Guys, no need to get worked up.
Obviously, everyone has different opinions, but at the end of the day, each of us knows what they want do do with their money, and I don't believe anyone is telling anyone else what they should do (or not) with their money.
Some people will boycott games or companies for whatever reason, and we just have to accept that. The same way those people have to respect those who do otherwise.
I know it can be a bit tiring for some to keep hearing "I'm not buying games from "x" company" numerous times (I'm guilty of that myself, when I keep mentioning how I won't ever touch anything on the Epic Games Store), but as you may understand, it's just some fellow forum members "venting" a bit.
I don't think companies like THQ, or Epic, or anyone else, are "worthy" of getting us all arguing with one another about them.
Wait, am I missing something? What is the dirt on Tim Sweeney and the Steamspy guy? I mean, I don't support their "vision" for the future of PC gaming, but have they also done something horrible like condoning nazis and pedophiles?
I believe the poster was mentioning how Tim has no problems dealing with Randy Pitchford, who once lost a USB pen full of legal documents, and porn.
According to a lawsuit by a former associate, it was underage porn. Randy says it was "barely legal" porn.
Here's one of the many articles covering this.
Alleges Pitchford received $12M bonus, hid from Gearbox staffers, siphoned elsewhere.