Community What are you currently playing?


The Wondering Scribe
Oct 31, 2018
Puerto Rico
Currently 12 hours into YIIK: A Postmodern RPG.

I've been having a blast with the game & it has a unique combat system that really keeps each fight from becoming stale & monotonous by having minigames that help you keep engaged with it.

beep boop

Dec 6, 2018
Trying to juggle Dragon Quest 11 and MH World at the moment. I squeeze in a little Into the Breach every now and then too. After that I hope to return to Hitman 2, but I fear those plans might get disrupted by Wargroove.


Just nothing
Oct 19, 2018
Started to play Tales of Zestiria. Not much of impression yet as I only did the starting dungeon and left the village. What did surprise is the quick save feature. I can save whenever I want. This is great for me since playing jrpgs always scares me because the lack of time to play games. Why don't have more games have quick save feature? This is a life saver!
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Junior Member
Jan 25, 2019
I've been playing Football Manager but need to get off that! I'm going to play Anthem later and get started on Shadow of Mordor.
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Dec 22, 2018
Gears of War PC edition (the original GFW version)
I've been going through it on my htpc, and I find it both fun and a little ridiculous in how serious it takes itself.
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Junior Member
Jan 25, 2019
Gears of War PC edition (the original GFW version)
I've been going through it on my htpc, and I find it both fun and a little ridiculous in how serious it takes itself.
I would recommend the remastered edition through game pass, but yeah I loved the original, best one out of the lot.
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Dec 19, 2018
Been playing the original Prey, from 2006 and damn, this is great! Wasn't expecting it to be so weird and experimental, it's like Turok meets Mario Galaxy.
I've played the new PREY last year and it's a very good game but it has absolutely nothing to do with the old one, Too bad Prey 2 was canceled, both projects could have co-existed (with different names).


Dec 22, 2018
I would recommend the remastered edition through game pass, but yeah I loved the original, best one out of the lot.
Aside from looking better and not being a pain in the ass to install (hmmm, Windows Store... maybe), is there any difference between the two editions? I only recently (around E3 last year, with the new trailer) became interested at all in hearing DudeBroBender and Co fight alien DudeBugs
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Dead & Forgotten
Sep 5, 2018
Been playing the original Prey, from 2006 and damn, this is great! Wasn't expecting it to be so weird and experimental, it's like Turok meets Mario Galaxy.
I've played the new PREY last year and it's a very good game but it has absolutely nothing to do with the old one, Too bad Prey 2 was canceled, both projects could have co-existed (with different names).
yes, absolutely ....

me and Jawmuncher will never forgive bethesda!

Panda Pedinte

Best Sig Maker on the board!
Sep 20, 2018
I started a bunch of st to see what could hook me, so I'm currently playing through Gurumin: A Monstrous Adventure
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Junior Member
Jan 26, 2019

Currently in the Fade, which I hate
Yeah, fuck the Fade. What a wonderful game it was thus said, probably my favorite one to be honest.

I'm currently blasting through Dark Souls 3 with a friend, which I never played even though I'm a familiar with the series since Demon's Souls. Don't hate on us tho', we're still giving fair game to any people who dares to invade us, my BKGS hungers!

On the other hand, I got ot all prepped up for KH3, finished 3D and 0.2, now the wait. Once this will be done, I will give TESO a new shot, in preparation for the new Xpac.
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Dec 19, 2018
finally finished AC:O and it feels great. dont get me wrong i truly loved this and the first ive completed since black flag but it was the only game i can concentrate on .

I have now started Return of the Obra Dinn :)


Segata's Disciple
Jan 28, 2019
I recently got an Oculus Rift and I've been wasting away in VR whenever I can. I finished the likes of SUPERHOT VR within days, I played nonstop. I hope the upcoming (currently in early access) Mind Control Delete expandalone will get a VR spin off as well, that kind of designed procedural generation will give it much needed replayability as the mechanics are great but the post campaign content isn't much to write home about.

