Community MetaSteam | September 2019 - Valve, I Know What You Did Last Summer!

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"Oh yeah? Aren't you gonna punish me?"
Dec 22, 2018
I mean my latest posts in the previous thread were about a nintendo switch game being my GOTY, a gacha mobile game and a PS4 game
That's what I thought too, and looking at the amount of anime and jokes being posted around, I don't think my posts were that off the mark? :bowblob:


Me llamo Willy y no hice la mili, pero vendo Chili
Sep 7, 2018
Please, enjoy gaming however you like and want.

if you want to purchase on EGS, go ahead.
if you want to go full streaming, then why not?
gamepass? sure
Steam is still the main platform for most of us but that doesn't mean we just have to talk about Steam.

I'm very critic in general with EGS and you all know it but I respect all of you and your own choices as long as you respect me (and no one has been bad with me so far, so that's absolutely lovely) PLEASE, ENJOY GAMING AND THIS LITTLE COMMUNITY, so far I think we have been respectful with each other and that should be our main pillar.

And yes, if you want to praise how good a God of War, a Mario, a Gears of War or a Monument Valley is, whatever system it is, please, go ahead and let us know WHY you love that game, this is about enjoyment, not about fights. we can have a very civil experience with respect, ALWAYS.


Dec 9, 2018
Troll? Nay, but it is within your freedom to ignore.
FYI I edited out that last part because it admittedly came across too harsh and I may be too sensitive but Era's Steam thread eventually got flooded with people pretending to be interested in Steam/PC, yet only ever tried to drag the negative stuff in including dissing the community.

EDIT: As for Control, they're a local developer so of course I'm going to play their game and mention it, rather than being "Only Steam" thread I thought this was more of a "General" thread.
Fair enough, I won't bat an eye when someone posts longer in-depth impressions about something not on Steam (yet), frequent one-sentence-reminders about the imminent release of one of those games though? Don't need that personally, imo more suited for the other thread about the other store.

Hey guys, anyone tried this
But with differents games?
Performance increase? Its dangerous?


Source from February. Some say it's only an issue with Nvidia. Shouldn't be too much of a security risk, you're only deactivating the protection for one program. Still better make double-sure it's not infected with something.
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Lucas isn't sure what to do anymore
Apr 18, 2019
I've never played any Dragon Quest game.o_O If I would play one, which one is the best?
Dragon Quest XI. I've loved all the Dragon Quest games I've played, so you can't wrong with any of them, but XI is something really special!
I think I have insomnia? I've been trying to go to sleep for the past 6 or so hours but u just can't go to sleep and right when I think I'm going to sleep I lose "tiredness"
I used to be like that for most of my life, then five years ago it just... stopped. Still not sure why. but I'm certainly not complaining!


"Oh yeah? Aren't you gonna punish me?"
Dec 22, 2018
FYI I edited out that last part because it admittedly came across too harsh and I may be too sensitive but Era's Steam eventually got flooded with people pretending to be interested in Steam, yet only ever tried to drag the negative stuff in.
It's fine, I can understand that it's a heated topic for many people, even I thought when prudis posted the John Wick Hex video "Coming to blank" I thought he didn't want to mention EGS, that it was for the best and could actually get people talk about the game more than store but it was under the spoiler blur which I didn't see :weary-face:

Fair enough, I won't bat an eye when someone posts longer in-depth impressions about something not on Steam (yet), frequent one-sentence-reminders about the release of one of those games though? Don't need that personally, more suited for the other thread about the other store.
I'll try to keep that in mind.
If you go back in my message history you can find me literally counting days for Sekiro too, I get hyped easily and tend to do that kind of posts, know it's not a good habit since they don't bring much to the conversation but can't help it.


Low Tier Weeb
Jan 19, 2019

Well, I wonder what else has been changed.

Also has anyone tried remote play recently? It's been mentioned that games now have remote play support, does that (as previously mentioned by others) just mean that the UI is deemed to be acceptable by the devs on those devices when using remote play? I think I recall that devs are able to adjust the button prompts for when people use remote play but I'm not sure if that's true, meaning that if a game just used two buttons for the entirety of the game, the dev would place those two buttons in some non intrusive place and just go from there.

There was some other stuff that I recall hearing just as that Steam knows when you are playing remote play and keeps stats or something about it.

Ya it's funny how EA pulled form Steam and how they put their games on sale but yet Epic Games doesn't seem to put their games on Steam (and those games are not even on EGS!!!!! That's my understanding of the situation anyway.
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Dec 22, 2018
Playing Collapse feels like a baptism into eurojank.

It's supremely eurojank, in way that only works because its broken. How far in are you?

