|OT| Genshin Impact - Breath of the Elements


Junior Member
Aug 24, 2020
I won't complain, the story was okay by mihoyo standards and the event wasn't too grindy. It even gave me time to do a bit of spiral abyss.

It might not be enough for people who ONLY play genshin but I play like 5 gachas in total and something like this is great. You could argue that the lack of time is my fault though.


Dec 21, 2018
Event was okay, the minigames were pretty nice and the boss was not too annoying and a bit unique.
Story was a bit... long winded for very little reason, Albedo's story is interesting but it ended up as a lot of exposition dumps, storytelling really fell part here. Odd considering that they did a much better work elsewhere, even the first event was less messy than this one.

Now to wait for more content and more interesting characters. Seems like a lot of easy skips for me.
Though at least we'll get Yunjin and her animations are amaaaaazing, I supe hope she'll be available to buy in the Lanter Rite festival.


No one beats me 17 times in a row!
Dec 5, 2018
I haven't won any 50/50 so far. I just had my first "lucky" pull in that I did a 10 on Itto banner because I wanted Gorou (I already have Ning invested, and a Eula, so Itto isn't someone I'm chasing right now) and I got a C2 Barb, C0 Qiqi (on 12 pity), and C1 Xiangling. I've only been playing for like, 3-4 months so getting pulls like that is great.

The Itto story quest was good I thought, and I like him as a character, but gameplay wise just can't justify spending anything for him.

Edit: I didn't actually get Gorou from that 10 which is mildly annoying but I can throw some summons that way and build up pity for the next banner anyway.


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018

2.4 Trailer


Keqing skin (paid)

Ningguang skin (free)
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Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Since there's a new area on the way I finally sat down and started during the latest island (I was getting open-world fatigue so I kept putting it off).
It's good stuff! Locking quest and (some) exploration progression per day is a bit annoying if you have the time and just want to sit down and have a good session though, but eh, I'll survive. I think I'll finish the quest and have everything open for exploration tomorrow.
As much as I'm disliking some of the tread-mill system design in this game, the exploration stuff is still consistently high quality.

Was also bored of building characters so I took a break for some time and only recently started a new project: getting a Clam set for Barbara and Qiqi.
That's probably the most transformative set they've put in the game so far. I have one halfway built for my level 70 Barbara and it's wild how you can basically use her as a DPS in the overworld with a healer build now. Qiqi should be even better with it since you can probably easily get her to heal enough to reack the 30k damage cap for the bubble and put the rest into physical dps/crit since she just heals so dang much to begin with.
I kind of want to give Qiqi/Raiden/Xingqiu/Yun Jin a try eventually just for the heck of it.


Dec 21, 2018
Tsurumi was probably the best island of Inazuma yet. Good stuff.
Certainly excited about the new one.

As far as banners go, full skip from me. Shenhe looks like she'll be good for my Aka ya and Eula, but I'm waiting for the next patch and tyry to get Raiden and Yae.
Six 4* that I absolutely don't want any constellations for beside maybe Yunjin... and the double banner Zhongli/Ganyu with only maxed out 4* for me, on top of having both 5*. What are the odds for that to happen already, it's not like I whaled on the game, hah.


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Narukami >= Tsurumi > Seirei > Yashiori = Kannazuka > Watatsumi for me.

As for banners, I'll probably grab Shenhe just because, after that is Yae and then I dunno. Saving for the Dendro Archon or maybe try getting Kazuha if I get somewhat lucky with Shenhe and Yae.


Junior Member
Aug 24, 2020
I'm going for both Shenhe and Xiao, I can only guarantee Shenhe though. Xiao is just nice to have, he's always been pretty useful in any trial situations where he's provided.

I also have to buy the keqing skin. She might kinda suck as far as 5*s go, but she's been with me since the beginning and she's my girl.


No one beats me 17 times in a row!
Dec 5, 2018
I'm still a newbie (despite having finished all non-hangout quests) so Zhong and Ganyu would both be great for me. I'm pretty close to full guaranteed pity so I might get lucky and get both. If it wasn't for the massive bottleneck of building characters up I might spend to get Shenhe too because I like the concept of almost-mono teams, but I already can't develop all the characters I have that I want to (Zhongli at least would be easy because I have a ton of his set from trying to farm Pale Flame and failing).


