|OT| X games/year or Let's document our MetaGaming addiction (where X is a positive integer)


Robot on the inside
Dec 6, 2018
Celeste was essentially tied for best game of last year for me. It's so fantastic.

31. Devil May Cry 4 - 03/19/19
Easily my favorite of the series so far. And there's so much more to this game if I really wanted to play more with more difficulties and two sets of characters to go through the game with that play different than the two you already use to go through the main story. I did feel it kind of faltered in the last missions as the fights just weren't as fun and they have you go through bosses a third time. Regardless, it played great, I enjoyed both characters, and now I'm even more eager to keep going.

I started DmC because I was just too curious despite needing to sleep. It's absolutely ridiculous how different this game is but I'm kind of digging it alright. Looking forward to playing more tomorrow and getting through at least a few more missions.
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Robot on the inside
Dec 6, 2018
I took a couple days off not playing anything and then got back into things.

32. DmC: Devil May Cry - 03/24/19
I know this is going to make Devil May Cry fans angry but I think this is my second favorite one so far behind DMC4. Though I must also note that it's much easier than the rest (except DMC2) on the Nephilim difficulty which is the highest unlocked from the start. It's noted as for Devil May Cry veterans but I still rarely died. I really liked that the characters were actually characters this time instead of feeling like cartoonish, flat action stars. The environments could get repetitive at times but also had some real stand-out visuals. The fighting was really fun and combat felt very smooth outside of pressing the wrong button because there is a lot of different button combinations in the game. It was a really good time and I'm glad I went through it!

About 1/3 into this game I started worrying I was getting burnt out on the series but at around the halfway point I was quick to fly through the rest of it. I was thinking I'd play one or two things in between this and DMC 5 just to refresh my mind a bit but now I'm thinking I might just go into it or at least play a level or two and then decide from there. This is largely what it's all been building up to and I kind of run into the situation that if I don't play DMC 5 (or if I do go to it next and finish it) I don't know what else I'll play next and freeze up.
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Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
#3 - Hypnospace Outlaw
I really enjoyed this one. I found it a bit short but very engaging and charming and super nostalgic. I suppose i'd call it a Point-and-Click Adventure based on a fictional 90s web space, yeah that's about right. You are tasked with finding and tagging infractions and a narrative unfolds, i won't spoil it but it's quite basic but kept me interested and eager to finish but not too eager as there is plenty to do and explore along the way so i dithered and dawdled and played about before going for the main path.
It took me 12 hours according to Galaxy but i know i left it running for a few hours so i'd say it took me 8 hours ish and i still plan to go back in as i suspect there's something after the Epilogue and there's things i want to retry and look for because i glanced through some tips after finishing and realised i had completed some of the tasks in a totally different way to the notes given. That's neat.
There are also tools available for people to create their own Hypnospace content which i hope takes off as i'd like to see what the brightsparks in the community can come up with.

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Careful Icarus
Sep 20, 2018
Game #17 done - Detroit Become Human - Seeing as they are coming to PC sometime in 2020/21 I finally got round to playing this. I actually quite enjoyed it, the story is pretty good even if the allegory is heavy handed at times. Managed to get everyone to the end but Minka Kelly died, that made me sad.

Still mostly finished Lego DC Super Villains, they added another level last week as well, just deciding how close to 100% I get before I get bored and give up.
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Robot on the inside
Dec 6, 2018
Game #17 done - Detroit Become Human - Seeing as they are coming to PC sometime in 2020/21 I finally got round to playing this. I actually quite enjoyed it, the story is pretty good even if the allegory is heavy handed at times. Managed to get everyone to the end but Minka Kelly died, that made me sad.
I'm pretty sure my ending had nearly everyone die by the time the credits rolled. I consider now and then going back and replaying sections and trying different paths but my ending just kind of felt like it was the right ending since it's what my decisions lead to. Despite the quality of the writing (and Markus being kind of boring) I had a great time.
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Careful Icarus
Sep 20, 2018
I'm pretty sure my ending had nearly everyone die by the time the credits rolled. I consider now and then going back and replaying sections and trying different paths but my ending just kind of felt like it was the right ending since it's what my decisions lead to. Despite the quality of the writing (and Markus being kind of boring) I had a great time.
I may have reloaded at one point to save Kara after a series of QTE fails even though the menu woman tried to shame me into not doing it! Conner was really good, but yeah Markus was pretty uninspiring.

