News Epic Games Store


The Crawling Chaos
Apr 18, 2019
I dont know what he played. But the beta I played in 2015/2016 was definitely nothing to write home about.
He played the Minecraft With Guns game that nobody gives a shit about, not the PUBG knock off that was made while being funded by the makers of PUBG to perform the necessary technical work that would enable PUBG to work and concurrently developing their own version using the work someone else was paying them to do that people now consider synonymous with FortNite


Miserable old git
Jan 22, 2019
As much as I dislike what Epic are doing at the minute and can't stand Tim Sweeney, I personally don't think there's anything wrong with Epic taking their knowledge and doing a mode of their own, as long as those technical improvements are rolled back into the engine for everyone.

The funny thing is the part I enjoyed the most about Fortnite before all their bullshit, the PvE, has essentially been abandoned or not getting updated anywhere as much so, damnit. Then again despite not really liking Battle Royale at all I'd still play PUBG or COD Blackout over Fortnite.


On a break
Apr 17, 2019
He played the Minecraft With Guns game that nobody gives a shit about, not the PUBG knock off that was made while being funded by the makers of PUBG to perform the necessary technical work that would enable PUBG to work and concurrently developing their own version using the work someone else was paying them to do that people now consider synonymous with FortNite
Well y’know the beta I was playing in 2015 was Save the World. It wasnt very good and Randy was playing an even earlier version of it.

Battle Royale didnt start development until 2017.


The Crawling Chaos
Apr 18, 2019
As much as I dislike what Epic are doing at the minute and can't stand Tim Sweeney, I personally don't think there's anything wrong with Epic taking their knowledge and doing a mode of their own, as long as those technical improvements are rolled back into the engine for everyone.
I dunno, I'm sure there were all sorts of 'chinese walls' internally, but its still a little questionable to be working on something that could be considered a direct competitor, while being simultaneously being paid to work on a product and being privy to all sorts of technical design implementations and seeing all of the hurdles they have and benfitting from that experience for your own project.

Like... if Drodo had licenced the Source engine to make Autochess as a standalone project and it had never been a DOTA2 custom game, and Valve were taking money to assist in the technical changes required to make it work, then shortly after it was released announced DOTA Underlords, you'd better believe questions would be raised.

I mean, the lawsuit that Silicon Knights filed against Epic was on similar grounds; that while being paid by a client to work on engine features, they were using those selfsame features a client was paying for in order to make their own games in competition.


Once Punched Man
Apr 22, 2019
I don't deny that there're plenty of alt-right, white supremacist trash that truly does hate on Epic because of hawk mentality and need to exterminate everything that isn't perceived as inherently western, but these Sinophobia excuses are used to shut a legit criticism of their business practices. Reminds me of some Huawei takes on the other forum: "NSA and CIA already spy on you, so it should be ok if Chinese intelligence spies on you too".


Nov 12, 2018
Brighton, UK
I honestly believe that Tencent has no direct involvement with EGS, but at the same time it's fucking annoying that people dismiss this kind of concerns, when it's normally accepted to, say, not choosing to be customers of companies that makes side deals in weapons to third world countries.
Now, yes, landmines and crippled starving children are more obviously evil than social conditioning and privacy suppression, but still.

As always nobody respects other folks ideals, but are expected to be respected nonetheless.


Dead & Forgotten
Sep 5, 2018
Q: The Sinking City is coming on the Epic Games Store on PC. Did you get any backlash for this decision?

A: Yeah. We have people being disappointed with this decision. We even have people being very angry about this decision. We have people being frustrated about this decision. And we have people who are okay with this decision, obviously. On our Facebook page, on our YouTube channel, yes, we get comments from people who are not happy because they will not be able to play this game on their favorite storefront this year. We understand the frustration. At the same time, we ask the players to understand that we had to make this choice as it is important for our future as a game development company. So it’s a huge boost to us being able to develop more games for so many platforms. But yes, I do understand the frustration.


Dec 22, 2018
<sinking city dev>
I mean they could have just cut that down to 'We understand your frustration and we're sorry. At the same time, we ask the players to understand that we had to make this choice as it is important for our future as a game development company."

