Community MetaSteam | April 2019 - "Objection!" the One Finger Fatality

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No reviews, no Buy
Nov 2, 2018
Given how inaccurate Steam tracking is (doesn't handle offline mode, doesn't track non-Steam games, doesn't take card farming into account, single unexited program run can add hours to your platime), once you go Gameplay Time Tracker, you never go back.

How can you change that it displays Anno and not uPlay? Steam seams to work fine.

Btw kudos for Remember 11. That was such a good VN and you really felt the loneliness in the two locations. Ever 17 is my GOAT from the dev, though.


Cat Loaf Enthusiast
Apr 17, 2019
Dragon Quest XI gets better and better. Just finished Sylvandos story and it is probably one of the best JRPGs in recent memory. Why is the series so overlooked in the west?

Also switched back to playing it with my Steam Controller since it is the only controller I can use wireless and use it as a 360 controller and changing the right pad from mouse joypad to just mouse made me lose my problems with the camera. Maybe I should try that for other games, too. :thinking-face:
I think a lot of it has to be the mismanagement of marketing of the series over here over the years. But the games are honestly all incredible imo, if you haven't played any of them besides DQXI I highly suggest trying them sometime! DQV is my personal favorite besides DQXI :cat-heart-blob:

I've been enjoying Yakuza 0 so much recently, so when I went to Sakuracon this weekend I found these amazing prints from an artist there that I just had to have (Couldn't decide if I wanted Kiryu or Majima so I just ended up with both lmao)



Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Yeah I know that feeling very well. Sometimes I'd be so excited to come out, maybe even preorder it, and then proceed not to touch it for years because I'm no longer in the mood.
Personally I always make sure to play stuff I preorder/buy, it's usually when I get a bunch of games at once (bundles or cheap sales) that some get shafted.
Basically the more money I spend on something the higher a priority it has for actually playing :D


OG old coot
Oct 16, 2018
How can you change that it displays Anno and not uPlay? Steam seams to work fine.

Btw kudos for Remember 11. That was such a good VN and you really felt the loneliness in the two locations. Ever 17 is my GOAT from the dev, though.
You can edit each entry and change the name/developer.
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Lucas isn't sure what to do anymore
Apr 18, 2019
Arkham Origins did catch a lot of flak at the time for not being made by Rocksteady, and for being buggy. Of all the Arkham games, I'd say Origins had the best boss battles, with Deathstroke being my absolute favorite.
Yeah I felt that there was some bias against Origins because it wasn't done in house by Rocksteady. I was skeptical too when it was announced, but after seeing gameplay footage and hearing the devs say that they're basically using Rocksteady games as a template I felt relief. That fight really was fantastic, especially without counter prompts and on higher difficulties. It probably wasn't exactly designed to be played like this but I had loads of fun playing it that way!
Also the fights against Bane were great. Copperhead gave me Psycho Mantis vibes. Firefly while superficial was really entertaining. That last encounter against Joker. And last but not least, the Electrocutioner fight, AKA the best boss battle in all of gaming history :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
I'm in the same boat. The common complaint is that there's too many batmobile segments, but I never really noticed. I felt like there was a nice mixture of everything.
Yep! I reckon some people chose not to upgrade the batmobile which could understandably make the tank battles more frustrating, though I never experienced this because I prioritized it when it came to upgrades. Also I honestly don't think the batmobile parts would amount to more than a quarter of the entire game at most. Also while it's no Origin tier boss fight, I enjoyed the cat and mouse "boss fight" with the Arkham Knight in the tunnels!

Also obligatory GIF for liking both Origins and Knight:



Dec 3, 2018
I think a lot of it has to be the mismanagement of marketing of the series over here over the years. But the games are honestly all incredible imo, if you haven't played any of them besides DQXI I highly suggest trying them sometime! DQV is my personal favorite besides DQXI :cat-heart-blob:

I've been enjoying Yakuza 0 so much recently, so when I went to Sakuracon this weekend I found these amazing prints from an artist there that I just had to have (Couldn't decide if I wanted Kiryu or Majima so I just ended up with both lmao)

Played I, V, VI, VII already. Liked them all though VII felt a bit long. Have II, III (phone), IV (DS) and VIII (3DS) ready to go and hope I can finish them at the end of next year.

