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Low Tier Weeb
Jan 19, 2019
Did Valheim have a Steam banner? I just want to make sure since some one on Era was saying it was more of a streamer thing since that's where a large amount of people get their game stuff from and not from browsing a store.

And well I would image that say even 6 million people seeing the Steam banner gives that game more exposure then 200k people watching it on Twitch.

Also I don't know jack about Twitch numbers
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Sep 20, 2018
Did Valheim have a Steam banner? I just want to make sure since some one on Era was saying it was more of a streamer thing since that's where a large amount of people get their game stuff from and not from browsing a store.

And well I would image that say even 6 million people seeing the Steam banner gives that game more exposure then 200k people watching it on Twitch.

Also I don't know jack about Twitch numbers
It did have a steam banner but only a few days after Early Acess Launch when it had already sold quite a bit.


Excluding exclusives
Jan 12, 2019
The only worthwhile Uncharted game is Lost Legacy :drinking-blob:
Ha, that's the only one I haven't played. 😞

Uncharted 2 is my favorite, but I'm not sure it aged very well. Uncharted 4 was good, although it had too many repetitive climbing sections and it lacked the interesting puzzles from the trilogy imo. This said, the clock tower climb followed by that car chase is the best game design I've ever seen. I liked the more open combat as well, so I definitely would buy and play it again on pc.
[UWSL]Also there seems to be a lot of love for Elex but the user reviews don't indicate anything special. Must be a lot of Risen fans out there.[/UWSL]
I'm a few hours in and I don't know what to think so far. NPC's keep talking to me like forever, sometimes I wish they would just come to the point. Combat is clunky with extremely weird hit boxes. I'm just doing quests so far to level up, but I have no idea how to spend my ability points because I don't know which faction I'll end up joining. The story and game world are interesting tho, so I'll keep playing for a few more hours.
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More Yellow 🤷‍♂️
Dec 31, 2018
Did Valheim have a Steam banner? I just want to make sure since some one on Era was saying it was more of a streamer thing since that's where a large amount of people get their game stuff from and not from browsing a store.

And well I would image that say even 6 million people seeing the Steam banner gives that game more exposure then 200k people watching it on Twitch.

Also I don't know jack about Twitch numbers
Among Us

Fall Guys



Valheim success has little to do with Twitch.


Junior Member
Feb 23, 2021
Few questions:

1 WTF is this multiplatform mario game
2 why would nintendo make a multiplatform mario game
3 is queen verified?
4 is there a king?


May 4, 2019
Valheim success has little to do with Twitch.
People never want to give Steam early access and its community/platform features any credit. Its easier to just say streamers sold the game or social media.

The truth is ever since Valve launched early access there has been big hits almost every single year. Rust, DayZ, Ark, Forest, H1z1. This was all long before BattleRoyale boom when Twitch became the influential platform it is today.

A lot of things have to go right in order for games like Valheim to blow up. And most of those things involve the steam community + game developers....not twitch.


More Yellow 🤷‍♂️
Dec 31, 2018
People never want to give Steam early access and its community/platform features any credit. Its easier to just say streamers sold the game or social media.

The truth is ever since Valve launched early access there has been big hits almost every single year. Rust, DayZ, Ark, Forest, H1z1. This was all long before BattleRoyale boom when Twitch became the influential platform it is today.

A lot of things have to go right in order for games like Valheim to blow up. And most of those things involve the steam community + game developers....not twitch.
Funny thing is, some of this games has more to do with the success of Twitch than the other way around, DayZ was a huge boom for Twitch popularity, H1Z1 and PUBG also.


Sep 11, 2018
Just stared playing Bionic Commando (2009), and man, the menu is really cool! Clean, easy to navigate and really smooth at high refresh rates. Another neat thing about the main menu is the "Help" section for the controller, where the game shows you what all the buttons do when you press them. If you keep a button held down, it'll give you a detailed description. I've never seen anything like this before!



Retired, but still Enabling
Oct 11, 2018
Bionic commando 2009 has its flaws but its gameplay ideas are really nice
Except for its upgrade system. Having to do certain tasks to get upgrades js annoying :v


Low Tier Weeb
Jan 19, 2019
Okay Phil I am very impressed with the Xbox Series X.

As I mentioned before one of the really cool features that it has is Quick Resume.

Quick Resume doesn't always work and there have been times when it doesn't work, but when it does oh boy..

So I use my XSX daily, mainly to watch stuff like HBO Max (since the audio quality is a lot better compared to my PS5 and stuff. I have not play stuff like Apex, Savage Planet and FH3 in like a few weeks to over a month or so...

