|OT| X games/year or Let's document our MetaGaming addiction (where X is a positive integer)


Careful Icarus
Sep 20, 2018
Game #11 done - Northern Lights - Super short side scrolling Puzzle game about a robot waking up in the future after a global calamity. High quality game, seems like just episode 1.
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Dec 9, 2018
10. Undertale
What a charming game. I waited far too long to properly play through this experience. I ended up going for a True Pacifist run so I could see the true ending and most of what the game had to offer. I found myself cracking up throughout the game and loving the writing. The music is especially good, and even though I have heard a lot of it before playing, it didn't make it any less impactful while experiencing it inside the game. I'm anxiously awaiting Deltraune and anything else Toby makes in the future.
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Robot on the inside
Dec 6, 2018
Yeah, I can also update here with the updates I edit into my post.

I had a big January with 17 games and a lot of backlog sort of stuff cleared out. After that I got doing some other stuff and had a work trip that took me away for a week in February so now I'm just catching up on playing more games this past week. In my list of games I set to beat each month Yakuza 0 is my February game so that's my current goal while poking at some other stuff (Apex Legends took up some time, Anthem a little bit so far as well).

I do have nine days off starting on 2/23 so I intend to play a number of things during that time.

18. Crackdown 3 - 02/16/19
I think I'll end up enjoying this more than most people. I loved the first Crackdown, thought the second game was disappointing but alright, and went into this a little hopeful. Ultimately I got what I expected, an updated version of the first Crackdown, or more like what a true sequel to the first game would have felt like if released later in the 360's life. I spent 15 hours getting most the achievements with clearing out all side activities outside of car related stuff and getting all the agility and hidden orbs. I still got around 85% and 51% respectively. And I beat the game on Legendary, which I feel was the right decision. Boss fights were really rough in the latter half but it felt great figuring out ways to get through them, even if I did end up cheesing the last boss completely. Fun game!


Watch Madoka
Nov 16, 2018
7. Yakuza 0

What can I say, you all know this game lol. Amazing gameplay, amazing story, the worst minigames in history. I'm really excited to keep playing games in the saga now.


Reaper on Station。
Nov 1, 2018
Mt. Whatever
I edited my post some more with color and formatting. Sized the pictures down to save space. If I really do make it to 36 games by years end, I don't want it to be a colossal post lol.

Though I guess such is the nature of a thread like this.
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Watch Madoka
Nov 16, 2018
8. Vanquish

Really fun gameplay, full of possibilities and lots of different ways to kill everything. I'll stick around to try and get 100% :heroblob:
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Dec 9, 2018
11. Detention:
I wouldn't call this game terrifying, but it definitely gives you a sense of unease throughout the majority of it. This is a very emotional story, with many elements that are present in every day life, especially in the place and time this game is set. They did a fantastic job of making me care about the main character Ray and about finding out what happens to her. I'm planning to play the follow up game Devotion soon, and I hope the devs land on their feet after the controversy surrounding that game dies down.

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Robot on the inside
Dec 6, 2018
19. Yakuza 0 - 02/25/19
As everyone who has tried it knows this is a wonderful game. I got really hooked into it and completed the vast majority of activities. The main thing I didn't complete was mahjong and shogi, though I did learn to play shogi but I didn't get good enough to win for the completion points. I had around 86% complete of the completion list. Even when plowing through the last ten chapters instead of doing CP activities I was constantly sneaking them in and tempted to do more. This has really gotten me anticipating Yakuza Kiwami and the releases that came after. I have both Kiwamis and Yakuza 6 so now it's just deciding when to play them. I have some other backlog goals lined up but I may start Kiwami really soon to at least get through the intro and see the world open up to get an idea what's in the game.

The toughest thing I'm worried about, and why I'm not rushing, is if I finish Kiwami 2 will I jump into 6 since it's the latest release or wait for the remasters of 3, 4, and 5 to hit the West so I can do it all in order. If I pace these out to one every few months (at least) then I'll likely not have to stress much as the remaster of 3 will probably be available here by then.

