Community MetaSteam | September 2023 - The galaxy awaits

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Average Date a Live Enjoyer
Jan 23, 2020
So uh, anyone interested in 5-stacking? After my stints with ELO Hell in so many other games, I don't dare step near Premier solo - Especially not with how Hit or Miss teams I've gotten in Competitive MM have been in these chaotic pre-placement days.


Low Tier Weeb
Jan 19, 2019
Good news now

I watched Howl's moving Castle for the first time ever this past weekend (I watched it subbed. It was part of Ghibili fest so I got to see it in theaters. I'm also going to watched Spirited Away for the first time ever, next month. I liked the movie some parts were confusing but overall I really liked it.

I watched the Creator and let me just say that it was "okay" it was not great but it was also not a complete dumpster fire. The visuals were the main highlight of the movie (Lucas VFX, ILM were involved). As for the actual story, it was okay. I was hoping that there were going for a different angle passed off the trailers, but after watching the first 5 minutes of the money my theory of the movie was way off (which is a shame since I do feel like it would have made for a better story). Some stuff in the movie just doesn't make sense. That being said the tech that they have in the movie is pretty cool. And the robot designs are just really cool to look at (which is why I even went to go watch the movie). Since I saw the movie in theaters, there was also other movie goers there as well, Marvel movies make way more sense now and in all honesty I don't think I could ever make it through watching a Marvel movie in theaters based off crowd reaction (people laughing at stuff). I don't really get how watching a child curse is considered funny (a kid learning their first curse word type of thing). The emotional stuff was okay.

I watched the movie all the way until the credits ended and well I was the only one left in that theater. I do like how movie still do the whole "and introducing" when ever there is a brand new actor. I doesn't really feel like it's done that often anymore, I feel like they stopped really doing it in mainstream movie promotional stuff during the 90s?

By the way if you want a good man vs AI movie I would recommend that you watch both of the Bladerunner movies instead.

PS one of the things that I did find funny in The Creator, is that when they show this one scene of LA and the main character is on a public bus that they play Mexican music in the background (yeah that sounds like LA to me)
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Makoto Niijima Fan Club President
Dec 23, 2018
You know one of the (many) things I hate about Microsoft and Windows 10/11 (and possibly earlier versions)?

The fact that it doesn’t respect my choices. Or, more to the point, chooses to ignore them after a period of time.

I know for a fact that I disabled all Game Bar and Xbox notifications on my gaming PC. But all of a sudden, a Windows update turned them back on.

It happens every six months or so and the Microsoft’s attitude towards it seems to be pleading ignorance.

“Oh you must’ve missed one.”

Nah, I’m an expert at this. I make sure, 110%, to switch off all bollocks when I set up a PC. And this install of Windows is past a year old at this point, yet every 4-6 months Microsoft just disrespects my wishes and starts installing shit I uninstalled, or switching on stuff I switched off.

It’s software gaslighting, I swear. When the day comes that I can switch to Linux without losing anything of value, I won’t look back.


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
GaaS is massively risky, and if you try to play it safe (aka like HYENAS) then by time you release your game, the thing you were copying is either dead itself or so entrenched that either way you look at it, your game is gonna fail.

Live service games are high risk and high reward, but you actually have to make something interesting and original to even have a hope of raking in billions.

I can really only think of a few instances where someone completely ripped something else off and cashed in bigger. Fortnite is the main one that springs to mind, but even then Epic did it in a way that made BR games more appealing to kids.
Fortnite BR also released extremely fast, only a few months after PUBG released if my googling isright. They could still get in while the genre was still taking off.

And yeah, GaaS in general is brutal. You can't be chasing trends, you need to be setting trends and this is difficult. Or, if you are chasing, you need to have a sufficiently appealing differentiator and even then still can't take to long to release unless you already have existing clout (i.e Warzone has Call of Duty pull) or the existing offerings will be too entrenched. And of course it will also have to be good.
For Example for Battle Royales PUBG was March 2017, Fortnite BR was July 2017 and Apex was February 2019.
The current dev cycles of 5+ years are just way too long for this.
It's why I'm presonally really curious what's going to happen to the upcoming Genshin-likes. It's been 3 years since Genshin and the first competitor is probably next year. That's a lot of time Genshin had to solidify its position (like, personally I just can't see myself dropping it at this point, I'm too invested in the world, story, lore and characters)), but there are no "2nd and 3rd place" in that particular market yet.