Hank and Conner hugging it out at the end was worth it!
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Robot on the inside
Dec 6, 2018
I may have reloaded at one point to save Kara after a series of QTE fails even though the menu woman tried to shame me into not doing it! Conner was really good, but yeah Markus was pretty uninspiring.

Hank and Conner hugging it out at the end was worth it!
I just remembered that I think I reloaded one part after beating it to continue down a different path because I wasn't happy with the Kara ending just to see where it would have gone. To be more specific:

I recall Kara got gunned down leaving the ship and I still played through to completion with the ending that Conner couldn't stop himself from shooting Markus during the ending speech so Conner was the only survivor. I then replayed Kara's portion to survive the ship and then when they were crossing the water Luther got killed. I believe they survived the crossing without him.
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Careful Icarus
Sep 20, 2018
I just remembered that I think I reloaded one part after beating it to continue down a different path because I wasn't happy with the Kara ending just to see where it would have gone. To be more specific:

I recall Kara got gunned down leaving the ship and I still played through to completion with the ending that Conner couldn't stop himself from shooting Markus during the ending speech so Conner was the only survivor. I then replayed Kara's portion to survive the ship and then when they were crossing the water Luther got killed. I believe they survived the crossing without him.
Kara died at the house running away from Luther but Luther died on the ship for me. I did also reload once for Conner but apparently that doesn't matter as he keeps coming back! I did get the main 3 to the end, the rest were just bumps along the road.

Game #18 done - Metro Exodus - First Metro I've actually finished. Decent enough but I got the bad ending.

Game #19 done - Impulsow - Decent little reaction puzzler momentum and gravity puzzler. Shoot one way move the other, short and inoffensive and probably too crap for Epic. Got it free though my curator, so thought I should play it.

Game #20 done - Expand - Top down maze game where you guide your square through a series of circular constantly changing mazes filled with obstacles. Can get challenging towards the end the OST is absolutely spectacular.


Robot on the inside
Dec 6, 2018
Kara died at the house running away from Luther but Luther died on the ship for me. I did also reload once for Conner but apparently that doesn't matter as he keeps coming back! I did get the main 3 to the end, the rest were just bumps along the road.

Game #18 done - Metro Exodus - First Metro I've actually finished. Decent enough but I got the bad ending.

Game #19 done - Impulsow - Decent little reaction puzzler momentum and gravity puzzler. Shoot one way move the other, short and inoffensive and probably too crap for Epic. Got it free though my curator, so thought I should play it.

Game #20 done - Expand - Top down maze game where you guide your square through a series of circular constantly changing mazes filled with obstacles. Can get challenging towards the end the OST is absolutely spectacular.
Seems you don’t consider Kara one of the main three based on that description. Unless you meant you had to replay that section to get more of her story.

I really liked Expand and tried to get people interested in it back when I played it. I should probably push it on people more.


Careful Icarus
Sep 20, 2018
Seems you don’t consider Kara one of the main three based on that description. Unless you meant you had to replay that section to get more of her story.

I really liked Expand and tried to get people interested in it back when I played it. I should probably push it on people more.
Yeah, I had to reload Kara's story as she died. In the end she made it to Canada with the kid in tow


Watch Madoka
Nov 16, 2018
11. Baba is You

GOTY so far for me. Amazing game with really creative puzzles and mindblowing mechanics. Some levels are really tough and I outright cheated a few (hate automata-style puzzles) and relied heavily on hints from the Steam forums for the latest parts, but what an experience.

Also the dev's cool and answered a few of my questions directly.

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Reaper on Station。
Nov 1, 2018
Mt. Whatever
Ah man, since I was moving all March I didn't get anything done. Mostly in my downtime I would just play Girls' Frontline on my phone or mess around on my 3DS. I started Pokemon Ultra Moon lol.

I really gotta try and make up for this loss of progress. o_O

also bump.


Robot on the inside
Dec 6, 2018
I forgot to update!