I was able to get back I to Apex with quick resume after having been mainly using the video apps, that was not that impressive I guess. I then tried to play Savage planet and to my surprise it quick resumed the game after not having played in basically a month. Wow. Since I was having issues with Apex I decided to go into the Xbox settings and restart the system. I was under the impression that all quick resume data would be "lost" sort of thing which is to be expected.....but nope that was not the game, I was able to quick resume back Into Apex, okay that's pretty cool. For Savage Planet I though nah this will not quick resume ...but it did..... And then comes my biggest surprise, I don't think I have played FH3 in maybe almost 2 months now and not only did I restart my Xbox (this is not just "go to sleep mode") and BOOM it was able to quick resume that.....

The PS5 can't even okay 2 games at the same time and meanwhile you have the XSX over hear being able to juggle multiple games. That's very impressive. The PS5 may get an update to do something similar but I highly doubt that it will be able to do it to this good of a degree.

It's not without it's issues though, this feature works best on Xbox One titles. I have tried it with BC OG Xbox and Xbox 360 titles and it just deleted all the quick resume stuff so all your games just "closed"/exited.

I think I also mentioned the whole RDR thing a while back about how I have not played that game since 2013, I had my save uploaded online since I still had Xbox Live Gold at the time, I have not touched that game and stuff since and when I played RDR on my XSX it was able to use my save data from 2013..... Thank you MS for not deleting people save data....

Yes games are very important but so are features as well.

And so far the main sort of cool feature that the PS5 has that I like is the PS+ trophy guide that shows you a video on how to get trophies and stuff. I used it for Bugsnax and it was pretty useful.

It did have a steam banner but only a few days after Early Acess Launch when it had already sold quite a bit.
This I am aware of but the thing is I'm not sure how many days after it was. I think maybe it was like on day 2 of Early Access when it got the banner. At which point that banner would have given much greater exposure than Twitch views would.

Something else I remember there being talk about that Sony All Star Destructors game. Did that have high twitch numbers and then sort of fizzle away? Was Sony hoping to have a big multiplayer hit? Also has Ubisoft said anything about how their BR game is doing or that one durby game? And how does EA feel about Rocket Arena?


Oct 30, 2018


Me llamo Willy y no hice la mili, pero vendo Chili
Sep 7, 2018
Did Valheim have a Steam banner? I just want to make sure since some one on Era was saying it was more of a streamer thing since that's where a large amount of people get their game stuff from and not from browsing a store.

And well I would image that say even 6 million people seeing the Steam banner gives that game more exposure then 200k people watching it on Twitch.

Also I don't know jack about Twitch numbers
It did.
Feb 15, 2021.


Me llamo Willy y no hice la mili, pero vendo Chili
Sep 7, 2018
It is funny how in first 2 months of this year 4 indie games (Valheim, Hero Loop, Dyson Sphere Program, Tale of Immortal) generated roughly 50% of revenue that all games on Epic Store generated in a year.
and funnily enough, we won't know how much will generate any moneyhatted piece individually on EGS because they just dump the raw revenue of the store and there is not mathematical way of getting each separated contributor :crying-face:

Why? because their tracking system is fucking shit, manual and always manipulated to display the moneyhatted ones or the popular ones (mostly F2P) so yay, fucking useless piece of shit :blobclosecry:

Watch it display at number 1 KH for the next 2 months because they will highlight their investment and forget about the rest.


Setting the Seas Ablaze
May 10, 2019
I've just seen that new Genshin Impact leak character and I'm desperately trying to resist the urge to install it again, she looks extremely ara ara but 2 gachas at once played routinely would probably kill me.


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
I've just seen that new Genshin Impact leak character and I'm desperately trying to resist the urge to install it again, she looks extremely ara ara but 2 gachas at once played routinely would probably kill me.
Which one?
Raiden? That's a fake, that's just a costume for a Honkai character it seems lol. Although people think she's going to look somewhat similar to that char.
  • Toucan
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Setting the Seas Ablaze
May 10, 2019
Which one?
Raiden? That's a fake, that's just a costume for a Honkai character it seems lol. Although people think she's going to look somewhat similar to that char.
oh that's sad...but i'm also safe now so it's also good (?)


Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
Really enjoying Paradise Killer, but came across this massive blunder. I can overlook the misspellings like colour, but a bourbon is a nice whiskey to have with friends, not a whisky. :blobweary:
I thought Bourbon was a Whiskey/Whisky made with Rye or other grains and the Whisky/Whiskey difference comes from whether it's Scottish or Irish in origin due to the different spelling conversions from Scottish or Irish gaelic?

The popularity of the Whiskey spelling in America comes from the Irish immigrants i think.


Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
Yeah, UK based English speaking languages usually have a U in the word where American will drop it. So you have Colour, Neighbour etc
There's also the S/Z swap which is slowly changing to where both are acceptable unless you're my housemate who is a total language pedant. lol. there's a ton of differences between UK/American English if you care to look them up, i don't :D


Dec 17, 2018
Loop Hero is yet another game that got multistore release on day 1 (Steam, EGS, GOG. Humble which sells only Steam keys), yet despite the higher revenue cut on EGS, the devs are only promoting the Steam version.

VK is a Russian facebook afaik, very big actually.

Same thing with The Life and Suffering of Sir Brante (they at least mention EGS, but only link to Steam):

This is becoming a thing for most of multistore releases these days.

I guess it turns out the higher revenue cut isn't as important as some people on the net often believed.


Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
Well, if you can get Epic to cover for your first year of EA then go multiplatform with Steam EA or a full release then why not?
Let Epic cover your bills while you develop the game and then get paid for Steam release on a much larger market after that while Epic sort out when to pay you and what to pay you after they recover their fees. Makes sense to me and as an old-school PC gamer i'm used to waiting for games to release on PC so that's not even a consideration for me.

The interesting point will come when people "age out" of Fortnite and whether the EGS is enough to keep them in the Epic ecosystem or not but that's going to take years to evaluate if it's even possible. I suspect they will stay for the freebies and also shop elsewhere but obviously there's going to be people who can't be bothered and will just stick with Epic. It's going to be interesting for sure.


Careful Icarus
Sep 20, 2018
Yeah, UK based English speaking languages usually have a U in the word where American will drop it. So you have Colour, Neighbour etc
There's also the S/Z swap which is slowly changing to where both are acceptable unless you're my housemate who is a total language pedant. lol. there's a ton of differences between UK/American English if you care to look them up, i don't :D
I read a book years ago that suggested American English is actually and older more traditional version and it's English English that is changing more.

Also Epic keys are a pain to generate and if you haven't paid back your money hat Epic will count a part of the key revenue against your debt. Longer to make more money.


👀 I see you
Sep 19, 2018
Loop Hero is yet another game that got multistore release on day 1 (Steam, EGS, GOG. Humble which sells only Steam keys), yet despite the higher revenue cut on EGS, the devs are only promoting the Steam version.

VK is a Russian facebook afaik, very big actually.

Same thing with The Life and Suffering of Sir Brante (they at least mention EGS, but only link to Steam):

This is becoming a thing for most of multistore releases these days.

I guess it turns out the higher revenue cut isn't as important as some people on the net often believed.
Purchase on Steam = stay longer on frontpage on various sections and sell more copies.


Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
bobnowhere I think the theory that American English is closer to traditional English has been diminished a little in recent years. I think, but i'd need to go digging through old links etc and ... eh.

I know American English has gone through several spelling reforms over the years which has middied the waters a bit. I'm no linguistics expert though so i may be talking through my arse.
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Dec 17, 2018
Purchase on Steam = stay longer on frontpage on various sections and sell more copies.
Epic should manipulate their top seller more and put some smaller indie games there like Loop Hero, Geneforge and Sir Brante instead of the usual Hitman 3, GTA, Valhalla. Blands 3, Cyberpunk etc.


Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
I think a lot of the problem is that EGS has such a low investment by Epic that a lot of their systems are still manual or the pipeline and automation aren't fully worked out yet which makes it slow to respond to fast moving trends... not that Steam is that much faster. Is it?
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Me llamo Willy y no hice la mili, pero vendo Chili
Sep 7, 2018
Epic should manipulate their top seller more and put some smaller indie games there like Loop Hero, Geneforge and Sir Brante instead of the usual Hitman 3, GTA, Valhalla. Blands 3, Cyberpunk etc.
But then they are not promoting the investments they have done, like, did they moneyhat Loop Hero or Hitman 3? which one is a few million dollars in investment and which one is a multistore release?

That's the thing, they already manipulate their top seller list (when it updates) but just to highlight their investments.

Also, AAA will always drive more attention than smaller games even tho it's the smaller games the ones that are selling millions lately. As always, absolutely zero understatement of the market.
I think a lot of the problem is that EGS has such a low investment by Epic that a lot fo their systems are still manual or the pipeline and automation aren't fully worked out yet which makes it slow to respond to fast moving trends... not that Steam is that much faster. Is it?
Steam is faster than most people think, not only their regular automatic update has an scheme of low time jumps (5 minutes at most) but at the same time all the inner systems are interconnected so when one updates, the rest follow.


Jun 3, 2020
There it is. Not really interesting to PC players though.

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