Community The Comics & Manga Thread - From Cape books, to Shonens, to Webcomics, to Shoujos, to Alternative, to Manhwas & more!


Junior Member
Jul 12, 2019
I'm currently in the UK and we we're just visiting the british museum in London when we found out that there's a manga exhibition currently held.

I know jack shit about manga's but I figured you guys might find it interesting anyways.
To my surprise there were a lot of elderly looking people attending. That's probably due to free entrance for British Museum members (can't really imagine they paid 20 pounds just to see manga).

The musuem displayed art for the most popular manga's but also had a lot of more unkown history pieces. I wish it wasn't so crowded so I could have spent more time reading all the little tidbits about the art and the creators.

At least I managed to take some pics.

They also had a big Titan head.

Me standing beside it for scale:
[Hidden content]

Uncompressed Abload Gallery
Thank you for sharing this. I've never been to a museum exhibit for this wonderful medium of graphic novels/comics/manga so I'm a bit jelly atm. Was tempted to downvote out of jelliness but turns out that I can't do that. :face-savouring-delicious-food:


Junior Member
Jul 12, 2019
I may call myself a gamer (mostly as a fuck you to people who play video games but try to act superior and are too fucking weak to not care about getting DP but that's another ball of wax) but really, its just one thing amongst many for me.

Case in point; I played a couple of hours of games but spent over four hours last weekend reading "COMIC BOOKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Long story short, the world and plot were fantastic, as I expected. However, having read a few Neil Gainman novels, I know that best version of this tale is in print only. Graphic novel adaptations as whole are extremely hit and miss for me. 95% of the time, the original medium of a story or series is its natural habitat. (Yes I know Neverwhere was a BBC mini series but I haven't seen it in more than ten years) The artwork was competent, with a few highlights. Not the respective artists best work.

Wow. Top ten graphic novel of my year and will probably be within the top five.
For the mid 1980s, the artwork, storylines, and depth of the series is a bit mind blowing. Chadwick blends body horror, science fiction, political commentary, ruminations on celebrity and fame, heroism, selfishness and selflessness into every loosely connected tale, even if he only had five pages to work with. I'm already planning on seeking out as much of this as I can find.

I'm currently planning on starting the GN adaptation of The Alchemist.

(I never learn my lesson about GN adaptations of popular movies/books/tv shows do I?)
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Junior Member
Jan 9, 2019
Berserk ch. 359

It's been so long, but it's finally here, short haired casca is back. It's sad that she's getting PTSD just from seeing Guts or remembering what happened at the eclipse, guess we still have a long way to go for full recovery
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Apr 18, 2019
Berserk ch. 359

It's been so long, but it's finally here, short haired casca is back. It's sad that she's getting PTSD just from seeing Guts or remembering what happened at the eclipse, guess we still have a long way to go for full recovery
This chapter was awesome. That sense of uneasiness at the beginning, the heartwarming things to facing the reality of the consequences for her. At the beginning I thought her healing happened off-screen... But this is Berserk. No such thing as an easy way out.
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Bad at Games.
Apr 17, 2019
I buy comics every month but never read them,(like videogames!) but yesterday I finally managed to read a few.

I read the first 2 issues of both Powers of X and House of X. I'm not totally up-to-date on the X-men(I sort of gave up around the time of the Last Will and Testament of Charles Xavier), so I was surprised to see lots of formerly dead people were now alive... Ok, well not really surprised, cause comics. Anyway, it was super interesting stuff so I think I will stick with it. Once this ends, which X-books will be interconnected? I plan on picking up X-men by Hickman, but will I need to also get New Mutants by Hickman in order to know what is going on? What about the other upcoming, non-Hickman X-books? What always ultimately drives me away from superhero books is having to read multiple titles. A stupid event will pop up and you either have to start buying an assload of books you don't care about, or just stop reading the ones you like.

I also caught up on Invisible Kingdom by G. Willow Wilson. The art is gorgeous, and the world was interesting... But I think the first arc was enough for me, as the actual plot is just not that compelling.

Now I'm going to see if I can re-read Paper Girls. I think I was up to issue 15-20, but things were a bit bonkers so I need to start from the beginning and just read all 30 issues.


Junior Member
Jul 12, 2019
Visited the library

Got a bunch of stuff to read, all of which I will finished

Immortal Hulk

Superhero comics are not usually my "thing", so to say. I know that that's a bit off kilter, considering the medium. I have read civil war, injustice, death of superman, a number of xmen comics, old man logan but mostly I play in other fields. I rented this from the library purely on the suggestion of this thread. Decent, not astounding, artwork, supported by a story that isn't afraid to finally detail the horror of the life of bruce banner. If you heart horror and heroes, read it.

