I mean, they are clearly happy with the Steam reception, so yeah, I think it will keep growing for the time being.
No wonder why, most of the western players know Cygames thanks to RE:link and VS right now, both made a great impact in the gaming community, not even with the ZOE2 remaster people realized that it was made by them, damn, I wish Konami let them do more remasters :_(
They would probably more well known if they let GBF release in the west but last I checked it was a Japan/Asia only game.
I have played the game and while I didn't do much of the quest since it felt over complicated for me a lot of the stuff for that game was great. They have stuff like events and pretty much everything in the game has voice acting. Even in the Japanese version of the mobile game they made for Nintendo that also has full voice acting in Japanese as well (while in the English version they only say some words). If I did play more mobile games I would play GBF, their waifus are top tier.
Lore seems to be one of the things that they are really good at.
also just look at this
I don't think a lot of people in the west play stuff like Shadowverse (the one Cygame that is on Steam).
I think Fate is both popular in Japan and the west but GBF would potentially be even more popular if it was also made easily available in the west. I mean in the west all that exist so far is one season of an anime (or is it 2?) Were as with stuff like Fate you do have games,anime and very easily obtainable merch, are there even that many GBF figures? I have one but I have not seen that many in general.
Does anyone know what ever happened to the Chinese knock off Nier Automata game?
oh and compared to other JRPGS GBF has a much better art direction and style, it feels more like a western/Japanese hybrid fantasy game (high fantasy?) compared to your more typical stuff, even FF games have had their weird art direction but then again that art direction is what makes them stand out and easily recognizable