Community MetaSteam | June 2024 - Let's conquer this kingdom with some pure hearts


Oct 24, 2018
That's a weird one. I was really happy with the first remaster since it took the game out of X360 jail and I could finally play it. Not sure what another remaster could possibly add to justify rebuying it on PC.

Hopefully this time it'll lead to a remaster of DR2 that includes the content of both versions. IIRC, last time I tried playing it it was still unplayable due to GFWL or something along those lines. Not sure which version it was.


Mar 9, 2021
That's a weird one. I was really happy with the first remaster since it took the game out of X360 jail and I could finally play it. Not sure what another remaster could possibly add to justify rebuying it on PC.

Hopefully this time it'll lead to a remaster of DR2 that includes the content of both versions. IIRC, last time I tried playing it it was still unplayable due to GFWL or something along those lines. Not sure which version it was.
I believe that there was a pre-release DLC for DR2 called "Case 0" that never made it to PC iirc.
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I <3 Pixels
Oct 21, 2018

Steam Controller 2 is here

While it misses the right touchpad for this to be an essential purchase for me personally, I'm positively enthused to see a third party manufacturer actively embrace Steam input mapping. (At least the images to me seem to imply that this has native Steam input mapping support)

No, other manufacturers, I don't want to use your wonky application to map additional buttons/paddles/etc. to some keyboard input and then hope I can map that in-game. Just support Steam input natively and provide a far superior experience to your users. Valve has always been more than open to that.


Nov 2, 2018
(At least the images to me seem to imply that this has native Steam input mapping support)
They have their own app, but they also have this on their website too:

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Oct 6, 2018
How many remasters or re-releases are we on with dead rising now? It feels like 3 or 4.

I was hoping to see that question answered across the internet but everyone is too busy patting capcom on the back while sneering at naughty dog for an equal amount of last of us ports.


Dec 17, 2018
How many remasters or re-releases are we on with dead rising now? It feels like 3 or 4.

I was hoping to see that question answered across the internet but everyone is too busy patting capcom on the back while sneering at naughty dog for an equal amount of last of us ports.
Well the TLOU PC port was terrible, so no pat on the back for them.


Mar 29, 2021


Dec 20, 2018

Tim Sweeney



Dec 20, 2018
One thing that people are overlooking is that compared to all other Store/Client developers Valve has lowest number of employees (even compared to CDPR that GOG is part of), and yet they are crushing all of them with number of developed features for the client and quality of those features. They really hire some of the best people in the industry.


May 4, 2019
Looks like a very ambitious feature. I always thought Valve would just do some quick clip thing for 10 or 15 seconds like early days of Xbox one iirc. And never something this deep.

Deck support is great too.
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No reviews, no Buy
Nov 2, 2018

What incentive has a temp or redundant developer to work as fast as he can? They will either be 100% or "possibly" sacked after the game releases.
We also recently had a thread about a VR development studio where no developer is playing VR games either in office or in their free time and several people in the thread (some were developers) answered with "Duh, for most it is "just a job"".

So for those developers that just see it as a job and not something they love.
And it is questionable that possible studios you want to work after that, look at the amount of games you finished developing and not at the years overall.

I would be surprised if a Studio would pay a Bonus for game completion (on time or ever).

So again, what is the incentive to finish a game fast if you are a clock in the 100-1000 people machine and there is a high chance that you will be let go after.
It is more economical for you as a person to work as per your agreement and try to broaden the scope with new ideas and new technologies.


Dec 17, 2018
It was just a random percent I swear!
One thing that people are overlooking is that compared to all other Store/Client developers Valve has lowest number of employees (even compared to CDPR that GOG is part of), and yet they are crushing all of them with number of developed features for the client and quality of those features. They really hire some of the best people in the industry.
Based on some hiring reports, Valve only hires like the top of the toppest of people.
  • Toucan
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May 4, 2019
Wdym the RE classics are not on Steam and consoles? What are these games you're playing with me Capcom?!
With all the rumors and talks of Code Veronica earlier this month...I actually thought that maybe Capcom would do an old school RE collection. And just dump everything from the PS1 and PS2 era. I mean they are doing it for the Marvel fighting games so its surprising they aren't doing it for the RE classics.

So looks like its gonna be piece meal GOG versions for now.

But I bet they still do Steam/Consoles down the line.

The same thing happened with Konami a few years ago where the old MGS1 and MGS2 were released on GOG. Eventually the Master Collection hit Steam so if Konami can do it then its no excuses for Capcom. They better get up off their ass and do something similar. There is an easy 5 or 6 game 50$ mainline + spinoff collection there as well.
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Low Tier Weeb
Jan 19, 2019
"Original" sure....... I'm sure that there definitely was not any legal reason at all for why the Xbox 360 box had a legal disclaimer on it saying. "Hey this is in no way shape or form related to that one zombie movie that takes place in a mall.... Or it's remake"

The big question is the AI improved? Since that was the part that aged badly.


