The only right thing to do is to delete your account.
Update your EGS client, you're running the old version.So because I'm a bit interested in Control and because the PS4 version of the game won't be available in Asia region until God knows when, I tried to check EGS to see how much does it cost here in my country.
Okay, maybe I need to login first.
Goddammit the last time I visited EGS was weeks ago.
Nice store btw.
It's the web version.Update your EGS client, you're running the old version.
The only logical explanation is that a member of the anti-Epic group is in charge of the internet in your country and is fighting the good fight by blocking it. Let us all salute this nameless hero.So because I'm a bit interested in Control and because the PS4 version of the game won't be available in Asia region until God knows when, I tried to check EGS to see how much does it cost here in my country.
Okay, maybe I need to login first.
Goddammit the last time I visited EGS was weeks ago.
Nice store btw.
In case you don't like what Epic is doing: Control is still lots of fun to play next year. Meanwhile, you can visit our "metasteam" thread for other recommendations.Anyway made it works. $23 here.
Don't worry, I have no plan on supporting timed exclusivity.In case you don't like what Epic is doing: Control is still lots of fun to play next year. Meanwhile, you can visit our "metasteam" thread for other recommendations.![]()
I kinda agree with you Funktion. I get that even when Valve said that Metro Exodus late Steam removal was unfair some people were saying 'hurr durr it's not unfair valve bad and big dumb' but it's past time for them to do something about games with a store page going exclusive, especially this close to release, like WRC. Something that will make those deals not be only pros for the publisher.I don’t care about BigBen, or Paranoia in particular, but the passivity from Valve regarding this kind of crap pisses me off.
I mean, a while back, they were banning indie developers left and right, for the minimal thing.
There were games that were removed from Steam, and the developers banned from posting further games, because they posted a single review of their own game.
That, for Valve, is a bannable offense. It wouldn’t matter if the developer recognized their error and apologized, or deleted that fake review, they would be banned from doing business on Steam. No appeals, you were banned, and that was the end of it.
But, having developers and publishers publicizing their products on Steam, with false releases dates, when they are not launching on Steam in those dates, if at all (because they have exclusivity agreements), is apparently fine. As is having them using these pages for customer support of their… EGS releases.
I mean, it was known at least since earlier this month that WRC 8 was exclusive to the EGS. The official website and trailer had the EGS logo.
If you check Steam, the game still has a September 2019 release date:
This is the same publisher that did the same thing with The Sinking City, and even has a post in the main store page advertising the EGS release:
Steam :: The Sinking City :: Events
Operencia was another example. The game even had a beta test running on Steam, and then… released as a EGS exclusive.
Despite that, until the game was released on the EGS, that game was always showing at the top, or near the top, of my Upcoming list of games on Steam (despite no longer being on my wishlist, and I choosing to ignore it).
Deep Silver and Ubisoft had pre-orders for games, only to remove them at the last minute.
Again, that is fine for Valve.
The difference in treatment between some indie developers, and others, in this case the ones that took an EGS deal, is perplexing.
Why don’t they have the balls to do something about it, and ban some of these developers/publishers from the store, like they did for lesser things to other developers?
Make a post advertising direct sales for your game? Get banned (or, at the very least, have that post deleted).
Mention other websites where the game is sold? You probably get your post deleted as well.
Post about your game launching on EGS? It's fine.
I agree with both of you. Devs and publishers are actually abusing Steam for visibility, while f*cking them over with an exclusivity deal with Epic.There definitely needs to be "consequences" for these developers to stop them behaving the way they are. Right now they are having their cake and eating it too. Personally I would be entirely happy with Steam blacklisting developers and refusing to allow developers to create store pages for new titles unless they have an ironclad guarantee that said game is going to be released on steam at the same time as other stores. If a developer renegs on said deal then they get locked out of the steam store completely.
Because right now there is very little downside to developers fucking customers over. They get a big fat check from Epic and then can carry on as normnal on steam 12 months later. I think some devs will think twice if they are running the risk of losing access to steams market share.
I think Steam is hesitant to ban or remove these developers' store pages because they are still anticipating sales after the exclusivity period ends. Yes, they're being used for exposure, but what can Valve do that won't make them look like the bad guys in this? Nothing. As of now, once the release date passes, the developers will need to contact them directly to change it anyway, so they won't be able to play games with moving it around for continued exposure.I agree with both of you. Devs and publishers are actually abusing Steam for visibility, while f*cking them over with an exclusivity deal with Epic.
But I'm not exactly sure what Steam can do without raising a huge media storm against them. According to the media, accepting Epic's money is just a logical business decision.
literally nothingBut I'm not exactly sure what Steam can do without raising a huge media storm against them
The devs are the focus of people on social media, their Steam discussion forum is spammed, and the game will likely get review-bombed on day one, which will prevent them for being recommended by Steam's algorithms for some time. Even with Valve's tool to dump Steam reviews during the review-bomb time-window, there is nothing to do if the time-window coincides with the release window of the game; there is no review prior to the review-bomb.Because right now there is very little downside to developers fucking customers over.
My rationale is this:C-Dub, do you think that the lesson the developers/publishers will take, if the games still sell 1 year later on Steam, is that their next titles shouldn't be exclusive?
I think it's the exact opposite. I mean, their strategy is vindicated. They got an advancement and guaranteed sales from Epic, and one year later, they will still make money elsewhere, with a second launch. That's the perfect deal. And assuming Steam sales are much higher than the ones on the EGS, if you do the math, the exclusivity deal would be the best scenario (I mean advance + guaranteed sales on Epic + Steam sales > Slightly higher Steam sales + EGS sales).
Wrong, because as we've clearly seen doing nothing engenders editorials (hit pieces) on how Steam is stagnant and hasn't done anything in 1000000 years because Half-Life 2 Episode 3 (or something).literally nothing
What Valve needs to do is wait for the first batch of EGS exclusives sell better on Steam, then throw an olive branch as some sort of positive PR.Wrong, because as we've clearly seen doing nothing engenders editorials (hit pieces) on how Steam is stagnant and hasn't done anything in 1000000 years because Half-Life 2 Episode 3 (or something).
And if Epic doesn't stop signing exclusives, despite losing money?But if Epic is punished by people boycotting them, and then buying games on other stores, then they are killing their business plan dead.
Good game is good game, no matter where it sold. Then again Remedy (or 505?) looks like they need money, other than EGSclusives they also have PS4 exclusive content.Welp, PC version of Control has 85 on Metacritic, on one hand I'm glad that Remedy made a great game, on the other, I don't want to see more good games selling to Team Sweeney.
Valve does pre-paid Steam revenue with (some?) VR games iirc. They're okay with taking a loss on VR if it means boosting that ecosystem, but I doubt they're interested in doing the same for traditional games which is an already established market. It could also be interpreted as a monopolistic move, because sure they aren't forcing you to only sell on their store, but by virtue of being the largest store in the first place they can guarantee the status quo.In addition, Valve should open some sort of "Game Fund" that will give promising games an advance in sales on Steam, similar to what Epic does with EGS, but stipulate no store exclusivity as a term of receiving the cash. In short, they'll still be free to release on GOG, EGS and anyone else.
Exactly, which is why Valve can't afford to make enemies of the developers. Until they know how the first batch of exclusives plays out once they start hitting Steam, they're in no real position to start penalizing developers on the platform. Anything they do will be construed as them being spiteful against those who are "only doing what they must to stay afloat", They're in a lose/lose situation at this point. Right now, the only thing the media cares about are the "poor, poor developers", and the customers and storefronts (outside of Epic) can go to hell for all they care. The only thing that's going to make a difference is the success or failure of these indies once they make it back to Steam. And that can be a year or two in the making. We just need to stick to our guns and wait it out.And if Epic doesn't stop signing exclusives, despite losing money?
