Since i love Nioh and played a lot of Wo Long i figured i'd write something up:
Wo Long is good fun but a step or 2 down from Nioh 2 in pretty much every aspect, essentially its a cut down Nioh with some of those cuts just being questionable design decisions like the gear/inventory system, they somehow managed to make gear 20% less complex but 80% less meaningful....
The only thing it has going for it is Team Ninja knows how to make good feeling combat and the deflect/stamina system which essentially replaces the ki pulse/flux system to refill your stamina bar in between your attack strings. I really like it and i personally see it more as a sidegrade or even a slight upgrade from Nioh and it would've been awesome to use in a more complex combat system and not one where you're limited to 2 special moves per weapon coming from Niohs 10+.
It also doesn't have all that many great Bossfights...

(thankfully the first DLC added a really great one)
If i had to give recommendations:
If the Nioh games were a 9 or 10 for you Wo Long could be something for you, otherwise skip.
If you tend to just play optimally/effectively to get through the game i'd say skip unless you really like parrying and its all you ever wanted to do (and you've played too much Sekiro already).
If you like learning enemy patterns however to then absolutely dunk on them and produce nonstop action highlight reels... there is some great fun to be had.