Community What are you currently playing?


old school cool
Nov 1, 2018
Ion Maiden - The latest content and updates have really brought it together, but obviously not much content for a few more months still. I can actually get it playing smoothly and lag-free unlike the initial release. (Required vsync on AND enabling framerate lock, and Nvidia triple buffering and render ahead limiting helped). That new level is just amazingly great. I really hope the full game reflects this design (Blood-like, as others have mentioned). Also the references are well done. I recognized the Maniac Mansion reference from the shelf of 'cutware'.


Minecraft - Mostly for the raytracing mod. It's just beautiful. Might be one of the best visual representations of raytracing in games yet. It looks absolutely amazing, like a CG movie. Visually without flaws.

Myth The Fallen Lords - My fav RTS of all time, but I hadn't played it in over 15 years. It's as amazing as ever. Absolute joy to play on every level. Peerless. Current games do not even equal this game on a single aspect -- physics based gameplay, storytelling, tactics...

Kingdom Come Deliverance - I enjoyed the game some last year, but I hit a bunch of impasses which halted my enjoyment. Well, I broke through them and now I'm super into the game again. Honestly the game just does so much so well. It is immersive and exceptional.

Wargroove - It's quite good. All those other Advance Wars-likes had completely fallen on their faces lately. I don't think it quite reaches that chess-like balance of AW for GBA, but it's a mere half-tier below that. Much more open ended, and I find it quite trivial so far.

Doom 1 & 2 in VR - The latest mods are so great. These games are a joy to play in VR. Love shooting zombies in a barrel.

Li Kao

It’s a strange world. Let’s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
Finished Dragon Quest Builders (switch) - well, the last chapter anyways - I can’t go on anymore, so no creative mode or trying for the challenges, this is above my strength. Ending was the dryest I have seen in years, verbal diarhea then credit and a mini dialog, because what this game needed is more fucking dialog. No cutscene, which could be considered nice but that plus the word salad make for, again, a super dry ending.
Didn’t budge on my opinion : the game has a lot of bonus points right out the bat, minecraft + draque, cute, structured... but they should have considered that a good draft. Time and talent was needed to elevate the experience past the novelty aspect.
Not even sure I will play the second one. While there seem to be some customization and multiplayer, I’m not sure I’m up for another 50 hours of ‘hey could you do me this piece of furniture because *insert shitty writing* ? That way we could *insert even longer shitty writting that in more way than one is just a retelling of what was just said. It sure would be nice to be able to...... etc.’

Need to man up and finish Trails FC, Black Flag and Stardew. I have more and more of a hard time finishing games these last few years and this is becoming sad.
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Dec 8, 2018
Failed at the Hunk campaign in RE2.
Made it to the police station but got swarmed then Mr X killed me.
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The Wondering Scribe
Oct 31, 2018
Puerto Rico
Finished YIIK: A Postmodern RPG this weekend, clocked into 70 hours in.

I recommend it if you are a fan of weird & urban RPGs where health is obtained by eating deep dish pizza from trash cans & restore PP via holy water. Outside of that, I would only recommend it for the late game stuff, past Chapter 3.

Deleted member 113

Finally finished Hitman 2.
Well, finished the story portion of Hitman 2. I think I'll only be truly finished with the game when the next one launches. :giggle:
And now, to keep replaying the maps, doing elusive targets and events, and wait for the upcoming 2 expansions/locations.
EDIT: I forgot about the Patient Zero bonus campaign. I still have that to complete.

I also tried starting with Ace Combat 7, but that went embarrassingly bad.
I lost 3 times on the first mission. I'm struggling with the controls (using the "classic" controls option). It's been a while since I played an AC game, and I'm a lot rustier than I thought I would be. :unsure:


Junior Member
Jan 29, 2019
Really enjoying Ace Combat 7 on PC myself, I feel like there is a lot of depth and even on easy it's a challenge for a pleb like me. I've always struggled with all the dimensions of flying a plane, yet i've always wanted to play games with fighter jets. Still very fun on AC7 playing with DualShock 4.

For those on PC, I recommend doing the tweaks to the engine.ini to get a much larger draw distance and swap FXAA to TAA.

Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown | PCGamingWiki

Oh, and you can also disable Chromatic Aberration.


regretten? rien!
Dec 9, 2018
Minecraft - Mostly for the raytracing mod. It's just beautiful. Might be one of the best visual representations of raytracing in games yet. It looks absolutely amazing, like a CG movie. Visually without flaws.
wait, there is a minecraft rt mod? do you maybe have a link for me?
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Jan 26, 2019
I finished AC Odyssey (8) - pretty fun game, with ton of flaws, but I enjoyed it a lot overall. Shame that Ubi is just so...set in their ways though. They need to get inspired more by CDPs and Rockstars of the world.

Then I played Full Throttle Remastered (6)- average point and click adventure, not bad, not amazing. Nice music though.

Now I am playing Singularity, overlooked 2010 shooter by Raven, their swan song. It looks ugly as sin, but I like it a lot so far, the story and gameplay and the time manipulation. I just like time travel stories.


Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
Still playing "Divinity 2: Director's Cut" and it's so much better than some of the thing i read would have me believe.
I was going to play "Kingdom Hearts 3" which turned up on Friday but BOTH of my DS4 controllers are now playing silly buggers in the same way. I have no Up/Left/Right on the DPad which is a pain when playing Tetris Effect. They're launch controllers and i use them on PC too so they've had a ton of use and one of them had a squiffy Left analog stick and has been unused for months. I was suspicious as i'd get multiple inputs at times but put it down to fat-fingers and now i know.

It's odd they both show the same symptom at the same time though and i checked both with Windows Controller Tool and a HTML5 browser controller check and yup the DPads are borked. So i have a Magma Red DS4 to pick up dinner hour and i'll play about with the two dead DS4s and see if i can Frankenstein them up.



Nov 12, 2018
Finally finished Shadow of The Tomb Raider which I enjoyed from a gameplay perspective and a lot of the environments. The story elements that glue everything together are just all over the place and although the cut scenes are well produced and paced in between gameplay the writing and premise of the story is just a total miss for me. Again it isn't something I look for in a Tomb Raider game but this one was the most jarring for me with how the tone of the story kept changing every cut scene with no acknowledgement of just what happened apart from maybe a slight winch or nod from a character.

Overall it is a fun Tomb Raider game and I'd suggest peeps picking it up if they are on the fence.


Does Way Too Long Reviews on Youtube
Feb 6, 2019
I'm still playing games for my end of year Gameplay and Story game lists myself, but let's see here...

Dragon Quest XI - Just got to not Egypt. It feels like forever since I've played a Dragon Quest game, but enjoying myself so far.
The Red Strings Club - It's not VA-11 HALL-A but it's just a step under it. Will be finishing, but man there's too many games out lately.
Monster Hunter World - My multiplayer game where I smash enemies on the head with a hammer, and my girlfriend gets stab happy. This is what healthy relationships are built on.
Into the Breach - Not addicted nope not addicted at all


Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
Still splitting my time between Tetris Effect and Divinity 2 Director's Cut... However, after reseating my new PC bits and solving some crashing issues i've been running up some old backlog games and the moment this played on my modded PC install i know what i'll be finishing next!

The wind is pushing MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!


Nov 14, 2018
It's been tough, with my right arm fully casted up but I've now finished The Witcher 2 Assassin of Kings....and that was ace, better than the first one though very different. Looking at the sale price it usually goes for I think it's an absolute bargain, and the bang for buck is a fantastic proposition for those who like adventure RPG's with decent stories. Crashed a fair bit though....

Think I may just play a point and click next though for ease of single armage...


Dec 24, 2018
Ongoing: The Witcher 3 (playthrough #3 with tons of mods)

Using mods to change up the balance of literally everything. Combat, economy, skills... And of course visuals.

Just started: Resident Evil 2

So far it's pretty good... but that boss fight was awful ^^

Tonight: The Division 2 beta


Just nothing
Oct 19, 2018
Been playing Tales of Zestiria these past two weeks. I think I am middle of the game (according to a walkthrough). But the second half of the game seems to have bigger dungeons than the first half. Really fun game. I love that the game has a quick save, so I can save and close the game whenever I don't have time to play
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It has risen again!
Dec 31, 2018
Currently playing through Star Wars: The Force Unleashed on Steam. I didn't like it at first because of the horrible M/KB controls but with my Xbox controller it's a ton better.
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All Systems Nominal
Nov 17, 2018
After finishing the main story line in My Time in Portia, I have started playing Watch Dogs 2 and so far really disliking the story. I'm hoping the story gets a little bit better but I'm a sucker for the Ubisoft open world collectathons. I just have to get all those research points.
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Dr. Boom Boom
Oct 17, 2018
Quebec, Canada
After finishing the main story line in My Time in Portia, I have started playing Watch Dogs 2 and so far really disliking the story. I'm hoping the story gets a little bit better but I'm a sucker for the Ubisoft open world collectathons. I just have to get all those research points.
How long did you end up playing My Time for? I can see if taking me quite some time to finish.

Which is okay, since it’s an amazing game!
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Excluding exclusives
Jan 12, 2019
Started another Mortal Empire campaign in TW Warhammer 2, this time using the DLC faction of the vampire counts.
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Dec 9, 2018
I finally decided to pick up Prey again after stopping about 8 hours in during my first playthrough when the game launched. I started from the beginning and I’m absolutely loving it. I can see why immersive sim fans have been giving it such high praise.
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Junior Member
Dec 31, 2018
Still playing FO76,logged around seventy hours so far and still got loads to do. Destiny 2 ongoing but now over six hundred power(thank god). Started SOTTR and like it so far but the last few days have been taken with Anthem & Division 2.
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Deleted member 113

Who still play Skyrim in 2019?

It's me.
Who owns, but never even played Skyrim in 2019?

It's me. :p

I love RPGs, but starting with Morrowind, I haven't cared for the Elder Scrolls series at all.
My friends kept gifting me the games, in order to make me play them, but no dice. :giggle:
I didn't last 10 minutes with Oblivion (it helped that the game ran like crap on my PC).

Skyrim I actually bought myself, during a sale (I really buy a lot of crap during sales), but never even installed it.

One of these days, I'll make an honest effort to play one of them.