Segata's Disciple
Jan 28, 2019
8000 yen is like < 50 eur. Noice. With gyro, back buttons & everything. Wish it had 6 face buttons. I want this by a good company and with analog triggers too.

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Mar 9, 2021
With all the rumors and talks of Code Veronica earlier this month...I actually thought that maybe Capcom would do an old school RE collection. And just dump everything from the PS1 and PS2 era. I mean they are doing it for the Marvel fighting games so its surprising they aren't doing it for the RE classics.

So looks like its gonna be piece meal GOG versions for now.

But I bet they still do Steam/Consoles down the line.

The same thing happened with Konami a few years ago where the old MGS1 and MGS2 were released on GOG. Eventually the Master Collection hit Steam so if Konami can do it then its no excuses for Capcom. They better get up off their ass and do something similar. There is an easy 5 or 6 game 50$ mainline + spinoff collection there as well.
It depends... SH4 was rereleased on GOG like 4 years ago and it still isn't on Steam. Unless Konami decides to do an SH Master Collection or something.


Low Tier Weeb
Jan 19, 2019
I saw Ghost in the Shell 2 in theaters today, it was just me and this one couple sitting in the row behind me. I didn't really understand it but it definitely was different than the first movie. Also the song actually has lyrics.

Any way in gaming news, this unusual collaboration was announced.

They are both Korean games which makes sense as to why they would collaborate.

Also since ShiftUP also made Stella Blade, is till find the whole "concept" that that game showed how Korean developers can make more than just MMOs. I think Lies of P was one of the other games mentioned but you do have others Korean devs making other types of games. But I'm guessing that they don't gain a wide enough of an audience for people to pay attention to them. Or in some cases people are genuinely surprised to find out that the devs are from Korea.
By the way Shift Up also announced that it took 2 months for them to sell 1 million copies of the game...... Good?Bad?

Considering how much some people were hyping it up that seems rather low but the. Again it didn't seem like it was going to be a huge blockbuster either. But at the same time I didn't think similar stuff like Nier Automata hit 1 million right away right? But I do find the fact that it took 2 months for it to each 1 million is rather strange by the marketing help it was getting from Sony with them publishing it and all.

I'm not sure how much it cost to make Stella Blade but it looks like Shift up make over $22 million USD off the game.
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Dec 10, 2018
For Me, so far, the fact Shift Up is talking so openly about a PC version would suggest that it may not have hit sales expectations. I would expect the usual song and dance that we have around the likes of Nioh, radio silence until about a month before release.

However there does appear to have been a shift, with SE being more open about the likes of FFXVI coming to other platforms.

1mill sounds good for a new IP, especially a character action one. I also think the whole “sexy costumes” thing is getting to be more of a hinderance than certain sections of the internet would have you believe. Works well on F2P games, but maybe you need more than that on a £60 premium game. Hell, if/when it releases I will probably grab it but it may end up on an alt account.


Dec 20, 2018
Summer Sale later today :blobevening:
I doubt that I will spend much. I will get CoD (I said that I will buy CoD game whenever it's on sale to fill up my collection), maybe re-buy some Ubisoft games that I want to play on Deck and that's basically it.


Nov 2, 2018
For Me, so far, the fact Shift Up is talking so openly about a PC version would suggest that it may not have hit sales expectations. I would expect the usual song and dance that we have around the likes of Nioh, radio silence until about a month before release.
I think it could be just that it sold well or within expectations, but they see PC as an opportunity to further expand their audience?


May 5, 2019
Regarding the Steam Recording feature: very cool addition! it just shows Valves commitment to make the most feature-complete client possible. And makes the "Steam wins by doing nothing" meme that was floating around a couple months ago even more dumb than it already was.

In terms of arguing with people defending the egs/exclusives or railing against the 30% store cute: its probably pointless bringing up this new feature – they would most likely just say "but I could just use software outside of Steam".

Like I mentioned in regards to Rami, there are people completely unable to see other people's perspectives, viewpoints, usecases. They only see their own behaviour and needs. They dont need reviews, forums, built-in features? That must mean nobody needs them. They dont use the client and only launch their one game from the deskop? That means nobody uses a client. Maybe even nobody uses a Start menu, so why even have that? Its entirely pointless to try to convince people of something if they dont grasp this concept of "other people have different needs than me and the world isnt centered around me"

maybe this is a bit sad, but maybe it also helps reminding yourself if you feel frustrated coming across such a person.


Bad at Games.
Apr 17, 2019
I've spent less than $100 on Steam this year, which is crazy to me. I'll definitely be looking for cheap games on my wish list when the sale goes live. To buy and never play, of course.
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