|OT| Genshin Impact - Breath of the Elements


"Let's Positive Thinking"
May 28, 2021
That's quite good if you're using a 3* weapon. I hit around 90k with resonance and stuff but mine focuses on both ult and shield


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
I have no good 4* spears, so he got a Black Tassel.
Would be cool if we got a 4* HP spear eventually (craftable, event or standard banner, cause I'm never gonna pull on the weapon banner).

beep boop

Dec 6, 2018
Looks like I’ll have to leave floor 11-2 and up for when I reach AR50. Got absolutely destroyed there 🙈


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
well there's none for now, but it's fine I guess how much is zhong's HP.
42 or 43k or something. I know it's good enough (also, primarily shieldbot) but a weapon that is even better and achievable would be neat :D


"Let's Positive Thinking"
May 28, 2021
42 or 43k or something. I know it's good enough (also, primarily shieldbot) but a weapon that is even better and achievable would be neat :D
a friend of mine have him at 54k hp without the black tassal, I'm guessing your artis aren't that good.


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
a friend of mine have him at 54k hp without the black tassal, I'm guessing your artis aren't that good.
Maybe he uses a Homa instead then, lol? Cause 54k hp without a HP% weapon is pretty much only possible if you run every single artifact with HP% mainstat when possible and get HP% substats on the Flower and Feather with every single upgrade roll going into that and using the 2p Millelith unless I'm missing something.
(I did just punch the numbers into the damage calculator, just to see the HP)
(I'm running Crit/HP/Geo cause that amount of HP is enough shield strength for pretty much everything).


"Let's Positive Thinking"
May 28, 2021
Maybe he uses a Homa instead then, lol? Cause 54k hp without a HP% weapon is pretty much only possible if you run every single artifact with HP% mainstat when possible and get HP% substats on the Flower and Feather with every single upgrade roll going into that and using the 2p Millelith unless I'm missing something.
(I did just punch the numbers into the damage calculator, just to see the HP)
(I'm running Crit/HP/Geo cause that amount of HP is enough shield strength for pretty much everything).
nah, he's using a 4* weapon lol and yes every artifact of his are at hp%, that's better tbh since you're using him as a shieldbot anyway and his ult also does around 50k


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Those must be some major god rolls on pretty much every artifact then, whew.
But nah, I'm good. Really don't care about artifact farming and his shield is good enough to pretty much face tank Abyss, so I don't really need anything more :steam_pigblanket:
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beep boop

Dec 6, 2018
Got Chongyun out of my shop std. banner fates. Seems cool, but I don’t think he’d fit in a Diluc or Eula team. I’ve only got around 2500 primos saved right now. Hoping I pull at least one Fischl on the next banner.

For the Eula gang, I wanted to try Zhong, Fischl and Beidou or Zhong, Kaeya and Fischl. I’d probably want to find an artifact that improves my crit rate in the double electro team though :crying-face:

I’m also at the cusp of maxing my teapot trust rank! I’ll finally be able to start saving for those resin refills. One every other day is not exceptionally generous but it’s better than nothing!
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Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
I’m also at the cusp of maxing my teapot trust rank! I’ll finally be able to start saving for those resin refills. One every other day is not exceptionally generous but it’s better than nothing!
It's limited to once a week :grimacing-face:
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beep boop

Dec 6, 2018
It's limited to once a week :grimacing-face:
God dammit, Miyoho.

Oh well. Seeing Kaeya's in the shop right now. Might be able to scrape by enough glitter to pick up his C1, but it seems like C2 is where he'd really shine since I have him on for support duties only. Don't see him getting on a banner time soon though. Tough call.
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Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
They will continue to be stingy unless they can somehow pump out characters a lot more faster or add a lot of new repeatable farming content.
The game just does not "support" being generous with ressources right now. (And they want to sell you BPs too)
I mean I got only 1 BP (gifted) and even then I'm already in the "what the hell do I even spend my Resin on?" phase. Though I guess that might also be cause the one inifinite grind content in the game is the one thing I just do not want to engage with at all :grimacing-face:

beep boop

Dec 6, 2018
The BP stuff helped a lot because I’d just gotten a new character that I wanted to level as far as possible, but otherwise I’d just be hoarding mats for a rainy day. I think that once I’ve got my DPS leveled to 80/90, I’ll be stocking up on mora and character exp for a while to recover. Then… maybe artifacts. The rates so bad for how much resin it takes.

