The next time I buy a new monitor is when it has HDR.
I'd drop $700USD on a 27" 1440p 144hz, Gsync monitor. Are there even any OLED monitors?
Ultra wide would be cool and after seeing all the trailers and playing Death Stranding, ya ultra wide is the way to go for that game.
in case anyone wants to play around:
Studio Download [BrickLink]
Maybe I will make something and send it to Lego ideas and get it made.....
I still find it funny for some reason how Carrion is console exclusive to Xbox and Switch and Fall Guys is console exclusive to PS4.
You literally need all 3 consoles (PS4, Switch, Xbone now, PS5, Switch, XSX next-gen) if you want as much indie goodness as possible and yet you are missing a ton of indie goodness that's only on PC.
Indies will definetly be moneyhatted left and right by the console companies to delay the release on other consoles while PC being excluded from that timed exclusivity bullshit. Epic still does some of it, but not as much as before and unless they are online only you can still go arrrrr.
And btw, Fall Guys is super fun.
I think DD is the main one that does timed exclusive for their games and they know that they can do it since the games that they typically publish are big hits that sell a good amount of copies.
In regards to DQXI ya that is just BS from SE.
It makes sense as to why it's just a port of the N/S version since it would prove to be problematic just to add that stuff to the base game.
You sort of knew that it was coming to PS4 and PC seeing how the game did sell on those platforms and people did say that they would pay for new additions as DLC. I guess that DLC just came in the same way as what P5R did.
I guess that times have changed since the P5R things was something that JPN companies would do on PS2, but with DLC and stuff becoming a new norm I guess that's what people expectations went.
Also it seems that Nippon will finally get to play DQXI on PC, the main thing this time how ever is that the JPN versions seems to be it's own version. So it will only support JPN and not English or any other languages. The version people get outside of Japan has other language options but just not Japanese other than the VA.
Also maybe someone will mod in the Fairy Tail costume for Erik.
I guess this means that I will be rebuying DQXI yet again.... I originally had the game for PC and PS4. I ordered the PS4 CE, my PS4 CE came with 2 copies of the game actually (thank you SE) and I ordered the N/S version less than a month ago since it was on sale from GameStop used for $40USD (well at least I have that version for collectors reasons, I wonder if that version coming to PS4,Xbox and PC will now being prices down. I remember when DQVII and DQVIII were like $25USD new from places like Amazon and GameStop, GameStop even had those games on clearance. I think they go for much more now.)
So unless the PC version gets modded there will be no definite Edition and while some textures and stuff can be replaced there will still be the issue of the new content that will not have any textures that they can be swapped out for.
I know that the Witcher 3 got cross save and stuff like that and DQXI:S get cross save would be amazing!!!!! So please do that SE if you are going to charge me $40USD for the game again..... I do hope that more devs make use of that feature since that could get more people to double dip more easily and both Valve and Nintendo are okay with it, so why not use it.
I wonder why SE didn't do a loyalty discount, at first I thought maybe it's because it wouldn't be fair to PS4 owners since I don't think that Sony even offers discounts on PSN. I think they have an option to give people that have a license for something else a copy but not a discount....which is sort of dumb seeing how Nintendo of all people have that option for the eShop!!!!!!! And we all know just how basic and sort of backwater place the eShop is.
They could at least bring down the price of DQXI or something and then just offer both games as part of a bundle or something, hey for just $50USD or something get both versions of the game....but nope...
Out of all the JPN publishers SE seems to care the least about it's PC audience. I thought it was cool how SEGA just upgraded everyone on PC to the Complete Edition of VC4. The only bad thing about VC4 was that there was this one DLC that PC didn't get because you need to play the demo or something. Also I don't think SE ever goes more than 50% off with it's JPN titles (well at least not for a vast majority of them).
SE doesn't really update its games on PC either, sometime they do just like this week they updated Octopath on PC to add Korean language options.
Well seeing how I never do finished DQXI I will just finish it on PC. I was planning of playing my N/S version of DQXI in 2D mode but I don't know anymore.
Oh and what I like about my PS4 versions of DQXI is that they are both still sealed and that they both have different cover art.