Thankfully I seem to not have any problems with VR motion sickness at all, I've already gotten used to all the locomotion methods and don't even use the reduced fov while running/turning with the analog stick or whatever common comfort settings most games employ. At first it felt weird but now I tend to prefer free locomotion if the game works well with it, but I have no problem with well designed teleportation either, whatever works. I still get a little bit disoriented at times when the game's doing crazy things but that's more cool than bad. For example, I tried Mission: ISS which is like an International Space Station free edu-game and while it's pretty old and clunkier than others that employed zero gravity since then (Echo VR & the dev's other games have amazing fluid controls) the immersion is awesome once you get the hang of it (particularly being able to use both hands to change your orientation by grabbing and pushing/pulling/turning/pitching yourself around, it feels great and no other game I've tried has it). When I first went out for a space walk mission an intense unnerving feeling came over me even while being fully aware nothing in the game can harm me!

I've progressed up to the first boss of In Death which is a rogue-lite with bow and arrow (and later crossbow) mechanics and a clear influence from the Souls series, though it's nothing too deep. I really like it but the boss kinda soured me, the fog door got me hopeful at first but I don't like encounters with tons of minions harassing you and what not in any game, not just in VR. I have also tried Blade & Sorcery which has a crazy good melee combat system, what you'd expect out of a Mount & Blade VR game in terms of realism, but there's no progression at the moment, only arena wave fights you set up. If the developers of this game collaborated with the developers of In Death to offer a campaign, even in a limited rogue-lite style, I could see a crazy killer app being born!

I've been playing some VR FPS PVP shooters like Onward, Pavlov and Contractor trying to settle down with the one I like best but I suck at these about as much as I do in regular FPS games compared to the pros. They're much more fun and engaging though, when you get a kill it feels so different to one you achieved with the mouse or gamepad since you're the one looking down your iron sights or scope for real as you try to keep it steady and the enemy centered. It's also a funny riot when you're under attack and scramble to get in cover and at the same time manually reload your weapons, haha. Or if you manage to get a throwing knife kill while in such a bind! I'm waiting for some USB extension cables for my sensors so I can try to make a 360 dof room scale setup and rely less on analog stick turning, hopefully I will improve then. I don't know if I'll succeed, I only have two sensors which isn't really meant for such use but my playing area is small enough and others have had good success without buying a 3rd sensor so I'll try it first and see.

I dabbled in some VR flight games like Ultrawings and VTOL VR. I know there are serious fully featured flight (and space) sims playable in VR like Battle of Stalingrad and its expansions or DCS and its DLC but I wanted something easier to get into to start off with. The interactive cockpit in VTOL VR is amazing and even if the game's simple and clearly early access at the moment the feel of taking off and flying after doing all the start up process manually is excellent. I'll probably try War Thunder next but I'm sure I'll miss the interactive cockpits. Ultrawings is good too, like Pilot Wings merged with the early lessons in FSX.

Sadly I find myself not liking many of the somewhat famous VR games like Arizona Sunshine. I'm still looking for a good zombie shooter because the promise of it is great but it doesn't deliver. I've tried A-Tech Cybernetic and Dead Effect 2 VR and none of them are cutting it. Some start off well enough but then falter. Maybe the Doom 3 BFG VR mod is my best bet for now. I also briefly tried Skyrim VR, I never liked the game to begin with and its systems aren't any better when adjusted for VR but it's really quite something to have that kind of scale to immerse yourself fully in with VR.

I also played Moss which is a very cute little action adventure where you control a little mouse hero with a sword and guide him around areas that look like realistic dioramas with which you interact using your hands at certain points to help the mouse progress. Think of it a bit like Astro Bot but not I guess. Lucky's Tale is similar too and more of a platform game itself. I've not gone too far in either but both are probably quite short.

I broke a sweat playing Beat Saber (which while similar in concept to other rhythm VR games like Audioshield, the execution here is nearly flawless and deserves all the hype, the gameplay is on point matching every beat) and I also broke more of a sweat playing The Thrill of the Fight which is another early access game that's trying to be sort of a boxing sim. It's really hard and makes you work for every victory once you adjust the settings. It's easy to tire yourself early by going all out without proper tactics, then lose by points even if you try keep your defense up. I like it better than Creed: Rise to Glory which is a more gamey take on the concept but as a package it's still lacking being in early access, Creed is much more visually pleasing and fully featured with all the training exercises and campaign, The Thrill of the Fight is still barebones but at its core it's pretty damn awesome,

I have a lot more to check out and I can't wait. VR is already everything I hoped for. We need some VR threads here so I can gush about it more!

