Community What are you currently playing?


Dead & Forgotten
Sep 5, 2018
It was running at 15fps for me, until I enabled the FPS++ graphics pack. Now it stays around 30, but goes higher depending on setting. I'm sure there are other options I can enable, but I'm totally fine with this performance. Give it a shot sometime.
hmmm ... maybe i should try that then ... it's just that i've seen all those 60fps+ videos on youtube (using FPS++, of course) and i just assumed it's, at the very least, supposed to run at more or less stable 30fps before adding the patch


Tender, Violent and Queer.
Oct 23, 2018
Just wrapped up Chrono Trigger and Xenoblade 2 : Torna. So I'm probably going to continue on with a long overdue run through a top three all time for me, Chrono Cross and maybe Baiten Kaitos + Origins for the first time? Maybe Trails 2+3 since I beat 1 earlier this year? A lot of stuff I've been wanting to play are long ass JRPGs. It's always so daunting for me to commit. I also want to pick up and play World of Final Fantasy Maxima on switch. Since I've never played before, and I adore the idea and what I've seen of it too.


Kurt Russell

Sep 6, 2018
Mar del Plata
I got into Echo Arena (Oculus exclusive f2p multiplayer game that kinda looks like the thing they had to play in Ender's Game for training). Man, their movement system and overall gameplay is just perfect. I worry I'll end up breaking my controller from the times when I try to punch someone hard in the face though (almost happened like 3 times already).
Sucks that I have to run it through ReVive though. Fucking Oculus exclusivity.


Hentai Specialist
Sep 20, 2018
Still playing dragon quest xi, farming materials to craft some rings so I don't get spammed with paralyze and shit in post game :p
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Dead & Forgotten
Sep 5, 2018
i still haven't gotten far past the tutorial :( so many games, so little time


Tender, Violent and Queer.
Oct 23, 2018
Alright, I started Baten Kaitos. Dear god, this voice acting tho. I've played my fair share of Resident Evil, but wow. Combat system is card based, which I adore, I love it. Waiting for it to get some depth though, just beat the first boss

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Panda Pedinte

Best Sig Maker on the board!
Sep 20, 2018
I'm currently playing Return of the Obra Dinn and it's an amazing game. The artstyle matches the game so well since you'll be watching statics scenes of what happened in the ship. This game is a heavy contender to be my personal GOTY.
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Tender, Violent and Queer.
Oct 23, 2018
I'm currently playing Return of the Obra Dinn and it's an amazing game. The artstyle matches the game so well since you'll be watching statics scenes of what happened in the ship. This game is a heavy contender to be my personal GOTY.
The artstyle looks sublime. Let us know how it is when you beat it
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Also, I might have to bail on Baten Kaitos. This battle system is way too slow. Which is a shame, the game's backgrounds, music and world are like a mix of XBC2 and Chrono Cross

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Dead & Forgotten
Sep 5, 2018
Corporate Game of Thrones because it’s review time and I have a new manager.

What I’d like to be playing is Soul Calibur, and AC Odyssey.
hope you won't have to experience any red weddings ;)


Release Metroid Prime HD you cowards.
Oct 26, 2018
I'm currently playing God of War, Spider-Man, and Undertale for Switch. I've taken a minor break from Xenoblade Chronicles 2 since it was all I was playing for a while, but I intend to jump back in soon because I also want to get through Torna.
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Dead & Forgotten
Sep 5, 2018
I'm currently playing God of War, Spider-Man, and Undertale for Switch. I've taken a minor break from Xenoblade Chronicles 2 since it was all I was playing for a while, but I intend to jump back in soon because I also want to get through Torna.
damn, that's a lot of games you're playing at the same time :p

Panda Pedinte

Best Sig Maker on the board!
Sep 20, 2018
I finished Return of the Obra Dinn last night and I absolutely loved the game and it may end in the top spot of my GOTY list. I was absorved for the atmosphere during all the time, The artsyle matches the way the scenes are told because when you access a memory you enter the moment of death of that person, and it's like an old ilustration but in 3D.