I really wish we had gotten a proper English/Western release, but Ignition had to go and fold before it could happen.
I've wanted to see if The Rage fixed any of the issues, but it's impossible to find a copy and I don't think a version with even less english would be helpful to decipher what the fuck is going on in an already up-its-own-ass action game.
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Dec 9, 2018
When the head of the anti-anime movement on Meta constantly buy anime games (at full price, even) on Steam it's pretty hard to argue against this insightful research
I can only speak for myself, the person you talk about could very well be truly sick deviant and probably actually is. But I am pure and only buy them to profit from weeaboos craving anime cards for high prices for weeks, sometimes months. Still crafting and selling KILL la KILL cards for example. And a foil alone can feed my family for a month. So you see, buying anime games is an economic choice, nothing more.

Except HuniePop 2. I need that shit asap to fuel my dark soul.


Dec 17, 2018
My thoughts: noone should be afraid to post their thoughts/impressions/review regarding a game they have bought or being given on EGS. This is a PC centric forum and I personally heavily dislike what Epic is doing with exclusvity, but anyone should be able to discuss, let's say, Control here or Ancestors or whatever EGS game there is.

People can always ignore the posts. but attacking etc. users who posts thoughts on an EGS game they bought is not something I want to happen here.


May 4, 2019
Almost finished with Gears 4 campaign and I was thinking of downloading Blair Witch since its on Gamepass + only 13 gigs.

Then I remembered that movie was so spooky I couldn't handle more than like 30minutes of the shit back in the day. So yea I am gonna pass.

I think I am just gonna try My time at Portia or Astroneer instead. They look like much more peaceful and relaxing games to mess with until Gears 5.

And I'm still contemplating buying up a bunch of Tales games before the Bamco byob expires. Still haven't played any of them and really liked the Tales of Arise trailer from E3. There is a new Humble monthly soon too. September is fucking loaded :p
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Dec 22, 2018
My thoughts: noone should be afraid to post their thoughts/impressions/review regarding a game they have bought or being given on EGS. This is a PC centric forum and I personally heavily dislike what Epic is doing with exclusvity, but anyone should be able to discuss, let's say, Control here or Ancestors or whatever EGS game there is.

People can always ignore the posts. but attacking etc. users who posts thoughts on an EGS game they bought is not something I want to happen here.

Almost finished with Gears 4 campaign and I was thinking of downloading Blair Witch since its on Gamepass + only 13 gigs.

Then I remembered that movie was so spooky I couldn't handle more than like 30minutes of the shit back in the day. So yea I am gonna pass.
If the game is anything like the sequels, it won't live up to the 30 minutes you put into the original BWP


Me llamo Willy y no hice la mili, pero vendo Chili
Sep 7, 2018
My thoughts: noone should be afraid to post their thoughts/impressions/review regarding a game they have bought or being given on EGS. This is a PC centric forum and I personally heavily dislike what Epic is doing with exclusvity, but anyone should be able to discuss, let's say, Control here or Ancestors or whatever EGS game there is.

People can always ignore the posts. but attacking etc. users who posts thoughts on an EGS game they bought is not something I want to happen here.

This, just share with no fear.


Dec 17, 2018
Im personally still considering getting Control on EGS because I really like Remedys previous games andI want to support more SP games. However I still have a few games I have decided to play and finish before I eventually buy Control on EGS, so when that time comes, the game might be out on Steam. If not, I might just buy it on EGS.

Alan Wake is one of my favorite games of all time, QB was enjoyable and MP1 and 2 was great.

Have no idea what to do with Borderlands 3 though. Randy Pitchford is a slimy creep, but I don't want to punish everyone at Gearbox for Randy being a slimy creep, but the 6 months thing might help to wait for the game to hit Steam.

Borderlands 1 was boring while Borderlands 2 was fantastic. Loved it.


Me llamo Willy y no hice la mili, pero vendo Chili
Sep 7, 2018
Im personally still considering getting Control on EGS because I really like Remedys previous games andI want to support more SP games. However I still have a few games I have decided to play and finish before I eventually buy Control on EGS, so when that time comes, the game might be out on Steam. If not, I might just buy it on EGS.

Alan Wake is one of my favorite games of all time, QB was enjoyable and MP1 and 2 was great.

Have no idea what to do with Borderlands 3 though. Randy Pitchford is a slimy creep, but I don't want to punish everyone at Gearbox for Randy being a slimy creep, but the 6 months thing might help to wait for the game to hit Steam.

Borderlands 1 was boring while Borderlands 2 was fantastic. Loved it.
Just do whatever your heart tells you, I will support every single creator I want to support but once it comes to Steam because I have already decided which service is good to invest in and which service is not based on my personal preferences.

But yeah, if you want to buy it there, go ahead, enjoy it.
Want to wait? Sure, join me then into this waiting and let's enjoy other things in the meantime.


Dec 17, 2018
Just whatever your heart tells you, I will support every single creator I want to support but once it comes to Steam because I have already decided which service is good to invest in and which service is not based on my personal preferences.