33. Devil May Cry 5 - 03/30/19
My month of Devil March Cry is over having played through every game in the series in around four weeks (with a few other games mixed in). I thought I was going to get burnout but in the end the variety between games with the improvements and characters kept it feeling fairly fresh. I'm not sure where Devil May Cry 5 stands yet. The variety in the three characters was welcome and it did a good job culminating in some exciting fights. But some levels were far too long and nearly every single level ended in a boss fight and that kind of messed with the pacing the rest of the series had. Great game, though, and Capcom is having a great year already.

34. Yooka-Laylee - 04/07/19
I remember thinking fairly highly of it when I first started it around a year ago. That's one reason it got added to my list of games to complete this year. After returning to it I was able to start seeing all the issues the game has and how it feels fairly sloppy both in control and design. Despite that progression is fairly quick so I kept plowing through it. I finished with the minimum 100 Pagies needed and glad to be done after one of the worst final boss fights in a platformer. It goes on for far too long and has no checkpoint or way to heal. I could go back to clean up some achievements if I wanted to but I don't. I doubt I'll ever touch the game again.

Yooka-Laylee and A Hat in Time are my designated April backlog games to complete and they're also my last two games for the PC Gaming Era Discord's Backlog Blitz so I'll likely hop into A Hat in Time right away to knock that out next. I'm tempted to also just throw in Poi afterwards but I may be tired of the 3D platformer thing by then. I'm just hoping A Hat in Time is a better game than Yooka-Laylee in the end. I do have some other games in mind for the month so I might mix in some other stuff. And Mortal Kombat 11 is the only new release I plan to get. There may be some indie release I end up going for or something else that goes on sale I snag but it's not looking like a heavy purchasing month.
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"Oh yeah? Aren't you gonna punish me?"
Dec 22, 2018
4. Sekiro™: Shadows Die Twice - ??/10

Game so good it becomes incredibly hard to give it a score. You've probably heard about it, yeah, it's hard, yeah, it's good, even one of the best games ever made, so you should play it. Just prepare to die more than twice.
One more for the year, and what a game it was.. not sure anything will fill this void anytime soon.
Next up: Days Gone, I hope it is good.


Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
They Came from Below - We Happy Few DLC
Shortish at 3 or 4 hours, linear but fun sci-fi romp with much more shooting than the main game. Great aesthetics as expected but i expected to have more choices during the game but eh, it was great to have a new look into the Compulsion universe and i'm eager for the next DLC.


Careful Icarus
Sep 20, 2018
Game #21 done - Spectrum Break - Action puzzle game where you light up every block in a level buy either hitting them with your surfer dude or causing the blocks to collide. Speed is required as momentum works against you as well!

Game #22 done - Hitman 2 - Well, the story is done. Definitely going to go back at regular intervals and drop heavy objects on people, kick them off things etc...

Game #23 done - Glass Masquerade 2 - Not sure if I like this as much as the first, the art while spectacular lacks the thematic consistency of that one.

Game # 24 Done - South Park: The Fractured But Whole - I really like the fight system but it gets a bit easy once you crack it. The story also drags a bit towards the end.
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Robot on the inside
Dec 6, 2018
Game #21 done - Spectrum Break - Action puzzle game where you light up every block in a level buy either hitting them with your surfer dude or causing the blocks to collide. Speed is required as momentum works against you as well!
I had a really good time with this and a while back tried to get people on Discord to look into it. It's not exactly a looker but it's just really fun and there were loads of times I'd launch myself off of a slope and find my body leaning into the jumps trying to eek out a little extra distance.


Vogon Poetry Appreciator
Sep 6, 2018
I've been terrible at keeping up with this thread, almost as bad as I am at finishing games. That said, these last 2 weeks have been an outlier as I've finished 5 games in that time, 4 of which I started within that timeframe. They are:
  • Assassin's Creed Brotherhood (Sekiro frustrated me so much that I felt like going through an easier title, and ended up liking it)
  • Assassin's Creed 1 (I had played half of it a long time ago and didn't like it; started from scratch)
  • Assassin's Creed Revelations (has some great set pieces)
  • Assassin's Creed 3 (the missions are boring)
  • Call of Juarez: Gunslinger (think I started it earlier this year)

I also played the Turbografx-CD version of Ys 3 on my SNES Classic 2 months ago, which I totally forgot to mention here. I had played Oath in Felghana before, but I wanted to go through the original version (or one of its thousand ports, at least). Sadly I got stuck in the scenery during the last dungeon and saved there, which ruined my playthrough; had to use a password I found online to skip to the final boss, which made me miss the previous boss, so I can't say I beat the entire game myself. But fuck it, I wasn't going to replay the whole thing from the beginning, so it was better than nothing.


