The Dark Descent and Rebirth are much closer connected than either of those with MFP – MFP had one contrived connection, I think, that was it, otherwise it was fairly standalone.But my OCD !
Skipping an episode !
And how could a game with a name so great be that bad ?
I'm not really arguing, its reputation is really shitty.
And it really isnt good. I dont like to shit on games, generally, but MFP is bascially a walking simulator made by people (thechineseroom) who vastly overestimate their writing talent, and therefore focus their games competely on story. but thats the kicker: the story is a complete snoozer, and the writing is just...meh?
gameplay in MFP is a total afterthought and miniscule. the game's short, boring, its not scary at all... it really shouldnt carry the Amnesia name. thankfully Frictional made Rebirth to balance the series out a bit
Dark Descent = excellent
Justine = nice
MFP = garbage
Rebirth = servicable
now I hope that someone will redeem the Wolfenstein series after the Youngblood fiasco. Thats another game I have nothing good to say about
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