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Got Shenhe and Yun Jin. New area is amazing, as it's usually the case. Soundtrack in particular is chef kiss.

The ascension system continues to get worse and worse though. You basically need to complete the entire story quest line of the new area to even unlock the boss that gives you Shenhe's ascension materials.
The feeling when you don't want to rush the exploration but also want to start make your new shiny character actually usable is just plain awful. Thankfully it didn't take as long as I feared in the end, but still.
Let's not even talk about how awful the experience for a new player must be, when your new Liyue character needs some end-game Inazuma materials that require literally dozens of hours of playtime without doing any optional stuff to get, if you want to take your character beyond level 40.
Pretty ridiculous honestly.


Junior Member
Aug 24, 2020
Stacked a few welkin and bought this for my keqing

She's been with me since the beginning so I figured she deserved it. Also got myself Shenhe and Xiao.

The ascension system continues to get worse and worse though. You basically need to complete the entire story quest line of the new area to even unlock the boss that gives you Shenhe's ascension materials.
The feeling when you don't want to rush the exploration but also want to start make your new shiny character actually usable is just plain awful. Thankfully it didn't take as long as I feared in the end, but still.
Let's not even talk about how awful the experience for a new player must be, when your new Liyue character needs some end-game Inazuma materials that require literally dozens of hours of playtime without doing any optional stuff to get, if you want to take your character beyond level 40.
Pretty ridiculous honestly.
Yep, totally crazy. This kinda stuff is what I mean when I say mihoyo doesn't really know what they're doing. I don't think it takes a genius to see that up to ascension 4, none of the materials should leave mondstadt or liyue. At least if you want the character to be playable till the current endgame.


None shall remember those who do not fight.
Dec 6, 2018

If I get Ganyu, I'll be convinced my account is just bugged or something.


Starlit Entity
Aug 20, 2020
Seeing the Keqing screenshot above... one day I will get her 😭 Sorry for my Keqing salt-posts I'm just mad that I can't really get her at this point even by paying money unless I have some amazing luck that equals a lottery win :/


More Yellow 🤷‍♂️
Dec 31, 2018
So.... I thought I had finished Enkanomiya and the missing teleports would come in a update, but no, there are 3 more little island that's part of a world quest that only shows after you complete the main plot. 🤷‍♂️


No one beats me 17 times in a row!
Dec 5, 2018
Beidou and Ningguang are two of my favorite characters (lore-wise but also my first leveled up), so the new main story was a nice treat. Also some cool moments, and some "lolwut" moments. I liked Shenhe but I'm still holding till Zhong and Ganyu banners. Eula is my only invested Cryo so Shenhe would be super useless for me in a gameplay sense.

Onto Enkanomiya next!


Junior Member
Aug 24, 2020
Seeing the Keqing screenshot above... one day I will get her 😭 Sorry for my Keqing salt-posts I'm just mad that I can't really get her at this point even by paying money unless I have some amazing luck that equals a lottery win :/
Wouldn't be gacha without a sizable helping of salt. Don't lose heart though, I'm sure she'll come eventually. It's a shame you didn't roll/play when she had her face on every banner in version 1.3 or whatever.

Have you considered getting the outfit in advance while it's discounted? Just if you're dead set on getting her eventually. I know that's going to be my regret when(if) I roll Jean anyways.


Dec 21, 2018
Did someone say Keqing?
I'll trade ya copies for a dollar. Can't wait to lose my next 50/50 to her again.


Starlit Entity
Aug 20, 2020
Wouldn't be gacha without a sizable helping of salt. Don't lose heart though, I'm sure she'll come eventually. It's a shame you didn't roll/play when she had her face on every banner in version 1.3 or whatever.

