Community MetaSteam | March 2021 - The Home of Obscure Indie Gaming

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Hyper˗Toxic Pro˗Consumer
Oct 23, 2018

Risk of Rain 2 sells over 4 million copies on Steam

Since then, we have (yes this is about to be a huge flex)
  • Sold over 4,000,000 copies on Steam alone
  • Launched and grown to over 180,000 users in our official Discord
  • Received ‘Overwhelmingly Positive’ from over 137,000 Steam Reviews alongside an 85% on Metacritic
  • Gained new community members with 88% of players playing for more than 1 hour - and 57% of players playing for more than 10, numbers we are extremely proud of

So, yeah. We’ve grown a lot since Risk 1 and DEADBOLT.


sometimes a doctor of rhythm
Apr 17, 2019

PossiblyPudding ALERT!!!

talk to us, goddammit! :blobhug:

Did I hear someone mention new Hunt content?! :awwblob:

I recently got back into Hunt so this hitting at roughly the same time is perfect. Purposefully angering crows to summon a new boss though.. jeez, that's going to be rough. But on the other hand I live for chaos in games so, guess it's time to upset some birds!

Thanks for the heads up about the patch and the mention by the way! :blobhug:
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Dead & Forgotten
Sep 5, 2018
Did I hear someone mention new Hunt content?! :awwblob:

I recently got back into Hunt so this hitting at roughly the same time is perfect. Purposefully angering crows to summon a new boss though.. jeez, that's going to be rough. But on the other hand I live for chaos in games so, guess it's time to upset some birds!
haha, nice :) well, have fun then! :D



Apr 19, 2019
Dear Diary,
Today in Dark Souls, I trekked from Firelink Shrine to the first Bonfire in Undead Burg. :drinking-blob:

...and that was my progress in Dark Souls for the day~
That's not so bad... I remember in my first playthrough it took me more than 10h to get past the taurus demon...
It also didn't help that I chose Dark Souls as the first game I played with a controller, definitely not my brightest idea...
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Joe Spangle

Apr 17, 2019
That's not so bad... I remember in my first playthrough it took me more than 10h to get past the taurus demon...
Same! I very nearly gave up on it but persevered and it became one of my favourite games ever.
The other section that nearly drove me to actual tears was Ornstein and Smough. Must have spent 15hrs trying to beat them.
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Dec 3, 2018
It's been almost three weeks since my GPU arrived at the store I bought it from. The only message I got since then was "Yup, we got it". No answer to my question from last week what's going on, too. Guess if that is resolved somehow and I maybe get my card back I will never use that shop again.


Me llamo Willy y no hice la mili, pero vendo Chili
Sep 7, 2018
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Dec 17, 2018
Had to make a new collection and shelf for card games, have had them in my roguelike collection, but there's so many of them I wanna play. Slay the Spire, Loop Hero, Griftlands, Monster Train, Neoverse, Dicey Dungeons and One Step From Eden. Also some bunch I wanna buy like Gordian Quest and Ring of Pain.
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Non-Stop MMO Searcher
Dec 22, 2018
I was looking at Battletech stuff, and ran across this old AMV I remember downloading off Limewire or Kazaa or some shit.


If only Microsoft or whomever would put the old Mechwarrior and Mechcommander games on GOG. I would love to revist them but I've had serious trouble getting them to run on modern systems.


Dec 22, 2018
Had to make a new collection and shelf for card games, have had them in my roguelike collection, but there's so many of them I wanna play. Slay the Spire, Loop Hero, Griftlands, Monster Train, Neoverse, Dicey Dungeons and One Step From Eden. Also some bunch I wanna buy like Gordian Quest and Ring of Pain.
I feel like I should make more use of the shelf idea more than I do, but I prefer just alphabetical, so i dont know if its worth the time

If only Microsoft or whomever would put the old Mechwarrior and Mechcommander games on GOG. I would love to revist them but I've had serious trouble getting them to run on modern systems.
It would certainly earn the franchise some good will while MW5 is dragging it through the mud
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Segata's Disciple
Jan 28, 2019
I was looking at Battletech stuff, and ran across this old AMV I remember downloading off Limewire or Kazaa or some shit.