Makoto Niijima Fan Club President
Dec 23, 2018
Mine’s been disabled since i installed it and never turned back on on its own, both on my work and gaming pc that sounds weird.
I’ve had 5-6 different Windows PCs since Windows 10, some self-built and a couple of laptops. I’ve noticed the behaviour on multiple machines.

I switch things off and after 4-8 months, bam, it’s spamming me again.

So either I’ve missed something that then sits dormant for months before bothering me, an update is accidentally switching things back on, or Microsoft is doing it intentionally.

I don’t want to discount that Windows behaves differently per region, too. We all know that Microsoft will have only adhere to the bare minimum of the legislative requirements when it comes to shady practices.

Fortnite BR also released extremely fast, only a few months after PUBG released if my googling isright. They could still get in while the genre was still taking off.
Yeah, that one is suspect. Epic were being so kind, helping the PUBG devs make a BR game, all the while (allegedly) stealing their idea and putting it into Fortnite.

Obviously very hard to prove, but the PUBG developers have alleged as much.


Dec 20, 2018
How it started: "Let's go Tim Sweeney bring those Steam/Apple/Google monopolies down! Bring those platform taxes down for all developers!"

How it's going: "Tim Sweeney should have taken cut of his salary and stop endless crusade against Apple/Google and stop dropping money in money pit called Epic Store instead of firing 900 people!!!"

At least that is how I saw things going in past 24h. It is bit exaggerated but point is there.


Indie games
Nov 25, 2022
Another Kairosoft bundle.

Previous bundles are still active


I <3 Pixels
Oct 21, 2018
Just ask a generative AI tool to give you pictures of pokemon in the style of Van Gogh. You'll save 20€
I'm not fully convinced ;)

("pointillist painting of detective Pikachu in the style of Van Gogh, large dynamic brush strokes, simple background", first 3 things I got; clearly, tails and ears are hard; in the corner of the ML is the fact that it took precisely 20 seconds to generate those 3 images)

Li Kao

It’s a strange world. Let’s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
It’s software gaslighting, I swear. When the day comes that I can switch to Linux without losing anything of value, I won’t look back.
I don’t know. In theory I agree, even if linux is too arcane for me, I am clearly not used to it and sometimes it’s not as welcoming as people say it is.
But you fucking better not include flathub with this linux, because I really don’t think making a small walled garden for apps is the correct direction for an open OS.
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Low Tier Weeb
Jan 19, 2019
I will pay you for the Pikachu Pokemon card that you get from going there.

I remember that my local library had these games installed on them from around the 2010s (it was maybe 2007-2012 or something like that. It was in the kids section.

PS the eShop situation is more dire than I thought and I now no longer have much hope that Nintendo will do really do a lot to fix it for the Switch 2. In otherwise expect more of the same with maybe a few more categories introduced and it being more responsive for the first few years before being slow again. I still need to look more into the Japanese "eShop" (Nintendo Store). Maybe it's because there is some disconnect between the two of them. As of right now I'm mainly convinced that Nintendo cares more about promoting it's own games rather than others (aka fixing some of the issues that the eShop has with visibility/discovery). I was looking at new releases and the first thing it did on the website (not viewed from eShop itself) were only Nintendo games. It defaults into looking up new Nintendo games rather than Nintendo+ third party games. I had to dig a little more until I was able to get it to do Nintendo+ third party releases. The wildest part to me was seeing a 2024 title at the top and seeing titles that are releasing next MONTH!!!!!! At the bottom.

