Community MetaSteam | April 2020 - A Disaster Report From Raccoon City

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No one beats me 17 times in a row!
Dec 5, 2018
I haven't bought MW but I started Warzone last week and am enjoying it a lot, more so than other BRs I've tried (I liked Apex but their god awful battle passes and loot boxes turned me off of it). I'm not totally sure why. I think having Plunder as a pseudo-deathmatch as an alternative helps, even if the mode itself is kinda dumb.


No reviews, no Buy
Nov 2, 2018
The last Total war game that I played for more than 2 hours was Shogun 2 (103 hours)
I couldn't get into Rome, and WH 1 and 2. Rome's special unit system and building economy was too dumbed down and WH's map was too... I don't know, maybe too specific? Add in the story and I felt like I was following a movie and not a strategy game. I like my Grand strategy more strategy/map focused with a robust economy.
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Mar 1, 2019
must be selling really well.
It's not even a bad game. Just not correctly marketed. If you are pushing for a niche genre, you need to release on every store front possible.
And not do crazy deals that only further hinder your game, because nobody sees it or stumbles upon it.

The last Total war game that I played for more than 2 hours was Shogun 2 (103 hours)
I couldn't get into Rome, and WH 1 and 2. Rome's special unit system and building economy was too dumbed down and WH's map was too... I don't know, maybe too specific? Add in the story and I felt like I was following a movie and not a strategy game. I like my Grand strategy more strategy/map focused with a robust economy.
Story is pretty much gone in the mortal empires campaign. Which is fine, there is enough story and event driven gameplay in the vortex campaign.
A robust economy system... that's not a part of TW2. The complexity comes from each faction being completely different (also economy wise) and not from one, robust system that is in place for everything.

TW2 is free this weekend. Maybe give it a try, if you have some downtime.
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Retired, but still Enabling
Oct 11, 2018
This game is legit y'all, get on dat ish if you want to sate your picross/nonogram addiction. Use to find your prefered price and get it for that euphoric nonogram solving mental ichor.

Well to be fair, it has one major flaw; you know how in Paint it back, when there is a 10+ size grid, it zooms in to make clearing it easier? Not the case here sadly, so if you play this on your HDTV you might be able to see and control the shading of the boxes better.

One thing though: When ingame, press Esc>Options>Themes and choose which colour presets you want off that might affect your eyesight, and also check the other options for more accessibility stuff.


Dec 7, 2018
Tried that out for half an hour on Famshare but I just couldn't get into it. The theme and style are so to my liking though. Maybe I'll give it another go someday.
It was very well received on RPG Codex and a few other places. It took me a while to get to it, but I'm glad I did.

The developer is also releasing a new game sometime soon.

I got my revenge on a Blue Frog Cultist. This game is going well so far.



Junior Member
Apr 22, 2019
Finished up my playthrough of Ys I/II, my main takeaway is that now I know for a fact the people I have seen championing the bump combat over the years are certifiably crazy. Also, the last boss of Ys I might be one of the worst bosses I have ever fought especially before I knew I needed to lock my framerate for him.


Child at heart
Oct 19, 2018

Really underrated Youtuber who does great vids about RPG games.
Learned about forgotten gems through him.
He covered ATOM when it was still in demo phase, but never proceed with playing/reviewing it. Meanwhile, he has tons of Fallout videos. Disappointing...

Anyway, when it comes to RPG channels, I usually go to this channel.

He mostly covers new/upcoming games, but he covers AAA and indie RPGs equally and sometimes talk about RPG mechanics. He has a funny accent, too.


Apr 18, 2019
Sorry but I have to explode with joy at how amazing MH:W is. Though given the kind of stuff that happens, I'll hide it behind a spoiler so that others can have that first time too! And don't spoil me :p.