I’ve gotten one ER 5* sands that happened to also be a Noblesse piece thankfully. It will take a long time until I find other I think. And I’d want several more for my other supports. The rates for ER sands seem especially bad.

I feel like I'm doing a lot of complaining about GI lately :grimacing-face: I like the core game, and it's surprising that it's kept me interested for as long as it has, -- all while I've only spent a tenner on it. Good value, all things considered. But the time gating seems like it's delaying me falling off entirely for as long as possible. Smart by them, in a way. At the same time, I wouldn't mind checking in less frequently and feeling more satisfied about the game when I do, if they'd make resin more generous or artifact drop rates better. There's nothing less motivating than burning your daily resin and getting jack all.

That said, it still doesn't feel as much as work as Destiny 2's loop. The late-game gating in that felt a lot more restrictive, and getting any kind of interesting rewards demanded a lot of time, grouping with others and so much luck. Not being able to get a higher power level for a week because all your high-level drops were on the same armor piece was its own kind of hell
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Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
The BP stuff helped a lot because I’d just gotten a new character that I wanted to level as far as possible, but otherwise I’d just be hoarding mats for a rainy day. I think that once I’ve got my DPS leveled to 80/90, I’ll be stocking up on mora and character exp for a while to recover. Then… maybe artifacts. The rates so bad for how much resin it takes.

I’ve gotten one ER 5* sands that happened to also be a Noblesse piece thankfully. It will take a long time until I find other I think. And I’d want several more for my other supports. The rates for ER sands seem especially bad.

I feel like I'm doing a lot of complaining about GI lately :grimacing-face: I like the core game, and it's surprising that it's kept me interested for as long as it has, -- all while I've only spent a tenner on it. Good value, all things considered. But the time gating seems like it's delaying me falling off entirely for as long as possible. Smart by them, in a way. At the same time, I wouldn't mind checking in less frequently and feeling more satisfied about the game when I do, if they'd make resin more generous or artifact drop rates better. There's nothing less motivating than burning your daily resin and getting jack all.

That said, it still doesn't feel as much as work as Destiny 2's loop. The late-game gating in that felt a lot more restrictive, and getting any kind of interesting rewards demanded a lot of time, grouping with others and so much luck. Not being able to get a higher power level for a week because all your high-level drops were on the same armor piece was its own kind of hell
That's just the natural end-of-patch downtime grumpiness, where there really isn't much to do cause all the fancy events are long over. :steam_pigblanket:

The "good" thing about the grind in Genshin is that it doesn't really take much real-time committment, it's just spread out over a longer time (which is also kinda bad if you get nothing you need though) and the game is easy enough that you can get by with mediocre for the vast majority of the content, so it's not that necessary to engage with the worst of it.
(Hell, half of the events this update could be done if all your characters were level 1).
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beep boop

Dec 6, 2018
Yeah, I was thinking the same. At least doesn’t take a lot of effort to get your dailies and weeklies done. If you do them regularly, you can even complete the BP with time to spare. I don’t think I managed to finish any of Destiny’s BPs.

beep boop

Dec 6, 2018
Wonder if they'll make people use a new account, like with Guild Wars 2 and WoT. That'd be disappointing for those who want to migrate there.


None shall remember those who do not fight.
Dec 6, 2018

Realized that I was close to getting the pity and I had those extra five Fates from the monthly shop. Didn't even need to use any primogems!
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Junior Member
Aug 24, 2020
steam is where MMOs go to die ... it won't be on steam until it loses A LOT of players
I wanted to dish out a counter to that but I can only think of FF14. The one other mmo I did play on steam actually died for real.

