Community The Comics & Manga Thread - From Cape books, to Shonens, to Webcomics, to Shoujos, to Alternative, to Manhwas & more!

Li Kao

It’s a strange world. Let’s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
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Li Kao

It’s a strange world. Let’s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
I stopped reading comics for a few months. For a lifetime fan, maybe that means something, or just changing tastes. Didn't stick with 2000ad either, too many follow ups to series I never read.

Instead I'm reading manga, and for now that feels great. I always tried and failed to read manga, but it was mostly because I kept to Shonen Jump titles, and I'm unfortunately very much past Shonen and Nekketsu.
But outside of those, there is an incredibly rich world of books with their own identity and themes, no rotten shared universe.

I wanted to list what I really loved but it turns out that's a good chunk of what I read. The stinkers are rare (Even if you sslit my mouth and some Jump titles).
But I will list the :photoblobheart: anyway.

Insomniacs After School
The Summer Hikaru Died
Don't Call It Mistery
Ranger Rehect
Dungeon Meshi
Grand Blue Dreaming


Dec 10, 2018
Yay, Ruri Dragon has returned. Aparently in Shonen Jump for 5 more chapters and then moving over to Shone Jump+ on a bi-weekly schedule,

For those who don't remember, or didn't read it when it first started, it's a cute little series where a girl finds out she is a dragon when she wakes up with horns one morning.
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Li Kao

It’s a strange world. Let’s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
This post may be better suited in the mental health thread.
I swore off comics. I can’t choose what to read, I want to read too much, I‘m perpetually catching up, and your regular monthly comics is generally shit.

Then I started watching the Sandman TV Show and guess who lasted 7 episodes before… fucking reading comics again ?

I swear I’m fickle as a leaf in a storm. This is a bigger issue than it seem, but yeah, more suited for the other thread.


At least I read the first Saga of the Swamp Thing, not too shabby.
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Bad at Games.
Apr 17, 2019
I gave up comics right after COVID started. I got laid off and was worried about money so I cancelled my pull list. I'm glad I did, because it was definitely something that had begun to feel like an obligation rather than a hobby.

I was buying stuff I had stopped liking because I felt invested in the series and wanted to have the whole collection.

Now I read the occasional graphic novel, and have recently dipped my toe into manga, though I'm only reading Witch Hat Atelier and Freiren at the moment.

I wish manga was in color though.
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Dec 10, 2018
So, was doing my usual trawl through Humble Bundle books selection to see what comics are on offer. Unusually there are 4 bundles on there. 2 look interesting, 1 maybe depending on your tastes and 1 I just don't know about.

So this collects the IDW series of TMNT up to issue 124. Also contains the Last Ronin. Written by Eastman and Laird and is techinically the last TMNT story. However, if you have it, all of the books are available as part of Kindle Unlimited.

Next up is the BRPD Book Bundle. This is 35 Books (not sure if it is all the books though). Think I have one of the Hellboy collections they did as well. Very temped with this one.

OK This one borders on NSFW (and very likely is NSFW). The Dynamite Collection. Has about 98 books in there. However, if you know who Dynamite are, you can guess what the vast majority of the books are. That's correct Red Sonja, Vampirella and Deja Thoris. There is some original comics in this as well and some licenced stuff as well like Army of Darkness. So could be a good collection depending on how tolerant you are of, let's call it fan service, in comics.

This one I just don't know. It is a collection of 61 Doctor Who books. All from the Nu Who, including the latest one. I just don't know enough about the Doctor Who books to jump in. If there was some of the classic who comics I would have been tempted. But think this one will be a pass for me.

I think I am going to grab the BRPD one and leave it at that.
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Dec 10, 2018
Not had a chance to watch the video yet. But what it does remind me off, is that Bone is probably my favoruite comic book ever. Such a great run and I don't think there is a dud issue in there.

I am probably going to have to do a re-read now.