Which console do you have more legacy games? (one or PS4) - choose that since you can continue playing on them.HELP! I can not decide which console i should choose.PS5 or XBOX Series X.
Any pointers from console users?
Do you like console japanese niche (for western audience) games (fate, falcom games, games like the recent announced The Legend of Legacy HD Remastered, etc...) -> choose Swi... I mean PS5
You prefer Dualshock or XBOX controller? -> choose that
Do you like Bethesda and Activision games? -> choose XBOX
Do you enjoy to play on PC and your PC is good enough but still need a console? -> Choose PS5
Both consoles are similar on graphic terms, there're some multi games look better on Series X and some others on PS5 -there're more that look better on Series X-
Will you use GamePass? - Choose XBOX
I sold my Switch and Series X once keeping my PS5, but I've bought them again (I usually play more on PS5).