Have you considered getting the outfit in advance while it's discounted? Just if you're dead set on getting her eventually. I know that's going to be my regret when(if) I roll Jean anyways.
Thanks for the kind words! :) That's totally on me no doubt, it's just I'm in a self-fulfilling prophecy regarding Genshin. At the launch of the game I didn't get any 5* and rerolling was super tedious so I just played casually and didn't care much about saving currency, Then Keqing came around and I still had little to no currency and since I didn't get Keqing I didn't really feel like playing anymore. So I don't really get currency since I don't play and whenever I feel like dabbling back in I remember I don't have Keqing and then stop again soon 😅

The only gacha games I really invested some time into were Dragalia Lost (still do) Epic 7, Alchemy Stars and Guardian Tales which are all super generous at gifting you pulls every now and then even if you don't play so the stingyness of Genshin leaves me in a perpetual "no currency" position. I know I would play the game way more if I had Keqing since I really like her character and story but at this point I'm already too far into the game to abandon my account and reroll since I did get Jean and Mona randomly. So my own desire for Keqing along with the way the game is handled by Mihoyo in terms of pulls effectively doesn't want me to play a game that I otherwise would play way more :/

How much currency do I need to be able to "spark" her if her banner comes back?

Did someone say Keqing?
I'll trade ya copies for a dollar. Can't wait to lose my next 50/50 to her again.
At this point I would give you even 20 for one 😭


Dec 21, 2018
Thanks for the kind words! :) That's totally on me no doubt, it's just I'm in a self-fulfilling prophecy regarding Genshin. At the launch of the game I didn't get any 5* and rerolling was super tedious so I just played casually and didn't care much about saving currency, Then Keqing came around and I still had little to no currency and since I didn't get Keqing I didn't really feel like playing anymore. So I don't really get currency since I don't play and whenever I feel like dabbling back in I remember I don't have Keqing and then stop again soon 😅

The only gacha games I really invested some time into were Dragalia Lost (still do) Epic 7, Alchemy Stars and Guardian Tales which are all super generous at gifting you pulls every now and then even if you don't play so the stingyness of Genshin leaves me in a perpetual "no currency" position. I know I would play the game way more if I had Keqing since I really like her character and story but at this point I'm already too far into the game to abandon my account and reroll since I did get Jean and Mona randomly. So my own desire for Keqing along with the way the game is handled by Mihoyo in terms of pulls effectively doesn't want me to play a game that I otherwise would play way more :/

How much currency do I need to be able to "spark" her if her banner comes back?

At this point I would give you even 20 for one 😭
I assume she'd be on one of the character banners again (and it's far more likely to happen now that we have multiple characters running at once), so you'll need 75-90 acquaint fates to reach pity for her... and double that to be 100% sure to get her.
It's always a 50/50 until you don't get the character of the banner, but the next one is guaranteed and it caries through banners, so you can check your character banner rolls to see where you're at.

But if you don't play the game and don't get the primos, that's a ridiculous amount of money.


Starlit Entity
Aug 20, 2020
I assume she'd be on one of the character banners again (and it's far more likely to happen now that we have multiple characters running at once), so you'll need 75-90 acquaint fates to reach pity for her... and double that to be 100% sure to get her.
It's always a 50/50 until you don't get the character of the banner, but the next one is guaranteed and it caries through banners, so you can check your character banner rolls to see where you're at.

But if you don't play the game and don't get the primos, that's a ridiculous amount of money.
Well if I would know in advance that she returns I would grind to hell and back. And I think I actually didn't get any 5* out of Character Banners yet, how can I exactly calculate at what pity-point I am? 🤔


Dec 21, 2018
You can check in "history" on each banner (note that both character banners - for Shenhe and Xiao right now - share the same pity), and you have to... just count from there how many rolls you did since the last 5* (or ever).
You'll enter pity at the 75th roll, that's when you have a very large chance to get a 5*, reaching 100% chance at 90 (so you'll get one between 75 and 90 if you're unlucky, potentially before that with a small chance).

And from that point, it's a 50% to get the character on the banner or 50% to get some standard 5* - like Keqing is actually. If you don't get the character but a standard 5*, the next time you get a 5* on a character banner you have a 100% chance to get that specific character (even if the banners change, you won't lose your pity, it will just apply on the next ones).

To be absolutely sure to get a character, you need 180 rolls ready, which is a ridiculously large amount. But to reach that you'd pretty much have to beat the (insanely unlucky) odds, so it should not take as long. And potentially be very short, I had some characters come earlier than others.
It's pretty classic gacha grind every day to reach that.

Edit: I forgot, you can get acquaint fates through other ways too. Some are bought in the Paimon shop for stardust every month, and a lot of others can be obtained through the Frostbearing Tree in Dragonspine and the Sakura Tree in Narukami Shrine. Those are some pretty serious time sinks, but then, they're all about exploring zones and getting rewards from them, which is kind of the point of the game.