So the whole thing is taking place at night under rain, transforming the jungle into an eerie kind of silvery-veiled landscape. Soon enough, I find the monster I’m supposed to hunt by tracking its footprints and all that. And boy, is it getting big compared to the previous ones. Just as I remark this, it notices me, the music swells and I guess it's game on. I get down to business, trying to damage it only to notice that this one's a lot fiercer and meaner than the previous monsters I've faced before. One thing leads to another, and turns out that thing has a poisonous mouth and I don’t mean the forum troll kind. So fair enough, I try to take my distances to drink an antidote as my life starts to ebb low. Crap, poison isn’t kidding around in this game and- the thing charges me, making me fall face over and interrupting the antidote drinking process. Crapcrapcrap. I switch to a potion, reckoning that at this point I’ll take more life gladly, thankyouverymuch. And just as I see the overgrown chicken start to rear its head to charge me again while I start a tactical butt clenching maneuver one of the other biggies of the area, the one that my handler very specifically told me to apply some very wide social distancing to just explodes onto the scene. Not scripted, simply that, well, he’s hunting and he’s hungry and what’s this loud mess over there?

Taking a hint, the music swell even higher as that literal T-Rex knocks some kind of ancient poison-dinosaur bird over and starts to wrestle it while the former still very much would like a piece of me while at the same time, all the smaller predators start to congregate smelling that someone is going to become free lunch while I, for my part, am trying to run the fuck away from that jungle pandemonium. And I just can’t stop grinning in pure gaming joy. I'm still more or less in control but the situation is also evolving with every second in unpredictable ways and the whole thing is just fucking alive with awesomeness. Finally, KFCzilla starts to reckon that it’s at a bigger danger of being eaten by the thing with teeth the size of its head rather than the toothpick-wielding hummie in front of it. Finally, my target cuts and runs, breaking the melee apart. I begin the whole chasing process over while, all this time, the music just keeps this low, tense yet epic theme that's so perfectly appropriate for the scale of the hunt. Then, finally, I see my bird again and at that same exact moment the soundtrack soars with complete, unashamed, chest-thumping epicness. Oh, yes. You're on. A few minutes later, I’m starting to get into the groove and understand the monster, though having cut its tail away helped a lot.

Finally, the bird goes down and I start the race to skin and dissect it in the allotted 60 seconds before I notice that the small raptor-looking thingie my familiar had cajoled and encouraged into joining the hunt. There seems to be a strange kind of collision, their names are overlap-

Is my oversized cat-pet riding a fucking panther-raptor out of systemic interactions?

Yes. Yes, it is.

This game is the best thing ever.

Even if it gets tedious later, this moment won't be taken from me :p.
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Apr 18, 2019
What is great is if you get "bored" you take a few days off and then come back and its still great. There is a MHW thread where you don't need to spoiler tag FYI >.>

Though I need to update it with the current stuff.
That's exactly why I don't go there, I don't want to know anything about the game so I can go in blind like I did earlier :)
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sometimes a doctor of rhythm
Apr 17, 2019
I have been summoned! :blobcheer:

But yeah, MHW is one that has taken me by surprise. I never expected it to be one I would spend so much time with and I don't expect to stop any time soon either. As Theswweet said Iceborne was such an incredible addition that made an already great game even better.

It's one I can't recommend enough if folks like the base game and haven't bought Iceborne, it's truly worth it.


When you see me again, it won't be me.
Sep 19, 2018
I'm installing Warframe, send help.

Figured I'd finally actually try it a little.
Warframe is one of two games I've ever had to uninstall and force myself to stop playing, because I was putting wayyy too much time into it and just couldn't stop, and it started to affect my life in other ways. I loved it too much..

The other was Path of Exile :fearful-face:

This game is legit y'all, get on dat ish if you want to sate your picross/nonogram addiction. Use to find your prefered price and get it for that euphoric nonogram solving mental ichor.

Well to be fair, it has one major flaw; you know how in Paint it back, when there is a 10+ size grid, it zooms in to make clearing it easier? Not the case here sadly, so if you play this on your HDTV you might be able to see and control the shading of the boxes better.

One thing though: When ingame, press Esc>Options>Themes and choose which colour presets you want off that might affect your eyesight, and also check the other options for more accessibility stuff.
....maybe...maybe when I'm "done" with Voxelgram...maybe..


