Several Yakuza games, Persona 5 strikers and Nier. The first few months of 2021 are looking pretty damn good.
On the marketing/PR side, MS deserves a ton of shit for this - they were publicly advertising the Dec. 15 date at the Game Awards just five days ago, and by some accounts, they were running ads (on Reddit, possibly elsewhere) advertising the availability of EA Play on Game Pass PC as late as earlier today.Microsoft are fairly on the end of much criticism for this Game Pass/EA Play debacle - and for the very belated timing of the announcement in particular they certainly should be - but my suspicion is that the delay is on EA's end.
The EA Desktop app is still in its infancy, and pretty rough - most notably, most of their library, much of which is in EA Play and presumably earmarked for Game Pass PC integration, isn't available yet through this new app. I still need to use the Origin client to access many games in my EA library, and development/additions to the EA Desktop app have been slow/practically non-existent since it first released. Given this new client seemingly plays a key role in this Game Pass/EA Play license activation thing, it not being ready would be an issue I reckon!
I would have spent a lot if I had money.Several Yakuza games, Persona 5 strikers and Nier. The first few months of 2021 are looking pretty damn good.
Yep got all that plus Nioh 2 on my plate for the 1st half of 2021. Looking real good.Several Yakuza games, Persona 5 strikers and Nier. The first few months of 2021 are looking pretty damn good.
... and our entire backlogsYep got all that plus Nioh 2 on my plate for the 1st half of 2021. Looking real good.
Starbase Alpha Signup
We are inviting players to help us with the development by testing the Alpha version of the game and provide us with various forms of feedback (technical, gameplay, etc). During Closed Alpha the game will break often and many features are missing or not fully functional - the game is not yet ready for the majority of gamers to join in.
We'll start with moderate amounts of invites first, but before Early Access launches, we hope to properly stress test the game with massive player counts, so expect the invitations to ramp up significantly in the coming couple of months.
P.S. If you've already filled our original survey (Jan 2020 - May 2020), please do not fill this signup form, unless we specifically ask you to. You will be considered for a Closed Alpha invite and we will prioritize the original survey.
I don't have money either. My plan is to buy just Yakuza 3 for now and finding a good price for P5S on cdkeys or another site. No way I can afford full price.I would have spent a lot if I had money.![]()
Gematsu is still sleeping so here's a quick summary from reddit. Shame they're not scrapping the bonding system but #9 and #10 sound very good.Kuro no Kiseki (next Trails title) as well as Nayuta no Kiseki PS4 port announced in Famitsu this week. Gematsu should report on them soon.
軌跡シリーズ最新章、日本ファルコム【英雄伝説 黎の軌跡】(クロノキセキ)2021年発売決定!!! ※一部大幅修正 | ゲームよりどりサブカルみどりパーク
ファミ通最新号より ハード未定 舞台はカルバード共和国(大陸の東側)七耀暦1208年 大ボリューム5ページにわたる近藤社長インタビー ・公開された三人(キリト風・赤紙長髪二刀流アラビア風・アリサから棘をとって胸がライザ風)のうちだれが主人公かは言えない ・この1作で結末は用意してある・売れなければ次はない、は軌跡シリーズも例外ではない・全体のボリュームは閃1作分と遜色ないくらいに![]()
PS4【那由多の軌跡 改】2021年発売決定!!! | ゲームよりどりサブカルみどりパーク
Translations are accurate. Just a follow-up, the title 黎 refers to 黎明 (Sunrise), and the pronunciation is Rei. Kuro refers to something else, probably 黒 (Black). Just like how the last entry is called Hajime (start) no Kiseki while the kanji title is actually Sou (create) no Kiseki.Gematsu is still sleeping so here's a quick summary from reddit. Shame they're not scrapping the bonding system but #9 and #10 sound very good.
It will be interesting to see if it's coming back to Steam too, because, we know GOG isn't an important platform on China but Steam is so, will they risk it? is GOG their only option given the low visibility in the mainland? well, we will have to wait to find out.Devotion on GOG
i think 2 is so much betterI kinda get the urge to play Age of Empires now. Just wondering if playing 1 is worth it.
Not gonna happen, GOG probably isn't relevant in China, while Steam it on steam, you cowards!!!
Base game: 29.99 euroWow
So seems wolf2 on gog is region locked and not available in my region?
Could someone post how much the game+season pass costs please?
Ah thanks, I can do the maths then xpBase game: 29.99 euro
Season pass: 24.99 euro
Digital deluxe: 59.99 euro
Weird how the digital deluxe is the game + SP, but it's cheaper to get them separately. Maybe it has some other extras like the soundtrack? Doesn't seem like it though.
edit: lol steam
Hrm I recall a choice or bundle that had it but it was the only game I wanted out of all the other stuff in it and didn't get it then.
free thingy, I think base was in humble?
yeah ... shit sucksLol it doesn't surprise me one bit. Pathetic.
Ooooooof xpThe process behind distributing Devotion defies understanding. Surely they 1. anticipated this response and 2. decided to go on with it? So strange.
Money, the one DRM that even GOG can't beat![]()
Chinese one perhapsWhat fucking gamer doesn't want the game to even be sold? Just don't play it jesus.