If only Microsoft or whomever would put the old Mechwarrior and Mechcommander games on GOG. I would love to revist them but I've had serious trouble getting them to run on modern systems.
MW4 runs with good ol dgVoodoo2 as usual. Great perf, 4K etc. Might have to choose the virtual Nvidia 5700 instead of the best custom dgVoodoo GPU spec.


Segata's Disciple
Jan 28, 2019
That probly depends on the version you got, the dos one should run fine in dosbox, but be as cumbersome as ever compared to a modern game experience.

3D accelerated release of MW2 had all kinds of different GPU vendor specific editions. But the dos one still looks best anyway tbh. MW3 & 4 should both be fine.


sometimes a doctor of rhythm
Apr 17, 2019
All this talk of MechWarrior has me really wanting a remaster of the series. MW games that run well on modern systems with improved textures.. yes, please!

Also while I'm dreaming here, let's go with some for the Wing Commander games too!


Dec 22, 2018
All this talk of MechWarrior has me really wanting a remaster of the series. MW games that run well on modern systems with improved textures.. yes, please!

Also while I'm dreaming here, let's go with some for the Wing Commander games too!
What is the team behind SW: Squadrons working on now? This seems like something they could logically move on to and revive. Not like Chris Roberts will ever get around releasing his attempt at modernizing
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sometimes a doctor of rhythm
Apr 17, 2019
What is the team behind SW: Squadrons working on now? This seems like something they could logically move on to and revive. Not like Chris Roberts will ever get around releasing his attempt at modernizing
They would be the perfect team for it. Squadrons, while not perfect, did a fantastic job of hitting that nostalgia for TIE Fighter and the WC series. So I trust they would get the feel right at the very least.
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Segata's Disciple
Jan 28, 2019
Well maybe WC is dead but at least you have Freespace 2 and all its awesome mods (including WC mods iirc) and a few even newer fairly solid space games, from Everspace to House of the Dying Sun, to Elite, to Squadrons. Also a few arcade air combat games that scratch a similar enough itch, like Ace Combat and Project Wingman. For Mechs there's pretty much nothing great since that era, only some mech games that play more like normal FPS than piloting big clunky metal machines etc., or some that only/mostly do PVP and what not, nothing with a cool campaign or at least a sandbox mercenaries mode. MW5 gave us hope only to disappoint. There's a game called Mech Merc Company but that basically looks like an indie is remaking MW4 with barely any improvement and still a long way to go to even match that. I thought it would be cool if someone made something like that x Mount&Blade's overworld/metagame stuff though.
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Dec 21, 2018
Been a while since I've posted some impressions. :thinking-face:

Code Vein: I really enjoyed it! Surprising, but it's a decent post apocalyptic anime romp with a lot of tropes, though it's certainly different from Souls-like by having so many cut scenes and character interactions, the permanent AI companion makes the game feel veeery different.
Though much easier; it's fairly easy all around, especially since you can get brought back from death once as long as things are not too hectic.

But really, it thrives with good level design (levels are not very well connected together however, but are all fairly vertical and offer tons of shortcuts), FILLED with little items hidden everywhere, and from actual good progression unlike Souls: you do get new weapons and stuff, but the upgrade path is the same, and just as bland with +1 and sometimes slightly different scaling. But you also unlock new classes, that you can change at any time, each with their own stats and skills, both passive and active... that you elarn permanently and can use on any other later. That's cool, and you need to find memory items on the levels to unlock it all, it gives a lot of value to exploration, on top of giving you extra voiced cut scenes (simplistic ones though) for every class. Really helps the world and the RPG parts.