Reaper on Station。
Nov 1, 2018
Mt. Whatever

Tokyo Dark completed, and I only got 1 and a half routes left in Sabbat of the Witch. So at the very least April is lookin' pretty good. Hoping I can get 4-5 total this month.
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Watch Madoka
Nov 16, 2018
13. Gizmo

Cute and short platformer game. It's a little challenging to get all achievements but I could do it in like half an hour.
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Nov 1, 2018

32 Hours

It's alright to good, but nothing outstanding.

The plot is interesting but kinda ends like a wet fart.
The survival aspect of the game is pretty cool, but they could've done a looot more with the basebuilding aspect.
The actual dungeon crawling isn't anywhere near something like Legend of Grimrock but does its job fine.
The clone mechanic is really cool and uniqe, but that's also not being used enough.

Wouldn't recommend at full price, but it's worth checking out once its on sale if you're into DRPG's.


Reaper on Station。
Nov 1, 2018
Mt. Whatever
Gonna update my own post since I finally finished Sabbat of the Witch VN with quite a long reading session over the last 24 hours. :whistle:

32 Hours

It's alright to good, but nothing outstanding.

The plot is interesting but kinda ends like a wet fart.
The survival aspect of the game is pretty cool, but they could've done a looot more with the basebuilding aspect.
The actual dungeon crawling isn't anywhere near something like Legend of Grimrock but does its job fine.
The clone mechanic is really cool and uniqe, but that's also not being used enough.

Wouldn't recommend at full price, but it's worth checking out once its on sale if you're into DRPG's.

Welp, sad to hear this. Literally just bought it last night since I saw you sharing so many screenshots I actually thought you were having a blast lol. o_O
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Nov 1, 2018
Gonna update my own post since I finally finished Sabbat of the Witch VN with quite a long reading session over the last 24 hours. :whistle:

Welp, sad to hear this. Literally just bought it last night since I saw you sharing so many screenshots I actually thought you were having a blast lol. o_O
I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong impression 😅

It's not a bad game tho, I don't regret the time investment. It's just falling short of the expectations I had.

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Dec 9, 2018
Added a few more games to my master list: |OT| - X games/year or Let's document our MetaGaming addiction (where X is a positive integer)

I just blazed through Katana ZERO today, and I absolutely loved it. The game is very reminiscent of Hotline Miami, not only with it's difficulty, but also with the music, aesthetic and game play loop. Perhaps you are better at video games than I am, but if not, expect to be stuck on a few of these levels for a while. It took me about 7 hours to finish the game, and it was worth every minute. Highly recommended for anyone who enjoyed Hotline Miami or even Mark of the Ninja.
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There was a fish in the percolator!
Apr 6, 2019
Transferring my progress from the other place.

1. Yakuza Kiwami 2 (PS4, 28 hours)

What a fantastic game, as good as the other Yakuza games I've played (0 and Kiwami 1). My only problem is that it doesn't perform that well on console, here's hoping for a PC release.

2. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (PC, 5 hours)

The CoD with more spectacle of the MW bunch, and the most ridiculous in terms of plot.Its not a bad game, it is just meh. And its depiction of Africa is pretty fucked up.

3. DOOM (2016) (PC, 10 hours)

A pretty fun and exciting shooter, with frantic battles and great looking environments. Highly recommended!

4. Tales of Berseria (PC, 46 hours)

My second 'Tales of' that I play to completion. It tells a good story that becomes less and less interesting as you get to the end of the game. The combat system is serviceable, but it is a little too complicated for something that you could just mash your way to victory. Nonetheless, I think this one deserves a playthrough if you are a JRPG fan. Oh, and everyone in the main cast is fantastic.

