Sword Art's gameplay is fun and the localization is solid, but the game's a buggy technical mess.
No resolutions above 1080p
Crashed completely when I alt-tabbed. Couldn't even alt+f4 it or kill the process through task manager so I had to restart my PC.
Very unoptimized, runs way worse than Fatal Bullet does, despite that game looking about on par with this one. Constantly drops frames in combat making it feel clunky
Camera sucks a lot at following you when you lock on. Much easier to control the camera when it's not locked onto anything
Object collision is wonky, you can just randomly run through objects out in the field
Missing subtitles/character models from cutscenes
Not detecting my g-sync on my monitor, keeps screen-tearing unless I turn back on v-sync
2+ minute loading times on my SSD, which can be fixed by locking the game to 30 fps in the settings and turning off v-sync.
The list goes on. The fact that it dropped a day early makes me hopeful that there might be a day one patch for the game to fix a lot of these issues tomorrow, but it might be getting that refund until it's fixed and/or has a cheaper price. I do want to play it, because I enjoy the combat and story, but Namco really botched this one at the moment. There's a setting in the options called anime downsampling and I have no clue what it does, but I figured I should mention it here because I found it pretty hilarious.
Well, at least there's Fairy Tail dropping at the end of the month. Guess it's time for me to catch up on that anime too.