Reviews Rate the game you finished/retired


Sep 20, 2018
I finished the Until Dawn remake on Steam

Structurally, there are few actual mechanics in the game. The idea is to walk around, and make choices at key moments and hope you did the rights ones to allow as many people to survive. Supermassive Games knew that this could feel pretty passive, so they spiced things up by lots of small interactions that require a little too many button presses and quick times events and so on. I can see how they make things more exciting, but something that just focuses on choices and branching paths would have been a bit cleaner.

Visually, I found the remake to be quite stunning at times. The longer you play and experience animations, the clearer it becomes that this is still a PS4 game in its models and animation quality, but I suppose redoing all of that would have been simply out of scope. It is impressive how much they carried over to Unreal Engine 5 and have it work. Speaking of "work", the port is pretty rough and does a lot of dumb things too, like syncing game configs along game saves and lots of small bugs. I hope the irons those out, but the port is also not a complete crapshoot. Performance is fine and DLSS3 and FG support work very well.

The story was very good. The final few chapters were a bit weaker, once you knew what was going on and it was just surviving the last few hours to dawn. Great horror game, not too long, not too short and I think I will check out Supermassive's other games too.

The game end's on a new sequel hook, which I understand wasn't there in the original. So it seems Sony is planning to make "Until Dawn" into a franchise. Of course, the remake doesn't seem to be performing well sales-wise so who knows whether that tease will actually go anywhere.

Joe Spangle

Apr 17, 2019
Finished Animal Well

Lovely little game, lots of very clever touches. Has a retro graphic style. Difficulty was about right for me, some bits were tough but not unfair. Sometimes it was a little frustrating having to back track but there are a few mechanics in place to help with that. Love the way it utilised the ds4 controller.
Overall very good game


Just another Video Game Enthusiast
Sep 20, 2018

Finished : Iron Meat

Probably one of the best run-n-gun 2D scroller I've played in a while; probably the best retro throwback game of 2024.

7 years of development was well worth it, very tight Contra-like run-n-gun.
Impressed by how well paced, tightly designed this is. Nothing to mention of the amazing pixel art.

This is also the best beginner run-n-gun. Contra too hard? Play this.

RATING = A tier

Virtual Ruminant

May 21, 2020
Finished OMORI (OMOCAT LLC, 2020)

An alt-JRPG framed by a psychological horror plot with plenty of surrealist / dreamlike scenarios and story-telling.

It's one of those games best enjoyed with as little prior information as possible, so I will not summarize the plot here at all - the descriptions on the game's website or store pages should give anybody enough of an idea about what to generally expect.

The visuals and core mechanics of the game are pretty typical RPG Maker fare, but the game's copious hand-drawn cutscene and battle animations are very good and done in a quite unique and distinctive style. The soundtrack has pastiches of 16-bit classics without trying to emulate a retro-sound and has a lot of very catchy melodies that I will probably keep humming for a quite a while even after having finished the game.

I played this game due to a lot of enthusiastic recommendations from friends that I trust, even though turn-based battles and JRPG-style grind are usually hard passes for me. The game starts out very strong and intriguing, but then indeed has a middle-part that will take some 25-30 hours of playtime on a first playthrough and does indeed require a bit of level-grinding on encounter battles in order to be able to get past the story-critical boss fights and eventually beat the game.

I did not enjoy this overly long second act very much and could only get through it by essentially playing the game while watching videos in another window. This might be my anti-JRPG bias talking, but I do think the game would ultimately be stronger and have an even bigger impact if the middle of the game were at least a third shorter.

The game's last act (and last 3-4 hours) however made me forget and did make up for the preceding tedium and is just as strong as pretty much every fan of the game describes it and is very, very memorable indeed. Multiple endings and a good number of optional side-quests as well as a few entirely optional areas in the game world of the second act provide plenty of replay value, but the game only provides 6 savegame slots which makes it quite hard to keep savegames at critical junctions for such replays.


Previously reviewed in this thread [here].
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Virtual Ruminant

May 21, 2020
Finished Beacon Pines (Hiding Spot / Fellow Traveller, 2022)

A visual novel/choose-your-own-adventure game that tells the story of young cartoon deer orphan Luka and his home town of Beacon Pines, which has recently fallen on hard times. As he and his liger friend Rolo look for things to do at the start of summer, they stumble head-first into a mystery that will eventually decide not just their fates, but that of the whole town.

It's a very strange coincidence that I ended up playing this game right after OMORI, as they are almost inverted mirror images of each other - made by teams of a similar (tiny) size following successful Kickstarter campaigns, touching on similar themes, but where OMORI goes lo-fi, this game goes glossy, where OMORI goes manga, this game goes story-book-anthropomorphic-animals, and where OMORI goes monochrome and morose, this game goes bright and optimistic (at least on the surface).

The big difference of course is that Beacon Pines is not an RPG and therefore also has barely a quarter of the playtime, but thanks to its system of branching story paths (visualized as a literal tree in the game's central narration device, a book named "The Chronicle"), it has a lot of different endings, more endings than OMORI in fact, and most of them are bad endings, too. If you are looking for a game where a choice can actually lead to a radically different outcome, here is one.

The art is all around lovely, from the backgrounds to the characters, it really looks like straight from the pages of a really good story book. There is a voice-acted narrator reading from The Chronicle, but the dialogue between the characters uses PS1-style talking noises over text-boxes.

This game is a new all-time favorite of mine - the only reason it's a 4/5 instead of a 5/5 is that the the small team size (the bulk of the game was made by three people) has put a noticeable limit on the animation budget and some of the key scenes of the game really could have had a lot more impact with proper animated cutscenes.