Starlit Entity
Aug 20, 2020
You can check in "history" on each banner (note that both character banners - for Shenhe and Xiao right now - share the same pity), and you have to... just count from there how many rolls you did since the last 5* (or ever).
You'll enter pity at the 75th roll, that's when you have a very large chance to get a 5*, reaching 100% chance at 90 (so you'll get one between 75 and 90 if you're unlucky, potentially before that with a small chance).

And from that point, it's a 50% to get the character on the banner or 50% to get some standard 5* - like Keqing is actually. If you don't get the character but a standard 5*, the next time you get a 5* on a character banner you have a 100% chance to get that specific character (even if the banners change, you won't lose your pity, it will just apply on the next ones).

To be absolutely sure to get a character, you need 180 rolls ready, which is a ridiculously large amount. But to reach that you'd pretty much have to beat the (insanely unlucky) odds, so it should not take as long. And potentially be very short, I had some characters come earlier than others.
It's pretty classic gacha grind every day to reach that.

Edit: I forgot, you can get acquaint fates through other ways too. Some are bought in the Paimon shop for stardust every month, and a lot of others can be obtained through the Frostbearing Tree in Dragonspine and the Sakura Tree in Narukami Shrine. Those are some pretty serious time sinks, but then, they're all about exploring zones and getting rewards from them, which is kind of the point of the game.
Okay thanks for the help, so I have to check how many wishes I have on Character Event Wish 1-2 right?

EDIT: I have 24 wishes there, yeah I'm not a very smart person when it comes to these things 😅 So if I got you correctly I have to save for about 66-51 pulls right unless I get super unlucky?


Dec 21, 2018
Yeah, 51 more pulls to enter the "soft pity" where your chances to get a 5* grow a lot. And technically 66 to be certain to get it if you're super unlucky, but that's like 1 in 20 millions for that to happen, so likely less.

But even then, if you never got a 5* on a character banner, you will only have a 50% to get the character on the banner, and 50% to get a standard char (Diluc, Keqing, Mona, Jean, Qiqi)... so you'd need around 126-141 rolls to guarantee the 5* of your choice (and Keqing in this case, if that's the banner you're waiting for)...

But I don't know where you are in the game, you can get those numbers by exploring everything and doing most of the content, but that's gonna take you a long, long time...


Starlit Entity
Aug 20, 2020
Yeah, 51 more pulls to enter the "soft pity" where your chances to get a 5* grow a lot. And technically 66 to be certain to get it if you're super unlucky, but that's like 1 in 20 millions for that to happen, so likely less.

But even then, if you never got a 5* on a character banner, you will only have a 50% to get the character on the banner, and 50% to get a standard char (Diluc, Keqing, Mona, Jean, Qiqi)... so you'd need around 126-141 rolls to guarantee the 5* of your choice (and Keqing in this case, if that's the banner you're waiting for)...

But I don't know where you are in the game, you can get those numbers by exploring everything and doing most of the content, but that's gonna take you a long, long time...
Well I'm at AR 35 and just peeked a bit in Inazuma, that's all really, my highest characters are Jean, Xingling, Fischl and Barbara at level 50. So I guess I should just save-up everything I ever get and then just wait for her to come back as a featured banner and then hope and pray?


Dec 21, 2018
Well I'm at AR 35 and just peeked a bit in Inazuma, that's all really, my highest characters are Jean, Xingling, Fischl and Barbara at level 50. So I guess I should just save-up everything I ever get and then just wait for her to come back as a featured banner and then hope and pray?
Oh you have a lot of free primos to get then.
Ultimately, if you really, really want Keqing... yeah you'd have to wait and make a stash of fates, but her banner would be leaked on the preceding patch anyway (not that you'd get enough rolls in a single patch, but a good amount at least).
I don't know if she'll come back anytime soon though, or if Mihoyo will even bother with banners for the standard characters (hers was a big failure after all)... you should always consider if you like the characters available or not, and roll on them if you like them. Keqing could always come from there.