That's a really long winded way of saying "sorry, but we needed the money", and it's fine. My interest in the game waxed and waned prior to EGS being involved.


There was a fish in the percolator!
Apr 6, 2019
I mean they could have just cut that down to 'We understand your frustration and we're sorry. At the same time, we ask the players to understand that we had to make this choice as it is important for our future as a game development company."

That's a really long winded way of saying "sorry, but we needed the money", and it's fine. My interest in the game waxed and waned prior to EGS being involved.
But how else are they going to guilt trip people for being upset at their decisions?


There was a fish in the percolator!
Apr 6, 2019
Which is exactly what they are trying to do.
Look, life's hard. I know it. There's been months that I've genuinely afraid of not being able to pay rent, buy food, pay my significant credit card debt.
I fully sympathize with these devs taking Epic's money.

But one thing I truly dislike is this weird trend of trying to deflect the consequences of their controversial decisions back on their customers (potential or otherwise). I know some folks can be real assholes online, but I hate that they act like the criticism is unwarranted.


Excluding exclusives
Jan 12, 2019
I fully sympathize with these devs taking Epic's money.
I don't know. I mean, the majority of these devs have been very successful in the past, several of them mostly thanks to Steam. Most of the games Epic moneyhatted were also close to completion, so money was coming in anyway.

It's hard for me to sympathize with these devs accepting Epic's money, thereby helping them to cripple Steam and going straight against the wishes of many of their fans.


There was a fish in the percolator!
Apr 6, 2019
I don't know. I mean, the majority of these devs have been very successful in the past, several of them mostly thanks to Steam. Most of the games Epic moneyhatted were also close to completion, so money was coming in anyway.

It's hard for me to sympathize with these devs accepting Epic's money, thereby helping them to cripple Steam and going straight against the wishes of many of their fans.
Well, I"m assuming a case where the devs are dirt poor or very small like house house. Ubi, annapurna, coffee stain and those guys yeah they can go fuck themselves.


Miserable old git
Jan 22, 2019
Nevermind Steam, Steam will always be ok IMO and not have much to worry about. It's stores like GOG being fucked over that piss me off, despite me loving Steam I do like to buy from GOG as well and it hurts them far more than it hurts Valve imo. It also hurts DRM free fans and gives them even less options than usual.

Guilty of Being

Dec 5, 2018
Look, life's hard. I know it. There's been months that I've genuinely afraid of not being able to pay rent, buy food, pay my significant credit card debt.
I fully sympathize with these devs taking Epic's money.

But one thing I truly dislike is this weird trend of trying to deflect the consequences of their controversial decisions back on their customers (potential or otherwise). I know some folks can be real assholes online, but I hate that they act like the criticism is unwarranted.
I too am dying under credit card debt.

I just ate $0.17 Ramen for lunch. 😂


On a break
Apr 17, 2019
Look, life's hard. I know it. There's been months that I've genuinely afraid of not being able to pay rent, buy food, pay my significant credit card debt.
I fully sympathize with these devs taking Epic's money.

But one thing I truly dislike is this weird trend of trying to deflect the consequences of their controversial decisions back on their customers (potential or otherwise). I know some folks can be real assholes online, but I hate that they act like the criticism is unwarranted.
i hate how much I relate to this


Dead & Forgotten
Sep 5, 2018
I'm sorry to hear some of you guys are having such a hard time. No one should be afraid not to be able to buy food. I hope life will be better soon for all of you!
it won't for me ... it's been like that for me since like 2007 ... and it's not getting better, sadly

I mean fair enough but they've lost a sale from me for another year
same ... i was really looking forward to it (especially since i love their Sherlock games) ... but i won't play it until it's on steam ... and it makes me sad


sometimes a doctor of rhythm
Apr 17, 2019
i've gotten used to it by now, lol

thanks, though
Not gonna pry so I'll just say that there are a ton of folks here that care a great deal about you, lash. You've seen me mention it to others in the mental struggles thread that if you ever need some time to vent or some cheering up we're always here and that goes for you too.