And yeah, it’s probably mismanagement. Though I wonder how they could fuck it up with how popular Chrono Trigger and Dragon Ball are though it probably goes back to the Enix days.

Nice prints btw
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Dec 22, 2018
Just for clarification, is that one game with 4.5 million downloads or all free games combined? (up to the point of the announcement)
If it is combined, the potential userbase who even bothers with free games will be even less because of people downloading different free games.

ADDITIONALLY: Not every EGS user is a Fortnite player. There are those who just install the EGS for the free games or who bought a game on it but don't have Fortnite installed.

So we could look at below 1 Million Fortnite players who downloaded a free game on EGS.
There are also EGS users who might not game at all, but use it for the engine and editor since it's required.
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OG old coot
Oct 16, 2018
But would it then count any other uplay game as Anno?
The tool monitors the time an executable is being run.
So, if you add Anno.exe, it can/may detect the name wrong, but will only add time each time you run Anno.exe.
But if you add uplay.exe, it will add time to the entry each time you run the uplay launcher. You can go around it by either just adding the main game executable instead as above, or if for some reason it doesn't work, just playing one Uplay game at a time, and after you're done, making a new, blank entry, transfering the Uplay stats to it, then resetting the Uplay stats when you want to play another game.


👀 I see you
Sep 19, 2018
Interesting Tropico 6 has launcher that displays ad about buying DLCs at 15% off from Kalypso Shop.
It doesn't do anything else.

I thought this wasn't allowed.
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Dead & Forgotten
Sep 5, 2018
Interesting Tropico 6 has launcher that displays ad about buying DLCs at 15% off from Kalypso Shop.
It doesn't do anything else.

I thought this wasn't allowed.
isn't that DLC still steam keys? maybe that's why they can do it?


sometimes a doctor of rhythm
Apr 17, 2019
I've been enjoying Yakuza 0 so much recently, so when I went to Sakuracon this weekend I found these amazing prints from an artist there that I just had to have (Couldn't decide if I wanted Kiryu or Majima so I just ended up with both lmao)

Those prints are amazing! I can see why you had trouble deciding between the two at first.


Crossbell City Councillor
Dec 6, 2018
I never played AA, but I do wanna try it! It's crazy how you almost never hear bad things about these games. It's just all praise all the time. o_O

How long is each case? Similar in length to a chapter from Danganronpa? Curious if I could reasonably just play a case a day, kinda episodically, and slowly make my way through like that...
The praises were warranted, I assure you. In regards to the first game, you can definitely play one case per day. I must warn you that the 5th case of the first game is extremely long. While you can finish the other cases in 2-3 hours if you're a fast reader, the fifth case took me almost 10 hours (I spent the whole day yesterday for that one case). The music is sublime too so you won't get bored. Whenever Phoenix or Edgeworth turned the table on one another in court and the music changes, it always gets me and never gets old.

I would be interested what you think about the second AA game, Justice for All - once you are done with that too. The first game in contrast is almost universally lauded, it's the second one that is often seen as the lesser game in the trilogy (which isn't really harsh criticism, considering how great the series overall is)
I'm probably about halfway through Case 2-1, and it's kinda OK, I guess? I'm kind of lukewarm on the music since nothing immediately jumps at me like the music on the first game. The (Case 2-1 plot) amnesia device they used wasn't helping too (Perhaps because I just recently finished Uta 1 which also used the same device).

1. Most digital retailers in Japan prefer to have their own client. IE: DMM DMM GAME PLAYERとは? - DMM GAMES
This goes for music/movies/books/manga too nine times out of ten. DMM is the closest to Steam you'll find in Japan btw. Nearly everyone else is doujin games/ ero games (like dlsite), or other such things.
A large number of releases on DMM were also riddled with DRM. Although they aren't as invasive as SecureROM, for example, for whatever reason they just didn't work on my PC. It's not a problem with Locale/Language either.

3 - because I love excel so I make metrics and spreadsheets for everything.