Lucas Pope did a good job creating these scenes. It felt like every time I revisited one of the scenes I discovered more and more details. Though the discovery process isn't solely based on what is in the screen, paying attention to the crew members accent, using the list and the images you already have are all important part of solving that bloody puzzle.

I played through the whole game with my significant other by my side, and we could argue a lot about the identity of the crew members with each other explaining the reason behind our conclusions.

So if you like puzzle games, a mystery story, has some kind of nostalgia about the way the game looks go ahead and buy Return of the Obra Dinn.
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Panda Pedinte

Best Sig Maker on the board!
Sep 20, 2018
After finishing Return of the Obra Dinn and advancing in the story of Yakuza 0, I decided to went back to Dark Souls. My previous character was clearly mishandled as I was 18 hours in and I couldn't beat the damn stupid Gaping Dragon, I went into this fight with a new character, same level as my previous one and killed it in my first try. :)

So I reached Blighttown and I'm already hating this shit place. Navigating there is a mess, at least there are the torches to indicate where are the stairs.
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almost there
Sep 7, 2018
Played an hour or so of Superhot last night.

It's pretty fun, build around trial and error. The "story" parts aren't doing it for me. Wish the levels would just go on without interruption.
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Dead & Forgotten
Sep 5, 2018
Played an hour or so of Superhot last night.

It's pretty fun, build around trial and error. The "story" parts aren't doing it for me. Wish the levels would just go on without interruption.
you might want to try this one out then :)



Bad Framerates, Bad Opinions
Sep 20, 2018
Still occasionally popping Forza Horizon 4 back in every now and again, but my interest is waning, so I'm glad I gamepass'd it. A little less glad I bought into the hype and dropped like 30 bucks on DLC for it.

Picked up an X1X last week and it came with a code for a free copy of Fallout 76 so I guess I'll be playing that...I downloaded the beta and was pleasantly surprised by it. I think it's going to be a really fun exploration game, which is good because Bethesda games always fall off a quality cliff when you try to interact with the main story.

On the switch, I'm waiting for Diablo 3 to unlock this week, and otherwise I'm playing the Capcom beat 'em ups, Megaman X Legacy Collection, and Skyrim. I'll get around to Megaman 11 eventually.

Otherwise, I'm mainly just playing Magic Arena. Need to get around to finishing Spidey some time, and the same goes for about a half dozen games I have in varying stages of a backburner.
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Together we stand, as the Alliance!
Sep 25, 2018
well, i'm starting
Really enjoying the silly fun and the bad puns.

Also, the combat system improved **alot** from the older ones.
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old school cool
Nov 1, 2018
The last few days:

Somehow I got hooked on BLOPS 4...

Also simultaneously running Dark Souls on Switch & PC, because I need to finally finish the game someday (a lot of broken dreams). I'm literally running them in lockstep. I dunno, gives me confidence.
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Me llamo Willy y no hice la mili, pero vendo Chili
Sep 7, 2018
Well, today I have finished Assassins Creed: Syndicate (I'm beating all the saga since 2016) and now I'm playing something more linear and packed, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3.

I'm also playing Red Dead Redemption 2 from time to time but I'm sure at some point I will just drop the PS4 version and wait for the PC one, nothing bad for the console version (aside some performance drops) it's just I feel more comfortable with a keyboard and a mouse and I'm just too used to some thing only the PC can offer me, so...yeah.
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Nov 1, 2018
Currently going through Return of the Obra Dinn on PC and SMT Devil Survivor 2 Record Breaker on 3DS. Enjoying both, but Obra Dinn requires a LOT of attention. SMT, I played the original DS2 but the Triangulum add-on is cool. Mind you, by your second run-through you get insanely powerful demons and the whole game becomes almost trivial.
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Deleted member 113

Just finished The Quiet Man, and I... loved it. :giggle:

