News Epic Games Store


Makoto Niijima Fan Club President
Dec 23, 2018
Whether you take EGS exclusivity or not, handle yourself with some grace, humility, empathy and kindness.

The Darq developer did all of the above, and the so-called “Friends of the Devs” threw him under the bus.

I haven’t bought it yet because I’m broke (new job, trying to survive on a reduced payslip from my last job), but I will do when I have some liquidity. I’m glad the game has sold well.


There was a fish in the percolator!
Apr 6, 2019
Whether you take EGS exclusivity or not, handle yourself with some grace, humility, empathy and kindness.

The Darq developer did all of the above, and the so-called “Friends of the Devs” threw him under the bus.

I haven’t bought it yet because I’m broke (new job, trying to survive on a reduced payslip from my last job), but I will do when I have some liquidity. I’m glad the game has sold well.
What really fucking pissed me off was that some of them were implying that the Darq dev was catering to toxic fanboys, despite his statement not being toxic at all. I wonder why they’re try so hard to throw all PC players into the gamergate bucket. Between that and that fucking stupid Kotaku article about sex games, their bias is so fucking evident.


Just a chick who games
May 24, 2019
What really fucking pissed me off was that some of them were implying that the Darq dev was catering to toxic fanboys, despite his statement not being toxic at all. I wonder why they’re try so hard to throw all PC players into the gamergate bucket. Between that and that fucking stupid Kotaku article about sex games, their bias is so fucking evident.
The more I'm reading and thinking about it, I really do believe a lot of this is a console war against PC as a platform. And it's likely from years of PC players having better graphics, access to more mods, not having to pay extra to access multiplayer in games, and an overall smoother gameplay experience (higher FPS, less lag), at least for games that are well-optimized. It's apparent there's tons of jealousy coming from console players, and they're getting a lot of pleasure out of watching the people they've envied for years tear themselves up over this.


Just a chick who games
May 24, 2019
I think it’s just bad faith shitposting, rather than some deep seated jealousy, though there’s probably some people like that.

Most just want to wage console wars.
Yeah, I'm sure there's some of that, people just wanting to watch the world burn. But I don't think a lot of console players have forgotten the whole "PC Master Race" thing. And with consoles finally looking to catch up to PC next gen, there's even more reason for them to view PC as a competitor, especially with PC getting more and more ports as a lot of publishers and developers have begun viewing it as a prime market for expansion.
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Chaotic writer
May 15, 2019
Have to say that's a good one, for once it's not a game that have already been available for free or bundled before.

I don't do that, but apart from signing with the devil with your blood and soul opening an EGS account, is there any risk having an account just to grab the free games ? I have a friend who will never buy anything on EGS but he have an account, connect via browser, grab the games but never execute the launcher itself. He looks happy (for now... :imp:)


Dec 21, 2018
I'll play the free games if I like them (and it happened about twice because their choice of free games is about as interesting as their store for me), my money is more important than the store.
Which is pretty much why I don't buy on EGS to begin with!
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Chaotic writer
May 15, 2019
Anyway, Ubi Sales on EGS.

I hope they asked Ubi before... :steam_cleanseal:

Doctor Ironic

Junior Member
Mar 18, 2019
Hades is confirmed to be coming to Steam in Early Access form on December 10th, almost exactly one year after its EGS launch. Hades General Discussions :: Steam Community

This is mainly interesting because their statement at launch was that the game would be using EGS as a test bed and would come to other platforms once it hit 1.0. This could mean EGS sales were particularly disappointing, or just that Early Access is taking longer than expected. I’d be more inclined to believe the latter based on the wording of this announcement on the game’s newfound Steam page and forums (wow, it’s like they’ve got features or something) -

Our focus during Early Access will be on making Hades the best game possible. If you’re the sort of player who’s open to and interested in experiencing a game like ours take shape over time, you’ll be able to take part in its journey on the Epic Games store. If you’d prefer to wait until the game is 100% complete, we expect Hades will eventually be available on a variety of platforms, once Early Access is complete.
So they’re clearly prioritizing Steam over other digital game stores. Doesn’t GOG at least have an Early Access program as well? This is all very curious.
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Oct 30, 2018
I would not be looking too much into this. The Steam release happens 1 year after the EGS release, it is just a matter of exclusivity contract.

The Steam page went live today, because their studio is 10 years old and they have a Steam sale:

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Dead & Forgotten
Sep 5, 2018
I would not be looking too much into this. The Steam release happens 1 year after the EGS release, it is just a matter of exclusivity contract.
yes, of course ... it IS curious that they're putting the store page up 3 months before the release, though ;)

i bet it would've actually released today if the contract wasn't for 12 months
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Dead & Forgotten
Sep 5, 2018
I have added info in my message. Today is their "studio birthday".
doesn't change anything about my reply, though ... in fact - it only makes me think i'm actually even more right :p

would've been the perfect time to release it today ... studio anniversary, big sale ... makes perfect sense
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Oct 30, 2018
doesn't change anything about my reply, though ... in fact - it only makes me think i'm actually even more right :p

would've been the perfect time to release it today ... studio anniversary, big sale ... makes perfect sense
If not for the exclusivity agreement, the game would have been released last December. Or today.