And I share what others have said in the last few posts that I'll continue to hope things do get better for you! I wish I could do more than hope.

Hang in there, okay? :cat-heart-blob:


Nov 4, 2018
I don't know. I mean, the majority of these devs have been very successful in the past, several of them mostly thanks to Steam. Most of the games Epic moneyhatted were also close to completion, so money was coming in anyway.

It's hard for me to sympathize with these devs accepting Epic's money, thereby helping them to cripple Steam and going straight against the wishes of many of their fans.
Indeed. The overwhelming majority of the developers that took Epic's money have had plenty of commercial success.


Retired, but still Enabling
Oct 11, 2018
I no longer believe anyone who tries to convince or argue that taking Epic's moneyhat will have those funds go into the game's development or to improving it.
Muthafuckas, that money goes into the pub's CEOs and shareholders pockets.

EDIT: Now smaller indies? Ya OK, those guys def. get the moola, but how is having an extra mil or 2 really going to help improve the game? No offense but would they really put 1 mil into developing their game further? If anyone can provide some analytics on that, that'd be nice.
Last edited:

Stone Ocean

Proud Degenerate
Apr 17, 2019
Selling out to the EGS is not without risk but "free money that might cost us money in a year because its likely Epic will just treat you like a used napkin once the deal is over" doesn't sound as good as a bullet point.

As someone with bills to pay I very much understand taking the deals for smaller games that weren't crowdfunded but don't go crying about mean Valve on twitter when your games don't sell afterwards.


Dead & Forgotten
Sep 5, 2018
Selling out to the EGS is not without risk but "free money that might cost us money in a year because its likely Epic will just treat you like a used napkin once the deal is over" doesn't sound as good as a bullet point.

As someone with bills to pay I very much understand taking the deals for smaller games that weren't crowdfunded but don't go crying about mean Valve on twitter when your games don't sell afterwards.
oh, you can be sure at least one of them will complain about bad volvo intentionally not showing their game to anyone in recommendations because they were exclusive

Stone Ocean

Proud Degenerate
Apr 17, 2019
oh, you can be sure at least one of them will complain about bad volvo intentionally not showing their game to anyone in recommendations because they were exclusive
Why would Valve help them in any way? I thought they didn't do anything about discovery? It's only natural for them to compete with the billions of asset flips crowding the front page and burying legit games, right?


Dead & Forgotten
Sep 5, 2018
Why would Valve help them in any way? I thought they didn't do anything about discovery? It's only natural for them to compete with the billions of asset flips crowding the front page and burying legit games, right?
don't get me wrong - volvo's recommendation algorithms definitely have problems ....

but i'm pretty sure at least one of those devs, when their games finally goes up on steam 12 months later and doesn't sell 5 billion copies in a week, will complain about volvo intentionally hiding their game


Nov 4, 2018
I feel sick after reading that wccftech article about Sweeneys tweets. It's incredible how journalists who don't know anything about pc gaming suddenly feel the need to write about it anyway.
One of the upsides of this whole situation with Epic is that people realized the role of a big part of games media. Expect nothing from outlets with a vested interest in having chummy relations with the industry's big wallets. No one will support customers, we gave for our interests ourselves.

Deleted member 113

What do we think the reviews for The Sinking City are going to be like? I’m thinking low 6s.
I'm thinking... that I really couldn't care less how any of these EGS exclusives review. ;)

Really, with so many great games around, why I should I waste time wondering if a game I won't buy, launching on a store that I won't use, will be well or badly received?

I sound like a broken record, but I prefer to apply my time and money on games and developers that are launching on the platforms I use, and that don't pull crap like this.
Sadly, none of those games get a portion of this publicity. The truth is these developers, and Epic, are getting lots of free publicity, from people who are pledging not to want to support either. Why waste time with the bad examples, instead of wasting time with the good examples?

I rarely see anyone complementing a developer for their post-launch support, for their good practices.
And, instead, there's no shortage of discussion about bad practices.

I really don't get it. :shrugblob: