Community MetaSteam | November 2021 - Bienvenidos a Mexico. Sombreros no incluidos


None shall remember those who do not fight.
Dec 6, 2018
I'm glad I don't care much for open world games.

I'mma polish up some backlog stuff... Starting with those FF pixel remasters.
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Low Tier Weeb
Jan 19, 2019
I'm looking at the Steam Deck video and there is a lot of information that was shared.

So all the "dev kits" that have been sent out are actually prototype Steam Decks and not really final build stuff (that would explain some stuff). So some of the stuff that some devs might day about how there are issues with some aspect of it may have already been fixed?
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Nov 4, 2018
The Rockstar Launcher situation is I believe an example of what I was saying in my discussion with C-Dub regarding buying games on other launchers:

Now, if this was a situation like, say, a huge supermarket chain versus various mom and pop shops, I would understand and embrace the argument that I should support the smaller shops for the sake of competition. In the case of PC gaming the smaller shops, Valve's bigger competitors, are owned by huge multinational corporations with ample resources to compete at the same level. There is nothing stopping EA, Ubisoft, Activision, Epic from investing in their platforms and offering a level of service that is even better than Steam's. They just don't give a shit. All of them have consistently proven over the years that they want to put in the minimum amount of effort with the minimum amount of expense and as a customer I see no reason to support their shitty attitude.
My main problem with buying games on other launchers supported by big companies is that none of them truly respect their customers. The only reason they are in the digital distribution/game launcher business is because they want to collect 100% of the money while providing the absolute bare minimum of service to customers. Sometimes even the absolute bare minimum is too high of a goal for them. They just don't care. They operate with the mindset that they can get away with anything as long as they have a game people want. It's up to us to prove them wrong and demand more.


Dec 10, 2018
I am kind of glad I have moved away from the AAA side of games. Between the whole clusterfuck of the GTA remasters, the slicing off of content for exclusivity deals (yeah I’m stilled not happy over Spider-Man in avengers) and there insistence on launcher idiocy (launchers within launchers, not being able to launch games because you fucked up the release of another game).

On a more positive note, from what I have played Let’s Build a Zoo is a cute looking and decent sim. Did hit a couple of minor annoyances like water for animals not being in any of the main build menus. Although I think a tweak or two to the tutorials could fix that.

Also went back to Dorfromantik and hadn’t realised that some tweaks have been made to the creative mode. The dropper bottle is great, allows you to copy a placed tile and put it at the top of the stack. still probably my game of the year.


Sep 20, 2018

Well, the article was released November 10th, so one day before the delay announcement.
Would be a bit weird if they had to acknowledge now it's not coming in 2021, without finding a replacement for it on their list of best inventions for this year.
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No reviews, no Buy
Nov 2, 2018
The Rockstar Launcher situation is I believe an example of what I was saying in my discussion with C-Dub regarding buying games on other launchers:

My main problem with buying games on other launchers supported by big companies is that none of them truly respect their customers. The only reason they are in the digital distribution/game launcher business is because they want to collect 100% of the money while providing the absolute bare minimum of service to customers. Sometimes even the absolute bare minimum is too high of a goal for them. They just don't care. They operate with the mindset that they can get away with anything as long as they have a game people want. It's up to us to prove them wrong and demand more.
Yeah, this.
This was always my Argument.
When someone asked "Why do you trust Valve and not the other companies."
  • I didn't, at first. I avoided Steam until 2010 it was half a decade old at that point and I slowly came around.
  • It is their main business and not a side-project
  • They are privately owned by a dude that loves PC Gaming and is/was a visionary about PC Gaming in the digital age, I will be concerned if/when Gabe steps down and Valve gets a new owner or goes public. VERY concerned. Sure, Epic is also privately owned, but the majority holder is a business shark asshole, and the minority holder (tencent) is a massive conglomerate.
  • I get the FEELING that the consumer and his experience is top priority, and catering to the devs/pubs second, while other storefronts and especially EGS (because it is also third party) Customers and their store experience are an afterthought.


May 4, 2019
The most tragic thing about the GTA shit is they took down the sale of the old games. Once key sites run out these trash remasters are gonna be the only way to play those classics moving forward for generations of young gamers. If licensing is an issue they need to scrap the music (and wtvr else) from the old games and put them back on sale. That is not how to do things and only just pissing all over your own legacy.


Dec 17, 2018
Downloading the BF2042 trial on EA Desktop App via Xbox Game Pass app through my Ultimate sub (writing that mess lol). Didn't realize I had that trial until now, at least I can get to test the game out.