My Favorite Thing is Monsters

This is a monster of book, it has to be at least two hundred pages. Oh, did I mention its two hundred pages of dense, free flowing, complex and gorgeous artwork? With writing to match? This is the kind of graphic novel that you give a friend to read and they'll come back two weeks later to thank you after a trip to the comic book store. Its an astounding achievement, hands down the best I've read this year and I'm only halfway through. You've got original "pulp horror' covers, recreations of classic paintings, portraits, dreamscapes, landscapes, close ups, still life pieces, black and white and full color, artwork that spans pages and writing that you need to turn the book around and around to read. Its a trip.

Let it be known, I'm only 10 pages in. I've earmarked this for reading today, as the other books I've got don't travel well with me to work. Clowes is famous for a reason and I had a pick of different works of his to read after my recent library trip. I choose this because it appeared to be the earliest work of his that the library had and I'm a sucker for 80s and 90s books that broke the "comics books are for children" barrier wide open to the masses.

Kate Beaton will make you ugly laugh, alone. It helps you're in the known regarding classic English literature and history with some of her material but her off the cuff and riffs on modern popular culture are just as good as her portrayal of 1880s newspaper comics decrying the rise of women riding bicycles.

Libraries are amazing, support your local library.


Bad at Games.
Apr 17, 2019
Started my catch-up of Paper Girls today. Re-read 1-10. That's as far as I got back when it started, though I own all 30 issues. I'm liking it a lot more binge-reading it - I feel a lot less lost than I did before. I mean, it's still bonkers, but I know who everyone is.


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
It's that time where new mangas are starting in jump. You can check them out legally for free either on Mangaplus or VIZ.

Last week we had Mission: Yozakura Family

It looks like it's a spy romance action comedy thingy and I quite like it so far. Fingers crossed.

And today #2 started: Mitama Security: Spirit Busters

A supernaturaly comedy with some action. Didn't really like the first chapter that much though..

Not sure if there's a third new series coming.
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Bad at Games.
Apr 17, 2019
Well, that's that! I decided to just keep going until I was done. Overall, I liked it. I liked how it ended, and the covers just get better and better as the series goes on.

Li Kao

It’s a strange world. Let’s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
Read two of the new Shonen Jump first issues yesterday, those of Yozakura and Mitama.
Damn, it was bad.
I’m honestly not saying this to troll eventual fans, and I really wanted to like them.

Well anyways, Yozakura has some vague charm, I liked its zany characters design. Vague. Charm.
In the case of Mitama you can almost picture the author trying not to laugh at their own jokes while you read. The issue being that, unfortunately, it must only be funny in their head. Maybe it will get better, for the time being its a crime against trees to print such nothingness.

In other matters, I will maybe force myself to read some comic books. I loooove comics but my ocd makes choosing what to read in the sea of releases a living hell.
And something new to me, as I try to read to much books, I can never remember what the last issue was about. It’s killing my will to read.
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It has risen again!
Dec 31, 2018
Read The Adventure Zone: Murder on the Rockport Limited! yesterday. I really liked it, it was much better than the first graphic novel.
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Junior Member
Jul 12, 2019
I've got Golden Kamui 2 and 3, a Stephen king mixed book/graphics novel (i'll post some pics), Sandman Oveture (I own two additions of each book in flopy form but nice to see what the deluxe hard back trade looks like) and some Astro City.

Recently, I've been reading Stay Silent, Stay Still on the web.
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It has risen again!
Dec 31, 2018
Picked up the first volume of Gerard's Way Doom Patrol today, looking forward to read that this weekend next week!
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Li Kao

It’s a strange world. Let’s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
Oh fuck, I read a stinker ! No, not the manga (thought it’s quite shitty), but the Mangaka‘s thought process.

Tokyo Shinobi Squad 01

The whole premise of this piece of shit is that in the future Japan has been connected to the USA-Russia-Europe by scifi trains. The result ? Massacres, drugs, unlawfulness, etc. Poor pure Japan.
The whole premise felt like an idiotic nationalist masturbating to my face.
We’ve also got a lewd panel and the uniquely original description of each jutsu used.

I’m really open, but there is a limit.


