SIFU (Epic Games Promo Code)
The game is hard to review, because it feels and looks good to play, but the more you play, the more flaws you notice that makes playing the game worse.
There are 6 levels where the first is the prologue which acts like a tutorial. The tutorial and the first 2 levels made the game feel really good, fun and addictive to play. However, the game throws so many combat/movement ideas early on during those levels, that it get's overwhelming. After the prologue and the first 2 levels when everything is introduced, the last 3 levels becomes incresingly boring, unbalanced, flawed and repetive. Boring because you do the same thing all the time.
The combat is unblanced, the game tells you all the many things and combat combinations you can do, but the enemies are too quick to let you do any most that. In difficulty games like Sekiro, Dark Souls, Returnal, you can learn the enemies animations, find opening that you can use to attack, noen of that here, there isn't really much to learn and when there are more than 2 enemies at the same time in Sifu, just cross your fingers that button mashing, dodging and blocking works out. Any combos that requires you to press more than 3 buttons fails because you never have the time. So I ended up button smashing and hoping for the best. Dodging is important, but badly explained and difficulty. Blocking is difficulty and doesn't work when enemies have lighting marks on their hands as it will break it. There are so many cool ideas and combinations in the game, but the core gameplay doesn't let them work. Enemies are too quick and never let's you experiment. So what the game tells you and what it actually does feels like 2 different things, like the game has different parts that doesn't cooperate wwith eah other.
It was fun and addictive beacause everything is new and the devs seems to have focused their creativity on the first half of the game.
It is also a roguelite, when you die, your character ages and you have to start the level from the beginning, when the character get's too old, he dies and you have to restart the game. You upgrade skills and stuff with certain objects you find and when dying, but it doesn't change the experience much for me.
There are collectibles that you can find in each level that get's put on a detective board in the game's hub (main characters home), that mainly is for learning more story and background. Certin paths in the levels are blocked away and you need keys for them which you can find in other levels, so the devs wants you to revisit levels in order to find all story clues.
The game also let's you pick up certain objects like pipes and bottles to use on enemies, it's shame that there were so many objects that always looked pickable, but it wasn't. The areas are big, but with little interactivity.
So in conclusion, the game looks great thanks to a really good art style, the level design is great, the open areas looks great, the first 3 levels were gorgeus with lots of different colors, the last 3 were boring looking. The first 3 levels were fun and additctive as it's all new, then it becomes boring and repetive and the fighting is ublanced. There is a long list of button combos you can do, but most of the time you have no time for them and fighting more than 2 enemies becomes a pain and a frustrating experience. The upgrades are nice, but doesn't change the combat for the better.
Feels like the devs just thought that the more options, ideas and button combinations they threw in, the more variation the gameplay will have, but that didn't work.
Score: 7.9/10