers it is not that bad. Defenitely weaker than The New Order. Just completed the story, will make the sidemissions when I own the game on Steam.
16. Alan Wake (PC, 16 hours)
Completed the main game plus the two DLC chapters. It is as good as I remember it to be back in 2011. Peak Remedy.
17. Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night (PC, 17 hours)
A fantastic game. Gameplay is tight, music is great, story is shit. Could have used a biiiit more of budget.
18. Turok Remastered (PC, 7 hours)
The last game I played this was in 1997, when it released on N64 and I was 6, so I didnt enjoy it properly. This remaster is pretty good, and it has the original music fron that console so it is a nice plus. Great level design and fast paced combat.
19. Jet Set Radio HD (PC, 6 hours)
A blast from the past. I've never had the chance to play it, just look at it (damn you uncle!

) It was rather short but I enjoyed it a lot. And the music, oh GOD the music. Controls are a bit frustrating tho.
20. Ai: The Somnium Files (PC, 29 hours)
A fantastic visual novel / adventure game. I've never played something from Uchikoshi so this was a great surprise for me. The humor can be a bit silly but I thoroughly enjoyed the game.
21. Call of Duty Modern Warfare (PS4, unknown amout of time but I'm sure it was less than 10 h)
I liked the campaign quite a bit. Nowhere near as good as the original MW but still very enjoyable. MP seems to be a toss up tho, I think it is serviceable.
22. Control (Xbox One X, I dunno how much it took)
Cool game, with intriguing story and solid mechanics. But a lot of the weapons suck, me thinks.
23. Halo: Reach (PC, 6.5 hours)
Completed the game with
BlindRhythm in co-op mode, which was lots of fun. The story is eh, but gameplay is solid and the levels are interesting. Can't wait for the rest of the games!
24. Far Cry New Dawn (PC, 18 hours)
A fun Farcry 5 spinoff. Much smaller in scale, story is kinda dumb, but the open world is enjoyable at least. I didnt do every optional thing because honestly it wasnt worth it. I still recommend it, tho.