Here you have a link to it, hope you like it and really hope it's informative Epic exclusivity deals status, it will evolve over time, I will add things, maybe optimize others, so it's something that won't be like this forever, information comes from official sources but some of those that are from SOURCES, so yeah, I try to keep it as official as possible too. :drinking-blob:
This is the first time I heard someone says they love Excel (I always associated Excel with work and bookkeeping and I feel they are as boring as they come). Good on you bruvva! (I'm not being sarcastic, I assure you!)


Thanks for doing the spreadsheet. It'll come in handy soon.

Hollow Ataraxia was longer than the 3 original routes? That's surprising. I'm under the impression that it would be shorter than the others. DId you play it in English? How's the translation quality?

So after Spec-Ops I've started some Arkham City in my quest of playing good games I've owned for a while (while still buying more, lol).
And it's pretty good. Loved Arkham Asylum when I played it a bunch of years ago.
I played Arkham City briefly and the brawling/combo-ing was pretty fun. Not a fan of the gliding minigame though.

Dragon Quest XI gets better and better. Just finished Sylvandos story and it is probably one of the best JRPGs in recent memory. Why is the series so overlooked in the west?
I love Slyv. His outlook on life is something we all could aspire too. His dad is also a great, supportive parent. In fact, all DQ XI characters are pretty great.


OG old coot
Oct 16, 2018
Hollow Ataraxia was longer than the 3 original routes? That's surprising. I'm under the impression that it would be shorter than the others. DId you play it in English? How's the translation quality?
It wasn't?
Fate - 30 hours
UBW - 21 hours
HF - 30 hours
HA - 57 hours
Translation quality was better than the Mirror Moon patch for original games. Just get the updated patch that backports the Vita voice overs.
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Crossbell City Councillor
Dec 6, 2018
It wasn't?
Fate - 30 hours
UBW - 21 hours
HF - 30 hours
HA - 57 hours
Translation quality was better than the Mirror Moon patch for original games. Just get the updated patch that backports the Vita voice overs.
Cool, thanks for letting me know. Did the updated patch include the Vita OP just like Realta Nua?


Reaper on Station。
Nov 1, 2018
Mt. Whatever
dayum ... lucky bastard!
I sold this (slightly nsfw animu) background here: Steam Community Market :: Listings for 348240-Wind Fairy for ~$25 once. I think it was my biggest market transaction.

Animu games pay off sometimes tbh. :p

I keep 1 copy of all BG's/Emotes I get and sell the rest usually. This time I was quite lucky to get two copies of this rare BG, but I did craft the badge 5 times and went for the foil badge too.
Of course you come on right when I'm getting ready for sleep. Timezones damn you!



Sep 20, 2018
Man I'm so bad at Dishonored 2 haha
Don't feel discouraged. Being bad just means that you have tons of stuff to discover about the systems and how to break them thoroughly.

I'm kinda jealous honestly. Nothing like playing an immersive sim the first time and being bad at it. You never really get that. Even when you replay it much later, you quickly pick up on stuff you understood the first time, at least in my experience.
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Reaper on Station。
Nov 1, 2018
Mt. Whatever
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There was a fish in the percolator!
Apr 6, 2019
Don't feel discouraged. Being bad just means that you have tons of stuff to discover about the systems and how to break them thoroughly.

I'm kinda jealous honestly. Nothing like playing an immersive sim the first time and being bad at it. You never really get that. Even when you replay it much later, you quickly pick up on stuff you understood the first time, at least in my experience.
Yeah, I play to give this a fair shake anyway, with at least playing low and high chaos with both Emily and Corvo, so I guess there's tons to learn.

Why do you say that?
I cleared Chapter 2, and left tons of stuff behind because I couldnt find my way around without being noticed.


Crossbell City Councillor
Dec 6, 2018
Whenever I play Dishonoured, I always try to play it Thief-style, with no upgrades, no alert and no fatalities. I hid the guards' bodies as well if I can't go unnoticed. Sometimes it's frustrating as hell on higher difficulties (especially in Dishonoured 2), with a lot of swearing and reloading, but I like it from a pacifist roleplayer standpoint.