Also, the EA app is absolute shite. It's worse that Origin and I hated Origin so much that I never even bothered to activate a Squadrons key I received for free because I had to download Origin for it.
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👀 I see you
Sep 19, 2018
Yeah, he never mentions that Valve ever gave permission to release. So he probably didn't even ask.
(It's not even Valve rules, trademark laws require that you protect your mark from unauthorized use.)
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Member of the Abyss
Dec 21, 2018
Stupid move by Valve.
Isn't this what usually happens if you use someone else's trademark without asking for permission? Since he's neglecting to mention the details I doubt he did ask for any form of permission. Could also be that it's a paid product, which would mean they will not allow any mention of their IP in the title.
  • This!
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Li Kao

It’s a strange world. Let’s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
To my admittedly untrained eyes, Win11 HDR handling seems to be all kinds of busted, unfortunately.
You activate HDR and the first thing you realize is that it applies to windows globally, so say hello to blowtorch mode. You get used to it, no big deal. Then you notice that the blowtorch effect isn't always present, the monitor seems to still acknowledge the HDR so meh, ok I guess.
Then you discover that sometimes, on a single page of Meta for example, the blowtorch effect comes and go depending on where you are on the page.

I was beginning to really like HDR, even on my 400 nits monitor.
Can't you do something right with windows for once Microsoft ? :confounded-face:


Computer Cowboy 🤠
To my admittedly untrained eyes, Win11 HDR handling seems to be all kinds of busted, unfortunately.
You activate HDR and the first thing you realize is that it applies to windows globally, so say hello to blowtorch mode. You get used to it, no big deal. Then you notice that the blowtorch effect isn't always present, the monitor seems to still acknowledge the HDR so meh, ok I guess.
Then you discover that sometimes, on a single page of Meta for example, the blowtorch effect comes and go depending on where you are on the page.

I was beginning to really like HDR, even on my 400 nits monitor.
Can't you do something right with windows for once Microsoft ? :confounded-face:
Yeah, HDR is a mess on PC.
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Reactions: Tomasety and Li Kao


Apr 19, 2019
wow, absolutely shocking, who could possibly have seen this coming

As a massive BG&E fan if the sequel cancelation turns out to be true it might be the best news the "franchise" can get. Let's be honest, do we really want current Ubisoft to handle the game? It'd most assuredly be another formulaic open world collectathon like all their other games but with a different skin, without any of the soul and heart that made the first game so great and memorable to this day.
It's better that the "franchise" dies. We had one great game, with great characters and world, so let's remember it like that. Not all great things need sequels or continuity.

Li Kao

It’s a strange world. Let’s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
Cool. I can't access the bios anymore. Well I could a little earlier but I didn't really need to. Now that is the case, nope. No bios on boot, no bios on advanced boot, and pretty sure if I just spam DEL the PC enter some freeze.
The joke is that I need to enter bios to fucking flash it to the last version that supports Win11 (yeah, I'm surely to blame in this shit).

I don't know about the kingdom of Denmark, but my PC, man...
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May 4, 2019
There is so many Elden Ring videos on Youtube and people are streaming/discussing this test.

Its so hard to avoid everything. I kind of caved and skimmed through the 15 minute gameplay vid mostly pausing and looking at still images from the presentation. Everything looks so amazing.

3 more months of this shit :jj_mofo: Why do you have to do this stupid network test FROM. This is painful.
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Li Kao

It’s a strange world. Let’s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
Are you fucking kidding me Microsoft ? I think I have a lead about where my bios went.
If I'm right that's good news, but giant motherfucking clownshoes.

Li Kao

It’s a strange world. Let’s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
Ok, so the good news is Microsoft is still king of the hill when it comes to stupid. Turns out my bios was alive and well... on the FUCKING 4K TV set.
So yep, unplugged the hdmi and now all is well.

But wait, there is more !
M-Flash, the bios utility that handles, well, flashing, and windows, don't seem to recognize my usb to micro sd adapter.

This is purgatory, no other explanation.

beep boop

Dec 6, 2018
As a massive BG&E fan if the sequel cancelation turns out to be true it might be the best news the "franchise" can get. Let's be honest, do we really want current Ubisoft to handle the game? It'd most assuredly be another formulaic open world collectathon like all their other games but with a different skin, without any of the soul and heart that made the first game so great and memorable to this day.
It's better that the "franchise" dies. We had one great game, with great characters and world, so let's remember it like that. Not all great things need sequels or continuity.
Agreed. I don't think current-day Ubisoft would be up to the task. Not to say there aren't talented and creative people there, but the game that BG&E2 deserves to be just isn't getting made under their current corporate strategy. Same for Rayman. A series close to my heart, but that ship has also sailed it seems. At least it went out on a high note. Legends is almost infinitely replayable.


Nov 2, 2018
Ok, so the good news is Microsoft is still king of the hill when it comes to stupid. Turns out my bios was alive and well... on the FUCKING 4K TV set.
So yep, unplugged the hdmi and now all is well.

