Community MetaSteam | March 2019 - The Core Values of One-Handed Fighting

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Nov 4, 2018
That's all true, but in this Epic era, these features effectively cost developers 18% of their share. Particularly while money-hats are prevalent, I'd wager a growing number of devs (or more correctly, publishers, it seems) will deem that these additional customer engagement tools won't warrant that 18% overhead - particularly given Epic will no doubt be selling the tale that they'll soon have all of this and more.
Sure, but in order for your share to mean something you need to make some actual sales, so in the end the customers will decide.


Excluding exclusives
Jan 12, 2019
On PC Gamer: "Epic on pulling Metro Exodus from Steam: 'We don't want to do that ever again'"

That's funny, because in the same presentation they've announced a bunch of new exclusives that have been pulled from Steam as well.

In another article on PC Gamer, Epic is trying to justify their moneyhats as being the Robin Hood for developers: "we need these exclusives to enforce better deals for developers". What a disgusting company...

Edit: It seems Obisidian wasn't informed about the exclusivity deal with Epic until the day before the public announcement:

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Deleted member 113

Anyone played the recent Call of Cthulhu?
Is it worth the current price tag?

I'm a sucker for all things Lovecraft, but I'm not a big fan of Cyanide's output.

I see the game is 8-10 hours, which is great for me since I've been struggling to play and finish bigger games.

I'm torn between giving this one a go, or play Vampyr (which remains embarrassingly untouched in my backlog).
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Mar 13, 2019
Can't wait to use that preorder stop sign on Bloodlines 2. Funnily enough, I dropped the first not because of its bugs, instead, because it was really scary for me at the time. I don't remember the level name that convinced me that Bloodline wasn't for me but there was that one specific level - a mansion, I think? Anyway, I might give it a second chance now.


Dead & Forgotten
Sep 5, 2018
Can't wait to see the sales comparison between stores when actual competition is allowed. :coffee-blob:
lol ... well we won't know ... because they won't release the numbers

I'm sure it will sell on EGS at least 2.5x times what the previous one did on Steam.... in 2004.
2500x more ... epic store - a HUGE success!


But metacouncil told me pc gaming is dead.
it is ... has been since the 90s


and if it's not - it most certainly will be once epic are done with it

On PC Gamer: "Epic on pulling Metro Exodus from Steam: 'We don't want to do that ever again'"
i believe he specifically meant "we don't want to let people actually pre-order games on steam before we throw a big bag of money at the publisher ever again"


Lost in VR
Jan 4, 2019
Can't wait to use that preorder stop sign on Bloodlines 2. Funnily enough, I dropped the first not because of its bugs, instead, because it was really scary for me at the time. I don't remember the level name that convinced me that Bloodline wasn't for me but there was that one specific level - a mansion, I think? Anyway, I might give it a second chance now.
It was probably the hotel, that part still manages to scare me :fearful-face:

Deleted member 113

If anyone is looking to buy something with those cents we get from selling cards, you can do a lot worse than this:

I bought it for 10€ or so (on sale), and not long ago this game was selling for close to 20€. They recently greatly reduced the price, and they have an 80% sale on top of that.
When I tried it, the visuals weren't bad at all, but some of the mechanics were a bit clunky, but still perfectly playable. The game was updated in the meantime, so hopefully it was improved on that front.
But, again, it's 0,65€ for a decent length action RPG.

Here's a gameplay video:

Deleted member 113

Amateur truckers of Metacouncil, the time is here for a new Euro Truck Simulator 2 event!
So, reinstall the game, dust off your driving wheels, and get your cheesy playlists ready (mine's all 80's pop :grinning-face-with-smiling-eyes:), it's time to do some more deliveries, and unlock a few free cosmetic items.

Dec 5, 2018
Well with the announcement of Bloodlines 2, I might as well buy the first one. I take that the GOG version is the better option ? (I'm asking because it's currently on sale on humble and GOG).
Yesterday I finished Ys VI but before finishing I wanted to beat the optional superboss. And then I realized how much time the grind would take me. So I opened cheat engine and boosted my EXP, thinks like that are why I love playing on pc.
BTW I ended up not preordering Sekiro so any chance that the game could drop below CdKeys price ? If not it still is a good price so I'll grab it later today.
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Deleted member 113

Well with the announcement of Bloodlines 2, I might as well buy the first one. I take that the GOG version is the better option ? (I'm asking because it's currently on sale on humble and GOG).
The Steam version is, last time I checked, the original version.

The GOG version apparently comes with an unofficial fan patch already installed.

This fan patch has two variants: one that supposedly features only bug fixes, and one that adds content (it restores some cut content that was never completed, but it also includes some changes that were done by this modder, and not by the original team), so to me it feels more like a mod, than a patch. The GOG version includes, from what I gather, the first variant of the patch.
But, both variants of the patch are also available for the Steam version, so you can easily patch the Steam version, if you buy it there, to be the same thing as GOG.

Controversial opinion, but I always played the game since launch without any of these fan patches.
I know a lot of people love them, but I prefer to play the game as done by the developers, and not with fan made balance tweaks and changes.

The original launch version indeed had a number of bugs, including a bad one that made the game impossible to complete, unless you loaded a map using console commands before the game crashed.
But, after Troika patched the game, I didn't experience further problems in terms of crashes and similar issues.

Since the beginning, these fan patches tended to feature a lot of liberties by its developer, many that I don't necessarily agree with, especially since many people played the game with these changes.


Dead & Forgotten
Sep 5, 2018
Is everyone buying bloodlines 2 before more epic fuckery?
yes ... better safe than sorry - who knows what happens between now and March of next year

we already know nothing is safe from them - not logos in trailer, not interviews, not store pages, not pre-orders (especially if they're done outside of steam), not even crowdfunding promises


Retired, but still Enabling
Oct 11, 2018
I would just like to say that shlooter at least sounds like a cute word.

People trying to make "soulsbornekiro" a word should be hung.
Shlooter is like shmup. I personally don't see an issue in using the term.
It's when it's being forced around like a chimpanzee's feces that it becomes moronic.


Nov 1, 2018

Example 1:

A) "Could you please shloot the door?"
B) "Yes, but of course"

Example 2:

A) "SHLOOT! I just stubbed my toe!!"
B) "That must have shlooting hurt, eh?"

Guilty of Being

Dec 5, 2018
I'm so excited that I'm not tempted to buy Epic exclusives, knowing that I'll get them cheaper on the client a prefer in the future. My backlog is jumping for joy, I think.

Moreover, I think I'm about to dabble in the world of trainers and whatnot. With my little time to game, I just want to play and beat a game. Heck, I used cheats as a kid. Why not get nostalgic, yo.


Dead & Forgotten
Sep 5, 2018
I'm so excited that I'm not tempted to buy Epic exclusives, knowing that I'll get them cheaper on the client a prefer in the future. My backlog is jumping for joy, I think.
... and we'll (probably) have the new library by then as well :D

probably not ... Volvo Time™

Moreover, I think I'm about to dabble in the world of trainers and whatnot. With my little time to game, I just want to play and beat a game. Heck, I used cheats as a kid. Why not get nostalgic, yo.
eh, i never really had any problem with using trainers ... i usually play games for the story anyway, so if something is too difficult for me - i'll cheat my ass off no problem ;)
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