Starlit Entity
Aug 20, 2020
Oh you have a lot of free primos to get then.
Ultimately, if you really, really want Keqing... yeah you'd have to wait and make a stash of fates, but her banner would be leaked on the preceding patch anyway (not that you'd get enough rolls in a single patch, but a good amount at least).
I don't know if she'll come back anytime soon though, or if Mihoyo will even bother with banners for the standard characters (hers was a big failure after all)... you should always consider if you like the characters available or not, and roll on them if you like them. Keqing could always come from there.
Hmm alright I see, thanks! And what's wit the right-most banner that's always there that features Keqing, Qiqi etc. that's always there? Does she have a theoretical higher chance there?


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Hmm alright I see, thanks! And what's wit the right-most banner that's always there that features Keqing, Qiqi etc. that's always there? Does she have a theoretical higher chance there?
No, there's an equal chance of getting any standard 5 star or 5 star weapon there. Just use the Acquaint Fates the game gives you there (the blue ones, Intertwined - the purple ones - are for the limited banner, I think Line might have mixed them up). You get them from many sources, free battle pass tier, Adventure Rank increases, Adventure book goals, the monthly stardust shop, character ascensions, various exploration goals... There's easily enough in the game to hit pity once and maybe even twice.
But what you get is more or less completely random. As a side note it's also a nice way to get 4* chars or weapons, because even the new 4* characters are in there (after the patch they get added ends, so Yun Jin is not currently in the pool for example, but will be starting with the next patch).
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Starlit Entity
Aug 20, 2020
No, there's an equal chance of getting any standard 5 star or 5 star weapon there. Just use the Acquaint Fates the game gives you there (the blue ones, Intertwined - the purple ones - are for the limited banner, I think Line might have mixed them up). You get them from many sources, free battle pass tier, Adventure Rank increases, Adventure book goals, the monthly stardust shop, character ascensions, various exploration goals... There's easily enough in the game to hit pity once and maybe even twice.
But what you get is more or less completely random. As a side note it's also a nice way to get 4* chars or weapons, because even the new 4* characters are in there (after the patch they get added ends, so Yun Jin is not currently in the pool for example, but will be starting with the next patch).
Ah alright I see, thanks for the heads-up, I get it now :)


Starlit Entity
Aug 20, 2020
Roughly 28800 primos minus some for the purple fates you've accumulated. Or something like that, it's been a while since I've looked at such depressing numbers.
Oh well... I mean the possibility is always there, even when playing the lottery... 😭


Junior Member
Aug 24, 2020
Oh well... I mean the possibility is always there, even when playing the lottery... 😭
Just grind it out slowly, do your commissions, events, battle pass, whatever gives you primos. Buy the monthly rates from paimon shop when you can. You'll get there eventually. If you're on NA, I can help. If EU or Asia I'm sure someone else can help too. You can coop a ton of content to make it easier. Get her with that sheer willpower

No matter how bleak the numbers look, I believe in you lol.
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Dec 21, 2018
Hmm alright I see, thanks! And what's wit the right-most banner that's always there that features Keqing, Qiqi etc. that's always there? Does she have a theoretical higher chance there?
Oh yeah, the blue fates are the acquainted... :blushblob: Those ones you can spend anytime, but don't buy any with primogems.
Since you can get any standard 5* there, character or weapon, that means you have an equal chance to get one out of fifteen options. Not ideal to get Keqing specifically.
On a character banner, it's 50% for the character in question, but if you don't, the other 50% will always be one of the five 5* standard characters and never a weapon. So technically, you have a much higher chance to get Keqing there, even if you are "unlucky" (or lucky in this case then?).

I'd say play the game, roll on a character banner if there's someone you really want and maybe you'll get Keqing (and say, if you actually get a 5* but not Keqing, so instead you get Diluc/Mona/Jean/Qiqi, you'll be sure 100% sure to get the next character banner, including Keqing if her banner comes back).

Speaking of current banners, Shenhe is probably not a good option if you don't have the characters she really supports, that is Ayaka and Eula.
Xiao is a decent DPS but not the best, though he does go very well with Jean. Where did you get Jean and Mona by the way? I know the games only tracks the last six months of rolls... maybe you got one on a character banner but it doesn't appear in history anymore?
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Starlit Entity
Aug 20, 2020
Just grind it out slowly, do your commissions, events, battle pass, whatever gives you primos. Buy the monthly rates from paimon shop when you can. You'll get there eventually. If you're on NA, I can help. If EU or Asia I'm sure someone else can help too. You can coop a ton of content to make it easier. Get her with that sheer willpower

