Community Pet Paradise - Post Everything about your pets!


sometimes a doctor of rhythm
Apr 17, 2019
I'm kind of conflicted.. I love that so many doggos are finding homes but it bums me out that cats have dropped that much. I realize that dogs will always be the more popular of the two. I just wish that the line for cats had at least stayed level or close to it.

There's six amazing cats outside that I really want to find families for. The other two can be bullies at times but if they are the only pet in the house or someone has a ton of patience those two would be perfect fits for someone.

Tonight's late night biccie didn't work out quite like I had hoped, she got bored of me trying to balance it on her nose and ended the video early.
"Dad! Stop trying to impress your friends and just give me my treat! Oh fine, I'll grab it." :p

Such a cute doggo! :cat-heart-blob:


sometimes a doctor of rhythm
Apr 17, 2019
I think this thread needs some more Cookies.

She wasn't too pleased after I had to be a little forceful with her. She had a tick on her neck that needed to be removed.

Oh and for anyone curious since I never explained it, yes, that is sheet metal zip tied to the railing. I put it up about three years ago after a couple kittens fell and couldn't get back up on the porch.


Dead & Forgotten
Sep 5, 2018
I think this thread needs some more Cookies.

She wasn't too pleased after I had to be a little forceful with her. She had a tick on her neck that needed to be removed.
you gotta do what you gotta do ... at least she's ok now! :)

Oh and for anyone curious since I never explained it, yes, that is sheet metal zip tied to the railing. I put it up about three years ago after a couple kittens fell and couldn't get back up on the porch.
awwww, so nice of you!


sometimes a doctor of rhythm
Apr 17, 2019
Poor Cookies!!! Ticks are the worst :cryingwhyblob: I grew up in Oregon and always had an issue with them hitching a ride on our clothing after a day outside

Omg look at him, what a little mischief maker :smiling-face-with-heart-shaped-eyes: He knows it too haha
Ticks really are the worst! I always hate having to remove them from the farm kitties. I really need to check Tiny, Poog and Splotch but they're so skittish that getting them to sit still will be a challenge.

And you're pretty dead on when it comes to Rocky. He never does anything all that bad but he loves to be an annoyance as much as possible. :LOL:


sometimes a doctor of rhythm
Apr 17, 2019
Came home from the store today to find a new face outside. Bubbles finally brought one of her babies home and it looked like she went through Hell to do it. Both her and the kitten were wet and covered in mud.

She eventually started coming back with another about an hour later so there's at least two new additions and I wouldn't be surprised if there's one or two more by morning.

Here's a pic of the one I got to see. They were incredibly frightened so I didn't want to stick around too long.

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Dead & Forgotten
Sep 5, 2018
Bubbles finally brought one of her babies home and it looked like she went through Hell to do it. Both her and the kitten were wet and covered in mud.
it sure looks like it, lol ... i wonder what happened there

She eventually started coming back with another about an hour later so there's at least two new additions and I wouldn't be surprised if there's one or two more by morning.
that's good ... so many new cats for you! :D


Cat Loaf Enthusiast
Apr 17, 2019
Came home from the store today to find a new face outside. Bubbles finally brought one of her babies home and it looked like she went through Hell to do it. Both her and the kitten were wet and covered in mud.

She eventually started coming back with another about an hour later so there's at least two new additions and I wouldn't be surprised if there's one or two more by morning.

Here's a pic of the one I got to see. They were incredibly frightened so I didn't want to stick around too long.

Omg what a doll :cryingwhyblob: So cute! Mama needs to give them a good bath for sure.

Please let us know if/when you name them!

Miles has been my alarm clock recently lol. If I'm not up by a certain time he likes to jump up and lay on my chest and put his paw on my face. Weirdest way to wake up, but it sure does get me out of bed at least :tightly-closed-eyes:

Cass on the other hand has been suuuuper cuddly. Every night before bed she gets up and puts her two front paws on my left arm and cuddles next to me. If she's cold or it isn't too warm out, she'll roll over and sleep with her belly up in the air while I'm spooning her. She's so cute :cuteblob:

Bonus picture of Cass checking out my wool socks I finished knitting!



sometimes a doctor of rhythm
Apr 17, 2019
Please let us know if/when you name them!
Will do! :)

Looking forward to spending more time with them once they are all able to calm down. Farmers are starting to work the fields around here so the machinery also has them on edge but there should be a break from that soon. And that's most likely what caused her to move them back home in the first place.

Miles has been my alarm clock recently lol. If I'm not up by a certain time he likes to jump up and lay on my chest and put his paw on my face. Weirdest way to wake up, but it sure does get me out of bed at least :tightly-closed-eyes:

Cass on the other hand has been suuuuper cuddly. Every night before bed she gets up and puts her two front paws on my left arm and cuddles next to me. If she's cold or it isn't too warm out, she'll roll over and sleep with her belly up in the air while I'm spooning her. She's so cute :cuteblob:
Ha! Wally does something similar some days. He'll tap my arm or leg with his paw.. Mitsy on the other hand will walk up to my face and quickly turn, smacking me with her side/butt. :LOL:

And cuddle time is the best! Cass looks like such a sweetheart! :cat-heart-blob:

Nice job on the socks by the way! Knitting seems like it can be a great calming experience.. I should really consider doing something like that.


Cat Loaf Enthusiast
Apr 17, 2019
Ohh that makes a ton of sense! What a good momma! Is there a specific spot the cats like the congregate around the house when they bring their kittens, or is it just around on the porch area?

