Community MetaSteam | January 2024 - Let's get this year started!

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I <3 Pixels
Oct 21, 2018
People are saying the gameplay is a carbon copy of Ark too.

There doesn’t seem to be anything original about this game. In fact, it could’ve been made by an AI for all we know.
I just saw the trailer and the store page, and I think calling it a "carbon copy of Ark" is not true even based on just that.

The whole idea of integrating the legally-distinct pokemon into the building/automation gameplay mechanics is actually quite interesting IMHO, and moderately original too.

I personally really dislike that the game seems to be making joking about animal cruelty a point of its identity, and would never play or support it based on that alone, but it doesn't seem like a carbon copy of anything.


Sep 20, 2018
The "animal cruelty" question is one that technically also applies to Pokemon itself. Basically, how much agency do we give them? Are they fully conscious, thinking being? If so, then how do we justify what is essentially mass slavery and forced labour, given how they are used like cattle in the series. Sure, maybe most trainers are super nice people, but they aren't exactly asking for consent before violently attacking innocent beings, and robbing their freedom to do whatever they want them to do, mostly using them in gladiator -style battles. If that's not "cruelty" then I don't know what counts. Arguably even worse, if we assume Pokemon can be highly intelligent and capable of as complex emotions as humans. In fact, some legendaries might even be far more intelligent than the average person (given their age and experience), and yet they get treated the same.

Given this background, I can't be too angry at a game that effectively makes fun of the originals in a cynical way.

Li Kao

It’s a strange world. Let’s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
I'm kind of in the same boat. I check the forum daily but post less than I used to..
Its due to a bit too much negative news, but for me also discussions about games I've got zero interest in; and discussions that have been done to death before (like "whats the best FF?", "sub services vs buying games", "is steams 30% cut too much?", "is the tadpole behind my eye evil or not and how can i remove it?")
After skipping MS show and catching up on it today, and skimming the 30+ pages about Indy on ERA, I tend to empathize.
I don't know if I'm in an uncharitable mood but I'm feeling a big what's the point energy right now.

Between the terminally online motherfuckers who won't play the game but must share their opinion and another hundred others on it, the haters, the fanboys, the meta commentary of how people skew one way or another... this is a circus.
I didn't sign for a circus.

Let me lament the lack of console players here, I would be interested to have an alternative. Maybe that's wishful thinking and it would be a train wreck, too, but let's think positive.


Makoto Niijima Fan Club President
Dec 23, 2018
I just saw the trailer and the store page, and I think calling it a "carbon copy of Ark" is not true even based on just that.

The whole idea of integrating the legally-distinct pokemon into the building/automation gameplay mechanics is actually quite interesting IMHO, and moderately original too.

I personally really dislike that the game seems to be making joking about animal cruelty a point of its identity, and would never play or support it based on that alone, but it doesn't seem like a carbon copy of anything.
Not gonna lie, I only went by some stuff I read.

I mentally checked out of that game for the animal cruelty reasons you stated. Maybe I have an agenda and selectively read some accusations? I don’t really want to look into the game much further, if I’m honest.

I think this cuts differently to Pokémon as far as animal cruelty goes. Obviously when you boil the concept of Pokémon down it’s basically Darwinian cock-fighting. But there’s also the sport angle to it.

But there’s a thread of cruelty in Palworld that goes beyond that. Slavery, violent acts, slaughter and eating of the not-Pokémon. It’s pretty gross.

Aaron D.

Jul 10, 2019
I don't post as much as I used to as well, on either site.

Part of it is just trying to take a step back from being habitually online.

Another part as noted above is being fatigued with toxic platform warring. I don't know if it's fomo or whatever, but it feels like it's gotten pretty egregious over at the other site. It's kinda funny, mostly sad and all around tired af. It's no wonder entire communities were chased out of there.

The third element in relation to above is I'm striving more to be the change I want to see. So I've made a bit of a resolution to try and keep my posts positive. The old, "If you don't have anything nice to say..." mentality. So I've been a lot more selective on how I participate online.

It's actually kinda refreshing not to feel like I have to throw my 2 cents in on every (let's be honest) trivial bit of gaming news that is constantly churning through the feeds.

Li Kao

It’s a strange world. Let’s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
Yo, this is a new low.
Steam doesn't register my xbox dpad anymore.

I think it's time to call it a day and stop trying to do things.

It's 15:11


Jun 3, 2020
I am also not posting a lot lately. Partly due to many matters irl, but largely because I am pretty sick of the negativity on the Internet.

I have no interest in posting negative opinion on videogames or engaging in online debates. If I have no interest in a game, I am not going to write a lengthy essay on how the developers fail to impress me. Play some games in the backlog, watch a movie, or just go out and try to be normal and hang out with people or simply touch grass. Life is way too short, I would rather find some enjoyments in it.