No matter how bleak the numbers look, I believe in you lol.
I'm on EU but thanks for the encouragement, I really appreciate it 😊 Maybe one day, who knows, I'll try to play the game a bit more, especially now that I know how to play it with proper G-Sync/FreeSync :) And I realized I totally missed your earlier comment about buying Keqing's outfit in advance, if I could tempt fate that way I might but right now that feels a bit risky 😅

Oh yeah, the blue fates are the acquainted... :blushblob: Those ones you can spend anytime, but don't buy any with primogems.
Since you can get any standard 5* there, character or weapon, that means you have an equal chance to get one out of fifteen options. Not ideal to get Keqing specifically.
On a character banner, it's 50% for the character in question, but if you don't, the other 50% will always be one of the five 5* standard characters and never a weapon. So technically, you have a much higher chance to get Keqing there, even if you are "unlucky" (or lucky in this case then?).

I'd say play the game, roll on a character banner if there's someone you really want and maybe you'll get Keqing (and say, if you actually get a 5* but not Keqing, so instead you get Diluc/Mona/Jean/Qiqi, you'll be sure 100% sure to get the next character banner, including Keqing if her banner comes back).

Speaking of current banners, Shenhe is probably not a good option if you don't have the characters she really supports, that is Ayaka and Eula.
Xiao is a decent DPS but not the best, though he does go very well with Jean. Where did you get Jean and Mona by the way? I know the games only tracks the last six months of rolls... maybe you got one on a character banner but it doesn't appear in history anymore?
Ah okay I see so I understand how it all works now 😊 And I see too bad because I really like Shenhe from the one test-dungeon but there you ask something, it could very well be that I pulled them ages ago and I don't really remember on which banner 😖 I had Jean as far back as the summer-event so there's that, I might or might not be closer to the pity break then. And to think how much I wasted on the blue banner... Mihoyo please give us a 5* Standard Selector 😭

Also is anyone here using the FPS Unlocker on PC? I know there's always a risk but from what I read it seems pretty safe? 🤔


Junior Member
Aug 24, 2020
I'm on EU but thanks for the encouragement, I really appreciate it 😊 Maybe one day, who knows, I'll try to play the game a bit more, especially now that I know how to play it with proper G-Sync/FreeSync :) And I realized I totally missed your earlier comment about buying Keqing's outfit in advance, if I could tempt fate that way I might but right now that feels a bit risky 😅

Ah okay I see so I understand how it all works now 😊 And I see too bad because I really like Shenhe from the one test-dungeon but there you ask something, it could very well be that I pulled them ages ago and I don't really remember on which banner 😖 I had Jean as far back as the summer-event so there's that, I might or might not be closer to the pity break then. And to think how much I wasted on the blue banner... Mihoyo please give us a 5* Standard Selector 😭

Also is anyone here using the FPS Unlocker on PC? I know there's always a risk but from what I read it seems pretty safe? 🤔
Buying the outfit now is risky, but it's also 1 less welkin you have to stack, if you're doing it the cost efficient way.

If you can check your roll history, I'd say look and see if your last 5* was on the character specific banner. If you didn't really roll on it yet you can try for one of the next characters in the rerun banners coming in a couple weeks. Unless your history has expired lol.


Starlit Entity
Aug 20, 2020
Buying the outfit now is risky, but it's also 1 less welkin you have to stack, if you're doing it the cost efficient way.

If you can check your roll history, I'd say look and see if your last 5* was on the character specific banner. If you didn't really roll on it yet you can try for one of the next characters in the rerun banners coming in a couple weeks. Unless your history has expired lol.
Hmm I guess I'll pass on the outfit afterall, I think it would just add more salt to the wound if anything 😅 And yeah I think my history has largely expired, the last time I played was when Inazuma released and before that the summer-event 😓


Dec 21, 2018
Finished with the potion event, those battle arenas were not too hard as to miss the gold medal, but the corrosion effect on kill + 15 ghost wolves?
That sucks a lot!
Corrosion is just antifun. You're supposed to be only one character at a time but it somehow hits the entire team, and it bypasses entirely all iframes, may as well call it "we don't know how to make a game". Add extra Honkai3rd collisions-quality to insure that the hitboxes are gigantic and absolutely not where the mob appears to be, and it's just so fun... :face-with-rolling-eyes:

At least I have good healers built (Kokomi proving again and again how useful she is), the trial ones were surprisingly poor.


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Well I assume the trial chars are mainly for new players to get together 2 somewhat decent teams and grab the primo rewards on the easy difficulty, whereas the high difficulty with the score based challenges are intended for end-game players.


No one beats me 17 times in a row!
Dec 5, 2018
The easy difficulty is kind of harder actually, depending. At least, it's very very difficult to get gold on the "easy" setting because the timer is so short. I'm AR55 and I really struggled to get enough silver to get the primos for each dungeon, I only got 2 golds total and that was on the final set because I didn't have to worry about grouping enemies for once.

I'm still really struggling with ascension gems, and XP books. I feel like everything else I can farm at a decent speed if I focus on it, but those 2 are just blah. The books obviously you can grind but it feels like a terrible return on investment. The ascension gems are pretty much just gated behind doing weekly bosses for forever (or spending 40 resin to get like 1/16 of what you need for one ascension)


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
I'm still really struggling with ascension gems, and XP books. I feel like everything else I can farm at a decent speed if I focus on it, but those 2 are just blah. The books obviously you can grind but it feels like a terrible return on investment. The ascension gems are pretty much just gated behind doing weekly bosses for forever (or spending 40 resin to get like 1/16 of what you need for one ascension)
Oh man I remember that phase of the game, I honestly almost quit.
The advice I can give is to just bite the bullet and farm the bosses, but there's no need to overdo it. Don't expect any Chunk or Gem drops ever, just assume you'll have to craft your way up and treat any actual drops as unexpected surprises.
It will get better with time though. The small rewards from the daily commissions and the weekly boss drops add up with time (and then you get some from event rewards evrey now and then as well). I haven't had to actively farm that stuff in ages, nowadays the limiting factor is only the boss material, once I have enough I have more than enough to craft the rest of the things, and I have 18 max ascended chars by now, lol.


No one beats me 17 times in a row!
Dec 5, 2018
Oh man I remember that phase of the game, I honestly almost quit.
The advice I can give is to just bite the bullet and farm the bosses, but there's no need to overdo it. Don't expect any Chunk or Gem drops ever, just assume you'll have to craft your way up and treat any actual drops as unexpected surprises.
It will get better with time though. The small rewards from the daily commissions and the weekly boss drops add up with time (and then you get some from event rewards evrey now and then as well). I haven't had to actively farm that stuff in ages, nowadays the limiting factor is only the boss material, once I have enough I have more than enough to craft the rest of the things, and I have 18 max ascended chars by now, lol.
Yea I'm doing the weekly bosses every week, every single one of them (not just the 3 discounted ones). It's a slow but inevitable grind and the talent mats are obviously essential eventually too. Farming the respawning bosses past the base ascension mat requirement definitely seems inefficient when there's so much else to get (talent books, weapon mats, more usable artifacts) even if I want to ascend them characters.

I know they've raised the resin rate / cap once and it's kind of overdue for another given how many different artifact sets, bosses, etc. there are. There are no players that are in danger of having everything done that they want, even ones that burn primos for extra resin, and it's only going to get worse for new players.


Dec 21, 2018
I do not know where you are progression wise with your chars, but I'd focus on ascending them first (after talents being maxed out for their level, that is). Killing bosses is just a necessary evil, if you rely on weekly bosses it will literally take you YEARS before you get a full team ready. They give you, so, so little in comparison to spending a few days killing small fries.

But to be honest, if you're not time gated by talents requirements but something else, your characters are probably too weak for the world level you're in, especially at AR55. You really need to push at least one good DPS to its maximum (well, maybe not lvl90 that's less useful).


No one beats me 17 times in a row!
Dec 5, 2018
I have several chars at 80/80, only 1 at 80/90 (Albedo off his rerun banner, because base DEF and he's super useful for me). I have Ning, Yanfei, Eula all at 80 for DPS, and most of them have maxed out important talents (not gonna dump resources into like, Yanfei burst when I have other stuff to do). I'm trying to raise up some other characters to diversify what I can bring into events etc. I need better sub-dps / support dps, I have Beidou and Albedo heavily invested, Bennett, XQ, and Sucrose in good spots.