Once Punched Man
Apr 22, 2019
The whole premise of this piece of shit is that in the future Japan has been connected to the USA-Russia-Europe by scifi trains. The result ? Massacres, drugs, unlawfulness, etc. Poor pure Japan.
There's quite a lot of openly nationalistic mangakas who miss "good old times" of the post-Meiji era. You can see this shit everywhere from JSDF propaganda trash like GATE to the more grounded, but still bitter chapters of Hajime no Ippo. It's so weird to see this kind of ideas to be so prominent while their opposition in a manga/anime world is something as toothless as Terror in Resonanse or The Wind Rises (partially, that thing doesn't know what it wants to be).
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Li Kao

It’s a strange world. Let’s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
Things I should read
  • Planetary
  • Hellboy
  • Groo
  • Usagi Yojimbo
  • Bone
  • Berserk
  • Swamp Thing

Things I read
  • Junk factory designed spandex and shonen shit

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Dec 19, 2018
i wish i could find the Dark Tower Omnibus II in stock anywhere. The first omnibus was great. that artwork :love:


Crossbell City Councillor
Dec 6, 2018
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Li Kao

It’s a strange world. Let’s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
Shonen Jump reads of the week

Still no Jujutsu Kaisen back-issues on Shonen Jump. It had to happen to the new series I had a modicum of interest in.
Stealth Odyssey 1-2 was surprisingly decent, Mitama Security grew on me a little but it doesn't look it wants to go farther than gag plots, Yozakura family is definitely readable without shame.

I should retry Kimetsu no Yaiba because it was good, and kinda want to try Spy x Family.
That being said, fuck Shonen Jump, I need more than Shonen tropes in my life. But I am poor, copyright holders often block me from purchasing manga in my preferred language, and pirates are machine translating. So there's that.

I'm tempted to try Golden Kamui and the cover of Tsugumi Project on caught my eyes.


Junior Member
Jul 12, 2019
Been busy studying, so I've taken a lot of shit out but I haven't been reading.

I did manage to read all of The Autumn Lands, which was cancelled by its creator lol. (I know how to pick them). My biggest pick up (library, as I'm a poor loser) was the first three trades of Incorruptable. MORE IRREDEEMABLE UNIVERSE! Also, second trade collection of Concrete. And others. Damn, I've gotta get to reading.
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Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
I just read through Asebi and the Adventurers of Sky Island and it was really nice.

Cool setting, great action, good romance.
In this world, men live on islands floating in the clouds. But the heavens are also the domain of "dragon fish", gigantic monsters hostile to humans and their ships ... Yuu is one of the guards responsible for protecting citizens from their attacks. In the company of Asebi, a young android, he decided to go on an adventure.
His goal? Discover the ancient island of Brant, capital of the legendary archipelago of Waldecia, who hold many vestiges of human civilization at the time of its heyday!


Li Kao

It’s a strange world. Let’s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
I finally read Berserk volume 1.
This was a very entertaining read, didn’t really see the time pass. That being said, the downside of reading a classic that was copied in some way in other media since then was also present. A definite sorta been there done that feel.
But it’s v01, I’m not too worried.

I want to know what a Berilith does now :grimacing-face:
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Li Kao

It’s a strange world. Let’s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
Read Berserk 2 the day before yesterday. Good, maybe a little too much action, but Miura was still able to insert some nice backstory.
This shit is absolutely joyful by the way, and totally not super gross. I wanted to watch the multiple anime adaptation one day, buuuuttt maybe not :blobeyes:

I also tried other things, like...

Takama-Ga-Hara 01
Action / Humor manga it seems. Nearly dropped it instantly but the first issue is bearable. Drawings have a charming roughness to them. Super passable for the time being.

Spy x Family 01-02
Now that on the other hand is the shit. Cold War spy setting, with a 'family' comprised of a spy, a telepath and an assassin. Lot of humor and cuteness.
I'm not interested in any particular part of this manga, and I still loved it. Good sign.

Death Note 01
No need to introduce it. The core idea is great, and it's less disturbing than I feared, due in part to a completely loony protag. At the same time maybe the writer got a little overboard here, Light is really bonker. Intrigued and impatient to meet L, but not entranced. Solid start to say the least, though.

Li Kao

It’s a strange world. Let’s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
The fuck people ? This is not Li Kao’s readings OT ! I want to read others‘ posts :blobweary:

In other news, I just finished Berserk volume 3.
All is right in the world, manga are finally worth something, all over my face.
Yeah, I liked it :so-good-blob:

Need to look into other famous mangaka work, like Urasawa.
Any advice ?


Once Punched Man
Apr 22, 2019
So, apparently Kishi's new manga is a bonafide bomba. I didn't expect that tbh. Successful mangakas usually have at least a semblance of following.