5. Vanquish (PC, 4 hours)

Another great game from PlatinumGames and Shinji Mikami. The frenzy of this third person shooter is something unmatched in gaming I think, with fantastic gameplay and set pieces. The downside is that the story is just plain weird and ridiculous. And it is very, very short.

6. The Division 2 (PC, 36 hours)

Managed to get to World Tier 1. Fantastic game, highly recommended. I was liked the first Division 1 but never managed to finish it. This one though, hooked me in like few games can. A great rendition of Washington DC, with exciting missions and a weird plot line. It also runs pretty well on my mid tier PC.

7. Shadow of the Tomb Raider (Xbox One X, 15 hours)

This game is what I think everyone expected from the reboot, more focused on exploration than combat. Too bad it came too late, if this was the first or the second game, it would have been better recieved. I think it is worth playing, especially since it is on sale constantly.

8. Dishonored 2 (PC, 12 hours)

A pretty good continuation of the first game, gameplay wise. Story is eh, the main villian motivation is kinda stupid. The game definitely loses steam on the second half, but the first half, is very, VERY good. Recommended if cheap.

9. Cyberdimension Neptunia 4 Goddesses Online (PC, 14 hours)

The most 'okay'-est game I've played in a while. Recent patch fucked up achievement progression so stay clear until it gets patched, if ever.

10. Hitman 2 (PC, 9 hours).

I beat every stage but I still want to do all the mastery stuff. Pretty neat game, with six beautifully crafted levels, interesting storyline and gorgeous graphics.

11. Portal (PC, 3 hours)

Revisited this game thanks to the Spring Cleaning event on Steam, I think I havent played it since 2010! It was a great experience back then and it is still tons of fun now, even though I think the puzzles are a tad easy.

12. Portal 2 (PC, 7 hours)

I had a blast with this game, the gel and tunnel mechanics add so much to the core gameplay, and the voice acting is just top notch. Also, the chamber difficulty is quite higher than the first game, I had to look up the solutions of two puzzles. And Want You Gone is a GREAT song.

13. A Plague Tale: Innocence (PC, 11 hours)

Another okay game. It looks visually stunning but the gameplay is nothing special, and the story takes a dive on the second half.

14. Borderlands: GOTY Enhanced (PC. 16 hours)

Replayed for the first time since I finished it back in 2010 on my Xbox 360. It is still kinda fun. I didnt do the DLCs because honestly I already had my fill, and there's no way I'm doing a second Playthrough soon.

15. Wolfenstein II The New Colossus (PC, 10 hours)

Played it thanks to GamePass. I quite disliked it when I played it on a Xbox but now with proper KB+M controllers it is not that bad. Defenitely weaker than The New Order. Just completed the story, will make the sidemissions when I own the game on Steam.

16. Alan Wake (PC, 16 hours)

Completed the main game plus the two DLC chapters. It is as good as I remember it to be back in 2011. Peak Remedy.

17. Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night (PC, 17 hours)

A fantastic game. Gameplay is tight, music is great, story is shit. Could have used a biiiit more of budget.

18. Turok Remastered (PC, 7 hours)

The last game I played this was in 1997, when it released on N64 and I was 6, so I didnt enjoy it properly. This remaster is pretty good, and it has the original music fron that console so it is a nice plus. Great level design and fast paced combat.

19. Jet Set Radio HD (PC, 6 hours)

A blast from the past. I've never had the chance to play it, just look at it (damn you uncle! :p) It was rather short but I enjoyed it a lot. And the music, oh GOD the music. Controls are a bit frustrating tho.

20. Ai: The Somnium Files (PC, 29 hours)

A fantastic visual novel / adventure game. I've never played something from Uchikoshi so this was a great surprise for me. The humor can be a bit silly but I thoroughly enjoyed the game.

21. Call of Duty Modern Warfare (PS4, unknown amout of time but I'm sure it was less than 10 h)

I liked the campaign quite a bit. Nowhere near as good as the original MW but still very enjoyable. MP seems to be a toss up tho, I think it is serviceable.

22. Control (Xbox One X, I dunno how much it took)
Cool game, with intriguing story and solid mechanics. But a lot of the weapons suck, me thinks.

23. Halo: Reach (PC, 6.5 hours)
Completed the game with BlindRhythm in co-op mode, which was lots of fun. The story is eh, but gameplay is solid and the levels are interesting. Can't wait for the rest of the games!

24. Far Cry New Dawn (PC, 18 hours)

A fun Farcry 5 spinoff. Much smaller in scale, story is kinda dumb, but the open world is enjoyable at least. I didnt do every optional thing because honestly it wasnt worth it. I still recommend it, tho.
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Careful Icarus
Sep 20, 2018
Game #25 Done - Call of Duty Black Ops - Great game, memorable characters, Richard Nixon with twin Uzi's, all the standard tropes.

Game #26 Done - Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 - Really need to play 1, playing them in reverse order definitely makes it harder to follow the story! The Brazilian favella was just as annoying as I remember it from 360 days!

Game #27 Done - Call of Duty Black Ops III - Weird, overly complicated, poorly telegraphed and terribly written. Blends multi and single to it's detriment. No surprise they didn't even bother with a story in IV, the whole story is best forgotten in a drawer somewhere.

The cheap pew-pew continues, just bought Advanced War on cdkeys and I'm waiting for steam to unlock Infinite Wars.
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Junior Member
Dec 8, 2018
I always "try" for 52 games, some years it works, some it doesn't (the ones with World of Warcraft expansions to be precise). This year I am on a good pace, 19 games in the book and it's only mid April!

Games I beat this month (trying to finish my small 3DS backlog so I can put that console in storage):
  • The Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time 3D
  • The Legend of Zelda - A Link Between Worlds
  • Pillars of Eternity 2 - Deadfire
  • Metroid 2 Samus Returns

Thinking about starting either Watch Dogs 2 or Valkyria Chronicles 4 now on the PC. Probably Earthbound on the 3DS.


Reaper on Station。
Nov 1, 2018
Mt. Whatever
Bump and an update to my post. Thanks to all those in the Steamthread who pointed out the free game "A Bewitching Revolution."

I always "try" for 52 games, some years it works, some it doesn't (the ones with World of Warcraft expansions to be precise). This year I am on a good pace, 19 games in the book and it's only mid April!

Games I beat this month (trying to finish my small 3DS backlog so I can put that console in storage):
  • The Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time 3D
  • The Legend of Zelda - A Link Between Worlds
  • Pillars of Eternity 2 - Deadfire
  • Metroid 2 Samus Returns
Thinking about starting either Watch Dogs 2 or Valkyria Chronicles 4 now on the PC. Probably Earthbound on the 3DS.
I honestly wanna put some work into my own 3DS backlog as well. It's very short, just Zelda OOT, Zelda Majora's Mask, Fire Emblem Echoes, and Pokemon Ultra Moon (which I'm slowly wiggling through now.)

I'll be sad to hang up the ol' 3DS since I really do unironically love the 3D effect when it is done right. :love:


Non-Stop MMO Searcher
Dec 22, 2018
I finally finished up Thief of Fate, completing the whole Bard's Tale Trilogy release. All set up for the director's cut release of 4.

That last dungeon would have been a nightmare with graph paper :surrenderblob:. Thank goodness for automapping in this day for the massive time save.
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Watch Madoka
Nov 16, 2018
14. Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth2 Sisters Generation

Fun as all that's Nep. Love all the references and silliness, and the gameplay doesn't stay behind.

Panda Pedinte

Best Sig Maker on the board!
Sep 20, 2018

1 Screen Platform
Started: ?
Finished: 03/24/2019
Total Playtime: 1h

As the name suggests it's a platformer that takes solely in 1 screen. It's a simple game regarding the controls and the main idea behind it, but it's hard to master. There are 4 characters with slightly different play style and objectives to complete the level.

Started: ?
Finished: 04/08/2019
Total Playtime: 3 hours

It's a mix between a narrative and puzzle games. You observe the story of characters and advance them through different puzzles for each story. I liked the pixel art and the puzzles weren't hard so there aren't many chances that you may get stuck without know what to do.

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
Started: ?
Finished: 04/21/2019
Total Playtime: 44 Hours

I started DX:MD aware that this game isn't well liked as the previous entry though I enjoyed my time while playing it. There are things that I disliked a lot like the story DLC not being implemented in the main game, how it's annoying to grab a person you knocked out (Dishonored was released in 2012 and carrying bodies/knocked out people was a lot better) or even the anti-climatic ending,

The side quests were very enjoyable as the city of Prague the music is pretty good.