Low Tier Weeb
Jan 19, 2019
Realistically when's the next chance for a big sale on Tecmo games?

Golden Week maybe?


Btw, this is Steam at 4K. It's hideous and I'm not sure how/if Valve can fix it. So much wasted space.

As of right now 1080p is still the requirement and while they have suggested to devs to use 4K images that will likely take a while to come to fruition.

Because on 1440p I also have a lot of wasted space but at least it's not as bad as what's in your imagine.

wtf lol

I mean, I found the game to be real shit when I tried it on Xbox Game Pass, so I ain't buying the game on any platform anyways.
That's pretty bad. In the trailer you could tell that it was not going to be a locked 30fps to begin with.

And well people are going to buy it anyway, but I wonder if online will even be alive for that long?

Back when I had my Vita was mainly playing on it, I don't think frame rate really mattered that much as long as the game was playable on it.

So.... Would Tekken 7 and SCVI be a locked 30fps?

DBZF is on N/S but from the looks of the PC version that game could run on a toaster (which is why GBFVS may also come to N/S at some point?)

Those game would at least have offline play (and maybe even local wireless multiplayer?) Because other wise playing those games online would not be ideal?


No reviews, no Buy
Nov 2, 2018
It's not even a bad game. Just not correctly marketed. If you are pushing for a niche genre, you need to release on every store front possible.
And not do crazy deals that only further hinder your game, because nobody sees it or stumbles upon it.

Story is pretty much gone in the mortal empires campaign. Which is fine, there is enough story and event driven gameplay in the vortex campaign.
A robust economy system... that's not a part of TW2. The complexity comes from each faction being completely different (also economy wise) and not from one, robust system that is in place for everything.

TW2 is free this weekend. Maybe give it a try, if you have some downtime.
I own WH2 :)
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Retired, but still Enabling
Oct 11, 2018
Warframe is one of two games I've ever had to uninstall and force myself to stop playing, because I was putting wayyy too much time into it and just couldn't stop, and it started to affect my life in other ways. I loved it too much..

The other was Path of Exile :fearful-face:

....maybe...maybe when I'm "done" with Voxelgram...maybe..
If you are in the uk
Gamesplanet Uk has it for under £7


Question everything, learn nothing
Sep 17, 2019
Replaying Neverwinter Nights I can see why people don't like it so much, that first part in the city is quite barebones! I still love playing it, NWN is one of my favorite games of all time so I'm just soaking in all that nostalgia.
Yeah I played it recently and I definetly can see the cracks in the game but man, nostalgia is a powerful thing,.. I enjoyed it as the first day.


Nov 1, 2018
Mt. Whatever
Hmm, at 2160p may be best to use BPM instead of Desktop mode. I can't even read the text anymore. :dana_think:
Yeah and this is with the "Scale text and icons to match monitor settings" option ticked on.

Imagine this on a 55 inch screen? Steam is totally illegible to me at any sane sitting distance. I just click pretty pictures tbh. :huhblob:

In 2020 this is the one thing I'd like to ask Valve about post UI update.


Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
As long as they don't muck up the layout for those of us on monitors. I never have the Steam Client fullscreen so as long as it can sit to one side of my screen out of the way i'll be happy.


Excluding exclusives
Jan 12, 2019
Bought Warhammer 2. Played an hour and really enjoyed what I played. I own all Total War games except for Three Kingdoms, yet this is my first time with a Total War game, as I remember at least.
Warhammer 2 is one of the best games ever imo. The variation in strategy between the dozens of different factions is amazing! Be sure to buy the Tomb Kings DLC, these are my favorite factions.

Li Kao

It’s a strange world. Let’s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
You guys don't use the scale thing in Windows? My res is 2880x1800 and I use a 300% scale and everything looks normal.
The scale option only impact the OS and do not have issues in-game ? Stupid question, but then again, it's windows (rebuild-icon-cache) 10 we are talking about.
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