That said, it still doesn't feel as much as work as Destiny 2's loop. The late-game gating in that felt a lot more restrictive, and getting any kind of interesting rewards demanded a lot of time, grouping with others and so much luck. Not being able to get a higher power level for a week because all your high-level drops were on the same armor piece was its own kind of hell
This is really a blessing in disguise when considering that this game is designed partly for mobile. They can't demand as much of your time as something like destiny
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Dead & Forgotten
Sep 5, 2018
I wanted to dish out a counter to that but I can only think of FF14. The one other mmo I did play on steam actually died for real.
told ya :p

but yeah - it really IS that simple .... when MMOs are doing fine - they just stick to their launcher (because they want all that mtx money) ... but when they're almost dead, they always release on steam hoping it would bring more people in (which usually doesn't happen because those games are usually old as fuck)

beep boop

Dec 6, 2018
Well this was enlightening and depressing:

From Reddit.

Characters have a better drop rate than these. And then you get 20% defense in substats to reward your perseverance.

Goblets are always off-set anyway, but even circlet and sands have terrible rates. No wonder I can't find ER noblesse.
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Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
The system is just straight garbage. I understand that they don't want you to get what you want so easily, since artifact farming is literally the only unlimited grind in the game, but they went way overboard by having it be like 20 layers of RNG stacked against you with no safety net at all.

At the very least getting a set-piece with a mainstat should be reliably achievable in some way, there's still the substat lottery for people who want to min-max powerlevels. Like, make it so that you can trade in x artifacts from the same domain to choose an artifact from a set with a mainstat you want. Maybe make certain mainstats more expensive if you have to (like crit and element%) and have the substats still be RNG.
That way you'd at least feel like making constant progress towards your goal when you run the domain, even if the regular drops give you nothing.
Or one of the dozens of other possible ways to make it less shit,

I refuse to believe they're not going to improve this in some way, since I imagine it's one of the biggest reasons for people to quit the game, so until then I'm only going to engage with it as little as possible and instead spend my Resin on guaranteed progression stuff even if that's of little use without the artifact side.
Got Ganyu to 10/9/9 today for example (stopped at 10/6/6 when I initially got her cause no boss mats and I'm mainly using the charged shot anyway). Way overkill for what's needed, but it's a guaranteed power increase ¯\(ツ)
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beep boop

Dec 6, 2018
Hopefully they’ll improve it. But if they’ve let it be for this long, maybe they consider it fine as it is.

I read a confirmation that the new 1.6 area will be time limited. Guessing there won’t be much moto it than what we saw then.

I’m guessing it’s a matter of limited events being better for player engagement than content that people can blow through at their leisure.


Dec 21, 2018
It's a dangerous game they're playing with all their temporary content.
Of course if it comes back like the festivals will, it's not a problem; but throwing away all your content all the time is not the way to keep new players interested, only the ones that are already invested (and those you will lose over time).

Worse, it sabotages your early period of popularity.
Guild Wars 2 did that for two years and literally killed their brand and their studio wasting all that time and money into temporary content. Mihoyo better learn fast that the mobile whales are not the rest of the industry and won't be the ones keeping the game afloat.

Or they won't and another game will swoop in and open the multi platform casual market in their stead.

Wouldn't be surprised to see a repeat of the MMO genre, dead and buried while social games exploded because a bunch of execs were too stuck in their old ways.


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
They seem to have the same approach in Honkai Impact as well, where it seems to work out for them.
Of course Genshin was made with multiplatform in mind and making content for it takes a lot more resources for it, so whether the same approach is a good idea for it as well has to be seen... I personally think it isn't, or would prefer it weren't, but it is what it is I guess.

I'm pretty sure the game has been bleeding players for a while now, but it would be very interesting to have concrete numbers. (The closest we have is banner revenue charts from chinese ios users, where there's definitely a constant decrease noticeable, but it's only 1 datapoint).