Now ALL of the female characters look like SHIT. But it's never worse than PG12, it's one of those super hypocritical anime games... at least your main char doesn't look too much like crap.
And the enemy variety is pretty low, they're mostly humanoids, and there's definitely some palette swap going on. But at least, it made me realize that having good collision and good camera was important... frankly, it plays better than Dark Souls (closest game is the third, with minimal stamina juggling unlike Dark Souls 2).
You never fight giant ennemies with bullshit attack collisions, the camera doesn't spend 60% of the game shitting itself, Code Vein is an easy game, but in large part because Dark Souls is a struggle against camera and collisions, not because the games ask you to do hard things. :cold-sweat:

All around, very solid, if a bit cheap and uninspired. The Dark Souls parts ironically are probably the least interesting, despite being quite polished.
Maybe they missed their market a bit... :shrugblob:

Dead Space 3: why is there even multiplayer in this? Feels real pointless.
Otherwise... it's Dead Space. I still dislike the characters, the relationship troubles feel like they were written by a teenager... never relatable, never likable, whatever, not here for that.
The atmosphere is nice, a bit different since it's a bit more open, especially in the space part; you have multiple optional side missions for extra lore and loot, it helps make objectives a tad less linear.
Really the only difference is the crafting system, letting you make weapons from scrap and modifying them a lot, a shotgun, a semi auto rifle and a full auto are all the same base. And you can add multiple upgrade like doing some poisonous damage, or automatic pickup of ammo... but also all weapons can have two modes, so everything can get an extra grenade launcher, flamethrower or a blade (depending on size, so you do get different options on a heavy rifle than a pistol base).
It's nice and simple enough.
It also gives some interesting progression elements, as finding a hidden new tool or recipe is both enjoyable, and gives you reason to use different weapons than the starting ones (hi Dead Space 1): just swap the parts of your trusty shotty, and you get a sniper rifle. Or dismantle things to turn your old pistol into a freezing ray.
Same for the more common upgrades to slot into your guns for more stats, you can swap them in and out at any point. It's good to be much more free and a lot less grindy, despite pushing you to pick up materials much more often.

Now onto the bad things: fucking lootboxes for extra parts (which are reskins, but still). Sure, you can get ingame money to buy them, but it's a sad joke.
And also easily breaks the game if you get strong, late game components. better to forget about all that and follow the original content really... :weary-face:
And no more manual save, you have to rely on automated saves :fearful-face:
I never had any terrifying experience with it, but the manual save and remembering how far back you go when you die was part of the charm. And who would trust auto saves? Especially in an EA Game? Not me.


Low Tier Weeb
Jan 19, 2019
Does anyone want to help me in Apex Legends? I need help getting the ring flare badge. Basically we need to be outside of the rind and deploy a heat shield and have that take damage


Apr 18, 2019
Nioh 2 is still awesome. I am amazed at how much they got out of such relatively small maps.

Also, you are all good people. That space sim nostalgia hit me in all the right spots, especially as of late. Still can't wait to see more of them coming out of stealth mode but there's awful few of them on the horizon.

I'm not sure how one could possibly go about WC remasters though. I mean, the closest thing I can think of would be that prototype Wings of St Nazaire Howard Day was working on before Double Damage did their stupid thing with EGS and RGO.

Then there is S42 but that one is far off in the distance. I am pretty confident it will ship, but not before at least a couple years. I am fine with that and it makes sense given what they are attempting but I am starved in the meantime.

Give me more spaceships, games industry!


No reviews, no Buy
Nov 2, 2018
I was looking at Battletech stuff, and ran across this old AMV I remember downloading off Limewire or Kazaa or some shit.


If only Microsoft or whomever would put the old Mechwarrior and Mechcommander games on GOG. I would love to revist them but I've had serious trouble getting them to run on modern systems.
All this talk of MechWarrior has me really wanting a remaster of the series. MW games that run well on modern systems with improved textures.. yes, please!

Also while I'm dreaming here, let's go with some for the Wing Commander games too!
They shouldn't just reboot the Mechwarrior series, they should also reboot the whole Battletech universe after 3070. It's just... bad Fanfiction after that point.
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