I was expecting a weird game, and I surely got a weird game. It's a bit of a mess, but personally I like a game that dares to try something different. Besides that, I'm a sucker for games with FMV sequences.
I already saw plenty of negative comments and ridicule for the game because of a Giant Bomb play-through, which is a bit sad.
But, to be honest the game as it currently stands would never appeal to everyone, because pretty much all the game, except for the first couple of minutes, barely features any sound. It tries to put you in the place of its deaf protagonist, so you will mostly only hear or feel vibrations, some muffled sounds, and so on. That, and some minor soundtrack.
So, you will go through the game struggling to read the lips of characters, and sometimes wonder what the hell is going on.
A week from now, the game will be patched so that there's an option for second play-throughs to be played with full sound and dialogue, to help you understand what they call the "mysteries" of the story. It's a bold choice, indeed. But, at least for me it worked. I intend to replay the game when the new version drops.

So, what is the game.
Well, it's a mixture of live action sequences, and gameplay sequences.
The live action sequences are actually beautifully shot, visually very appealing. The gameplay sequences are mostly beat'em up sequences. The combo system is actually very decent, but there's occasional clipping of characters through objects, or some minor camera problems.
The visuals on the gameplay sequences vary in quality, between some rather impressive visuals that almost look like live action, and some sequences where objects and characters look a bit worse.

This is one of those rare games that makes you wonder: how in the hell a big studio green-lighted something like this? :D
It's a weird, risky project, because it's something that would never have mass appeal. I see some people completely hating it, and I also see it becoming a bit of a cult game for some.
Personally, I enjoyed my time with it, and will replay it when the upcoming update launches.

On a side note, the end credits theme is a great track by Imogen Heap, and the achievements on Steam all feature quotes from the lyrics of the song. :)
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Child at heart
Oct 19, 2018
Been playing Red Dead 2 for a few days. The game never stops to impress me, anywhere, anytime, it's 100% polished. It's the most visually impressive game that I've ever played, and I'm only playing on PS4 Amateur. I can't imagine how good would it look on the X, and the PC version later.
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Likes obscure games.
Nov 2, 2018
United Kingdom
Well, I've got a bunch.

PC: Dead Space, Forza Horizon 3, Mirror's Edge
Vita: Steamworld Dig 2
PS4: Uncharted Lost Legacy, Stardew Valley

I usually play other games too, but these are the main ones I'm playing.
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Nov 2, 2018
- Playing through Trails in the Sky SC once in a while, whenever I have time for longer playing sessions.

- Counter-Strike Global Offensive and Rocket League when it comes to short playing sessions, pretty much games I use just to kill time when I'm waiting for something else.

- Phantasy Star Online 2, been playing this game since the japanese alpha 2 test back in 2012, it's a game that I will only stop playing when its servers shutdown, probably. Despite some big issues with the game, the battle system and the boss fights are fun (especially for an online RPG), and the music is great:

- Monster Hunter World when my brothers have time to play.

- And lastly, I'm planning on starting Soul Calibur VI in a few weeks, but before I start I want to get this controller:

I feel that the regular Xbox One controller's d-pad is too unreliable for fighting games.
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No reviews, no Buy
Nov 2, 2018
I will be without Gaming / Internet access next week until December So I am currently just chilling in X3 Litcubes Universe, Waiting for X4 to release while I am away :(
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Dead & Forgotten
Sep 5, 2018
I will be without Gaming / Internet access next week until December So I am currently just chilling in X3 Litcubes Universe, Waiting for X4 to release while I am away :(
until December? dang, that suuuuuucks :( there go all denuvo games ... :p


Nov 3, 2018
Finally started playing first episode of Life is Strange 2 few days ago and so far i like it a lot.
It started very slow and i honestly wasn't the biggest fan of two brothers, But it picks up in 2nd half and becomes much more interesting. I guess i am very close to finishing the episode since i already played it for more than 3 hours, lol.
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Dead & Forgotten
Sep 5, 2018
Finally started playing first episode of Life is Strange 2 few days ago and so far i like it a lot.
It started very slow and i honestly wasn't the biggest fan of two brothers, But it picks up in 2nd half and becomes much more interesting. I guess i am very close to finishing the episode since i already played it for more than 3 hours, lol.
i loooooove the first episode SO MUCH .... seriously can't wait to get my hands on the second one!!! :D