Previously reviewed in this thread [here].
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Reactions: spiel and lashman

Virtual Ruminant

May 21, 2020
Finished Somerville (Jumpship, 2022)

An atmospheric mystery side-scrolling ... honestly? - a side-scrolling walking simulator. It does have puzzles and a couple of chase-sequences (which will end in a game over if you get caught), but most of the time it's a lot of walking and minimal interaction.

What you get for that however is an exceptionally good looking and well directed game. It starts with an incredibly slick and movie-like intro sequence, which segues right into a very tense beginning that had me on the edge of my seat immediately. Throughout the game you get some truly cinematic moments, with great virtual camera work and fantastic scenes. The soundtrack, albeit there isn't very much of one (around 30 minutes worth of music in total, not counting loops) is super high-quality and supercharges the somber mood of the game even more.

The gameplay is straightforward for the most part - the mechanics are simple and there are few them. However, I got stuck exactly two times during the game due the physics-based puzzle solution being finicky and obscure and each time it pulled me out of the immersion hard. Two times for a whole game might not sound so bad - but the game is only 5 hours long (if you take it very slowly) and immersion is pretty much the only thing this game is going for, so it actually is kind of bad.

There are multiple endings and it is at the end where the game tries to do a magic trick and pull a rabbit out of the hat. Two of the five endings are only accessible to the player by either paying superhuman attention to detail and having a photographic memory to match, or by replaying the game (multiple times in all probability) to look for clues and then think long and hard about those clues to understand their meaning in the context of the ending.

The payoff? Two additional post-credits sequences of approximately 15-20 seconds in length each, which aren't even that much different from the those of the other endings.

So it turns out the game is in fact not so straightforward after all, and technically, it's not that short either. But I feel it's safe to say that most people who will take on the challenge and figure it all out by themselves will come away from the exercise with the feeling of having wasted their time. And those people who choose to skip all of that and just look at a guide, will feel that the additional endings do not really add much to the game or the story.

I feel conflicted about this game. As a mood piece, it's 5/5 - I'd rate it even above Inside or Planet of Lana, purely based on vibes. But as a game (and that includes the story, at least once you know it in its entirety) it's barely a 3/5.

Previously reviewed in this thread [here] and [here].
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Reactions: lashman

Virtual Ruminant

May 21, 2020
Finished Star Trek: Resurgence (Dramatic Labs / Bruner House, 2023)

A choose-your-own-adventure game with puzzle and action elements in the style and the fictional timeline of millenium-era Star Trek. The story takes place in the year 2380, which is one year after the events of Star Trek Nemesis. The game absolutely nails the look and sound of Star Trek TV shows and feature films of that period and every fan should feel right at home immediately. The faithfulness does not end on the surface either - the story and characters also completely match that era. The game's writers and producers clearly aimed for the player to feel like they were playing through a whole season of a show from that time, and they have succeeded from start to finish - nothing feels off or out of place.

What prevents this game from being an easy no-brainer 5/5 for every Star Trek fan and at least a 4/5 for everybody who likes both SciFi and Telltale-style adventure games are various technical flaws.

The game is made in Unreal Engine and when it works well, it's a joy to play - fantastic visuals that mimic the visual style of the Star Trek shows of the era down to every detail (the fact that 90s Star Trek shows also were still mostly shot on hand-built sets with not very much CGI involved and thus have a pretty simple look to them of course helps a lot here).

But unfortunately that's only the case roughly 50% of the time. The other 50% there are inconsistencies in frame-rate, even on powerful PCs, that very effectively kill the immersion. In particular the game seems to constantly switch back and forth from high frame-rate interactive scenes to fixed low frame-rate non-interactive scenes, which is a real tragedy since the whole game is designed to seamlessly go from interactive to cutscene to interactive again - but the frame-rate changes make for very noticeable seams. But even between the interactive parts there are wild inconsistencies - some scenes are clearly not or shoddily optimized, while others run perfectly.

It also seems like the game has been already largely abandoned by the developer and publisher - the web-based "deep-dive" feature that lets players compare and analyze their decisions vs. those of other players, a feature well known from Telltale games of the past, went offline a couple of weeks before I started playing and has not come back since. Similarly, the forums on the game's website have been shut down and now redirect to the Steam community, but posts from the developers or the publisher are few and far between. So unfortunately, it does not seem like the technical problems will be fixed any time soon.

I still enjoyed the game immensely, but I am a fan of this era of Star Trek, so appreciation comes easily for me here. It really is a perfect throwback to a time I thought was over for good. Not only are there 10-12 hours worth of top-tier Star Trek to enjoy, but there is also a good chunk of replay value through the usual variations based on the player's choices, which do not change the story too radically (although some characters, including pretty central ones, can end up dead through player choices).

For the average player who just wants a good SciFi choose-your-own-adventure game, I'd say this is a 3/5 to 3.5/5, depending on how irritating they feel the performance issues are.

For me (aging 90s Star Trek fan) however, it's a

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Virtual Ruminant

May 21, 2020
Finished Deadlight Director's Cut (Tequila Works / Deep Silver, 2017)

A re-release of the 2012 game Deadlight, a cinematic platformer set in a zombie apocalypse scenario in urban Seattle.

I got this game for cheap because I was curious about Tequila Works' back-catalog of games. Unfortunately the version that is on Steam right now is effectively broken: It does not reliably save the game when run normally - you have to run the executable as admin to work around that problem. But when you do that, Steam achievements no longer unlock. Also the controls felt finicky, so I found myself a cheap key for the Xbox One release instead. That version looks slightly worse due to nonexistent anti-aliasing and the controls are just as annoying, but at least it saves the game and unlocks achievements like you would expect.

The game has a really great look and strong atmosphere, but that's really all it has going for it. The voice acting feels disjointed, there's issues with the relative audio levels and sometimes the voice-overs get cut off randomly, the controls are messy and the story is just your typical run-of-the-mill The Walking Dead clone with a weak attempt at a twist ending.

Would not recommend.


Virtual Ruminant

May 21, 2020
Finished Happy Game (Amanita Design, 2021)

Amanita's tried and true mini point-and-click puzzle formula, but this time with a horror slant. Think Chuchel, but with the gags replaced with all kinds of disturbing images. Was pretty much exactly what I hoped for, but could have been a little longer.


Previously reviewed in this thread [here].

Also finished Maid of Sker (Wales Interactive, 2020)

First-person survival horror game. On standard difficulty level it starts out as a walking simulator, then progresses to a stealth game and ends like a Frictional Games style escape-the-monsters game. However, if you play on "Safe" difficulty, it's a walking simulator the whole way through where no enemies spawn and if you play on "Hard", it's running from the monsters from start to finish (and with only ten opportunities for saving available for a whole playthrough).

Quite good looking game with good atmosphere, although the color palette was a little too washed out into grey and blue for my taste. Music is good and plentiful, but oddly, it takes away from the scary atmosphere - the game is at its most frightening when it's just ambient sound effects.

The story is serviceable for a horror game and tries hard to avoid well-known tropes, but ultimately did not really capture my imagination much.

I got annoyed with the game-play once it became all about escaping the monsters towards the end. After finishing the main campaign, the game unlocks a couple of challenge levels, but I have not tried those.


Previously reviewed in this thread [here] and [here].
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Reactions: spiel and lashman


Sep 20, 2018
Earlier this week I finished my Playthrough of Metaphor: ReFantazio.

Took me around 9o something hours (Steam shows 90, but I also played a couple hours on the demo, which carries over into the main game).

My experience so far with Atlus games, are Persona 2 (both Innocent Sin and Eternal Punishment), Persona 3 Portable and Persona 4 and Metaphor felt like a very different game, ultimately. It borrows most heavily from Persona in how the game is structured time-wise. A strict calendar system, each day is split into Afternoon and Evening and you can take exactly one activity on each day, unless you go to a dungeon, which takes up both time slots. You are given the freedom to either go to dungeons, spent time on various activities, with your companions and to walk around an ever growing map. It is this focus on freedom, where the game more effectively conveys the feeling of a journey and exploring a world that it differs the most from modern Persona. Less so from older Persona, bu those were super linear titles, whereas Metaphor is a bit closer to western RPGs in the way you can pick quests and solve them on your own, in between the big story bits.

I also really loved the Archetype system. This is not a copy of Personas, which are just Pokemon you collect and train (though to be fair here, SMT did this years and years earlier than Pokemon, but that's how unfair things are, Pokemon is the better known title than old SMT). Archetypes are simply roles. You can also level them up, but the real charm is in the synergies you unlock with other archetype and which give the game its great diversity: the same exact encounter can feel very different if you have a different Archetype layout. And later on in the game, it's super important to switch between them before big encounters. Kinda crucial that you cannot switch them on the fly too, I think. Combined with the press turn system, itself from older SMT titles, and you get a very cool, new mix. I also liked how snappy the game feels for a turn-based game. You can skip very quickly to the next action, no need to wait for the animations if you are impatient.

Which leads to the other amazing thing about Metaphor: it's great animations. I understand that Atlus already did something similar with Persona 5 here, but I haven't played that, so for me this hits quite strongly. Everything is so massive, in your face, overly stylish and just unafraid to look weird. And strangely, it still end ups being pretty legible too. It can't be captured in words how much this elevates the experience, but it really does. The art style is at times really quite beautiful. The only downside here is the uneven art quality. There are so many assets that feel like something that has been designed with the Switch in mind and it's sad the game did not get more polish to allow a more uniform asset quality across the game.

Finally, on PC it is also worth mentioning that the actual port is incredibly bare bones and aliasing in particular is a big problem. I played the game with a mod that injects TAA, but it does so with slight artefacts, so it's not a perfect experience. It's a shame ATLUS can't be bothered to invest in their tools and modernise them to keep up with modern rendering techniques.

As a last point, I also greatly enjoyed the cast. So many unforgettable, well written and designed characters. Some might not like that the party is overall very "harmonious" in the sense that there are not big confrontations or disagreements, but given the plot and its singular focus, it kinda makes sense that everyone is on board to do the same thing. These aren't a bunch of teenagers, who are confused on what to do and get into fights, and I really enjoyed that.
The plot itself is very on-the-nose and obvious, but it covers so many topics that we rarely see handled well in games, like discrimination, how to work towards a better society, the role of religion in all this, how the weak and downtrodden are treated, and so on, and it confronts the question about how one can pursue highminded ideas without losing a connection to the gritty reality quite well. The final message is probably nothing super surprising, but the journey to get there is still quite well handled, and I liked the villain, Louis, quite a bit. Great character, great writing and he acts as an amazing foil to our heroes, and the values they pursue.

So overall, pretty good game.

Joe Spangle

Apr 17, 2019
Put down Grounded...

This is a very good survival adventure game. You are a shrunken little person in a back garden a la Honey I shrunk the Kids. There is a story to follow as you adventure around the different parts of the garden and you can base build and collect stuff to create better stuff. Its really well thought out, has a lot of charm and is well polished. It can be pretty scary at times, big spiders etc but overall it was a great game to explore around and discover.



Excluding exclusives
Jan 12, 2019
Finished The Gunk

Excellent adventure game about a scavanger exploring a planet stuffed with beautiful nature. Soon she discovers that there's tons of "gunk" spreading troughout this world, destroying everything that lives in it's path. It's up to you to find out what causes this gunk and to save this planet from doom.

The game offers a mix of exploration platforming and casual environment puzzles. It's never becoming really hard and combat is rather limited, but the level design is so incredibly well done that you'll want to keep playing till the very end.

I'm a huge fan of Image & Forms Steamworld games, but I'm glad they decided to try something completely different with this game. Definitely recommended!

Score: 8.0/10


Dec 17, 2018

Very good horror game, main negative is that the combat could have been better and some places feels too long to play through.

Score: 8.6/10


Pretty good Stardew Valley like with quests, explicit story line, XP points and great pixel graphics. Doesn't hold the longevity of Stardew Valley though.

Score: 8/10


Not as good as Persona, but a really great fantasy JRPG noneless. Felt the story could have been better though.

Score: 8.5/10

Joe Spangle

Apr 17, 2019
Finished RDR..

Great going back to this game. Enjoyed playing it again. All worked well for me, no crashes etc. Looked good enough. Could've used some quality of life improvements like controller remapping. Also i don't know why you cant select which controller you are using for the button icons. Seems like an easy thing to put in.
Overall a good trip down memory lane. Paid a bit more attention to the story this time as it had been so long since playing it. All the while I had my mind on RDR2 and on completing this i've started a new game of 2. RDR2 is vastly superior but this was fun for the 18 or so hours that i spent blasting through the story.


Virtual Ruminant

May 21, 2020
Finished Layers of Fear (2016) + Inheritance DLC (Bloober Team / Aspyr, 2016)

I still remember when I played this game (its first hour to be precise) for the first time - it was in November of 2015 on an Xbox One, because the game had been pre-released as one of the first titles (possibly the first) in the Xbox Game Preview program, an attempt by Microsoft to bring early access games to the platform.

I also remember my impressions from back then: Gone Home meets P.T., and the result is greatly diminished from both influences. I was also floored that the game's publisher agreed to the Game Preview release on Xbox One at all, as the game ran at (and I am not exaggerating here) 20-25 frames per second. Now that I've finally played the game completely (on PC), that first impression is completely confirmed for me.

The game oscillates between open-every-drawer walking simulator and jump-scare ghost train ride (but the cheap kind that you have to walk through yourself) and every time it manages to build a little atmosphere, it is soon smashed to bits by over-acted and anachronistic (relative to the game's setting) voice-acting. The over-use of P.T.-style impossible topography with endless corridors and rooms that change behind the player camera's back gets pretty comical after a while. Every once in a while the game pulls out some genuinely impressive visual effects, but most of the time it's all pretty silly looking stuff that every itch,io indie horror game has these days.

Layers of Fear also foreshadows one of my favorite pet-peeves with the current indie horror craze: Using digital glitch effects for jump-scares in retro scenarios, where digital technology is barely around. Bloober Team to this day cannot lay off of this either (people who have played the Silent Hill 2 remake might remember the scene where the old juke box breaks and the broken record for some reason starts to sound like a corrupt mp3 file).

There's multiple endings and the game deliberately obscures the mechanics on how to obtain them in a bid for replay value - but who really wants to puzzle out which interaction is significant for changing the ending between annoying LOUD NOISE FLASHING SCREEN jump scares? Certainly not me.

The Inheritance DLC adds another hour or two of content with a new perspective on the story from the point of view of the main game's protagonist's daughter and has similarly obscured multiple endings as well.


Previously reviewed in this thread [here].
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Reactions: lashman


Junior Member
Apr 17, 2019
Dropped Minute of Islands

This one's on me, I didn't realise it was a "narrative puzzle platformer". I loved The Inner World point-n-clicks from the developers and was expecting something more mechanically involved in the gameplay. 1 hour in and it's mostly slow, cinematic platforming constantly halted by camera panning and narration, and I don't think it's going to significantly add much for the next 5-6 hours.

Gameplay aside, the art is gorgeous, every screen could be framed and printed.

Completed Paws of Coal

It's on sale for a dollar, and at that price it's a satisfying little investigation game despite the slightly finicky controls. Would love to see a sequel that's bigger in scope with more QoL improvements.
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Reactions: Virtual Ruminant


Dec 17, 2018

Short, but sweet talking sim with beatiful environmens, sorta "meh" story, nice music.

Score: 7/10


Quite dissapointed, expected more, super short and "meh" story, good voice acting and good graphics.

Score: 6/10


Very "okay" soulslike that feels like Nioh, but worse. Very badly optimized, but somewhat okay gameplay. Ugly game in many areas though.

Score: 7/10


Okay story, interesting characters, very cool art style, too slow paced and story could have been more interesting.

Score: 8.2/10


Apr 17, 2019

My review is pretty mixed.

Pros: Beautiful art direction and environments. Great voice acting. Varied enemies that never got old to fight.
I didn't realize this was such a boss heavy game. Generally, i hate bosses. You're going along, enjoying the game, having fun, exploring, in your flow state, and then some fat asshole busts in to interrupt. I just don't enjoy them and never have. Even so, the bosses, with a few exceptions, don't have any tedious multiple phase bullcrap. The bosses also don't have a ridiculous amount of health, which is something I really hate. Once I leveled up a bit, I took out probably 90+ percent of the bosses on the first try. It was so enjoyable that I beat every one (I think), up until the final level.

I never really found out or understood how or even whether this game does input queuing. It seems to constantly discard inputs. I''d find myself fighting a boss, then furiously tapping the heal button maybe 8 times to get it to work ASAP reliably. This was my eventual reaction to my character NOT HEALING after pushing the button and getting me killed over and over again.
The animations are so, so tedious. Running, opening, doing literally anything is just a momentum killer. They looked nice at least.
The level design is a bit shit. Multiple branching paths, with no indication which is the main story. I wanted to do everything and not get locked out of content, so I had to eventually use a guide to follow and see which way I should turn for max exploration. Not fun.
Most of this wouldn't be a huge deal except for the fact that the game is SO LONG. I honestly think it was probably 50% too long.
The final level. Ugh. When you're so sick and tired of slow, tedious running and just want to be done, they introduce the most asinine, awkward, miserable traversal mechanic ever conceived of in the game industry. This is the only place i skipped optional bosses.
Trash optimization. So lucky I happened to build a new PC just before playing this, and I still had to turn settings way down.

If I could send a message to game devs, it would be that I'm playing your game because I enjoy it. You don't have to keep escalating with lava, poison, mobs, or any other crap to keep me engaged. Especially if you're going to give me, for example, great poison resistant gear at the end of the poison level. Sigh.

I got to the final boss just pissed. I died to it a couple of times before saying fuck this and installing wemod. Let's take a moment and ponder again how great PC gaming is!

Idk if I'll play NG+. The last 15% left such a bad impression that it's hard to remember how enjoyable most of it actually was.

I'd give it a 7/10, I guess?


Dec 17, 2018

Okay PS3-era like third person shooter, didn't enjoy it all that much, found it to be too repetive and boring. Was fun the first few hours though. Felt like something I've played a lot before.

Score: 6.8/10


Decent game that I quit enjoyed. Story was meh, but gameplay was fun and the world was quite interesting. Ending was weird though.

Score: 7.4/10


A very boring campaign, some cool moments here and there, but not much to go on, took me 3-4 hours to finish. One character's death was very anticlimatic and was way better done in the original MW3. The "open area" missions were quick and boring.

Score: 6/10
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Dec 17, 2018

Really good campaign, lenghty, lots of variation, fun, good gameplay, one of the better CoD campaigns. Haven't tried zombie and MP yet.

Score: 8.5/1


Good expansion, weak story, but I really enjoyed the new area. Doesn't reach the heights of Reaper of Souls though (haven't played the other Diablos yet).

Score: 7/10


Didnt reach the heighs and emotional impact as Gris, but it was close. Very beautiful game, nice story, simplistic gameplay.

Score: 8.6/10


Junior Member
Apr 17, 2019
Completed Pixel Cafe

This one has an addictive gameplay loop, if you like food truck cooking games from the old days of Flash or mobile games, except with much nicer art. Oh, and there's a narrative to justify why the stages keep changing. Some of the story beats are actually pretty touching. Touch control is the superior option, I would recommend playing on the Switch.

Like many games in this genre, it suffers from grindy progression where you've pretty much seen it all 50% in and there are no surprises mechanically in the second half. Still great in short bursts. It's almost a zen experience when the customers keep coming and you're focused on serving orders systematically.

Score: 7/10

Completed Rise of the Golden Idol

It's a sequel to one of the best investigative puzzle games. Can't go wrong with the same formula. The UI is still pretty finicky and I gave up on figuring out the timeline of events in the end, but what an experience. Looking forward to the DLC!

Score: 9.5/10


Dec 17, 2018

Short, but nice "visual novel", with multiple endings. Wish it was longer:

Score: 8.3/10


Liked it more than I expected based on reading other peoiples thoughts. A lot of handholding, a lot of reading and the 3D parts didn't blow me away as much as expected, but stiill had a good time.

Score: 8/10


Very good WW1 survival horror game, way longer than expected and it had too much backtracking, a lot about finding the correct keys, the correct doors, the correct path, the correct pieces to progress, but still liked it a lot.

Score: 8/10


Just another Video Game Enthusiast
Sep 20, 2018
Finished Punch Club

Fun progression styled game, with neat sense of humor. Progression is very addicting. I like the pixel art too.
However the grind is BAD! Last third of the game progression is poorly handled (losing skill level after every day fast). Plus bit buggy.
Rating - C tier


Sep 20, 2018
I finished Dragon Age: The Veilguard on Steam

Still think this should have been called "Dreadwolf" and focus far more on Solas as the villain, rather than pulling two Saturday morning cartoon villains out of their ass. These are literally the third rate mooks that Solas beat thousands of years ago, and now we get to clean after him, pretty much.

With that out of the way, I should say that otherwise, I really appreciate the game's lore implications: The Veilguard basically clears away almost all big secret that are still left: the origin of the blight, both as substance and in the form of capital B "Blights", the connection of the old Tevinter Gods and the older Elven gods, the consequences from Dragon Age 2 fall of the Arishok, which now left the Qunari basically in a low-key state of civil war and of course the nature of the Veil is explained too. It is almost impressive how thorough The Veilguard is in cleaning house on old concepts from prior Dragon Age games, clearing the state entirely for new things (or alternatively, providing a clean way to end the franchise for good, pretty much nothing that is truly left open.

Beyond the story, The Veilguard is actually quite decent in its mechanics, meaning combat. In fact, I think it's fair to say that this is the best combat Dragon Age has every had, since at least Origins. 2 was horrible and Inquisition kind of a mess too, sticking to some strategy elements while trying to make it seem more action focused than it really was. Meanwhile, Veilguard just embraces the action RPG inspiration that BioWare obviously was going for ever since DA2. I am not sure it really holds for the entirety of the 80+ hours, but it was enjoyable for most of that time, at least.

Another big focus of Veilguard was obviously the visual side of things. I loved the time I played this at 4K and HDR, it looks absolutely stunning.

Overall, The Veilguard is a passable RPG and overall a decent game from BioWare. Certainly the most interesting title of theirs in a decade, but I think that speaks more to how little I cared about their output during that time, than it does about Veilguards strength as a game. I had fun to revisit the world of Thedas, and honestly, if this is the last Dragon Age game, then I am happy it is not ending on a dud and we get some fair bit of closure on the horrible cliffhanger from Inqusition and its DLC.



Dec 17, 2018

Pretty decent fun shooter, not the best from the genre, somewhat boring level design, but had fun with it.

Score: 7.9/10


Great game, really liked the story, charachters and world building, gameplay was fun, but kinda repetive at times, a bit too much backtracking at times.

Not as good as VI and VII, but still a very good game overall.

Score: 8.5/10

Virtual Ruminant

May 21, 2020
Finished Beyond Blue (E-Line Media, 2020)

Somewhere between educational game, walking simulator (but with walking replaced by deep-sea diving) and virtual aquarium, Beyond Blue really surprised me with how much fun it was to play.

Perhaps it was due to me having a very stressful month of December and getting barely any gaming time in besides an hour of this here and there, but I've hardly ever felt so relaxed and engaged at the same time than when I was swimming around the maps of this game and scanning every aquatic critter I could spot.

The game also features a story with multiple characters (although apart from the player character, you only hear their voices and see a profile picture on conference calls and voice messages) with somewhat of a downer plot - to nobody's surprise, the world's oceans and almost everything living in them is in trouble, and the personal life of the player character has plenty of trouble, too. That may not be everybody's cup of tea, but it resonated well with me.

Looking at the game from a more standard but-is-it-a-good-game angle, it has plenty of problems. For one, it's very short - anybody who wants to get more than 2-4 hours out of it - better do what I did and scan every fish on every map to fully unlock the in-game collections of educational videos and information slides about all the animals in the game.

It's also unfinished - at least the PC version is. The game was updated in 2022 with daily challenges (like against-the-clock races), and doing those supposedly earns the player coins that can be traded in at a "Dive Shop" for customizations to the player character's diving suit. However, all of that only works properly on the Apple Arcade release of the game - maybe on one of the console releases, too, but the PC releases are all confirmed broken - you cannot earn coins and therefore cannot buy the customizations. It's been broken for two years now, it's probably never going to get fixed. So that's not great.

However, you get a pretty good soundtrack with both original and licensed music and I liked the selection of the licensed tracks. And the graphics are great, with beautiful underwater environments and top-class animations for all of the sea-creatures, and really, that is and should be the game's main selling point.

I never would have guessed that I would enjoy a diving and underwater-centric game like this so much before playing Beyond Blue and it was playing this game that inspired me to try a demo and subsequently buy "Under the Waves", which I am now very much looking forward to playing.

So, despite all its flaws (and the fact that I got this game for free on EGS certainly also helped with the score):

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Reactions: xinek and lashman


Sep 20, 2018
Finished Star Trek (2013)

So ultimately, this is a fairly bog-standard cover based shooter, with very little interesting use of its IP. Given all the cool things that Star Trek would let you do, all this game gives you is a fairly trivial plot about evil lizards stealing a McGuffin that will allow them to conquer the universe. So you and your long eared friend Spock go about to kill a whole load of evil lizards and destroy that McGuffin. Of course there's a damsel in distress to save as well. Gotta be sure to pack in enough cliches in our tie-in video game.

But snark aside, I was looking for a bit of mindless fun in a short, linear action game, and that is here. It also does a great job at capturing the sound and feel of the two JJ Abrams films, which is not surprising since the composers of those films did work for this one. They also got Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto to play Kirk and Spock, which is pretty neat.

If it wasn't for the final levels kinda losing a lot of steam and just becoming tiring (to the point that I just had to turn things to easy to get through the nonsensical arena fights at the end), I would have given this a positive review, but it is just kinda ass, sadly. Not sure why they decided to settle for a co-op TPS with stealth elements. It does nothing interesting with either of those elements and it's like they set them selves up for failure. Looking at reviews at the time, it seems it was pretty broken at launch, so that surely didn't help. Did not encounter any major bugs, just the usual quirkiness of path navigation at times, waiting on AI-spock to get where he needed to be.

Joe Spangle

Apr 17, 2019
Finished RDR2......Again.

Without a doubt the most beautiful and vibrant game world I've played in a long time, possibly ever. Such a well built world, full of life, lore and purpose. Happily spent many hours exploring on my horse, soaking up the vistas, enjoying the sunsets. Truly a wonderful experience.
As a game it is very linear (in terms of the story missions) with very little scope for completing missions outside of scripted paths and events so I'd call it more an interactive story than a 'game'. That said the gun play is fun and satisfying and there are so many optional things to get lost doing it is a vast sandbox play pit which I loved. Cant wait for RDR3.
Definitely would be in my all time top 10, Probably would make it into my top 3 games ever.



Dec 17, 2018

As expected, I enjoyed it quite a lot, ending was stupid though. Looking forward to season 2 of the series (Directive 8020 next year).

Score: 7.4/10


Well, finished all the main bosses, still have a lot left to explore. I don't usually review DLC, but this is a gigantic expansion. I have been burnt out on ER and soulslikes since the finished the game in 2022 and I still feel a bit burnt out, so I will wait on exploring the expansion and the game (haven't really explored Caelid) when Im motivated to do so. Also, very saddened by the lack of new cheevos.

Score: 9/10


Sep 20, 2018
I retired Romancing Saga: Minstrel's Song Remastered

Ultimately, I just determined that this game isn't anything for me. I do not find its world at all interesting. Indeed, it feels like the most generic fantasy world, with good and evil gods and some incredibly basic quests. There is not really a story as such, only lore: you hear about stuff that happened, about stuff that exists, and so on, but it never feels like there is any agency to any of it.
I guess from a historical perspective, I can see how the early Saga games were kinda unique for their non-linear structure, but the quests fail to feel interesting. There is barely anything to do, you just follow the breadcrumbs given to you, and get a reward. The characters then disappear. It feels more like avantgarde theatre than telling a coherent story.

On top of this, combat is just incredibly dreadful and boring. The magic system is overly complex, requiring you to keep so many different points and skills and so on in your head.

Everything about this game feels terrible, honestly. I don't even like how its characters look. They are all fugly as fuck.


Dumb fool
Nov 14, 2018
Just finished:
It was about an hour or less of game play. it was really nice to sit down and play it through in just 1 sitting. I feel like I hadn't finished a game in quite a while so hopefully this greases those wheels, we'll see i guess.
Anyway, really liked the pixel art and the feel of the game I'd give it a 7/10


Excluding exclusives
Jan 12, 2019
Finished Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical

Excellent interactive visual novel in musical style. Despite the fact that I hate musicals, I really enjoyed this game because the story, visual presentation and voice acting are sublime. I'm looking forward to play the DLC. Very recommended!

Score: 8.9/10

Finished Trover Saves the Universe

This is probably the funniest game I've ever played. Don't let the cartoonish graphics deceive you: the game is made by one of the creators of Rick and Morty, and is top-notch entertainment for adults.

Score: 9.0/10

Retired Death Stranding

I feel like a moron for wasting 40 hours on fetch quests and building roads in Death Stranding, when there are so many great games out there like the ones mentioned above. Seriously, I'm baffled that this game sold so well, since it's incredibly boring and repetitive for me. For dozens of hours, you're doing fetch quests from a base on one side of the map, to an exact copy of this base on the other side of the map. On your way you have to cross rivers, climb mountains and fight extemely frustrating invisible enemies, none of this being actually fun.

Despite getting new items, vehicles and story cutscenes from time to time, the repetitive nature of the fetch quests bored the hell out of me. Always the same enemies, animations and voice samples. Bland NPC's, vehicles getting stuck in the rocks, invisible BT's attacking you from the back, roads requiring huge amounts of materials to be built etc etc etc... the list of frustrations goes on and on. I have to admit the story and setting are fascinating, but the gameplay really isn't for me.
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Dec 17, 2018

Very good PS1-graphics like horror game where the game is setup as rooms and you have to find codes and keys to unlock rooms to progress, very Resident Evil-like. Also enjoyed the story.

Score: 8.2/10


A lot of fun (british humor that I enjoy), good lookign game with good looking animations, only gameplay element is that you slap everything and see what happens, got stale at times, but overall a very fun game.

Score: 8.5/10


Very fun and addictive climbing game. Some annoying level design that makes the game very frustrative to play, like where to find where to actually go and I found the later half of the game not as good as the first half (8 levels), but overall I very much enjoyed it and it was quite fun.

Score: 8.4/10


Basically a replay, but I liked the game mroe this time and the Yuffie DLC was nice.
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Dumb fool
Nov 14, 2018

My "criteria" to finish this was to 100% achievements which was actually pretty easy except for the final 3. I really liked this survivor game...and most other survivor games, honestly. This one was especially catching to me because it reminded me of another game from PS3/4 era: .
Anyway, back to the one i finished: it was nice to have something that had its grip on me. I find myself wanting to go into it even after. I hope they actually update the game and add more achievements so I can go back into it. It was more of the same as far as zombie types and stuff. They added like a Shaman-type zombie which was pretty cool, and kind of annoying. Actually, as I'm writing this I remember the zombies being kind of fun to mow through. It was a really fun game. The game was a bit easy honestly, a nice dopamine drip haha. pretty nice graphics for the game it is, cool upgrades although some are boring.
8/10 for me.

Joe Spangle

Apr 17, 2019
Finished Inmost....

I liked it a lot. Gameplay wise its a sort of story driven platformer with some nice looking pixely graphics. The are a few light environmental puzzles as you progress but its not really a taxing game, the interest came from the story. It tackles some dark themes so might not be good for everyone. Fairly short to get to the end - Steam says about 3.5 hours. Not sure i fully understood the message it was trying to give but overall I get what it was about and found it engaging and fairly thought provoking. Not a fun happy game but it has some nice elements.



Dumb fool
Nov 14, 2018

Just finished this game. Was fun to blast through, but it got very repetitive. The art was very cool lighting and shadow was big in a few of the levels. However, the formula was very straight forward and became repetitive. Some of the villains mechanics ended up being a little dumb just for the sake of difficulty. Regardless, it was fun 5-6 hour game. 6/10


Excluding exclusives
Jan 12, 2019
Finished Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate - Daemonhunters

Decent turn-based strategy game in the Warhammer universe. Presentation is great, with a good story and beautiful cutscenes. Lots of upgrades and special abilities for your units and ship, and the playstyle is fast and addictive.

Only thing I didn't like is how the game continueously throws random enemy buffs, unit debuffs and disabling of certain abilities at you. This was probably meant to force you to adept your strategy, but it's often more annoying than engaging.

Still, Chaos Gate is a good game, especially for Warhammer fans.

Score: 8.0/10



Nov 25, 2022
Finished Ys Book 1 and 2

Playtime: Ys 1: 09h 33m | Ys 2: 12h 29m | Total: 22h 02m
Story: Simple but satisfying
Translation: Good but there are some weird name changes
Gameplay: I love the bump combat system!
GFX: Charming 16-bit graphics
Music: Great Redbook audio + PCM Chiptune
SFX: SFX: Good Digitized voice acting (except for some parts in 2 felt a bit low quality)

Other thoughts:
The increased level cap in this version of Ys 1 made the whole game a way more balanced and enjoyable experience.
Due to the balance changes i actually had a good time beating the bosses unlike the steam version.
This is my favorite version of these 2 games and will be the version i recommend to people going forward.