Genshin Twitter just dropping new chars out of nowhere

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Dec 21, 2018
Keeping things secret until release is also a terrible way to do things, starting to show some tidbits in advance (but not promising a date or showing unfinished content) might mean that they are changing their PR.
It's wayyyy better to create some hype without talking too much and disappoint later, staying silent on banners like Hu Tao was a colossal mistake.


None shall remember those who do not fight.
Dec 6, 2018


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Oh frick, will we not be able to power Kazuha up for a while in that case? That's lame...
Nono, the stuff he needs is on the (temporary) islands, but since they are temporary they'll need to put the stuff elsewhere after they're gone.
That, and with them dropping Inazuma chars now, it's probably all but confirmed now that 1.7 will be Inazuma.


None shall remember those who do not fight.
Dec 6, 2018
Nono, the stuff he needs is on the (temporary) islands, but since they are temporary they'll need to put the stuff elsewhere after they're gone.
That, and with them dropping Inazuma chars now, it's probably all but confirmed now that 1.7 will be Inazuma.
Ahhh... That makes a lot more sense.
Good thing I didn't grind out the Anemo Hypostasis in preparation...


Jun 10, 2019
Saving all my primogems for Yoimiya

Leak for future characters

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Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Saving all my primogems for Yoimiya

Leak for future characters

There's one that's not in the image

From these I like Yoimiya, Kokomi and Gorou the most.
Kind of disappointed with the Shogun design, I expected something different.


Dec 21, 2018
Trying the "new" abyss, yup, this is worse each time.
Never seen such garbage in any action game, every new mob is worse than the last, but at least they removed the debuffs on floor 12.
When your new funky mode is "my game is so shit that I just scrap mechanics along the way", that's saying a lot.

Also, I have Zhongli, I don't even see how it's possible without him. Diona full shields break literally instantly. There's damage sources everywhere, all with auto tracking. So much fun. Except with Zhongli, where, again, the entire concept of the game is to ignore everything for as long as possible.

beep boop

Dec 6, 2018
King Zhong is too powerful for his own good.

I didn’t start actively playing until recently, so I don’t have a point of reference, but it is annoying just how many damage sources there are at any given point.

It’s so easy to get blown up by a few hits, and as a result it’s not very fun to play without a shield. So either you play perfectly or you’re dead. I don’t think that’s ideal.

The other main damage mitigation tool is evading, but that’s limited and there often are debuffs to stamina.

The animations during which enemies become invincible like teleports also don’t agree with me. This has become more obvious playing Eula, where you can be building up a big attack and then just as it goes off a mage will bloop out of existence for a sec and it’s completely wasted.
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Junior Member
Aug 24, 2020
King Zhong is too powerful for his own good.

I didn’t start actively playing until recently, so I don’t have a point of reference, but it is annoying just how many damage sources there are at any given point.

It’s so easy to get blown up by a few hits, and as a result it’s not very fun to play without a shield. So either you play perfectly or you’re dead. I don’t think that’s ideal.

The other main damage mitigation tool is evading, but that’s limited and there often are debuffs to stamina.

The animations during which enemies become invincible like teleports also don’t agree with me. This has become more obvious playing Eula, where you can be building up a big attack and then just as it goes off a mage will bloop out of existence for a sec and it’s completely wasted.
Abyss 11 with the cicin mages is just hell if you don't have someone who can instantly murder them lol. with all the cicins and hazards around it's impossible to do anything once they ramp up. I don't like the perfect play 2-hit kill thing either but honestly it's one of those modern "if I don't die it's not hard" mentality.

Evasion is crap. I think I saw somewhere else that if you dodge perfectly any content is doable. Such a garbage opinion when you have characters that rely on stamina dumping for their DPS.

Saving all my primogems for Yoimiya

Leak for future characters

Yoimiya seems good, but like usual I'll wait till character is released before deciding what to do with primos.

Aesthetically I like Sara the most, but that's just way too many bow characters for me. Are they making up for the lack of good bow characters up till now?
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Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
King Zhong is too powerful for his own good.