So instead next games I'm considering are Hellblade, Resident Evil 2, Trials Fusion (with DLC), Trials Rising, and Hollow Knight. Probably jump into Trials Fusion next. I rebought on PC after doing the main game originally on PS4 so I'm curious to at least see some of the DLC but I'll probably use that more as a palette cleanser.
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Robot on the inside
Dec 6, 2018
20. Trials Fusion - 02/26/19
This is actually beating the game a second time but I'm counting it. I originally beat it five years ago on PS4 but recently got Fusion with all the DLC on PC. To play all the DLC you have to play up to like 1/3 or 1/2 through the main game so I rushed through that and then just kept going. The trick system is still frustrating and it seems I remember Evolution much better than Fusion since I was looking forward to levels that never showed up. Now I'm really excited to see Rising since reviews are solid. I do still need to check out the DLC in Fusion since that was largely why I bought this pack but that'll come later.
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Vogon Poetry Appreciator
Sep 6, 2018
I should edit my first post to add that I finished Travis Strikes Again (can't remember when), and that I didn't like it. But I'm feeling too lazy, so I'll just post this here as a reminder to future me.
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Nov 1, 2018
Update to my post:

2.5 Hours

I think people have heard of the game by now lol, wonderful little horror game, that's always tense, but never "cheap" with jumpscares. Well, maybe once. Shame what's happening to it, hopefully it'll be available again soon.

10 Hours

Not all of the 10 stories were hits, but most of them ranged from good to great.
Wondeful art, and well written just like the first game. I think i liked this more than Steins;Gate 0.

Special shout-out to the fact that 7 of the games i've finished thus far are japanese with the last one (Devotion) being of taiwanese origin.


Robot on the inside
Dec 6, 2018
21. Trials Rising - 02/28/19
Such a tough game to like. It does some things extremely well. I think it has the best set of tracks across the entire series with most having a completely separate theme than the rest (later on there's commonly a second harder level with a similar look to some of the levels). Also, University of Trials is an excellent addition and where I spent around five of the twenty hours I spent with the game. It has definitely helped me improve my skills and thinking about how I control the bikes. But these good parts are balanced by some bad stuff, notably a terrible progression system that typically goes against the main goal of Trials, a garbage soundtrack (muted and put on Spotify very quickly and I never do that), and the most useless loot crates quite possibly ever. Thankfully that also means nobody should ever feel enticed to pay real money to get more of them. Overall I had a lot of fun with the game but also a fair bit of frustration due to the progression system. I really hope for everyone else they end up patching it, especially since the progression and useless loot crates seem to be the complaint everywhere I've looked.
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Reaper on Station。
Nov 1, 2018
Mt. Whatever
This post was meant for way earlier, so don't fault me if you're already in March. (Website problems prohibited it, and I kinda forgot 'til just now lol.)

... but I did it! 4 games in Feb.!

Managed to complete all the achievements and content in Fate/Extella over the course of this last week. I had to severely cut down my R6 Siege time, I think I only played twice the whole week. o_O Now I am ready for Extella Link in March!

Feels good though. I can meet my goal if I stay the course!
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Robot on the inside
Dec 6, 2018
I was trying to squeeze this in before the end of February but I went about 30 minutes past.

22. Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice - 03/01/19
This could land a spot on my top ten of the generation. For my particular tastes it does so many things right. Did anyone else get the impression it felt like a stage play in acting and writing? It's like they gave a playwright a video game studio to do their bidding and this was the outcome. My only two complaints, though fairly minor, is combat felt a bit heavy at times, but it's balanced out with the long gaps without combat, and the ending credits track is embarrassingly bad compared to how perfect the rest of the soundtrack is. The sound design overall was superb. A fantastic game all around.
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Robot on the inside
Dec 6, 2018
23. Dead or Alive 6 - 03/02/19
Well, I finished the Story Mode and got the credits but there's plenty more to do. Mostly all in the DOA Quest mode but I may hop into more online. My feelings are divided. I like the new fighting systems, the two new fighters, and the DOA Quest stuff is great. But unlocking costumes is kind of shitty, the achievements are worse than the previous game, and considering there's an in-game currency and the costume stuff and you get nothing at all for finishing the story that felt a little underwhelming. I still enjoy the fighting in these games but there's not really enough changed from Last Round to make this game feel necessary.
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Dark Eroge Lord
Oct 9, 2018
Checking in for February.
Much like January, this month was mostly spent reading visual novels and playing Warframe. Unfortunately I decided to knock off a bunch of short games that I had gotten in bundles, with the end result that I slogged through a bunch of absolute garbage.