Nov 3, 2018
i loooooove the first episode SO MUCH .... seriously can't wait to get my hands on the second one!!! :D
It's a good thing i had other games to play before LiS 2 because hopefully 2nd episode is close to being finished and released.
Tho. thinking back about first episode i am really unsure about some of my choices... i always think way too much when i am playing these decision based games...
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Dead & Forgotten
Sep 5, 2018
It's a good thing i had other games to play before LiS 2 because hopefully 2nd episode is close to being finished and released.
Tho. thinking back about first episode i am really unsure about some of my choices... i always think way too much when i am playing these decision based games...
you can always replay it before the next one hits ;)
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Pirate Legend
Oct 9, 2018
Red Ded Redemption 2. Along side SoT and FH4.

Red Dead is pretty amazing on the X technically. Its a pretty amazingly detailed world to immerse in. I'm enjoying short visi
i loooooove the first episode SO MUCH .... seriously can't wait to get my hands on the second one!!! :D
Same I've loved (as has my wife) everything LiS so far. (havent played capt spirit)
I'm not usually one to get emotional over game characters/movies ect... but in BTS that scene where Rachel is speaking directly to Chloe while acting out the lines of the play... like... damn.

Oh, and I forgot, I tried to play Observer as was recommended on the One Day page, I was digging it, but the next time I tried to start it (3rd or 4th overall) from Xbox as usual (via gamepass) it just blew up. Would consistently crash the X all the way to OFF. even after a reinstall, so I nuked the save along with it and havent been back yet, maybe someday, didnt bother looking on forum or anything yet.
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Panda Pedinte

Best Sig Maker on the board!
Sep 20, 2018
I finally reached the bottom of Blighttown and killed Quelaag on my third try! Now I just need to finish looting the rest of the items in the swamp and I'll be done with this place. Now I don't hate this place anymore because I just entered Demon Ruins and the lava there just burned my eyes.

I also played DkS2 for a bit just to see how it could run on my system and it performed a lot better than the original Dark Souls, but damn this game feels a lot different than the first one so I'll save it for a later time.
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Reaper on Station。
Nov 1, 2018
Mt. Whatever
I'm at 99 hours for AC Odyssey and I just entered Episode 7 I believe. I kinda want it to be over, but the completionist in me compels me to check out all the side content and there is just sooooo much of it. I don't feel burn out but more like I'm just ready for something new feeling.

Before this I was playing Shadow of the Tomb Raider which I also went for 100% completion, but the time it ended I was like "no, no, no... This can't be it right?" So it's like I went from one opposite to the next.
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Just nothing
Oct 19, 2018
I have come to the point where it feels like there is nothing more to do for Kiryu in Yakuza 0. I only got one property left to buy and before I can take it I have befriend with a guy first. To do that I have to play the Pocket Circuit minigame and win the races
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old school cool
Nov 1, 2018
I finished Obra Dinn. I liked it, but it never fully clicked with me either. I guess it's a good sign that I was interested enough to finish it.

I'm still playing BLOPS4 in a similar compulsive way. Liking it most of the time, not loving it but I feel the urge to keep going.

There's still a fair amount of games I'm playing in that 'checklist' sorta way, while I should be playing the stuff I feel passionate about like XCom 2, Dark Souls, Two Point Hospital, and some others.
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Dead & Forgotten
Sep 5, 2018
yeah, Two Point Hospital is AWESOME ... especially after the updates! :)


Sep 20, 2018

Thats all i have been playing since it came out. There is nothing else. ONLY RDR2.
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Just nothing
Oct 19, 2018
Played some Yakuza 0 yesterday. Kinda slow now. I have to reach certain area share of the last Billionaire King's area before I can defeat him. I lost to him and lost 10% share before which was meh. Now I am playing the Pocket Circuit minigame in order to fill up the friendship to a guy before I can take over the property which is the last one of the area.

Decided to start to play Darksiders Warmastered edition. I blame Tizoc for this. Was planning to play Hitman Season 1 this month. But it's probably on hold
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