Robot on the inside
Dec 6, 2018
35. A Hat in Time - 04/21/19
Really great 3D platformer. Definitely an improvement compared to Yooka-Laylee in terms of level design and feel of movement. Yet something about the Yooka-Laylee style of pacing is something I prefer a little more. While A Hat in Time often had fairly large levels that would get reused every chapter had a fairly strict set up and it made the game feel much more level based instead of freedom to explore and knock off checklists of stuff. I really enjoy that style of 3D platformer. But regardless, this was very well made and each time I'd get going I'd find myself in a groove and knock out a good chunk of it each time. Not sure if I'll go back for more but I'm curious about the DLC. Time to move on for now.
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Dirty Weeb
Mar 12, 2019
I'm still actually gonna keep my list active on Era, but I'll be sure to start posting my updates here as well. Currently 18/52 games this year!


Dec 9, 2018
I didn't have any plans to try and beat 52 games this year, but I might as well give it a shot.

Just finished Mortal Kombat X story mode bringing me to 22/52 for the year.


Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
Finished "One Whole Unit of Blood" at the weekend using the nBlood exe and it ran fine. I had some random crashing after a minute or two but if it got past that then it would stay stable for hours. Great old-skool FPS that doesn't go crazy with labyrinthine maps that some games went for at that time. The weapons are nicely varied and overall it was a good time.

I have downloaded all my old fps games from Steam & GoG so i can loot their data files and put them into Source Ports and modernised engines but it can be a real pain to figure out which project/port to go for and it doesn't help that these engines seem to be really unstable on my rig which is a pain. I may end up getting a Win95 VM or something and running them from that instead.

I still need to get Dusk and i can't wait for Ion Maiden and Romero's new wad!
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Reaper on Station。
Nov 1, 2018
Mt. Whatever
The usual bump and update!

Four games in April puts me ahead of my 3-games per month goal, but thanks to a crap March I'm still behind anyway. I hope to squeeze one more game in if I can.


Robot on the inside
Dec 6, 2018
36. Mortal Kombat 11 - 04/27/19
Considering it complete with story mode completed, one klassic tower, all the tutorials, and some other odds and ends. I'll toy around with the other stuff some more but right now I'm mostly waiting for the next patch that's promised to make the game feel less grindy. Right now it's real bad in that area. The actual fighting is fantastic (though the amount of abilities you can equip really changes the feel of a character) and the story and tutorials are really strong. I like the new characters well enough, too. The best thing it does with the improvements to combat is every character feels fairly good to play, though I still have some favorites. Great game that will only be better (hopefully) with patches.

Don't have anything exactly lined up. Got plenty to pick from and some ideas but I'll have to poke around. I kind of want to knock out something short so I might see what I have that's under a couple hours to complete.


Dirty Weeb
Mar 12, 2019
Time for a small update! Game #19 for me was Utawarerumono: Mask of Deception. Already started on Mask of Truth! After that, not sure what to play/read next. Better start deciding soon.


Robot on the inside
Dec 6, 2018
37. The Haunted Island, a Frog Detective Game - 04/27/19
I guess I pictured something a bit different from the little chatter I heard and had seen. This is essentially a kid's game with writing I imagine that's similar to stuff like Adventure Time. Everything is silly and whimsical to appeal to kids while still being entertaining to adults. I finished it in 27 minutes as there's not much more than walking, reading, and going through the dialogue options. Also, I picked bird. Don't know if I'll bother with the eventual sequel.

Second update of the night. Had no idea this game was so short when I bought it but I wanted something short and used howlongtobeat.com to pick something from my list. And I don't care what you fools say in Discord but this is totally a kid's game.

I kind of want one more shorter game because I wasn't really left feeling satisfied after The Haunted Island but I'm also not sure I want to go right into something that's a lot bigger. Hmm.


