Community MetaSteam | March 2019 - The Core Values of One-Handed Fighting

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Token German
Sep 6, 2018
Outer Space

Sure, you are totally right.
My post wasn't really about pubg vs fortnite anyway. It was more a response to how long fortnite will make epic rich and that it could die soon and so on. I used pubg more as an example that a game can still generate obscene amounts of money without being the top dog or most talked about. I probably didn't articulate my point well :)

Just wanted to say that nothing stops epics money train for a long time if PUBG is anything to go by

So I ultimately agree with you :)


Me llamo Willy y no hice la mili, pero vendo Chili
Sep 7, 2018
I can't believe Garnudo Games and Dexion Games are still a thing on Steam, everything is a rip-off or a low-effort asset flip and yet there they are, I think I have reported a few games from both of them, urgh....
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Retired, but still Enabling
Oct 11, 2018
I can't believe Garnudo Games and Dexion Games are still a thing on Steam, everything is a rip-off or a low-effort asset flip and yet there they are, I think I have reported a few games from both of them, urgh....
I would suggest also contacting support directly

Scroll down and you'll find some emails.

Sure, you are totally right.
My post wasn't really about pubg vs fortnite anyway. It was more a response to how long fortnite will make epic rich and that it could die soon and so on. I used pubg more as an example that a game can still generate obscene amounts of money without being the top dog or most talked about. I probably didn't articulate my point well :)

Just wanted to say that nothing stops epics money train for a long time if PUBG is anything to go by

So I ultimately agree with you :)
I concede then :minos_angel:

Deleted member 113

So that only leaves one option...
We must kill the Sweeney...
Who volunteers for the mission?

We will sing Songs about you for generations and erect statues and stuff
We need to send a T-800 back in time, in order to prevent this catastrophe from happening. :grinning-face-with-smiling-eyes:


In other news, since I hear you guys are struggling to find games to spend your money on, with all these Epic exclusives and whatnot, here's a few indie RPGs that have just received, or soon will receive, a great number of enhancements and content:

Enhanced Edition, with free expansion, launching on the 26th:


Big update, with new content, improved translation, and lots of QOL improvements out now:


The game already received many improvements since launch, but version 1,5, which should launch soon, will include a big number of improvements:


Miserable old git
Jan 22, 2019
So got my new monitor and absolutely loving it so far. Played through Max Payne 3 again at 144fps (well technically 141 :p ) and gawwwwddaaaaamn it's so smoooooooth. The best controlling Rockstar game by far and 7 years later still a fucking amazing shooter (as long as you don't mind cutscenes and Rockstars flashy man on fire effects). Just an absolute joy to play. I'm not sure I can ever go back to not having Freesync/GSync either.


Jan 20, 2019
Clifton, New Jersey
Controversial opinion: Some developers have become entitled. They seem to think that they are owed success, they talk down to their audience and they refuse to take responsibility for their actions.
I don't think this is controversial at all.

Last Year: The Nightmare seems to be leaving Discord's exclusivisty soon:

RealDarthJayLast Monday at 9:26 AM

Hey everyone! We wanted to share an update on the development of Last Year, upcoming content releases, and the Steam version. For the past three months, we've been listening to your feedback and pushing patches to improve the balance, address bugs, and add polish features. The team sincerely appreciates your commitment and support as we build Last Year into an amazing franchise together, and we're excited to announce that the next update will not just be another balance patch... it will be so much more. We've been working on a significant content update and listening to your most requested features, and we think you are going to absolutely love what is coming. In addition to the new content, the Steam version of the game will be released alongside the update to ensure that both the Discord and Steam versions of the game are identical. The content update needs more time "in the oven" before its ready to go live, and so the Steam version will be available once the update is ready. As you know, Elastic Games is committed to delivering quality experiences to our community, and that attention to detail takes time. We are not revealing a release date on the update just yet, but we will have exciting news to share with you in time. Until then, we look forward to playing Last Year with you at our next community play night, or in discussing the game's future right here on our Discord server. Sincerely, The Elastic Games dev team
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Deleted member 113

Controversial opinion: Some developers have become entitled. They seem to think that they are owed success, they talk down to their audience and they refuse to take responsibility for their actions.
Controversial? Nah, it's common sense. :)

Many of these developers haven't been around for long, but before Steam (and also the Xbox Live Arcade) came around, not that long ago, most struggled to find an audience.
Then, we got that indie "boom", with plenty of success stories (like Super Meat Boy, Braid, ...), and everyone thought that they would all get rich by releasing their games on those platforms. The Xbox Live Arcade is pretty much gone, and Steam is obviously in a different place now, so things aren't what they were. But, some developer still think they can release the 1000th rogue-like game, without any promotion (outside of posting a couple of tweets), and get rich. And when that doesn't happen, instead of doing a self-analysis about what went wrong, the blame is obviously shifted to publishers, stores/console platforms, and strangely, their customers.