Apr 19, 2019
I just skimmed through the xbox thingy and even though I had almost zero expectations for Avowed, after playing through PoE2 and especially after experiencing how awful Outer Worlds was, I have to say the game looks aggressively mediocre. It's only saving grace seems to be its art direction, everything else seems trash tier bad.
After Tyranny it feels like all they do is dig a bigger hole... sad really. I've yet to play Pentiment

edit: I still believe Obsidian are capable and competent enough to deliver good games, stories and systems but Avowed doesn't seem to be a step in the right direction.
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I didn't delete that post!. Get my post back!.
Oct 8, 2021
Let me lament the lack of console players here,
I mostly play on PS5
People care too much about others say.
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Oct 6, 2018
If they’re found to have stolen Pokémon assets when making this, then I imagine the lawyers will stop it.

I don’t know how solid the allegations are, but they’re out there. Now the game is available, people can check the assets to see if anything was nicked, or if the designs are just very close ripoffs.

Regardless, I feel really ick about Palworld. I get that it’s a little subversive of Pokémon, but I find the designs to be too close to those games.

People are saying the gameplay is a carbon copy of Ark too.

There doesn’t seem to be anything original about this game. In fact, it could’ve been made by an AI for all we know.
To me all survival games are like that anyway, just run around punching things to grind mats to build crap that isn't needed with little to no story or really much of anything. I was pretty disappointed to find out this was just another one I was hoping they were doing a bit more than that.

I don't even get the pokemon comparisons or why their fans are so salty. Other than similar looking monsters it has nothing in common with the game.

Li Kao

It’s a strange world. Let’s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
Has this not always been the case in online communities?
Sure, it may very well be more on me than on any trend.

Solved my controller issue, btw. Fuck Steam Input.


Sep 20, 2021
Another part as noted above is being fatigued with toxic platform warring. I don't know if it's fomo or whatever, but it feels like it's gotten pretty egregious over at the other site. It's kinda funny, mostly sad and all around tired af. It's no wonder entire communities were chased out of there.
No it's not fomo. It's very obvious when certain accounts seem to only exist to annoy others (or just ruin certain discussions in general)
You could say it's an advanced form of concern trolling, except it's not presented as trolling at all. Repeating certain phrases at nauseam, "asking questions" every single thread, take one specific quote out of context and repost it every time you can, make up imaginary results to further enhance your points, bump or spam certain threads so others you don't like end up on beyond the front page, always be careful to never overstep so moderation doesn't catch up.
The patterns are always there, and I think the reason there are so many "megathreads" there is specifically to avoid those specific users since it's easier to spot an outlier among regulars. But on the other hand as users join them megathreads have a serious risk of becoming too omogenuos stiffling discussions even further
For people like me who are actually very timid it's hard to interact with both those megathreads or with the "annoyers", but deep insid I feel satisfaction in knowing that no matter how much they try to ruin certain subjects it's always pointless. The internet is big and discussion always find a way, and I know because I assure you it's not easy being a super robot fan in english speaking places, and yet even I found a place to talk about it without having to worry about some asshole asking questions
Don't give up, don't let them win, because they won't


Burn baby burn🔥🎵
Dec 9, 2018
It was nice surprise that Yakuza 5 uses Kiwami engine. Was tired of that old ass Yakuza3/4 one :grimacing-face:

Panda Pedinte

Best Sig Maker on the board!
Sep 20, 2018
I'm not surprised by Palworld doing so well, they really nailed the trailers mixing the cute things from the genre with the absurdity
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Low Tier Weeb
Jan 19, 2019
I will try to keep this short since I don't think many will read this.

Palworld is something. I have not played the game but I highly recommend that you guys go check out the dev interviews for the game. They are quite interesting. A lot of the questions that you guys have are to an extent answered there.

They mention why they moved from Unity to Unreal. They mention why Craftopia "felt abandoned". They talk about buying assets.

They talk about the games that inspired this game. If you meny ARK, that's okay since they played it themselves.

There is just sooooo much sooo much information and insight in those interviews that I feel like Meta (despite if you support the game or not) will find so interesting and useful about the game. Especially since these devs are younger and have played a lot of the games that we play. Compared to older Japanese devs that have never played games like DOOM.

They also talk about how rimworld (and I guess by extension Dwarf Fortress, but that never got a Japanese translation) was an inspiration for the game. Crazy stuff happens in Rimworld and they also wanted that level of crazy stuff in their game.

For Craftopia the main issue was that the game had no real direction, also from the sounds of it the original team that worked on Craftopia are no longer with that company and left long ago. So entire new group of people that had no idea what direction to take that game.


PS prior to it's release Palworld has over 1.8 million wishlist on Steam. For you experts out there is that good?

Crazy how Xbox is using Steam as a selling point for this game.