Robot on the inside
Dec 6, 2018
38. Lost in Harmony - 04/28/19
Had the last 2/3 to do but this is a fairly short music/rhythm game so that wasn't much effort to finish as it was only 9 songs to complete to be done. I always appreciate when a music/rhythm game has a story and the levels relate (e.g Gitaroo Man and Parappa series) and this sort of attempts it. It's kind of a mess to play with it occasionally rapidly having you press button combinations together that don't feel natural but ultimately it was interesting and I was compelled to keep moving forward. They did release a free update with a second story that I'll probably get to but for now I'm satisfied finishing the original story.

Knocked out another short game, this time one I had previously put down with the intention of finishing later. Good job, me! I think it's about time I jump into something that will take a bit more effort to finish up. Thankfully the next couple weeks I work from home so I get back 2.5 hours of commuting time and I'm more apt to spend time on finishing games. Not sure what to do next but I've got a few things bopping in my head.


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
My games completed per month count is pretty amusing this year.

January: 6
February: 7
March: 8

I habe 8 in April now, so I'd need to finish another game today to keep the pattern going until Yakuza will break it in May anyway, lol.


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
And that wraps up Old Man's Journey: Game 9 in April, Game 30 overall.
Was a nice and chill game. Lovely art and soundtrack. Is also easy enough to let my niece play it for a bit :)
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Panda Pedinte

Best Sig Maker on the board!
Sep 20, 2018

Yakuza Kiwami
Started: 02/19/2019
Finished: 04/30/2019
Total Playtime: 28h:24m

Another great game finished. While many regarded the game as weaker than Yakuza 0 I didn't get that feeling by the end and while playing as Majima in 0 was nice, the focus solely on Kiryu help getting the plot going on faster. The combat felt harder than 0 but it still is rewarding to beat everyone who mess with you.

Started: 04/15/2019
Finished: 05/01/2019
Total Playtime: 18h:38m

It's a puzzle/action/platform taking place solely in a kid's sandbox. There are a lot of upgrades and abilities to unlock and many more secrets to discover in the world. The main attractive are the puzzles and exploring the game feels rewarding as you can find various welcome upgrades while exploring.


Robot on the inside
Dec 6, 2018
39. Supraland - 05/01/19
Pretty neat, great game. It's amazing that nearly the entire thing was created by one person. I did generally like the exploring more than the puzzle solving as some of them could be a bit finnicky or relied on finding just the right spot and sometimes the geometry made stuff difficult to find (more than intended in some cases, I believe). But still really neat and a solid 12 hours. I finished it with like 49% complete so there's loads more to find as there are chests scattered around everywhere. But I got what I needed out of it so I won't be worried about being a completionist. Good stuff!
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Careful Icarus
Sep 20, 2018
Game #28 Done - Days Gone - Much, much better than the average reviews claim. The one piece of "bad writing" bandied around is firmly tongue in cheek and taken completely out of context. Great characters and a really different focus, this is a human vs. human game, it just happens to contain zombies on the side. Frame rate is terrible on a slim though. Probably the biggest let down is the hordes, they are a chore at times. Takes way too long to prepare to take one on.
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It has risen again!
Dec 31, 2018
Game #28 Done - Days Gone - Much, much better than the average reviews claim. The one piece of "bad writing" bandied arround is firmly tongue in cheek and taken completely out of context. Great characters and a really different focus, this is a human vs. human game, it just happens to contain zombies on the side. Frame rate is terrible on a slim though. Probably the biggest let down is the hordes, they are a chore at times. Takes way too long to prepare to take one on.
Nice to hear your thoughts about Days GOne. Granted to say, I haven't really kept up with this game but I might grab it later down the line.


Robot on the inside
Dec 6, 2018
40. 7 Sexy Sins - 05/04/19
High quality game right here! I've had some fun with the mindless Deep Space Waifu series and this seemed to be a horizontal copy of that series. It feels more like it came out prior to those games because it's missing some of the features like varied power ups but the boss fights were much better in this game. And it was actually challenging to complete due to how you unlocked the later levels and those last bosses were actually tough. For around $1.50 I got just about two hours on it so it was worth the price but only if you already own most other shoot-em-ups and don't mind pervy shit.

Well, they can't all be winners. I needed something quick to mix things up between all the time I've been putting into Grim Dawn so this fit the bill. I'll probably knock out at least one more short game, if not more, while I plow through Grim Dawn and its expansions.