Cyberpunk opening areas (as nomad, got up to where you pick up your 45 or whatever from the gun vendor after the initial missions/tutorials) run surprisingly well on my PC (3770k/gtx1080). No counter but it feels smooth so probably around 50fps with medium/high settings (high for those important to me, like the last detail/lod one) though I might just increase the graphics, lock to 30 and play with a gamepad given the horrible un-PC menus (think Oblivion, lol). I'm not impressed with the graphics or any part of it yet. It feels super clunky like the 2020 equivalent of Deus Ex: Invisible War in 2003. There aren't many graphical options and in particular I'm annoyed there's very little in terms of lod distance for stuff, even just wandering in the protagonist's small initial apartment and looking at the door from the far corner then walking towards it has the shadow on the door pop-in. Much of the clutter objects everywhere are similar and just materialize as you run around (hate this in so many modern games). My PC probably couldn't handle higher distances but I also can't turn off that clutter altogether either. Bigger environment elements also have really obvious and close up lod switches . Also it has very unrealistic systems, get seen shooting some random for no reason (I was just testing) and police will spawn in and home in on your ass, even from dead ends that were clear just a moment ago and such. I guess this sort of thing is to make it more RPG style than normal action game but even The Witcher or TES games didn't have that so abrupt and just had the proper npc guards and stuff show up when alerted rather than crazy spawns, right? It's definitely not an immersive sim game given stuff like this. So many minor bugs so far too, npcs disappearing in floors or floating in some weird pose, similar for objects, collision issues, checking the mirror shows my character messed up, bald, sometimes naked, instead of with my clothes/looks, there's just a general unpolished, clunky feel (try shooting while carrying a body, lol?).