Omg getting smacked in the face with the butt is the absolute worst :frowning-face-with-open-mouth: my cats do that shit all the time and it drives me up a wall lol. Are any of your kitties cuddly lap cats? Mine aren't at all and absolutely refuse to sit in my lap (unless I have a box in

Thank you so much!! I actually originally started to help soothe my generalized anxiety disorder and it's honestly been kind of a godsend. Highly recommend it! If you ever want or need any pointers or help to get started, let me know :smiling-eyes:


sometimes a doctor of rhythm
Apr 17, 2019
Ohh that makes a ton of sense! What a good momma! Is there a specific spot the cats like the congregate around the house when they bring their kittens, or is it just around on the porch area?

Omg getting smacked in the face with the butt is the absolute worst :frowning-face-with-open-mouth: my cats do that shit all the time and it drives me up a wall lol. Are any of your kitties cuddly lap cats? Mine aren't at all and absolutely refuse to sit in my lap (unless I have a box in

Thank you so much!! I actually originally started to help soothe my generalized anxiety disorder and it's honestly been kind of a godsend. Highly recommend it! If you ever want or need any pointers or help to get started, let me know :smiling-eyes:
There's a few buildings that they hang out in but most of the time they are on the porch. There's two barns, a garage and two large sheds. The one shed is usually closed but thanks to the groundhogs there's been a way in for a couple years now. If I had to guess Bubbles took the two kittens to one of the barns this afternoon since they weren't around after morning feeding time.

Mitsy and Wally are both lap cats. Though Wally never hops up on his own. He'll come over and put his front paws on my knee then play hard to get when I go to pick him up. Eventually he'll lie down next to my chair at which point I know he's finally given me permission to give him attention. He's a little brat at times.

Rocky is really the only one that prefers to be alone but still nearby. The only time he shows affection is when someone is in the bathroom and only so the sink faucet will get turned on for him. He'll keep gently headbutting you until he finally gets his way. :LOL:

And I appreciate the offer for knitting advice! I'll keep that in mind if I pick it up in the future. :)


Cat Loaf Enthusiast
Apr 17, 2019
All of your cats sound like such sweethearts Blind :smiling-face-with-heart-shaped-eyes: Please give them many hugs and pets for me!

Wally sounds super sassy though, much like Cass in wanting to play hard to get all the time just to mess with you :tightly-closed-eyes: Gotta love animals and their unique personalities haha


sometimes a doctor of rhythm
Apr 17, 2019
All of your cats sound like such sweethearts Blind :smiling-face-with-heart-shaped-eyes: Please give them many hugs and pets for me!

Wally sounds super sassy though, much like Cass in wanting to play hard to get all the time just to mess with you :tightly-closed-eyes: Gotta love animals and their unique personalities haha
That's definitely something I can do! :)

Oh and to update you all, I was right! There is now a third kitten out there! So now comes the hard part of coming up with names. Well.. and spending even more on cat food I guess. :p

Deleted member 113

Just skip some of your monthly Steam purchases, they're not THAT expensive and very life enriching even when they spend most of the day just hiding under your bed ;)
I was going to say the same thing.

But, lashman would probably faster buy a game simulation of a dog or a cat, with hundreds or thousands of $ in DLCs, than an actual dog or a cat. :face-with-stuck-out-tongue-and-tightly-closed-eyes:

(I kid, I kid)
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Guilty of Being

Dec 5, 2018
I have a few pets like a dog and a cat, but my wife and I are into fish as well. We have three tanks, with one being a quarantine or hospital tank. She has a community tank of fish, but I am in love with my betta male that I have in a five gallon tank next to my PC. Unlike what you see in pet stores or uneducated owners' homes, betta were never supposed to live in cups. You know, a puppy can live in a cage... but would it really enjoy that life? These bad ass fish need a water filter, heater, shelter, and moving space.

Lesson is over, but now the suck. A few weeks ago I was about to feed my boy and he jumped out; couldn't find him for shit. Eventually, we found him on the floor that my wife had just mopped. He survived this with some fin damage (that's slowly growing back), but I believe the cleaning solution injured his eye as he now has a bad case of pop-eye on the side that was facing the floor. When a fish has pop-eye, he or she has damaged the eye and fluid has started to build behind the eye. I'm doing even prevention I know, but he may lose the eye.

My goal is to keep him alive as long as possible, but my heart hurts he's in pain.


sometimes a doctor of rhythm
Apr 17, 2019
So bummed that I missed out on Taborcarn and #Senpai sharing some new pictures. It's great to see some fish in here! I haven't had any for several years and really miss it. I hope your fish is doing better. :cat-heart-blob:

It's great to see Pumpernickel and Pepper make another appearance too! Both are cute as always and yeah, they didn't seem too thrilled with the new hairdos. :LOL:

I managed to grab a picture of two of the kittens I mentioned previously. They're starting to eat solid food which made getting the pic pretty easy. The third one is still a little scared of people and was hiding under the grill. Still no names yet but I should have an update on that soon!



sometimes a doctor of rhythm
Apr 17, 2019
Update: Moses, my male betta fish, looks to be doing good. His pop-eye (which is where water builds up behind the eye) has gone away and is healing.

Would you look at those beautiful, big ass lips!
Great news! Thanks for coming back and updating us! :cat-heart-blob:

And finally, someone has found the Angelina Jolie of the fish world!


sometimes a doctor of rhythm
Apr 17, 2019
This is my cat Mila, she's a huge fan of our printer :rolleyes:

She's enjoying my company as well :giggle:
Aww! She's adorable! :cat-heart-blob:

Really love her fur too, it's almost as if she's wrapped in velvet.

Also I can relate to the printer nap times. Whenever Mitsy wasn't on my lap she would always be on the old printer I had. The new one is kind of oddly shaped so she rarely tries to sleep on it.