They do think they are entitled to your money, not that they have to "fight" for it with a million other developers, or products.
And, they think they can even dictate where you buy their games. How you buy their games. When you buy their games. Be it by releasing store-exclusives, having platform-exclusive content, pre-order or early-access exclusive content.

I keep repeating this, but I'll say it again: videogames are a disposable product. No one is forced to put up with this, and support these practices.
You can't live without food. You can't live without water. You can certainly live just fine by not purchasing a videogame, and instead purchase another. Or buy a music album. Or buy a movie. Or go out, and have a nice meal with your girlfriend/boyfriend/wife/husband, or with friends. Or go to the cinema. Or, save money, and travel somewhere.

Don't like it? Don't support it. And certainly, don't let this affect you in any way. I know we are all very passionate about this hobby, but at the end of the day, it's still just that, a hobby.
To quote Norman Bates, from Hitchcock's Psycho: «A hobby's supposed to pass the time, not fill it. » ;)

Deleted member 113

Speaking of racing games, Distance is currently on sale.

This past weekend, I ended up playing the game, after last playing an earlier alpha version a couple of years ago, and the game really came a long way.
This "final" release version is very enjoyable, and well worth a look.
The game is a futuristic racing game, with Tron-ish visuals, and a soundtrack that almost seems like it came from Rez, where you can use your turbo, race on walls, do jumps, 180º turns, and even fly in certain conditions.

Funnily enough, the Adventure mode almost plays like a platformer, with checkpoints, and some difficult jumps/moves to pull (and fail, and retry :p). It's an enjoyable, and decent length experience.
The game also has workshop support, and plenty of user made content to keep you busy.
It's well worth the current sale price.


Vogon Poetry Appreciator
Sep 6, 2018
Speaking of racing games, Distance is currently on sale.

This past weekend, I ended up playing the game, after last playing an earlier alpha version a couple of years ago, and the game really came a long way.
This "final" release version is very enjoyable, and well worth a look.
The game is a futuristic racing game, with Tron-ish visuals, and a soundtrack that almost seems like it came from Rez, where you can use your turbo, race on walls, do jumps, 180º turns, and even fly in certain conditions.

Funnily enough, the Adventure mode almost plays like a platformer, with checkpoints, and some difficult jumps/moves to pull (and fail, and retry :p). It's an enjoyable, and decent length experience.
The game also has workshop support, and plenty of user made content to keep you busy.
It's well worth the current sale price.
I backed this on Kickstarter, since I was a big fan of Nitronic Rush. It was fun back when it was released in Early Access, but I've barely touched it since then. I should go back to it one of these days.

Deleted member 113

I backed this on Kickstarter, since I was a big fan of Nitronic Rush. It was fun back when it was released in Early Access, but I've barely touched it since then. I should go back to it one of these days.
I was on the same boat, since I was also a kickstarter backer. :)

In other news:

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Hyper˗Toxic Pro˗Consumer
Oct 23, 2018
Speaking of racing games, Distance is currently on sale.

This past weekend, I ended up playing the game, after last playing an earlier alpha version a couple of years ago, and the game really came a long way.
This "final" release version is very enjoyable, and well worth a look.
The game is a futuristic racing game, with Tron-ish visuals, and a soundtrack that almost seems like it came from Rez, where you can use your turbo, race on walls, do jumps, 180º turns, and even fly in certain conditions.

Funnily enough, the Adventure mode almost plays like a platformer, with checkpoints, and some difficult jumps/moves to pull (and fail, and retry :p). It's an enjoyable, and decent length experience.
The game also has workshop support, and plenty of user made content to keep you busy.
It's well worth the current sale price.
Yeah, Distance has come a long way. It's also an amazing VR experience. It's like Rainbow Road on acid.


Segata's Disciple
Jan 28, 2019

Blood is a great classic FPS not as commonly discussed as its brethren, hope the port is good and does well.

But more than that hope their next game is gonna be Powerslave already ffs, that was almost done before they even hired the guy to do all these other classics.

Deleted member 113



In other news, GOG's Spring Sale has started.