8. Always the Same Blue Sky (½ hours; 💩)
Bundle trash.

9. A wild catgirl appears (1 hour; 💩)
A step above bundle trash.

10. Aozora Meikyuu (¾ hours; 💩)
Bundle trash.

11. Cyber City 2157 (1 hour; (n))
Cyber City 2157 is a visual novel about a seemingly sentient city that is home to so-called Molds: Human-like AIs molded after real people. While presenting a number of intriguing ideas, the novel suffers from an absolutely abysmal translation. It is largely understandable, but never feels natural. The novel also fails to tie up its plot points, but this could perhaps have been forgiven if not for the terrible state of the translation.

12. Heretic: Shadow of the Serpent Riders (12 hours)
A classic FPS played via the Zandronum engine. Despite not offering much new after the first few levels, it was ultimately a very entertaining (and challenging) FPS despite its age.

13. Divine Slice of Life (¾ hours; 💩)
Bundle trash.

14. one night, hot springs (½ hours; ❤)

A free visual novel that portrays the experiences and struggles of a trans woman visiting a Japanese bathhouse with her friends. A short and (bitter)sweet read that I highly recommend giving a shot.

15. Phenomeno (1¼ hours; (n))
A fantastic horror visual novel, that unfortunately suffers from an absurdly bad translation. Yet despite the awful translation, it still managed to be highly unsettling. I would have recommended this VN without reservation, had the translation not been a absolute dumpster-fire.

16. The Dandelion Girl (½ hours)
A short English visual novel about a man who meets a girl who claims to be a time traveler. A surprisingly good story, despite the amateur quality.

17. A Kiss for the Petals: Remembering How We Met (1¼ hour)
A prequel story to (one of?) the A Kiss for the Petals visual novels. It would perhaps feel more significant if I had read other Kiss for the Petals stories, but as I had not it simply felt like fluff.

18. Chuchel (2 hours)
Chuchel, the latest game from Amanita, combines a number of (often highly) humorous sketches with with minor puzzle solving and absolutely terrible mini-games. Worse still, these mini-games take up far too much of the relative short play-time, and ended up seriously detracting from the experience.

19. A Beautiful Ride to Carlisle (¼ hour; (n))
A short English visual novel, notable only for it's nice, soft art style. However, neither the writing nor the music lives up to the art, resulting in a rather disappointing experience.

20. Tokyo Hosto (½ hour; 💩)
An amazingly bad visual novel, perhaps the worst I have ever read. It combines terrible voice acting, a bad story, a mostly terrible sense of humor, and an engine written by somebody who seemingly never played a VN. And yet it somehow ends up delivering an entertaining train-wreck, probably best enjoyed with copious amounts of alcohol.

21. 9-nine-:Episode 1 (5 hours)
The first episode of an ongoing serious of supernatural mystery visual novels. The art and music is great, and the story is promising, though it ends abruptly and simply sets the stage for subsequent titles. Despite the abrupt resolution to the first chapter, what the story did accomplish made me very interested in reading the next entries in the series.

22. Tsukihime (24½ hour)
A visual novel classic that unfortunately suffers from a woodenly literal translation and a soundtrack that gets repeated so often that it simply becomes a distraction. The story itself also suffers not being internally consistent, with different routes implying different fundamental facts about characters and events. Despite these complaints, it was still well worth reading, with an interesting setting and great characters.