Li Kao

It’s a strange world. Let’s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
Didn’t really read Naruto, but Samurai 8 first two chapters were enough for me. Narratively confusing and extremely boring. Boring enough to not have any desire to make sense of it at all.
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Once Punched Man
Apr 22, 2019
Didn’t really read Naruto, but Samurai 8 first two chapters were enough for me. Narratively confusing and extremely boring. Boring enough to not have any desire to make sense of it at all.
Is it that bad? I usually don't read WSJ manga because usually they have the highest amount of cliche per page bar VRMMO LNs and much more digestible in an animation form.

Li Kao

It’s a strange world. Let’s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
Is it that bad? I usually don't read WSJ manga because usually they have the highest amount of cliche per page bar VRMMO LNs and much more digestible in an animation form.
From what I remember it’s that and confusing. Imagine a manga where you have two stories. And very little to tell them appart at first glance for the reader. Both are super boring to read, and what becomes the real story is also super tropey.
Kishi spoke about the fact that it’s difficult to tell a scifi story because of the amount of lore to expose at first, but the issue is not even there, it’s that the little lore that is exposed is IDGAF level.
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Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Honestly I haven't even started reading Samurai 8, not even out of curiosity. Dunno why

I started reading something else though. A webtoon called American Ghost Jack (bonus points for being completed already, yay).

I'm about a quarter through it (24/101) and it's good.

It's about the mansion of passed-away musician Jack Bland (lol that name), where anyone who can survive a 2 week stay will be awarded a million dollar.
The Korean girl Ma Go-eun is running a haunted house in an amusement park with her father, but they're about to get evicted.
In order to learn how she can make their haunted house so good that they'll earn enough money, she resolves herself to visit that mansion.

The art is great and unsettling and characters and story are very interesting. The mansion causes its "horror" by digging up the traumas and fears of the people staying among other things and it makes for many interesting backstories.
Also the juxtaposition between everyone trying not to be scared or killed by ghosts while the MC is deadpan trying to figure out how the mansion owner is doing those things so she can use it in her own haunted house is great.
Though that isn't the main focus for that long as the plot moves into other interesting directions.

Li Kao

It’s a strange world. Let’s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
Here's what I have chosen to put on my to read list.
Hunter X Hunter
20th Century Boys
Monster ?
Hokuto no Ken
Restart Hellboy
Continue Berserk
Continue Groo
Continue Usagi Yojimbo

Any major manga I should add ? I mean Berserk level OMGreadthatshit.


Junior Member
Jul 12, 2019
The fuck people ? This is not Li Kao’s readings OT ! I want to read others‘ posts :blobweary:

In other news, I just finished Berserk volume 3.
All is right in the world, manga are finally worth something, all over my face.
Yeah, I liked it :so-good-blob:

Need to look into other famous mangaka work, like Urasawa.
Any advice ?
I read but I don't always post. Just how it goes.

I'll add to this post this weekend, as I've haven't been able to do any reading since last Saturday morning.

Li Kao

It’s a strange world. Let’s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
I read but I don't always post. Just how it goes.
That's honestly too bad, I like reading other people POV on things. Well they are wrong and I am right, but I still like it :so-good-blob:

Li Kao

It’s a strange world. Let’s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
I really, really, really dislike Berserk, but I can't recommend Vinland Saga and Planetes enough.
From the little I know about them, they are totally in the right quality level I'm looking for, thanks.
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Junior Member
Jul 12, 2019
That's honestly too bad, I like reading other people POV on things. Well they are wrong and I am right, but I still like it :so-good-blob:
Alright... I'll add a few....

Flinch Vol 2.

Trade edition of a short running Horror series by Vertigo, nearly two decades past. A mix of short Fables, Black Mirror, Dark comedy and Tales From the Crypt/Creepshow. A few disturbing stories, some entertainment but not worth tracking down.

Quarantine Zone

Another so-so trade. I picked it off the library shelf due to the interesting Sci-Fi premise, which is Humanity is violent and dangerous only because of an ancient virus that allows us to do evil. Not a new one, as I vividly remember an SCP covering the same ground. Story and character wise, it has its moments. The art work is dull and the world building doesn't do the plot any favors. Its a four issue series that needed to be at least eight to have a real impact.

Over the past few weeks, besides Incorruptible, the follow was the best book I read


A condensed and more hopeless version of The Road. What I really enjoyed was how the cartoonish, flat, B&W artwork both successfully adds humor to the beginning and then easily morphs into haunting later. A short read that doesn't do more than it needs to, and worth the time spent on it.
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Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Any major manga I should add ? I mean Berserk level OMGreadthatshit.
All of those are already complete. No loose ends and waiting for chapter releases, yay!