Dead & Forgotten
Sep 5, 2018
If not for the exclusivity agreement, the game would have been released last December. Or today.
well yeah ... but i mean, in like a purely hypothetical situation where they went to egs out of their own will to "test the waters" and didn't have to specifically wait 12 months flat to be able to release it everywhere else

At least Epic won't snatch Hades from Steam if we add it to wishlist. Right?
well they can always extend the exclusivity by another 12 months ... or buy the studio ;)

Deleted member 113

A reminder that Valve uses wishlists to gauge interest, and as a metric on what games they promote (or not).
That's why every game that's announced these days (or crowdfunded) keeps asking that, if someone's interested, that you add them to your wishlists.

If you believe Supergiant Games should be rewarded for signing an exclusivity deal for a full year, and still deserve to be granted the promotion that other game could receive instead, go right ahead, and do as they ask, and add the game to your wishlist.

If you believe otherwise, don't reward developers who pull crap like this.

It's disappointing that, with so many indie developers genuinely struggling to get some visibility to their games, these teams get free publicity from all the EGS "backlash" when they announce a timed-exclusivity, and are now prepared to get another launch, and a new wave of visibility, when they launch elsewhere, and to add insult to injury, people will pick up these games as soon as they launch on Steam (probably still at full price), adding another layer of double rewards to these developers: financial support from Epic + the sales they will still get anyway on Steam and other stores.


May 5, 2019
I' with FunktionJCB here. I dont think I will be wishlisting or buying Hades even after the exclusivity ends. Supergiant hasnt made any condescending comments as far as I am aware of, but they did take Epics deal, and that in itself is very hard to forgive. Call me petty on that, but I dont wanna reward devs that go that route. Not afer all that has happened so far, and not even before. The one year deal was a kick in the face back then, and it still is.

I actually wrote to ACE Team directly asking them why they chose the deal for Eternal Cylinder*, since they have such a deep connection to the Steam community, and I told them that any dev going down the EGSclusivity route is sending, alongside Epic, a clear signal that they want to hurt and disrupt Steam and its community, and making PC gaming worse as a whole -- and again, it is very hard to forgive someone partaking in a campaign like that.

* a game that they already talked about back in 2015 in their Steam community group, btw. Link

Doctor Ironic

Junior Member
Mar 18, 2019
I would not be looking too much into this. The Steam release happens 1 year after the EGS release, it is just a matter of exclusivity contract.
So it’s not suspicious to you that the devs explicitly said the game wouldn’t hit Steam for at least a year and a half but are now trying to get it on Steam as soon as they’re legally allowed?


Excluding exclusives
Jan 12, 2019
I'm fine with devs doing their alpha, beta or early access on a single storefront, as long as the final release is multi-store.

I am however not fine with the bullshit supergiant used to justify their exclusivity deal with Epic. Therefore I will skip Hades completely.

I also fully agree with FunktionJCB that devs going EGS exclusive but abusing Steam for attention is disgusting. But of course not a single games site is writing about this.
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Junior Member
Jul 12, 2019
Welp, I bought Celeste for my PS4 last Dec..... I was on a 2D platformer kick with my PS4 at the time, I had just purchased the AMAZING Dead Cells..... Also, I had purchased Inside in early 2018.... STOP LOOKING AT MY PSN GAMES TIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IMMA NAME A FOLDER CALLED "What they don't want Tim to know" and fill it with copies of free PSN games that Sony shat out at us.

(Celeste and Inside are great, do download everyone)


Junior Member
Jul 12, 2019
Deleted my account during their first sale, to send a message. Not planning on creating a new one, not even for free games.
Once I take a stance, I stick to it.
Tim and me have that in common.
Idk about that, Tim's only stance is that he likes money.


Junior Member
Jul 12, 2019
No need to. If you want to download from EGS, go ahead.
I don't want to, but I'm also not perusing or trying to stop you.
Once Epic acknowledge that third party exclusivity and buying nearly finished games is shit I may rethink my stance. Till then: Epic is dead to me and nothing they offer will change that.
I see it this way, Epic isn't going to stop with the exclusives shit and most indie devs and game journalists have already been brought over to its side. I can either not download and spend money later on something I could've had for free and nothing changes or download the games and nothing changes. I skipped on DLing Enter The Gundugeon and almost bought it later for $7.50. I could've had the game and been a king at Burger King if I'd had taken it when it was free rather than sticking to my useless guns. Instead I stewed and didn't buy it anyway.

I remember the GFWL thing. Microsoft "passes" an Epic and more every quarter and their store and launcher still failed. Most of us bought GFWL games and it still died. I haven't spent any money on their store and don't plan it. Freebies won't change anything.
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May 25, 2019
I just want to comment on something that's been bugging me for a while in this back and forth we have with EGS defenders (whether it's on twitter or era or anywhere really). Usually they'll ask why EGS buying exclusives is bad and we'll respond with a list of ways EGS sucks as a platform.

But...that kind of misses the point to me. The simple act of buying exclusives in the PC space is abhorrent and that alone should be enough reason why the platform shouldn't be supported. It could be the best client in the world and I still wouldn't give them a penny for how they're handling their business. When we lose sight of that and go into its lack of features all that does is give defenders an excuse to post lazy shifting goalposts memes when Epic eventually does add a feature (albeit in a half assed way like cloud saving).

I'm convinced if Nintendo can do it then it's not that hard. That goes with just about anything tech related.
Totally. I have limited complaints regarding the lack of features. I seriously don't mind waiting a year to get the game on steam.

What pisses me off is having this player who is so irresponsible and aggressive. I've always been like this, hence my long-standing hate affair with Microsoft.

Your main strategy is to make users of other software uncomfortable? Take/keep things away from them? Go fuck a cactus, egs.