23. Shadowhand (13½ hour; (n))
The spiritual successor to Regency Solitaire; it is a solitaire game featuring various strategic and RPG elements. Unfortunately, the RPG elements introduced in Shadowhand end up making the game feel like a slog due to increasingly tanky enemies, with the added frustration of your actions being contingent on the luck of the draw. I'd recommend Regency Solitaire before this game.

24. Heart of the Woods (6 hours; ❤)

This English visual novel was perhaps the highlight of the month. Not only is the story and characters very well written, the music and visuals are also excellent, on top of the technical aspects being highly polished. Highly recommended for anyone interested in a story involving (supernatural) drama, romance, and comedy.
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Robot on the inside
Dec 6, 2018
24. Hollow Knight - 03/03/19
Easily one of the best Metroidvanias if not the best. Got 84% completion at around 20 hours. Tempted to go back in to dig around for more now that I've skimmed a few guides and have an idea of where to look for some stuff and how to get the true ending. And it appears I haven't even touched any of the DLC content. I assumed I maybe did at least some of it while going through but it seems the trigger for each one is fairly specific. Great game, glad I put it on my backlog list to get myself to return to it. I'll probably hold off returning to clear out more of the content and get the true ending until closer to when the sequel comes out (next year?).

Probably take a little bit of a break from beating games for at least a couple days to catch up on some other stuff. Need to figure out what to play next, too.
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Reaper on Station。
Nov 1, 2018
Mt. Whatever
First game of March is done! The very disappointing DoA6. :eek:

I wish it didn't launch like this... Maybe they should have delayed it even. There isn't much to do except grind for costumes in a system that is pretty universally hated, and after the lack of MP lobbies, probably the number 1 cause for negative reviews. :(
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Robot on the inside
Dec 6, 2018
First game of March is done! The very disappointing DoA6. :eek:

I wish it didn't launch like this... Maybe they should have delayed it even. There isn't much to do except grind for costumes in a system that is pretty universally hated, and after the lack of MP lobbies, probably the number 1 cause for negative reviews. :(
Not a fan of the DOA Quest stuff? Or did you complete both Story and DOA Quest modes? Story mode doesn't exactly flow well but it turns out I was able to follow the stories well enough once I figured out after the first six fights or whatever that each column is a single character's side story.

The costume stuff getting patched to be more friendly is welcome but agreed that they could have handled things much better and in most ways this doesn't feel like a sequel and instead it's like an alternate sequel to Dead or Alive 4. It's just a sidestep and not a particularly great game. But I do still find the fighting fun.
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Reaper on Station。
Nov 1, 2018
Mt. Whatever
Not a fan of the DOA Quest stuff? Or did you complete both Story and DOA Quest modes? Story mode doesn't exactly flow well but it turns out I was able to follow the stories well enough once I figured out after the first six fights or whatever that each column is a single character's side story.

The costume stuff getting patched to be more friendly is welcome but agreed that they could have handled things much better and in most ways this doesn't feel like a sequel and instead it's like an alternate sequel to Dead or Alive 4. It's just a sidestep and not a particularly great game. But I do still find the fighting fun.
Oh I did the story too. I guess the quest stuff is fine, I did enough for the achievements and then some Like 120ish Stars atm. It kinda just feels pointless though. Like it's only there to help unlock costumes, but given the RNG element to that it's never unlocking costumes I want. 😕

You're right that the fighting is still fun but that was never really in question. It's just everything around that is so weird. Hard to justify a bigger investment in this when say, I like Soul Calibur VI just as much but it has so much more to do and doesn't tick me off nearly as much with unlock conditions.
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Watch Madoka
Nov 16, 2018

9. Arcanum

So, the tl:dr is that I loved the game and it'll surely get a spot in my top 10 RPGs ever. As a little background of my playthrough, my internet went down sunday night, and monday and tuesday were holidays here, so I had both whole days for myself.

Since I had no internet to distract me, I spent almost the entirety of those 2 days playing Arcanum (with small breaks here and there to eat and play with my dog), and that was enough to end the game. I think the fact that I constantly played the same game for almost 2 days speaks for itself on how much I liked it.