But wait, there is more !
M-Flash, the bios utility that handles, well, flashing, and windows, don't seem to recognize my usb to micro sd adapter.

This is purgatory, no other explanation.
Which screen is chosen to display the BIOS is not related to Microsoft at all, it's the graphics card that is responsible for picking the output that will display the BIOS.

Li Kao

It’s a strange world. Let’s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
Which screen is chosen to display the BIOS is not related to Microsoft at all, it's the graphics card that is responsible for picking the output that will display the BIOS.
Technicalities ! You can't calm my righteous anger !
Or something.

Third attempt, I installed the MSI shit that comes with so many apps, to use the included Bios Update function !
It then evidently goes to 99% then say accessing windows installer is impossible.




Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
If you installed it as an admin then you'll probably need to run it as admin too. Right-click and RunAs Administrator.
If it's anything to do with the BIOS etc then Windows will probably require elevation for admin rights.

It's been ages since i used MSI Tools tho.
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Li Kao

It’s a strange world. Let’s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
If you installed it as an admin then you'll probably need to run it as admin too. Right-click and RunAs Administrator.
If it's anything to do with the BIOS etc then Windows will probably require elevation for admin rights.

It's been ages since i used MSI Tools tho.
  • Uninstalled.
  • Reinstalled as admin.
  • Launched as admin.

Same shit.
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manchego obfuscator

Jan 23, 2020
As a massive BG&E fan if the sequel cancelation turns out to be true it might be the best news the "franchise" can get. Let's be honest, do we really want current Ubisoft to handle the game? It'd most assuredly be another formulaic open world collectathon like all their other games but with a different skin, without any of the soul and heart that made the first game so great and memorable to this day.
It's better that the "franchise" dies. We had one great game, with great characters and world, so let's remember it like that. Not all great things need sequels or continuity.
agree, the iteration of the project that was announced in 2017 simply isn't worth mourning. as a fan of the original, I certainly didn't want the sequel to be a multiplayer open-universe GAAS with a mix of handcrafted and procedurally generated content, and even if I did, what was promised in 2017 was so ludicrously ambitious that I recall thinking even at the time that it was unlikely to ever ship.

there are plenty of indie and medium-sized devs making modestly scoped, single-player action-adventure games. they may not have the BG&E IP attached, but c'est la vie


Nov 2, 2018
Technicalities ! You can't calm my righteous anger !
Or something.

Third attempt, I installed the MSI shit that comes with so many apps, to use the included Bios Update function !
It then evidently goes to 99% then say accessing windows installer is impossible.


Based on the picture, what failed to update was the chipset driver. The BIOS is something different.

When it comes to the chipset driver, unless you're using a laptop, it may be better to get it directly from AMD's website.
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Li Kao

It’s a strange world. Let’s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
Based on the picture, what failed to update was the chipset driver. The BIOS is something different.

When it comes to the chipset driver, unless you're using a laptop, it's better to get it directly from AMD's website.
Thank you, I knew I was in over my head. Always good to have confirmation that something you do is wrong.
No, seriously.
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Li Kao

It’s a strange world. Let’s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
Based on the picture, what failed to update was the chipset driver. The BIOS is something different.

When it comes to the chipset driver, unless you're using a laptop, it may be better to get it directly from AMD's website.
To be clear and I guess stop with this mega OT, I was just trying to update the bios (so yeah, not the chipset, I'm dumb) following the alternate option in the documentation of the B450 Tomahawk.

There are 3 possibilities -
  • M-Flash (but my SD to USB adapter seems to be dead, windows detects it but no drive appears most of the time, and even then the bios doesn't recognize it)
  • Live Update 6
  • Flash Button (that only works with FAT32)

So I tried installing MSI Center which includes Live Update. But it failed. And I tried to install the wrong shit anyway.

Edit - Ok fuck everything. In the FAQ for the motherboard they specify that you have to use M-Flash.


Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
Why are you using an SD Card? Do you have no other USB Storage? It shouldn't need to be large capacity so a gig upwards would probably be fine.
I'm sure on my mobo i just copy the BIOS file onto a USB Stick, reboot into the BIOS and tell the BIOS to update from the stick.
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Li Kao

It’s a strange world. Let’s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
Why are you using an SD Card? Do you have no other USB Storage? It shouldn't need to be large capacity so a gig upwards would probably be fine.
I'm sure on my mobo i just copy the BIOS file onto a USB Stick, reboot into the BIOS and tell the BIOS to update from the stick.
I have no USB Storage unfortunately. I guess I could simply buy a small one on Amazon, but I have the awful feeling that, plot twist, it's not the adapter that doesn't work. Well, it's 10 something anyway, no big risk.
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