Sep 20, 2018
Whenever I play Dishonoured, I always try to play it Thief-style, with no upgrades, no alert and no fatalities. I hid the guards' bodies as well if I can't go unnoticed. Sometimes it's frustrating as hell on higher difficulties (especially in Dishonoured 2), with a lot of swearing and reloading, but I like it from a pacifist roleplayer standpoint.
And without save scumming? That would be the ultimate ironman mode of any game out there.
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Crossbell City Councillor
Dec 6, 2018
And without save scumming? That would be the ultimate ironman mode of any game out there.
I did a fair bit of save scumming to explore the routes, yeah. But I normally repeat the level once I got the optimal route, and I can go past it without much difficulty. Although it's slightly harder if the guards change their routine.
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There was a fish in the percolator!
Apr 6, 2019
Whenever I play Dishonoured, I always try to play it Thief-style, with no upgrades, no alert and no fatalities. I hid the guards' bodies as well if I can't go unnoticed. Sometimes it's frustrating as hell on higher difficulties (especially in Dishonoured 2), with a lot of swearing and reloading, but I like it from a pacifist roleplayer standpoint.
The first time I play everything stealth based is, play as stealthy as I can, if discovered then I fight.
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Junior Member
Apr 17, 2019
So after Spec-Ops I've started some Arkham City in my quest of playing good games I've owned for a while (while still buying more, lol).
And it's pretty good. Loved Arkham Asylum when I played it a bunch of years ago.
Arkham City is my favorite out of the Arkham series. It's the only one I've beaten multiple times. I need to reinstall it, it's so good. I also need to reinstall Arkham Knight. I playing through it while it was still busted, but there was like a community fix that helped a ton. I had to restart the game every hour because of a memory leak problem. That has to be one of the weirdest PC launches of all time.
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Segata's Disciple
Jan 28, 2019
Since I was talking lightgun games on the VR thread I found this project which looks promising for non-VR lightguns.

It's essentially very similar to the concept of the existing Wii-style lightguns like AimTrak that use infrared lights attached to the TV and require similar calibration methods and playing behaviour but instead of needing those extra infrared light emitters it comes bundled with software that adds a thin(ish) border around the screen/playing area and uses that border to more accurately calibrate where you're aiming by itself regardless of your positioning. Theoretically you could get more accurate Wii-style setups with more emitters (practically too, later post-Naomi arcade lightgun games by SEGA used such a system with tons of emitters around the arcade screen iirc) but then, that's the problem I guess, that you need more sensors, where with this setup you only need the gun.

We'll see how it is in practice but it's a pretty promising project (at least for real lightgun games and also anything that uses mouse lightgun emulation from the looks of it, and he's got support for raspberry pi as well). It was recently fully funded, we'll see if anything comes out of it. The first support tier that actually gets a gun was pretty expensive at $80 though so I imagine if it ever gets to retail it will be even more so. But, perhaps there will be less fancy versions (like without the pump action reload) that cost less. But even the AimTrak guns are super expensive or I'd have one myself so, yeah, it seems competitive for this niche.
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No reviews, no Buy
Nov 2, 2018
Why did GTA V RP Mod get such a huge spike this month? Tried to look up what's so great about it, but the Mod and the Let's plays/streams started 2 years ago. What changed?


Oct 6, 2018
AC Odyssey has such an exhausting amount of content but I'm glad they expanded the level cap and added some new mercenary and ship tiers, gives you something to keep doing while you go through everything. At launch I hit 50 with more than half of the world left uncovered.

I also started the first blade DLC today and so far it's...fine. Nothing amazing or different yet but the story is at least slightly interesting. I like the sword I got that gives me another rush assassinate chain. I'm trying to get everything done before the atlantis stuff is out on tuesday.


Junior Member
Dec 9, 2018
man I just realized my PC build is like 6 years old. upgraded the GPU to a 970 but even thats 4 years old. my god.

still truckin but man I feel like upgrading this summer...
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Ex-User (307)

Dec 11, 2018
Why did GTA V RP Mod get such a huge spike this month? Tried to look up what's so great about it, but the Mod and the Let's plays/streams started 2 years ago. What changed?
All I know is that towards the end of March/beginning of April, I noticed some of the biggest Twitch streamers started playing and streaming the RP servers. I think a bunch of the Offline TV people were playing it, Lirik, TimTheTatman, Summit, Sodapoppin, etc.

I don't know what suddenly drove them to play it, or if one streamer in particular started it, but they actually drove so much traffic to the RP servers that regular players were actually complaining a bit about them.
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