Also since the dev is an indie dev with prior experience on Steam they use Steam as a way to help promote their game.
Dec 5, 2018
PS prior to it's release Palworld has over 1.8 million wishlist on Steam. For you experts out there is that good?
For reference, dying light 2 had 3M before it released and that put it number 2 just behind elden ring. But that's the only point of reference that I've only seen mentioned. So i guess is good ?
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Nov 2, 2018
Why did Palworld blow up, never heard of it before?
Multiple popular streamers got a few days of earlier access, which got additional eyes to the game, and I think just the concept of pokémon + survival is an interesting combination.

I think the game was also originally announced in one of the not-E3 showcases (I don't remember which).


Low Tier Weeb
Jan 19, 2019
also this (before release)

Indies are typically the type to promote this sort of stuff. This was hours prior to that reddit post.

I'm not sure if it's against the Steam rules but I have heard of some game devs doing a thing where they hold a contest to give people Steam keys for an upcoming games and one of the requirements is proof that you wishlisted the game. Palworld also did this, but the last post I see mentioning that was from last year.

Why did Palworld blow up, never heard of it before?
It's been knows as Pokemon with guns since 2021 and has maintained popularity since then, but as other have pointed out in the last week or so, they did let some people play early.

This was a great idea since it sounded like people were genuinely afraid that it would be another "the day after". Which would have been bad since the company did say that if Palworld didn't do well that they company would basically also go out of business.

Palworld got a Steam banner on the main page.

Community Manager
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Reaper on Station。
Nov 1, 2018
Mt. Whatever
I've only watched Vtubers play it and it seems like a lot of fun. :shrugblob: Not gonna twist my brain into a pretzel trying to understand why killing hostile Animals in some games is ok, and others not, or sustenance hunting for that matter. Why dogfighting is ok in Pokemon but how dare some indie upstart riff it?

I'm with a few others on this website when they say it's all just getting so tiring. I don't know if it's my thirties kicking in, or the post-trump, post-covid, rise of AI, increase in war/conflict, and constant negative news cycle. But these days I just find myself receding more and more into a shell. The things i care about start to seem less worldly and more personal. Feel increasingly powerless beyond my immediate personal space and really only care to get through my days as peacefully and conflict free as possible.

Maybe people say this is "weak" or I've given up too early. But I'm just so tired. Been through the ringer, barely made it through colon cancer at 29, don't even follow a schedule anymore. Some days i'm up all night, some days I'm up all day. Back and forth over and over. Online engagement used to be fun but nowadays it's always like walking on eggshells or tiptoeing through a minefield. :surrenderblob: 2600 posts on this website and like 80% of those are in the first 3 years. As time marches on, I just feel more and more worn down and less interested in posting anything even half-way opinionated. It's not this websites fault in specific, just general feeling of the modern internet and how humans have chosen to interact with each other these days as a whole i guess.


Setting the Seas Ablaze
May 10, 2019
I've only watched Vtubers play it and it seems like a lot of fun. :shrugblob: Not gonna twist my brain into a pretzel trying to understand why killing hostile Animals in some games is ok, and others not, or sustenance hunting for that matter. Why dogfighting is ok in Pokemon but how dare some indie upstart riff it?

I'm with a few others on this website when they say it's all just getting so tiring. I don't know if it's my thirties kicking in, or the post-trump, post-covid, rise of AI, increase in war/conflict, and constant negative news cycle. But these days I just find myself receding more and more into a shell. The things i care about start to seem less worldly and more personal. Feel increasingly powerless beyond my immediate personal space and really only care to get through my days as peacefully and conflict free as possible.

Maybe people say this is "weak" or I've given up too early. But I'm just so tired. Been through the ringer, barely made it through colon cancer at 29, don't even follow a schedule anymore. Some days i'm up all night, some days I'm up all day. Back and forth over and over. Online engagement used to be fun but nowadays it's always like walking on eggshells or tiptoeing through a minefield. :surrenderblob: 2600 posts on this website and like 80% of those are in the first 3 years. As time marches on, I just feel more and more worn down and less interested in posting anything even half-way opinionated. It's not this websites fault in specific, just general feeling of the modern internet and how humans have chosen to interact with each other these days as a whole i guess.
Have an Ushi-Gozen with a deer hat (or reindeer?) to cheer you up



May 4, 2019
For a second I thought Palworld was that real world Pokemon like game shown a few years ago from Korea.

But that one still hasn't released. This is completely different wtf
  • Toucan
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None shall remember those who do not fight.
Dec 6, 2018
Okay, TIL also that Quake source ports have gotten nutty since I last checked. I should look at this "IronWail" business.

EDIT: What the fuck? Somebody made a mod server that lets you download unofficial stuff into the Quake Remaster. What the hell did I miss??
  • Gib
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