I'm not trying to 36 star abyss or anything, don't think I even tried last abyss setup. The potion domains were super hard for me but that was due to the stringent time limit and even then I was often 10 seconds off gold instead of silver, but they weren't really fun so I didn't push on for the few extra rewards after primos.

I'm not really struggling in the overworld stuff (I'm max WL), I have 3 or so different core teams I can do max level domains and bounties / adventuring on. But no hypercarry teams that can just dunk on harder challenges. Ning-Albedo-Beidou-Bennett is probably my best comp right now and they do shred most everything but that comp doesn't work on some random fights of course.

The biggest weakness of my account by far is subpar artifacts, I dedicated 40-50 fragile resin plus like 2 weeks of normal resin to farming highest level artifact domains during the last BP (when I'd finished it) and I have like... one crit rate circlet, one or two crit damage ones, etc. (and they aren't good, just have that key primary stat). I have like 5-6 AMAZING flowers of various sets but everything else is mostly junk. But I'm not going back to grinding artifacts like that until I really hit a wall on everything else, because having like 1 team worth of decent artifacts is enough for now and it just feels terrible to dump 2 weeks into something and get nothing out of it (most days I had 1 artifact with the right primary and at least 1 good substat, total).

That's why I'm focusing on character ascension at the moment. If I can have a decent variety of characters between 70-80 (ideally 80 but XP books), with their primary talent invested, and a versatile pool of weapons leveled up (already have that except for bows), I can swap artifacts around and at least do different stuff. Honestly just following along the lines of the BP (mix of weekly and respawn bosses, some talent / weapon domains splashed in) is what seems like the steadiest progress.


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
I just finished the new secret Shuumatsuban quest. That was wild.
Like, this is probably among the top quests in the game and it's not even a listed world quest in the reputation list, lol.


South Sea Islander
Jul 17, 2021
Manila, Philippines
Hey everybody! Any advice as to what team I can build to finally finish Abyss 12? I just want that one clear by the skin of my teeth so I can finally get the Plat after all this time. I would really appreciate some direction from some vets, as I feel I'm just endlessly grinding for mats without actually getting closer to my goal. Its the last effin trophy!

Stuck in 11-3 right now, not enough oomph to pull the 6 stars necessary to advance. Presently Team A is Jean/Eula/Childe/Raiden, while Team B is Diluc/Ning/Benny/Xingqiu.


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Hey everybody! Any advice as to what team I can build to finally finish Abyss 12? I just want that one clear by the skin of my teeth so I can finally get the Plat after all this time. I would really appreciate some direction from some vets, as I feel I'm just endlessly grinding for mats without actually getting closer to my goal. Its the last effin trophy!

Stuck in 11-3 right now, not enough oomph to pull the 6 stars necessary to advance. Presently Team A is Jean/Eula/Childe/Raiden, while Team B is Diluc/Ning/Benny/Xingqiu.
Hm, tricky. You have a bunch of good chars I don't have and don't have a bunch of chars I use more or less everywhere 😅

The most powerful ready made team you have here is probably Raiden/Bennett/Xiangling/Xingqiu. Use Raiden's skill, put down Bennets burst and then cycle through all the other bursts ending with Raiden, who then causes massive carnage durning her Burst while filling everyone else up again.

That eats up a lot of supports though, so it reduces options for a 2nd team quite a bit.
I don't have Childe so take this with a grain of salt, but you should be able to make an electro-charged team centered around him with Fischl/Sucrose and Beidou, though I see your Beidou isn't built at all.

Alternatively you could also focus a team around Eula with Fischl and Diona.

Any upcoming character you're looking to get? Both Zhongli and Ganyu open up a lot of new teams.
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No one beats me 17 times in a row!
Dec 5, 2018
I think a standard Eula team is Eula, Diona, Fischl, and a 4th. I like Jean for the healing and swirling (more electro specifically in theory). I don't have Diona so I use Rosaria which is more damage but less energy and surviving.

That would allow you to use the team Ascheroth mentioned as well since it doesn't require any of the same supports. Eula is nice because she doesn't get a lot from the normal S-tier supports that every team likes so can use them elsewhere.

If you had Beidou built, Childe + Beidou + anything else just tears through any non-single-target fight pretty consistently from what I've seen (I don't have Childe but I use Beidou everywhere because her burst is so good).
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