Overall, the gameplay was amazing. The game is full of posibilities and there was a lot of stuff I couldn't do only because of the build I chose. For example, I almost completely ignored the followers system and did the majority of the game alone or with my dog. Since the build I was going for was kinda OP I had almost no problems in combat. Because of that, the replay value is pretty good and I'm sure I'll do another playthrough in the future.

The lore was pretty interesting on some parts (though really cliched on others), but the ending was a little flat for me (including the difference between good and bad endings).

Bad thing: even after the fan patches, the game is kinda buggy and I had a few instances of crashes and glitches.

Bottomline, completely recommended to fans of RPGs (and specifically CRPGs).


Non-Stop MMO Searcher
Dec 22, 2018

9. Arcanum

So, the tl:dr is that I loved the game and it'll surely get a spot in my top 10 RPGs ever. As a little background of my playthrough, my internet went down sunday night, and monday and tuesday were holidays here, so I had both whole days for myself.

Since I had no internet to distract me, I spent almost the entirety of those 2 days playing Arcanum (with small breaks here and there to eat and play with my dog), and that was enough to end the game. I think the fact that I constantly played the same game for almost 2 days speaks for itself on how much I liked it.

Overall, the gameplay was amazing. The game is full of posibilities and there was a lot of stuff I couldn't do only because of the build I chose. For example, I almost completely ignored the followers system and did the majority of the game alone or with my dog. Since the build I was going for was kinda OP I had almost no problems in combat. Because of that, the replay value is pretty good and I'm sure I'll do another playthrough in the future.

The lore was pretty interesting on some parts (though really cliched on others), but the ending was a little flat for me (including the difference between good and bad endings).

Bad thing: even after the fan patches, the game is kinda buggy and I had a few instances of crashes and glitches.

Bottomline, completely recommended to fans of RPGs (and specifically CRPGs).
So glad you enjoyed it. :minos_dealwith:

Troika was among the best.


saviour of worlds
Nov 12, 2018
oh wow, it dropped to the third page? nobody plays games anymore? :face-without-mouth:

I'm still not done with Portia, and I finished 25 break games, at this rate I might run out of short break games before I finish Portia. Not that I complain, and running out of games? not gonna happen.

edited: oh yeah, Arcanum is awesome, as Troika was.
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Robot on the inside
Dec 6, 2018
I forgot to update for my recent completion:

25. Resident Evil 2 - 03/09/19
Dated this for when I finished Claire's A path but I finished Leon's B path the next day. Fantastic game and I expect this will be on most Top Ten lists for the year. I was also pleasantly surprised how much different Leon's B path felt since I've seen some mixed descriptions with some saying it's a different experience and others saying it's barely different. Even when the majority uses the same environment the remixed encounters, item placement, and weapons available really change how I played. But Claire's story was better and she was a more interesting character for that. I'll probably hop back in eventually to check out the Ghost Survivors and the Fourth Survivor stuff.

After hemming and hawing I finally picked up Devil May Cry HD Collection because I was thinking of going through DMC 3, 4, and DmC before getting to DMC 5. I've beaten the first game on PS2 and played an hour or two of 3 and 4 previously. But now I'm around 40% complete in DMC after starting that up last night. And I played a couple missions of DMC 2 since I had never played it before. I should finish DMC tonight and I'll at least try some more DMC 2 but I don't know if I'll finish it. Looking forward to playing the rest of them, though.
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"Oh yeah? Aren't you gonna punish me?"
Dec 22, 2018
3. Diablo 1 - 8/10

Enjoyable old gem, that while showing its age, still has the charm to keep you going until you finally beat the Dark Lord himself.
Third game of the year, slow pace but whatever. :blobevening:
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Tender, Violent and Queer.
Oct 23, 2018
  1. Kirby's Dream Land
  2. Mother 3
  3. Resident Evil 2 Remake
  4. Killer is Dead
  5. The Missing J.J Macfield and the Island of Memories.
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Robot on the inside
Dec 6, 2018
26. Devil May Cry - 03/11/19
Really only thought I'd play a level or two and then move on since I bought the HD Collection just for DMC 3. But instead I got in the groove and finished it in two sittings (essentially). It hasn't aged the best considering where games in the genre are these days and movement and fighting feel stiff and occasionally frustrating but the game flows quickly so it's easy to keep saying "Just one more level". Even though I had beaten (and somewhat remembered) this game on PS2 it was a good time going through it again.