Oh, I also played the Anthem demo on PC (somehow it unlocked for me last night even without having a preorder) and I was very disappointed, it almost seems like Destiny 2 which I didn't like much is the far better game if that's really representative of the whole game. Not to mention the annoying frequent loading destroying the feel of the world the trailers made me eager to explore with all the flying and swimming. And the frequent endless loading bug isn't helping matters at all. I hope the full game has much more to offer because I've not even felt like going back to complete the demo.

I also started Resident Evil 2 but VR gaming has been keeping me from progressing much. It seems really good though so yay!
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Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
Hit a wall on Elex so i've put it down for a bit and started up Divinity II: Dragon Knight Saga: Director's Cut: Ego Draconis and really enjoying it. The engine is wierd and i've had to change some settings to avoid or lessen a stuttering bug but i'm having fun with my usual Ranger/Melee build so i can kite and snipe from afar then smash faces when they get close. I might change to a Mage/Archer build when i can confirm they didn't overly nerf magic in this edition.


Lost in VR
Jan 4, 2019
Finished the second episode of Life is Strange Episode 2 last night. So far I'm liking the game and the brothers themselves. I'm trying to not turn Daniel into a monster and so far so good; looking at the stats it seems that I got the best outcome at the end.

I'm ready to be emotionally destroyed by the next episodes.


Nov 12, 2018
Damn that is a lot of VR Alextended !

I've been using my Vive a bit more recently for Beat Saber which I really enjoy and finally managed to 100% K/DA on expert. Works as a fantastic bit as cardio! Have modded songs added daily gives extra life to the game but the consistency of quality and discovery tools are still somewhat lacking.

Played a bit of the Anthem demo which I enjoyed but wasn't super grabbed by as the combat felt somewhat awkward a lot of the time as the boss encounters are in quite a tight space but it plays as if it wasn't you to be kiting and using abilities. The game is super tricky solo compared to partying up just due to agro control. The bosses tend to just spam abilities at you constantly so it it hard to lay down much dps.

Next up is quite a bit of Shadow of The Tomb Raider which I'm really enjoying for the gameplay and tomb raiding but everything else is kind of meh, I don't really look for story in a Tomb Raider game but this one lost me after the first few scenes and nothing is grabbing me back to caring at all, the tone keeps switching in every cutscene.

Finally My Summer Car which is as frustrating as I expected it to be but I still love it. Haven't managed to get the car up and running yet after fully building it while following the guide which omits the electronics which were added to the game after the guide was created... little did I know...

Li Kao

It’s a strange world. Let’s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
Err, let me think *warning, this is not a super positive list*

- Trails in the Sky FC - I'm in Zeiss, playing every few weeks, very bored by the game, wordy and not well written enough to justify this level of blablabla.
I also was in theory a huge proponent of scaling things down plot wise, to have RPG at a human scale, but this game showed me that this position, while interesting in theory, is very debatable.

- Assassin's Creed Black Flag - I have forgotten nearly everything about the super uninteresting plot. Gotta man up in order to please my OCD lord and savior. Not my best AC memory that's for sure. Bland.

- Dragon Quest Builders (Switch) - Superb concept that evidently is missing some good months in the oven. Super repetitive. Not bad but all I'm saying is when I hit the fourth chapter I wasn't sad when a character told me the end was coming soon. Curious to see if the second one has managed to evolve the formula.

- Stardew Valley - Very lttp, much leisure time blackhole, such hypnotism. Once you nearly get everything you shooted for the game lose some of its appeal admittedly, and interpersonnal relationships are not nearly good enough. Superb time sink nonetheless.