Truly amazing :cat-heart-blob:

5/5 drinking blobs
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Sep 20, 2021

大侠立志传:碧血丹心 (Hero's Adventure: Road to Passion)
I went into this game knowing nothing. 0 threads about it on ERA, no console release, no critic reviews, and yet it had 20k reviews on Steam. My curiosity got the best of me, or rather my instinct
This game is already a big contender for surprise of the year
The translation leaves a lot to be desired, the game is obviously on the lower scale of budget (no voice acting, the presentation is done exclusively through in game assets, obvious edited mtl translation at points), and the store page honestly makes a terrible job at explaining what the game even is, but these issues didn't stop me from playing this game to full completition for 80+ hours. A true "cRPG" with choices, quests, multiple endings, multiple questlines, hidden secrets to discover, exclusive factions with their own exclusive questline and ending for extra playthroughts, tons of named unique npcs both allied and enemies. For a fan of classic role playing games the biggest issue it's the massive focus on combat and the fact the game favors overpowering enemies with superior skills and stats instead of tactics, but it makes sense considering this is a "wuxia" (so martial arts) story: the point is to become the strongest "cultivator". I also enjoyed the "apparent" lack of main story, but that's because the real main quest happens in the background: you go from city to city solving problems and meeting people, and it's only later that the player himself starts to notice how behind most issues there is always a specific group, and what's the actual state of the game world, which culminates in the "final quest/final ending"
Considering the sale price it's a steal and it earned a thumbs up rating



Sep 20, 2018
Over the holidays I had finished Fable 3.

Mind you, you can't really buy the game on PC anymore, so I had to sail the seven seas to get it. No clue why Microsoft never bothered to patch out Games for Windows Live from this and just re-release it.

As a bit of context, I had also attempted to play Fable 2 via the Xenia emulator, but sadly, I reached a point where progression just stopped in the critical path, likely due to some bugs caused by the emulator. The big new thing with Fable 2, vis-a-vis Fable 1 was of course the dog. In typical Fable fashion, it attempts to simulate your interactions with the dog. So you can bet the dog, berate the dog (if you want to role-play as a cartoon villain) and your relationship with the dog is influenced by all this. If this sounds hard to believe, then yeah, because it's a bunch of bollocks. The dog is a critical mechanic, you need it to find all sorts of stuff, so you can never really get the dog to just abandon you, nor does petting it ever make any difference. It's all make believe.

Fable 3 then does not really do a whole lot to the formula that wasn't already present in 2 or 1. The plot of becoming the new king, who makes a lot of big promises, and is then faced with either breaking the promises, but getting enough money to ensure people survive the upcoming attack by some ill-defined bad monster or they stick to the promise and risk complete destruction, if they can't find millions of gold pieces from, I dunno, playing the lute all day or something.

Overall, I really fail to understand what people like about these games, except that it has a "British" vibe to it. Not amazing humour or really great characters, just the vibe.

I am hoping the new Fable game from Microsoft can actually do something interesting here. Usually with these remakes one is sceptical that the new team won't capture the "magic" of the old games, but I don't think there is much magic to be found there, so I hope the team just makes a great RPG, with actually meaningful choices and interesting characters and far better gameplay.

I didn't write much about combat, but it's super dull, especially if you play as a mage, which I - of course -- did. Exactly the same system as in Fable 2 and I believe in Fable Anniversary as well, Clunky and boring, from the first hour to the last.


Just another Video Game Enthusiast
Sep 20, 2018
0 threads about it on ERA, no console release, no critic reviews, and yet it had 20k reviews on Steam.
I'd argue these extremely online people and those stuck with certain types of games fail to where goes are headed forward. Good review, dude.
  • Like
Reactions: STHX


Sep 20, 2018
I finished Anonymous;Code. This is the latest game in the Science Adventure series, and from what I am gathering was sort of planned as the final game in the series all along.

I overall enjoyed this game nearly as much as I did Steins;Gate, which I wasn't expecting, quite frankly. The two Robotics;Notes games weren't bad,but they kinda lacked the tight story telling that I came to love from that first SciAdv game that I played. Going back to the Chaos games, I never liked their psychedelic elements nearly as much as the time travel story in S;G and it's not until A;C that they are playing with an idea like that again.

The game is set in the future, in the year of 2038, everyone has computers interfacing their brain, called BMIs allowing them to see AR "for real",. Surprisingly no flying cars, I guess they wanted to keep it a little grounded. The big plot point this time is that our hero mysteriously gains the power to "save and load" in real life. So he can go back and do something over. How this power works and what the implications for the world that follow from that is kinda the point of A;C, so I will not go too much on it.

That said, I suspect the ending of this game will be kinda controversial, though strangely, I did not mind it too much myself. I don't think, like some fans do, that it ruins the older games, it's pretty easy to imagine how the revelations from A;C factor into those old games and I don't see how Chiyomaru Shikura, the creative brain of the series, would be interested in messing with the plot of his old game.

That said, it will be a bit strange to follow up on A;C with another game. Of course, we are now getting a new game that follows up Steins;Gate and for some reason a third remake of Steins;Gate. Not sure what exactly the point there will be, but if that new game is even half as interesting as A;C, I will be there day one.


Dec 17, 2018

Liked it more than I expected, fun game, can be repetive at times as you do the same thing over and over (jump from shadow to shadow in order to reach a certain place). Still, had fun with it.

Score: 7.8/10


Decent cute fun, but not anything amazing. Decent sized city and different collectibles to get. The ending was sorta anti climatic though.

Score: 7/10


Had more fun with it this time around, also finished the DLC story missions and more side missions this time, like the "Gothams most wanted" side mission. First time I finished the game on PS4. Still, too much use of the batmobile.

Score: 8/10


Second time I finish this (first time was via Uplay+ when the game came out), this time I also finished the DLC. Fantastic metroidvania game, really fun and good gam overall.

Score: 8.4/10