i myself started to go back to VR somewhat, despite only being by my big PC two days a week (if you icount arriving at 4 pm on tuesday to the city, living there for the entirety of wednesday and then travelling on 5:30 pm for "two days")
started with me downloading a HL:A workshop app where you go into a bar and shoot some guys, i needed it for recording of a submission for a film contest at our discord, amazing stuff, edited it to a noir shootout where everyone who got shot died while screaming one of Tom's screams from Tom & Jerry
if our university has one of those soldiering rooms (which it honestly should have), i can try to make one of those VR gloves that's so nice these days
university's going "ehh", as in there's loads of bad and loads of good, mostly that the degree's 3 out of 4 topics atm are digital, which is a comfortable way of saying "i stopped caring about them, but hey, i have that study technique from some while ago, i'll manage, i'll just think one day that "oh hey i should probably start going through all of this stuff" and then start by making myself a cup of something with caffeine, waste most of the time doing that, read through it once with breaks, and because i took breaks, (props to you if you've read up till now, i certainly wouldnt) i suddenly manage to remember everything i did, just like that one time i just read about the colour cyan and how i now know that cyanide works by hindering electrons from going through the integrated proteins of the most inner membrane of the mitochondrium, which then hinders the production of ATP as it hinders electrons from reaching the ATP synthetase, leaving it with no "power" to transfer protons through the membrane, and therefore unable to make adenonin di phosphate ADP into adenonin tri phosphate"