Segata's Disciple
Jan 28, 2019
Damn that is a lot of VR Alextended !
Haha yes, I was super excited and started building a library of games before I even got the hardware, and especially while I was waiting for it to arrive after I ordered it. I forgot to mention, the tutorial they have for Oculus Touch is the best introduction to VR I have seen yet, things like The Lab which I tried later don't cut it for that purpose in my opinion. First Contact shows a good glimpse of what's possible without overwhelming a new user in any way, it was a perfect intro.
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Segata's Disciple
Jan 28, 2019
I just tried Vox Machinae in VR and while it's also a PVP focused thing (botmatches are possible but no campaign or anything of the sort) which I'm not too keen on holy cow the feeling of being in a gigantic mech cockpit works amazingly. I can only hope MechWarrior 5 will get the VR just as right, this overall feel with the trademark MechWarrior single player/coop varied campaign missions and of course much more expansive list of mechs, weapons and equipment would be the best thing ever for me. I've lost so many hours in MW4, I think its gameplay is bliss but MW5 could top it with VR.

Vox Machinae is also playable outside VR so I owned it already but really didn't pay it much attention when I tried it before. The controls seemed to favor the mouse and keyboard with the flexible gimbal free-aiming of the weapons while I prefer mech games of this MechWarrior style sort to feel like slow hulking beasts controlled with a joystick (so usually to have fixed centered weapons to control with the turret or only very specific free aim weapons). In VR however it works much better because your head intuitively controls the weapons and turret by the default settings independently of the mech legs so your hands are left to emulate the aforementioned joystick (and a 3D thruster for the jump jets and the radio to talk to your team and the ejection levers when shit hits the fan, plus a truck style horn for some reason, haha) rather than a mouse. The motion controls work so well I've not tried to see if I can get it to work with my joystick, that surprised me but it's probably partly because the game has a rather simple core so I'm sure I would prefer my joystick and keyboard (or throttle) for a real VR MechWarrior. The same happened to me with VTOL VR though I'll probably still try to set that up with my joystick to make it easier to be precise in flight.
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I'll do both! I might buy a few games and I'm going to replay Life is Strange. I originally played that game on Xbox One, but wanted to restart it on PC.
I'm yet to play Life is Strange: Before the Storm, and Life is Strange 2, despite pre-ordering both... :giggle:
That, despite loving the first game.

My backlog has reached embarrassing levels.
Another embarrassing example: I'm a big fan of the Deux Ex series, and I'm yet to play Mankind Divided. :eek:


Child at heart
Oct 19, 2018
The recent SD Gundam Generation announcement got me on the mood. I'm back to Genesis on PS4 now, been playing for a few days. The grind is real, so many pilots and units to unlock. I'll definitely picking up the next game on Steam so I can cheat engine the credits.
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Dec 7, 2018

I'm almost finish with Resident Evil 2, and then I'll start the remake.

I was thinking about purchasing this for a little while, and after seeing what they're doing with the sequel...

...I decided to purchase it immediately. Thanks for not removing my choice.

The VR version isn't exactly what I had hoped for though. I already knew it didn't support tracked-controllers, but the HUD and menus are pretty annoying. I also encountered some bugs recognizing mouse and keyboard, or controllers consistently. The sense of scale and immersion that VR provides is still incredible, but I think I'd rather play well-designed VR games, and play this on a monitor instead.

Panda Pedinte

Best Sig Maker on the board!
Sep 20, 2018
Playing Tales of Z

Is Train Valley a tycoon like business management game?
It's actually a puzzle game. You need to bring certain goods to your cities, but to do so you need to provide the farms/industries with people and sometimes raw materials.

There are currently 30 levels and the game has workshop support, so there are some interesting levels made by fans.


Just nothing
Oct 19, 2018
It's actually a puzzle game. You need to bring certain goods to your cities, but to do so you need to provide the farms/industries with people and sometimes raw materials.

There are currently 30 levels and the game has workshop support, so there are some interesting levels made by fans.
I see
The graphics in the second game looks much nicer than the first game


Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
Shutter makes me want to play Scratches and the Dark Fall games again but i shall be strong and finish Dragon Knight Saga first.
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Excluding exclusives
Jan 12, 2019
Bounty Train. Cute little game where you have to bring cargo and passengers from one city to another, while fighting off bandits and smuggling contraband. The combat is far from perfect, but I already had a few hours of fun with this game.