They are in it for the long run, you know...
As much as I agree with you, tossing developers off their store for signing exclusives is pretty much against Valve's philosophy of letting developers do whatever they want. The only thing I'd like to see them do is shut down the community hubs for games that have signed exclusives, but I doubt that would ever happen because it would basically be setting a double-standard between devs who sell on Epic and everyone else.Personally I would prefer that Valve does absolutely nothing to placate developers. It will only lead to more outrageous demands and it won't stop anyone from taking Epic's moneyhat.
Just so you know, Epic had a security breach that had a lot of usernames + passes leaked, so you might want to change those in case someones FortNite aimbotting on your account or whateverSo because I'm a bit interested in Control and because the PS4 version of the game won't be available in Asia region until God knows when, I tried to check EGS to see how much does it cost here in my country.
Okay, maybe I need to login first.
Goddammit the last time I visited EGS was weeks ago.
Nice store btw.
Personally I'm tired of Remedy making business decisions that f*ck over the pc gaming community. From Alan Wake going Xbox exclusive, Quantum Break being one of worst pc ports ever and now Control going EGS exclusive.Welp, PC version of Control has 85 on Metacritic, on one hand I'm glad that Remedy made a great game, on the other, I don't want to see more good games selling to Team Sweeney.
Is the tide starting to turn? I there an actual fucking voice of reason out there? Or is it just a one time fluke?EGS’ larger cut of a smaller pie - with an incentive to use their engine built in, of course - is just marketing for now. Epic makes Fortnite; it’s not some scrappy pugilist out to make a name. It’s not clear to me why people carry so much fucking water for this thing.
That guy is a f*cking hero. I can't respect him enough for what he's doing.The DARQ dev is fucking with Timmy on levels I could never dream of.
Betting it won't. Pretty sure the reason Epic does not want to "simship" games is because it will give verifiable proof that Steam sales trump Epic's by a vast margin.Really curious if anything happens there.
Good point, the revenue would be public and that's not what Epic wants I guess.Betting it won't. Pretty sure the reason Epic does not want to "simship" games is because it will give verifiable proof that Steam sales trump Epic's by a vast margin.
Massive balls. I like it.The DARQ dev is fucking with Timmy on levels I could never dream of.
i'm already seeing people saying it's a PR stuntI can see the reaction from Friends of the Devs now.
"Look at that bastard, wanting to donate money to charity."
Yeah, and Sweeny's original Tweet was a PR stunt too. Funny how nobody seems to give a shit about that. If he had just kept his mouth shut, the Darq dev wouldn't have had anything to respond to.i'm already seeing people saying it's a PR stunt
Jeez, its just giving money to charity, what a martyrThe DARQ dev is fucking with Timmy on levels I could never dream of.
Do people think they're some kind of geniuses for realizing that?i'm already seeing people saying it's a PR stunt
Agree with the gist of it but, there aren't rules, they just do whatever whenever, say this and do that, backpedal and change constantly (never to our benefit).change the store's stupid rules
Just wait, we're going to get news stories complaining about how the dev offering to donate his game's revenue to charity is nothing more than BS PR, and he should be ashamed of himself for using charity to improve his business's image since other developers aren't in the position to do the same, so it's making his indie peers look bad for his own benefit, or some shit.Jeez, its just giving money to charity, what a martyr
Yeah that place that "shall not be named" has become so twisted and bizarre now. I am kinda glad I got my 1 week ban because I ended up here and have never been happier to find a moderate home that actually cares about PC gaming rather than a forum where how much you smell a developers farts and like them consitutes how "woke" you are.Got a "warning", that few minutes later turned into a 24h ban, which few more minutes later somehow turned into a two-weeks ban. Because it was clearly a serious infraction... I guess?
I regret nothing.
What a bunch of hypocrites.