I didn’t start actively playing until recently, so I don’t have a point of reference, but it is annoying just how many damage sources there are at any given point.

It’s so easy to get blown up by a few hits, and as a result it’s not very fun to play without a shield. So either you play perfectly or you’re dead. I don’t think that’s ideal.

The other main damage mitigation tool is evading, but that’s limited and there often are debuffs to stamina.

The animations during which enemies become invincible like teleports also don’t agree with me. This has become more obvious playing Eula, where you can be building up a big attack and then just as it goes off a mage will bloop out of existence for a sec and it’s completely wasted.
Shields weren't really that much of a thing in the early game. For one there was only really Noelle that could shield, and well Crystallize.
You had the small Vishaps that stunned themselves if they rammed against you while a shield was up, but you didn't need shield char for that since they dropped Crystallize shards before doing that.
And some of the Oceanid mimics that explode with a massive range when defeated, but that wasn't anything that couldn't just be outhealed.
I can't think of any other content where shields would have helped much.

It was really only... 1.3? where they started to really push shields. That was when the Adult Vishaps where introduced and they just completely suck without having a shield.
Then 1.4 had the Vishap boss who also wants shield to counter his strong attacks.
And 1.5 has Azdaha who is basically the incarnation of "get shield or get fucked" and then you have the lectors in the Abyss who just throw tons of AoE everywhere and sap your Burst energy if you don't have a shield up.

I'm really not a big fan of their idea of "difficulty". Which is more or less fine because combat wasn't what made me interested in the game to begin with, it was exploration and story. ...Except we hadn't gotten anything much on that front for ...5 months now, so the "difficult" content just gets extra annoying, since it's the only thing to work towards to.
Thankfully it looks like we'll be getting at least 2 back-to-back patches with new areas now :blobeyes:
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beep boop

Dec 6, 2018
Got Mona, Sucrose, Barbara, and some 4* catalyst... The hunt for Fischl continues. I swear, it's like the game knows.
Not sure what to do with Mona, but that weapon mat talent is nice and she'll be fun once that hide and seek event returns!

Stingy Tim doesn't even give primo smh.

dropping the ball, epic!
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Dec 21, 2018
So we finally get new stuff to explore for real in the Golden Apple Archipelago in that second phase.
Damn, I've been missing those moments.

Also with all the leaks, I dunno where to spend my primos now. So many cool chars incoming...


More Yellow 🤷‍♂️
Dec 31, 2018
Goddamn, I'm so used to do very little on the game daily that I'm overwhelmed by the islands, Inazuma gonna fuck me up.


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
I was sceptical when it became official that the islands were going to be temporary, but I'm glad to have been totally wrong.
This is the good stuff, this is what I'm here for. Puzzles, chests, interesting background lore that gets gradually revealed naturally via exploration.

Also lol Mondstadt keeps winning. It's now what, Mondstadt vs Liyue 3:0 when it comes to character representation during big events.
Mondstadt had 1.1 with the Mona/Fischl event, 1.4 with the festical and now 1.6.
Liyue had... Lantern Rite which was "where the hell is everyone?"
(If counting the Mona/Fischl event is stretching it, it's still 2:0).


Dec 21, 2018
Probably has to do with dev time, we're just starting to see what was done around release time.
The lantern rite was rushed and unfinished because it was done very late in the development, and they certainly had other priorities close to launch.

That would be good if every patch was as big as 1.6, and they have the budget now, but why do that as temporary content...


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Yeah, it's pretty bananas that this will just be... gone after 1.6. Like, wtf, this isn't any obvious cheap filler stuff, this isn't any worse than Dragonspine :O
Their agressive FOMOngering sucks.... but unfortunately there's probably no way to change that :negative-blob:. Honkai Impact has been following the same stategy for years it seems.

The islands are just super chill, lots of cool puzzles and interesting lore and side quests. And of course the music.
I really like this track (timestamped)

Got enough conches for the Barbara costume, but I'm still not done exploring :blobeyes: