News Epic Games Store


Junior Member
Aug 2, 2019
Although the medium is different, there are ton of cases where films unappreciated at the release are appreciated years later.

Or film can be good and well-received, but still not sell well enough to be in green. This one can apply game development as well because good game-making ability and good financial management are not exactly same thing.
This isn't a very big factor in the success of smaller, lesser-known and/or indie films, but something that helps film is the existence of scholarly and professional critique of the medium. And I think that stuff just existing eventually filters out into the general public and creates at least some important niches that are searching for "auteur" or artistic productions.

And post-release, long-term appreciation for games seems to be harder for games for the same reason that developing a formal university level Game Studies program would be difficult: games require way more effort and time (and sometimes even skill) to consume than film, music or writing.


Oct 6, 2018
Honestly, I don't think there's much room for the Uplay and Origin subscriptions now Game Pass for PC is a thing. Microsoft just has more clout at getting bigger names on the service and can leverage their Xbox base to do it, and I don't think PC players are in a rush to subscribe to multiple services.

If you really must play every Ubisoft or EA game, then I guess those are worth it, but in terms of breadth and variety of content both services will be severely lacking compared to Game Pass.
If anything those lesser services will likely be used even more as a rental service than gamepass is. As much as I rail against Ubi games for being the literal definition of focus tested mediocrity I do get the appeal their bigger games can have before they launch. So now instead of buying it at launch and flipping it for $30-40 a month later I can just spend $15 for 1 month, play it, then hate myself for falling into the same trap again afterwards less than I did before? That's a hell of a deal IMO. I was already treating their games as disposable so the rental service is just a cheaper way to consume and dispose of them.

Obviously the real goal behind subs is to trick people into staying subbed as long as possible but that's where these individual publishers run into issues that gamepass probably won't. I don't think people want to pay $150 a year for the 1 Ubi game that looks interesting to them, or 2 at most. And if you're someone who wants to play an endless game like Siege it'd probably be better to just buy it instead of paying for it for years.


Careful Icarus
Sep 20, 2018
Don't underestimate the value of having people locked in your subscription service. Very few people will subscribe to all services, maybe one or two? The value, even if the actual $1-$15 is a loss leader of having that customer in your service and not your competitors is immeasurable.


Excluding exclusives
Jan 12, 2019
*(Not that you need my permission. I wanted to say that I'd understand you.)
Haha don't worry. I interpret anything said on a forum as a personal opinion, not as an order. And I'm always curious about other people's opinions, no matter if I agree with them or not.

Ubisoft was my favorite big publisher for several reasons:

  • still supporting Steam
  • discounts with uplay points
  • great 3rd party keystore support
  • rainbow six siege turnaround
  • investing in original games like Ode and Child of Light
  • one of the few big publishers trying new things and building new ip's (For Honor, Steep, Watch Dogs, The Division)
  • Deep discounts and free games on uPlay

But lately they feel like any other greedy big publisher to me.

To be honest, I don't understand their support for Epic and other recent changes. I thought Ubisoft was doing great, especially on pc. Their games sold millions on Steam. So why teaming up with Epic? Why adding a battle pass for Siege? Why implementing annoying MT's in their games? Why spamming sequels instead of trying new stuff?
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Makoto Niijima Fan Club President
Dec 23, 2018
To be honest, I don't understand their support for Epic and other recent changes. I thought Ubisoft was doing great, especially on pc. Their games sold millions on Steam. So why teaming up with Epic? Why adding a battle pass for Siege? Why implementing annoying MT's in their games? Why spamming sequels instead of trying new stuff?
Because they don’t want some of the money, they want all the money.

Subs, MTX, GaaS and stuff is all about taking 100% of your gaming spend. Ubisoft are banking that their games are compelling enough that you’ll stick with just them and not spend much, if any, elsewhere.

A foolhardy mistake, if I’m honest, but pride comes before a fall and the big publishers are all due one.


Mar 1, 2019
So why teaming up with Epic?
Epic isn't buying games, they are buying communities and titles that sell millions on PC must be very tempting. The check was probably really good because of it, like really good, despite Ubi not wanting to go exclusive.
Subs, MTX, GaaS and stuff is all about taking 100% of your gaming spend. Ubisoft are banking that their games are compelling enough that you’ll stick with just them and not spend much, if any, elsewhere.
Not just money, but as you implied GaaS is also about occupying (and wasting) as much time as possible. It's what they learned from MMOrpgs like World of Warcraft and co.


Mar 1, 2019
CD Project Red said:
“With Thronebreaker, we started with an exclusive, and decided to share it with a wider audience,” global communications manager Marcin Traczyk tells us at Gamescom. “It proved to us that exclusives maybe don’t work for us, because we don’t want to limit the number of people who can access the game.”