I'm already around a third of the way into Devil May Cry 2. Like the first game I was fairly certain I'd stop after a level or two, though for a very different reason. It's not a great game. I can see where they were trying to up the scope of the game and make a big sequel but the execution is extremely sloppy. But like the first game it still flows fairly quickly (though some of the longer levels aren't long because they're fun but typically because the levels are large, confusing, and ugly). I should be able to finish this up tomorrow night probably and then move on to finally the star of the show, Devil May Cry 3.
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Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
#2. Divinity II: Dragon Knight Saga: Ego Draconis
Well so far Larian are batting 3 for 3. I just finished the first part of DKS and really enjoyed it. I was a bit OP towards the end but one or two of the fights required a fair few retries. It looks fine for an old game, the story is fine for the most part and there's options on how you complete a decent number of quests. I ended up with a ranger type character and got good at spawning my creature then hopping around dodging projectiles and owning fools. The game is tricky at the start until you get some levels and decent gear and though money is tight after a while you get into a rythm of stripping loot/old gear and enchanting new gear to keep up the DPS. I must say there are one or two battles that were outright balls due to one-shot kills or massive amounts of fireball spam from a flying demon asshole and his summons. Douche.

I do need to break my habit of gravitating towards ranged/archer type characters and go for more melee stuff but i can't help myself.

Next up Left Alive then i dive back into Divinity II: Dragon Knight Saga: Flames of Vengeance
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Tender, Violent and Queer.
Oct 23, 2018
What ya thought of it?
It's absolutely amazing. I ended up crying at the end of it. It deals with sensitive topics and handles them with class, the opening message caught me off guard in a great way. It showed that the team were going to tackle LGBTQ+ issues with the dignity and respect that they deserve. It's a beautiful story that is equal parts heartbreaking and inspiring.

It's relatively short if you're good at puzzles. If you like Limbo, Inside, Little Nightmares and to an extent Night in the Woods, you're going to be right at home. A great game that hooked me to beat it in one sitting.


Robot on the inside
Dec 6, 2018
27. Devil May Cry 2 - 03/13/19
Not a pure shitshow as the internet would have you believe. It's definitely a disappointment in many aspects relative to the first game but in general it's really just an average character action game. I'm a teeny bit curious to try out Lucia but not enough to beat the game as her (and then there's a third character that unlocks, yikes). Most the complaints are valid but ultimately I actually had some fun at times. The large sprawling, ugly levels were probably my main complaint. Glad to be done with it, though.

Started up DMC3 and played a few missions really just to get a taste to see how improved it would feel. It's worlds better than the first two games. Since I have the later games lined up I don't know if I'll stick to DMC3 after beating it once to work on extra stuff but I imagine I'll be very tempted.


Careful Icarus
Sep 20, 2018
Game #13 done - Assassin's Creed Origins - Fun romp around Cleopatrian Egypt. Looks and runs beautifully at max settings and the 2nd DLC is fantastic.

Game #14 done - Mutant Road Zero - Highly polished character driven strategy-RPG in the style of the modern XCOM games. Beautiful art, sound and design make this a must play for fans of the genre even with the uneven level progression.

Mostly finished Lego DC Super Villains as well, just deciding how close to 100% I get before I get bored and give up.


Watch Madoka
Nov 16, 2018
10. Final Fantasy V Advance

Hadn´t played this one in several years and since my lack of internet greatly limits my games I just booted up this GBA rom.

Had an awesome time, it was better than I remembered. The job system is amazing, there´s a lot of possibilities which almost all the jobs being viable and some really fun cheeses and combos for when you don´t wanna try hard.