Anyone wants to post some recommendations, for games that aren't available outside of GOG?
Allow me to post a couple, that are currently cheap as hell. For fans of first person dungeon crawlers:

The first Lands of Lore is a personal favourite.
It even has Sir Patrick Stewart. :cat-heart-blob:


Token German
Sep 6, 2018
Outer Space
I backed this on Kickstarter, since I was a big fan of Nitronic Rush. It was fun back when it was released in Early Access, but I've barely touched it since then. I should go back to it one of these days.
I was on the same boat, since I was also a kickstarter backer. :)
hey, me three... backed it after playing Nitronic Rush. Played a really early version yeras ago and haven't played the final product yet...

Thats the reason I stopped backing games.... I havent even played half of the stuff I backed :cryingwhyblob:

Deleted member 113

Ninja what.
I own lands of lore, didn't know he was in it.
He wasn't on the original floppy version.
But, when the game was re-released on CD-Rom, they added voice-overs, including Patrick Stewart.
The version on GOG has them.

I still have a copy of the CD-Rom version around. :giggle:
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Dec 9, 2018

Now I have lots of bones to pick with certain GBers (Alex.....) but at least they still regularly sit down with indies even when they're PC-only and give them a fair shot.

They also have a QL of Sekiro up.

Out now, planning to buy after reading a few hopefully good reviews.
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Nov 12, 2018
Brighton, UK
It's kinda impressive how all the free games on EGS are games supposedly still in their... well, not their prime anymore, but still in a perfectly legit selling time window.
Devs/pubs are basically zeroing the value of their products in exchange for whatever deal Epic struck with them.
So much for Epic better supporting devs, and so much for all the people pretending to care about devs and then grabbing, say, Slime Rancher (not even 2 years old) for free while it's 50% off on Steam right now.


Nov 1, 2018
gg Activision for not making a worldwide launch for Sekiro, pirates have the game 1 day before it's out in the west...
Sekiro.Shadows.Die.Twice-CODEX 🤦‍♂️
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Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
I haven't redeemed any of the previous free EGS games and i don't see that changing any time soon to be honest. I'm just going to let my account sit there and ferment. I can't even be bothered engaging Epic to ask them to delete it.

I'm just about to buy a bunch of games on GOG to add to my collection so i can cry-play them when Cyberpunk 2077 and whatever else i'm looking forward to is announced to be EGS exclusive. So in a way EGS has enhanced competition as i'm buying more games on GOG lately.

It's only a hobby and i've come to the conclusion that no game is worth me using EGS though i have no issue with picking them up on Steam/GOG later down the road as long as i don't get EGS keys but Steam ones or DRM free releases.

Ex-User (307)

Dec 11, 2018
Controversial opinion: Some developers have become entitled. They seem to think that they are owed success, they talk down to their audience and they refuse to take responsibility for their actions.
I posted a thread about this a few months ago, but the publishing industry is the exact same way.

Some indie writers go around moaning and groaning that they can't make a living on Amazon (or wherever), and that self-publishing is doomed. Except the average salary for full-time, self-published authors keeps rising. In 2017, Amazon reported that 1,000 authors had earned $100,000 or more through their KDP program. These are the authors who are doing everything a publisher would normally do for you (hire a cover artist, hire editors, adjusting prices, contracting some marketing professionals, etc.), and then selling it themselves for around $5-6 sans a Big Publisher cut. And a large number of them are finding success doing it.

So what's dragging the average salary of self-published authors is the increasing number of authors reporting no or next to no sales. I suspect a similar thing is happening whenever you hear complaints on YouTube or other creative platforms, and I suspect this is similar to what's happening to a lot of indie games.

It's the "any idiot can create" age, which turns into "every idiot thinks they deserve a paycheck" age.


Dec 9, 2018
you guys have to see it this way... every free game you claim on the Epic store costs them money.... so you get free games and can hurt them :fingergunsblob:
I know that Sony pays for every game that a PS+ subscriber adds to hisher account but here, doubtful. And you pay. With your data. And by adding to their numbers. Getting played by Tim and China like a fiddle. Merkel is disappointed in you.
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Dead & Forgotten
Sep 5, 2018
you guys have to see it this way... every free game you claim on the Epic store costs them money.... so you get free games and can hurt them :fingergunsblob:
that's ... that's not how it works, lol :p

epic just tosses them a big bag of money for those "free" games ... regardless if then 5 or 5,000,000 people download them

plus, as derExperte said - you're paying with your data
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