From what I remember there use to be a dedicated eShop website online but that no longer exists and it's now the "Nintendo Store". MS I think does have something similar but they still treat it differently, well at least for the Xbox titles I think that for PC stuff they still treat things like apps from the UMP era? (Or what ever they called that stuff) but we all know that the Windows store is not that great to begin with.


No reviews, no Buy
Nov 2, 2018
You know one of the (many) things I hate about Microsoft and Windows 10/11 (and possibly earlier versions)?

The fact that it doesn’t respect my choices. Or, more to the point, chooses to ignore them after a period of time.

I know for a fact that I disabled all Game Bar and Xbox notifications on my gaming PC. But all of a sudden, a Windows update turned them back on.

It happens every six months or so and the Microsoft’s attitude towards it seems to be pleading ignorance.

“Oh you must’ve missed one.”

Nah, I’m an expert at this. I make sure, 110%, to switch off all bollocks when I set up a PC. And this install of Windows is past a year old at this point, yet every 4-6 months Microsoft just disrespects my wishes and starts installing shit I uninstalled, or switching on stuff I switched off.

It’s software gaslighting, I swear. When the day comes that I can switch to Linux without losing anything of value, I won’t look back.
Tech companies are so anal about user choice and I can't understand why.
Take video platforms (youtube or twitch) or TV streaming as an example.
I can't set filters for things I don't want to see. They are touting how awesome their recommendation technology is, but a simple
"no I don't want Reality TV", or
"no, I don't want any videos that have a tag like #ASMR or #hottub in it" or
"no I don't want recommendations for people playing call of duty" or
"no, I don't want videos where Trump, or Musk, or Tate is in the title".
is seemingly impossible.

I mean it would help THEM getting ME more content that I want to watch and not be overladen with junk I don't want.


I didn't delete that post!. Get my post back!.
Oct 8, 2021
At least people will go blank, years ago tinypic instead of go blank when they avoided directlink changed the id of the pictures and people got random results from the url they posted for years.
I got perma-banned from neogaf because of this a decade ago, and before the other forum was a thing, some images I posted (I used to post on wallpaper thread) became porn pics.
I even emailed admins what happened but seems they passed, weeks later tinypic was a banned site (but I didn't recovered my account xD).

Years later appeared imgur and it's been great for years but on May they changed the ToS and they're using AI to identify pics, there're a lot flagged images that aren't nsfw.
I suppose soon or later will appear another decent image site to direct link images until be to big they cannot assume maintenance costs.
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Low Tier Weeb
Jan 19, 2019
Discord just added monetized avatar frames, is the bandwidth hit from image hosting THAT bad?

Pretty much every forum post i ever made with a picture is about to go blank, and I can't be assed to edit thousands of posts spanning six years or however long it's been.

Don't worry I'm sure that soon we will be able to use Steam points in order to get frames on there as well.


There was a fish in the percolator!
Apr 6, 2019
Discord just added monetized avatar frames, is the bandwidth hit from image hosting THAT bad?

Pretty much every forum post i ever made with a picture is about to go blank, and I can't be assed to edit thousands of posts spanning six years or however long it's been.

Nothing has truly replaced the great MSN Messenger.
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Setting the Seas Ablaze
May 10, 2019
I’ve had 5-6 different Windows PCs since Windows 10, some self-built and a couple of laptops. I’ve noticed the behaviour on multiple machines.

I switch things off and after 4-8 months, bam, it’s spamming me again.

So either I’ve missed something that then sits dormant for months before bothering me, an update is accidentally switching things back on, or Microsoft is doing it intentionally.

I don’t want to discount that Windows behaves differently per region, too. We all know that Microsoft will have only adhere to the bare minimum of the legislative requirements when it comes to shady practices.
I dunno I just know that it never happened to me, my gaming pc has been running win11 since I updated from win10 i disabled it because I didn't like it when I pressed the xbox button on my controller, out of curiosity I just checked and it's still off.

I know I would have 100% noticed on my work pc because some (outdated) software I use specifically conflicts with game bar.
Hilarously enough I was the only one in the office who knew exactly what to do to get rid of the issue.
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