Also this time I did the post game dungeon, which was pretty hard. I managed to beat the hardest optional boss with only 1 character alive :fearful-face:

And also the boss rush, which was cake compared to Neo Shinryu
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Robot on the inside
Dec 6, 2018
28. Glass Masquerade 2 - 03/16/19
Pretty decent casual game. I can't recall much about the first game at this point because it kind of blends together but I seem to recall that one was much easier. I expected this to only take a few hours but Steam shows 6 (though I was away for probably thirty minutes so maybe it's closer to 5 hours?). It was meant to be chipped away at between other games but I ended up blowing through the last 20ish puzzles in one go. I might check out some puzzles on hard but not right away.

29. Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition - 03/16/19
This is a much better game than the prior two! I was a little surprised that it still had some stiffness compared to more modern action games as I thought this was where others borrowed from. It's far too easy to get stuck in an animation and hit. Probably means I should be playing more methodically and less button mashing but eh, what are you gonna do? The weapon switching was really nice and allowed me to actually get some S through B style rankings fairly frequently. I will say, as someone that wants all the graphics, I'm happy to finally move out of the PS2 games. I played with Trickster style until I maxed it and then switched over to Royal Guard. I wouldn't mind going back to this game to check out more of what's in there as leveling the styles is really neat.

Time to download DMC4 on the Xbox One since I couldn't get it to run on my computer. Seems to be a fairly common issue these days with program updates and hardware. And maybe this'll lead me to some Xbox One distractions since I don't turn it on that frequently so I'm sure there's stuff I could get to.

I also have Baba Is You lined up to mix in so I might just check that out first.
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Robot on the inside
Dec 6, 2018
30. Baba Is You - 03/16/19
Kind of silly to count it beaten but I definitely triggered the ending and got credits and the achievement for beating it. Really bizarre how early its designed to let you beat it as I've only completed like 1/4 of the total puzzles and there's loads more to unlock. But I guess I'm happy I "completed" it already because now I won't feel some sort of pressure to keep moving and I'll just pick away at it off and on between other games. I'd like to unlock everything eventually and get the achievements for completing areas. Unique and fun game that takes a relatively simple concept and really runs with it to make it feel crazy.

It really feels more like an accident that I beat it. I saw what appeared to be the option do I decided to try for it and sure enough it worked. Still really bizarre decision to let you beat it so early.
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Nov 1, 2018

30 Hours

This was 4 and a half playthroughs on different difficulty levels, the half playthrough being on easy. Safe to say i liked it.
Not gonna touch Hell and Hell difficulty tho. :steam_pig_shocked:

Only thing i didn't liked where the amount fo loading screens and the fact that the environment variety kinda sucked.

1.5 Hours

Short but fun.
I really liked the way the music was implemented.
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saviour of worlds
Nov 12, 2018
Pictopix all new mosaics were real nice. still recommend that game, an insane amount of content.
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Careful Icarus
Sep 20, 2018
Game #15 done - The Lego Ninjago Movie Video Game - Fun Lego game in a slightly different style. There aren't specific levels, the entire game takes place in a single open world. So long levels and open world combined.

Game #16 done - Call of Duty WW2 - Back to the original games with a WW2 setting and no auto-heals. Felt a bit like the b-team levels while someone somewhere else was doing the more interesting stuff. Grumpy John Duhamel was fun though.

Still mostly finished Lego DC Super Villains as well, just deciding how close to 100% I get before I get bored and give up.


Tender, Violent and Queer.
Oct 23, 2018
  1. Kirby's Dream Land
  2. Mother 3
  3. Resident Evil 2 Remake
  4. Killer is Dead
  5. The Missing J.J Macfield and the Island of Memories.
  6. LISA the Hopeful
  7. Celeste

Celeste added. What a very special game. It's earned a top ten all time, easily. As someone who combats mental health, it really spoke to me on many, many levels. I didn't know just how much I really needed this game. I love it.
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