Mar 1, 2019
So basically it didn't sell well on GOG, not. They launched it on Steam to get better exposure and sell enough copies.
No idea. The wording is a bit weird.

It either means: "Didn't sell well enough on GOG alone", or:"It was fine, but we put it on steam because it sold even more that way."
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May 22, 2019


Segata's Disciple
Jan 28, 2019
Only cares about money accusations while announcing free DLC? Why's the PCGamer community so toxic for anyone not all-in on EGS but that's fine and doesn't raise eyebrows but people not all-in are called out as such, heh. Oh, right, it starts from the top and trickles down (unlike Epic's money), that's why.


Nov 4, 2018
The DARQ situation was great all around. Not only did the developer publicly reject Epic and got rewarded for it with good sales, his decision also exposed many journalists and industry people for what they really are. Between this, the continuing lack of any sales numbers for EGS games, Hades coming to Steam immediately after the exclusivity period ends, Observation having to go on sale for 40% off a month after release and the opposition against Epic holding firm, I think it's reasonable to say that things are going well.


Bad at Games.
Apr 17, 2019
It's amazing that a developer fucking over their backers months before launch is considered fine because "indie developers are struggling and need to keep the lights on" but an indie developer keeping his word and then using that to promote his game is somehow a bad thing. It's mind boggling.


Just a chick who games
May 24, 2019
It's amazing that a developer fucking over their backers months before launch is considered fine because "indie developers are struggling and need to keep the lights on" but an indie developer keeping his word and then using that to promote his game is somehow a bad thing. It's mind boggling.
It's the fact that he made the email he received from Epic public that seems to be pissing most of these people off. It exposed Sweeny's hypocrisy, making it harder for them to defend the EGS. The Epic Defenders have taken to calling the guy a sleazebag narcissist for it, as that's the only "argument" they can come up with that could be spinned in a way that attacks the man's integrity.


OG old coot
Oct 16, 2018
It's amazing that a developer fucking over their backers months before launch is considered fine because "indie developers are struggling and need to keep the lights on" but an indie developer keeping his word and then using that to promote his game is somehow a bad thing. It's mind boggling.
Remember, as with US politics, it's not about facts, it's about toting the party line.


Nov 4, 2018
It's the fact that he made the email he received from Epic public that seems to be pissing most of these people off. It exposed Sweeny's hypocrisy, making it harder for them to defend the EGS. The Epic Defenders have taken to calling the guy a sleazebag narcissist for it, as that's the only "argument" they can come up with that could be spinned in a way that attacks the man's integrity.
Not only that, they outright threatened him with being shunned by the entire industry. It really was despicable.


Bad at Games.
Apr 17, 2019
I still find it hard to accept that pro-EGS people exist. Not people who just don't care or think it's not a big deal... I can understand that outlook, even though I obviously don't share it. But people who, given the choice, would buy Cyberpunk 2077 on EGS rather than on Steam/GOG. Like, do these people exist? I've assumed the people arguing in favor of it on forums/comment sections were not actually PC gamers, and were just bitter console-players who resent the existence of Steam for some reason... or were just contrarian trolls.

If the guy has made enough money in the first week of sales to give away free DLC later this year, can he still be considered a martyr?!? :unsure:
He's just pandering to the toxic PC man babies who don't like EGS.


Nov 4, 2018
If the guy has made enough money in the first week of sales to give away free DLC later this year, can he still be considered a martyr?!? :unsure:
I'm sure Jason Schreier will let us know.
I still find it hard to accept that pro-EGS people exist. Not people who just don't care or think it's not a big deal... I can understand that outlook, even though I obviously don't share it. But people who, given the choice, would buy Cyberpunk 2077 on EGS rather than on Steam/GOG. Like, do these people exist? I've assumed the people arguing in favor of it on forums/comment sections were not actually PC gamers, and were just bitter console-players who resent the existence of Steam for some reason... or were just contrarian trolls.
No, I honestly don't think they do. It's a meme at this point that almost everyone in the pro-EGS camp doesn't play games on PC.


Excluding exclusives
Jan 12, 2019
Only cares about money accusations while announcing free DLC? Why's the PCGamer community so toxic for anyone not all-in on EGS but that's fine and doesn't raise eyebrows but people not all-in are called out as such, heh. Oh, right, it starts from the top and trickles down (unlike Epic's money), that's why.
To be honest, many of anti-EGS members left PC Gamer because of their shilling for Epic, or were banned for critisizing the latter.
If the guy has made enough money in the first week of sales to give away free DLC later this year, can he still be considered a martyr?!? :unsure:
I don't see how keeping a promise to your fans makes anyone a martyr in the first place.
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Just a chick who games
May 24, 2019
I don't see how keeping a promise to your fans makes anyone a martyr in the first place.
I think the insinuation was that the anti-EGS crowd wouldn't be buying the game despite the guy "pandering" to them, so he'd be losing out on Timmy Warbucks' fat stacks by declining exclusivity, thus killing his game. Except, the people they claimed have no morals or integrity actually stuck to their word and bought the game. I'm just curious to see how they spin this shit, assuming they even address it at all.


OG old coot
Oct 16, 2018
they pretty much haven't (beyond like 2 or 3 articles that basically only re-posted his medium post) ... and won't
Don't worry, someone is probably combing through the devs social media accounts and game data as we speak, looking for some exploitable dirt.
Once they find that, expect to see a lot of articles.


Makoto Niijima Fan Club President
Dec 23, 2018
Don't worry, someone is probably combing through the devs social media accounts and game data as we speak, looking for some exploitable dirt.
Once they find that, expect to see a lot of articles.
If they find anything.

This whole sordid affair just tells me that PC gamers need a new source of news. In fact, all of left-wing gaming needs a better source of news. We basically have a bunch of neoliberal shills masquerading behind progressive ideals controlling the narrative right now. They talk the talk but quickly turn on those who don’t subscribe to the liberal groupthink.

If I wasn’t so busy I’d consider doing something, but I just don’t have time to do it justice by myself.
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Mar 1, 2019
I still find it hard to accept that pro-EGS people exist.
It makes me sad to say it, but this seems to be the current "Zeitgeist".
I still find it hard to accept that [Enter something stupid] people exist is the plague of our generation. You can enter a lot things in there: Flat Earthers, Moon landing deniers, Climate change deniers etc. etc.
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Álvaro de Campos

O nada que é tudo.
Mar 12, 2019
I'm glad pro-EGS people exist. As John Stuart Mill said: Complete liberty of contradicting and disproving our opinion, is the very condition which justifies us in assuming its truth for purposes of action; and on no other terms can a being with human faculties have any rational assurance of being right.


anime occult member
Sep 19, 2018
The Kingdom of Beer and Porn
Bigben going all hands on 🥚
These three titles are:
  • WRC 8, scheduled to release on the 5th of September
  • Paranoia: Happiness is Mandatory, scheduled to release on the 3rd of October
  • Bee Simulator, scheduled to release on the 14th of November
All three titles will have a one-year exclusivity period on the Epic Games Store, with Benoit Clerc, Bigben Interactives Head of Publishing, saying:
We are very pleased to be reinforcing our Epic Games store offer with a variety of unique games from our catalogue. Our latest offer is comprised of three games that are very different from each other: Bee Simulator, a superb family game; Paranoia: Happiness is Mandatory, a tactical CRPG brimming with dark humour; and WRC 8, the official simulation of the FIA World Rally Championship, which will also be the first rally game available on the Epic Games Store.
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Excluding exclusives
Jan 12, 2019
Bigben going all hands on 🥚
Oh well, BigBen joined Annapurna, Private Division and Deep Silver on my publisher ignore list on Steam.

It's kind of disgusting that they still haven't changed the release date on Steam, in order to abuse the platform to advertise their moneyhatted games to the Steam community. Valve really should do something about this.


Nov 12, 2018
This is exclusivity for the sake of having exclusives, I doubt anyone at all will jump on the EGS train because they now have games published by BigBen Interactive. I was sorta interested in Paranoia though, too bad I’ll have to wait one more year (and in the meantime we’ll know if it’s good).
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Retired, but still Enabling
Oct 11, 2018
oh fuck , i missed that info :notlikethisblob:
Didn't they just buy Spiders last month?
Greedfall is published by Focus Home Entertainment.
For that matter, Remnant FtA is published by Perfect World Entertainment

Those games at least will be tied to their initial pub despite being bought out by other companies and the change to publisher may happen later over time.


Nov 12, 2018
I’d love Valve to remove the pages for all these games with old release date just to see all those advocating for curation because “good games being overshadowed by games cheating the system with fake release dates” go up in arms about that.

That’d be fun and not ironic at all.


Press Any key, where the hell is it ?
Aug 5, 2019
The thing I find ridiculous about all this is that if it was Valve buying these exclusives and keeping them off competitor stores the same media praising Epic would be screaming bloody murder that Valve is abusing their position. If Valve was offering an 18% rate they would be screaming Valve is trying to drive it's competitors such as GOG out of business.

I don't know why the media and journalists have such a hate boner for steam. Whilst I don't want Steam to go down the path of Epic with buying exclusives I do want them to try and combat this blatant coat tail riding Epic and the indie developers are doing. They are using the steam store as market research and visibility then fuciking steam customers over by trying to force them to use EGS.


Jun 10, 2019
So because I'm a bit interested in Control and because the PS4 version of the game won't be available in Asia region until God knows when, I tried to check EGS to see how much does it cost here in my country.

Okay, maybe I need to login first.

Goddammit the last time I visited EGS was weeks ago.

Nice store btw.