Community MetaSteam | June 2024 - Let's conquer this kingdom with some pure hearts

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Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
I've spent less than $100 on Steam this year, which is crazy to me. I'll definitely be looking for cheap games on my wish list when the sale goes live. To buy and never play, of course.
Huh, I've spent 0€ on Steam this year :thinking-face:. I spent 26€ on bundles and ~40€ on gachas (Genshin/Star Rail monthly pass).
Though admittedly this is partly because I splurged last christmas and have been working through that alongside bundle-stuff (and still am) :cold-sweat:
But it's definitely also because keeping up with a bunch of GAAS means I don't have time to play/don't feel like playing as many other games as I used to.
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Low Tier Weeb
Jan 19, 2019
The cat is back

Also Gamespark is currently doing a contest where if people buy a ¥10000 Steam card (or smaller cards that add up to a total ofb¥10000) between a certain time they can be entered in to win 1 of 5 1TB Steam OLED models. All you have to do is email them the numbers on the back of the card, which is what you would do after you redeem the card on Steam. At that point they would verify the information with Komodo sisters company that is in charge of sales of Steam gift cards in Japan.

By the way these seem to be the stores that sell Steam gift cards in Japan if you were ever to visit.

AEON, Ito-Yokado, Welcia Group, Edion, Geo, K's Denki,

Cocokara Fine Group, Costco, Dospara, Joshin, Seven-Eleven, ZOA, TSUTAYA,

Tsuruha Group, Don Quijote, MEGA Don Quijote, Picasso, Apita, FamilyMart,

PC Depot, Bic Camera, Sofmap, Kojima, Furuichi, Heiwado, Poplar,

Matsumotokiyoshi Group, Ministop, Yamada Denki, Yodobashi Camera
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Bad at Games.
Apr 17, 2019
But it's definitely also because keeping up with a bunch of GAAS means I don't have time to play/don't feel like playing as many other games as I used to.
This is definitely a big part of why I've spent so little. Between Honkai and Genshin I find myself not buying other games unless they are something I am really excited for. I used to buy a lot more filler games than I do now.


Low Tier Weeb
Jan 19, 2019
Anime wins AGAIN!
I think the artist confirmed in the past that Valve had contracted her for the others sales as well. So in the past each sale has a different look, but going forward I think it's safe to say that Valve will choose 1 look and use that as the theme for 3 sales before moving on to another artist. This would also include making new point shop items for each season as well.

One of the benefits of this would likely be that Valve would have more time to look for new people to contract for their work. Since they would have multiple months now instead of just 4
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Aaron D.

Jul 10, 2019

I picked up Workers & Resources pretty early at a nice price and decided to backburner it while it worked its way through Early Access.

Catching up with CPP's 1.0 video makes a hell of a compelling argument to check it out sooner than later. Looks like all sorts of neat campaign tutorials have been added in, creating a nice progression curve. And with a title as dramatically logistics heavy as this one, that can be nothing but a good thing.

Might have to work up the courage to take this on over the weekend.


May 4, 2019
The deep discount section is pretty small but still a good variety of things. Celeste and Wildlands are both tempting.

I'm guessing Valve will show other titles on different days otherwise its very meh. Either way I hope it catches some success and more devs push deep discounts to stand out like this.

Ubisoft kinda went crazy with discounts this time.
Yea several games from them I wanna pick up.

I'm curious tho I haven't played a Ubi game on Deck yet.

For those who is Uplay handled? Does it interfere with the Deck/SteamOS in any way?
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Reactions: lashman


Dec 20, 2018
The deep discount section is pretty small but still a good variety of things. Celeste and Wildlands are both tempting.

I'm guessing Valve will show other titles on different days otherwise its very meh. Either way I hope it catches some success and more devs push deep discounts to stand out like this.

Yea several games from them I wanna pick up.

I'm curious tho I haven't played a Ubi game on Deck yet.

For those who is Uplay handled? Does it interfere with the Deck/SteamOS in any way?
Depending on the game. Some are kinda seamless, others get annoying pop up window to log in every time (i think that mostly older titles ask for log in). In short it works but can be annoying.
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Reactions: lashman and yuraya


Laughing Chojin
Mar 14, 2019
if you have linked your Steam account to your Uplay account you wont be bothered anymore


Mercenary in the Badlands
Jun 15, 2019
Yeah I played Far Cry 5 and 6 on my Deck and I had to look up how to make it work because you had to screw around with the Uplay launcher in desktop mode.


Apr 17, 2019
Tales of Vesperia can be bought for less than $3 on some key sites. One of these days I need to grab it.


Powered by the Cloud
Apr 6, 2019
For those who is Uplay handled? Does it interfere with the Deck/SteamOS in any way?
I know that for some of the really older UPlay games (I encountered it with Assassin's Creed Syndicate), the older, non-working version of UPlay (Ubisoft Connect or whatever it was called) is installed, and therfor you cannot properly login.

But you can solve this by using Protontricks to install the newer UPlay client in the Proton-prefix folder for the game.
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Reactions: yuraya


Oct 24, 2018
The SteamDB browser extension recently added a feature for grouping achievements and it's one of those things where it's such a simple but massive QoL upgrade that I can't help but wonder what the hell Valve is doing not having implemented this themselves already.

There's sections for DLC (and even updates);

It can also separate multiplayer achievements into their own group, which is super useful :

And it can also split up achievements per-game for collections when they have a huge combined list. This is especially useful when the publisher can't be bothered to have the description even identify which game the achievement is for :

Would be nice to have this in the Steam client itself.


Low Tier Weeb
Jan 19, 2019
The rare case where I had to look up if this was actually a retro re=release. I never heard of that game before.

It would be interesting if anyone ever made a completely NEW game but stuck completely to a specific year of graphics tech for a really authentic look.
I used to own a copy of this game on Gamecube. I bought a used copy from eBay back in my middle school days and when I was starting to get more into Star Wars stuff.

I never did beat the game, I only got to the part of the game where you meet the bounty hunter person that Jango hires in Episode 2.

The game has been available on PS for a while now, both as a PS2 game on PSN for PS3. And also it later got ported as a PS4 game. LRG even did a physical release of the PS4 version of this game, a few years ago.
  • Blobxorcism
Reactions: low-G


Dec 20, 2018
With last night US Presidential debate I am now sure (I was confident before) that there is nonsane and normal politician on this planet at this time. And I could even ignore that if there were no people that blindly follow them without questioning anything they do and talk and ignore all bad things they do. And as I said this is regarding all politicians on whichever side exist anymore. They are for the most part bunch of old farts that take money to cover people who are giving them money while pretending to care about all citizens and humans around the world. End of the rant.

On the slightly less dark note my first look at the sale resulted in me adding CoD4 MW Remake, AC Rogue Deluxe, AC Unity, Far Cry Blood Dragon, FC5 Gold and New Dawn Deluxe and Contrast to the cart. It is kinda bad purchase to be honest because I basically played all of those games except New Dawn and Contrast XD
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