You know, I actually think Epic probably has a more legitimate grievance against Google than Apple. I mean, Google clearly strangles competing stores on an open platform using monopolistic tactics. The fact that Epic made a deal with OnePlus that Google than scuppered, using the Play Store's dominance to do so, is actually fucking scummy.
Apple refusing to do business with Epic after Epic engineered a negative PR campaign against them is not illegal. If I ran a company I wouldn't want anything to do with another company that signed a business agreement, broke the agreement, then ran negative videos about my company to a large demographic.
I'm in the boat that I want Apple to open up (I'd eventually switch back to iOS if it were open), but I don't think Epic has a leg to stand on here.
Plus we have to remember what Epic's motivations are here. They're just greedy assholes who want to make their own walled garden, and have access to an instant audience without doing any work to earn it.
They wanted access to Valve's Steam audience, so began aggressively buying up exclusivity on PC games most wished for on Steam to try and get that audience to come to them.
They probably tried the same shit on Android, but couldn't get enough traction with developers, because the Play Store is far more entrenched on Android (for better or worse) than Steam is on PC.
Now they are playing stupid games to try and legally force Apple to let them have access to their customers without any restrictions and, knowing they couldn't win the legal fight, have tried to make this a moral/mind share one. It's all from the same stupid-ass play book that they've been using for the past two years.
The thing is, I don't think Epic, or more to the point, Tim Sweeney, is able to predict consequences of their actions. As a result of them being dumbasses, they've garnered a lot of ill will in the PC community. Their store has barely moved the needle, and a lot of PC players, even people who think more competition to Steam is good, consider them a pariah.
And now they've failed to see what setting fire to their bridge with Apple will cause. They knew Fortnite would be pulled, and centered their campaign around that. But I don't reckon they thought Apple would go nuclear after dragging their name through the mud. And now not only is the Unreal Engine business facing a serious threat, but lots of developers who rely on Epic's tools are now facing the prospect of not being able to publish on iOS and Mac.
Even for people not making iOS games, it has the knock-on effect of eroding trust, too. I imagine a lot of developers and publishers are wondering what the next batshit insane thing Tim Sweeney is going to do when planning which engine they're going to use for their upcoming 4 year development marathon.
In short, fuck 'em. They are reaping what they sow.