But yeah, if you want to buy it there, go ahead, enjoy it.
Want to wait? Sure, join me then into this waiting and let's enjoy other things in the meantime.
Well I have quite a few games that Im gonna play before buying Borderlands 3 or Control, and as I for some reason always use a lot of time to complete even smaller 3-5 hour games, by the time I am ready for Control and Borderlands 3, the games would probably have been out on Steam for a few weeks. :p
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May 4, 2019
Have no idea what to do with Borderlands 3 though. Randy Pitchford is a slimy creep, but I don't want to punish everyone at Gearbox for Randy being a slimy creep, but the 6 months thing might help to wait for the game to hit Steam.

Borderlands 1 was boring while Borderlands 2 was fantastic. Loved it.
Yea BL3 is a really tough situation. Not only are you supporting Pitchford with your purchase but you are also supporting Take-Two. Both of them are like the slimiest shitheel entities in the gaming today. 2K is crying about steam publisher cuts while turning their basketball game into a literal slot machine casino.

6 months of exclusivity also presents a situation where if you don't buy it a launch then you might as well as wait for the steam version at that point. Owning an EGS version of any of these games makes less and less sense as the exclusivity time ends. I wonder how well Ashen and Hades are selling right this second with their steam version due in just a few months.


Dec 17, 2018
I think the games that released around when EGS officially launched, Satisfactor, World War Z and such did great sales number (Satisfactory probably has now over 500k EGS sales). But the newer releases doesn't seem so good. At least with Satisfasctory and WWZ we got some sales impression/numbers.

Satisfactory has apparently sold 500k by 7th june: Satisfactory sold over 500,000 copies on the Epic Store, says developer

WWZ: EGS became the main digital platform for World War Z - sales in the Epic store almost reached 700 thousand copies | Dailytech

I wonder how well Ashen and Hades are selling right this second with their steam version due in just a few months.
I was about to buy Hades as it was on sale 1 week ago or so on EGS, but when I saw thhat the Steam store page was live with a date, I decided to wait for Steam release.


"Oh yeah? Aren't you gonna punish me?"
Dec 22, 2018
Im personally still considering getting Control on EGS because I really like Remedys previous games andI want to support more SP games. However I still have a few games I have decided to play and finish before I eventually buy Control on EGS, so when that time comes, the game might be out on Steam. If not, I might just buy it on EGS.

Alan Wake is one of my favorite games of all time, QB was enjoyable and MP1 and 2 was great.
Control is definitely more Alan Wake than QB, if you want to save some bucks I'd recommend looking into those RTX bundle codes, got mine for 30€ (60€ normally) and it came with Youngblood that I'm now trying to sell.
Waiting for Steam release is not a bad choice either as there is apparently some expansion DLCs in the horizon.


Me llamo Willy y no hice la mili, pero vendo Chili
Sep 7, 2018
Waiting for Steam release is not a bad choice either as there is apparently some expansion DLCs in the horizon.
Exactly this.

One of the main reasons I'm waiting with Control is not only I want it on Steam but because there's Story content that it's timed exclusive to PS4 for some time (can't remember at the moment) so yeah, waiting for all the content to be in the same version is the best choice for me as I known that it's very difficult that I will play the same game twice just to some new content.
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Dec 17, 2018
505 Games probably went to many places looking for a money exclusivity deal and Sony and Epic was the only who took the deal or gave them enough money.

I feel I read somwhere that they went to Valve before they went to Epic, but Valve don't like exclusivity, so they declined.

Well, it's Remedy, what did you expect - sensible business decisions?
Isn't it 505 Games and not Remedy?


Mar 13, 2019
I can only speak for myself, the person you talk about could very well be truly sick deviant and probably actually is. But I am pure and only buy them to profit from weeaboos craving anime cards for high prices for weeks, sometimes months. Still crafting and selling KILL la KILL cards for example. And a foil alone can feed my family for a month. So you see, buying anime games is an economic choice, nothing more.

Except HuniePop 2. I need that shit asap to fuel my dark soul.

This should be illegal, it needs to be
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Le Pertti

0.05% Game dev
Oct 10, 2018
Paris, France
After playing alot of breath of the wild I don't think I like it very much, pretty much every gameplay element in it makes me want to ragequit.

Edit: there is also the possiblity that I'm dead inside and can't love anything. Working on that!XD
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Nov 12, 2018
After playing alot of breath of the wild I don't think I like it very much, pretty much every gameplay element in it makes me want to ragequit.

Edit: there is also the possiblity that I'm dead inside and can't love anything. Working on that!XD
Welp I guess I’m dead inside too. I couldn’t get myself to like BotW no matter what. Ended up selling it when I had enough of trying and forcing myself to have a good time with it.
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Oct 6, 2018
Well, it's Remedy, what did you expect - sensible business decisions?
505 you mean. They sold the game out to whoever was offering pretty much. It's also why I expect there to be a gamepass version within the next 2-3 months and hopefully on PC as well.


OG old coot
Oct 16, 2018
505 you mean. They sold the game out to whoever was offering pretty much. It's also why I expect there to be a gamepass version within the next 2-3 months and hopefully on PC as well.
A match made in heaven, looking at Alan Wake and/or Quantum Break.
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