Alice in Borderland (Asou Haro )

A "death game survival" type manga with a heavy focus on the psychological side and utterly fantastic character writing. It's amazing.

Alice Ryouhei will leave high school soon, but he's trying to avoid thinking about his future. Late one night, when he's hanging out with his tough friend Karube and his silly, girl-crazy friend Chota, they see fireworks. After one blindingly bright explosion, they find themselves waking up in a different world. In this 'Borderland,' people are forced to either participate in potentially deadly games or simply die. Will Chota, Karube, and Ryouhei be able to survive this dangerous new world, and is there a way they can get back to their original lives?
Kekkaishi (Tanabe Yellow)

A battle shonen with excellent execution all around. Fantastic characters, very creative and interesting use of a very limited powerset (creating barriers).

By night, junior high student Yoshimori Sumimura is a "kekkaishi"--a demon-hunter who specializes in creating magical barriers around his prey. By day, Yoshimori's got some other demons to battle: an addiction to sweets and a seriously crotchety grandfather! Yoshimori's pretty 16-year-old neighbor and childhood friend, Tokine Yukimura, is also a kekkaishi, but their families are feuding over who is the true practitioner of the art.

Won the 52nd Shogakukan Manga Award in the Shounen category.
Sengoku Youko (Mizukami Satoshi)

Mizukami Satoshi is one of my favorite mangaka of all time. The man consistently writes amazing stories with fantastic characters that take a simple premise and twist it into something utterly engrossing and fresh.
Sengoku Youko is no different.
Also the first and last manga I read that had not a double page spread, but a five page spread (2 or 3 actually) and it was glorious.

"Stop your evil deeds and take the right path!" That is the creed of Youko Tama and her younger step brother, Jinka Sendou. The two demon siblings travel the country to stop the deeds of all evil doers, along with a scaredy-cat swordsman they picked up along the way, Hyoudou Shinsuke. During their travels, they will come across a monk organization with more than suspicious methods and they'll soon be at war.
Spirit Circle (Mizukami Satoshi)

Another one from Mizukami. My favorite one alongside Sengoko Youko perhaps, hard to say which I like more because they are so different).

Fuuta Okeya can see ghosts. Besides that—and the bandage he always keeps on his cheek—he's a perfectly normal 14-year old boy enamoured with the new transfer student. Unfortunately, Kouko Ishigami wants little to do with him. A strange ghost that follows her, however, seems to feel quite differently. But, when Kouko sees the strange birthmark hidden beneath the bandage on Fuuta's cheek, she has a change of heart...for the worse. Not only does she denounce him as her enemy, but she claims that the birthmark is a curse she engraved upon his face during one of their many past lives.

What happened between Kouko and Fuuta, and what is the connection to the strange, fantastical dreams that Fuuta begins to experience?
Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer (Mizukami Satoshi)

I've read this so long ago that I barely remember anything about (except really liking it a lot), and since it's from Mizukami I have no reason to doubt those memories :p

The world is in mortal peril. Sir Noi Crezant, the Lizard Knight, has been sent to gain the aid of the great warrior Amamiya Yuuhi in hopes of finding the Princess Samidare and protecting the planet from the incredible 'Biscuit Hammer' poised to crack the Earth in two. Unfortunately Yuuhi wants no part of it, and the Princess doesn't prove to be the shining 'hero of justice' role model that Noi had hoped for.


Apr 18, 2019
All of those are already complete. No loose ends and waiting for chapter releases, yay!

Alice in Borderland (Asou Haro )

A "death game survival" type manga with a heavy focus on the psychological side and utterly fantastic character writing. It's amazing.

Kekkaishi (Tanabe Yellow)

A battle shonen with excellent execution all around. Fantastic characters, very creative and interesting use of a very limited powerset (creating barriers).

Sengoku Youko (Mizukami Satoshi)

Mizukami Satoshi is one of my favorite mangaka of all time. The man consistently writes amazing stories with fantastic characters that take a simple premise and twist it into something utterly engrossing and fresh.
Sengoku Youko is no different.
Also the first and last manga I read that had not a double page spread, but a five page spread (2 or 3 actually) and it was glorious.

Spirit Circle (Mizukami Satoshi)

Another one from Mizukami. My favorite one alongside Sengoko Youko perhaps, hard to say which I like more because they are so different).

Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer (Mizukami Satoshi)

I've read this so long ago that I barely remember anything about (except really liking it a lot), and since it's from Mizukami I have no reason to doubt those memories :p
I adore that author. Sengoko Youko was the first of his work that I'd read and Spirit Circle broke me a little. I'm really glad someone else knows him!
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Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Alright here we go (still all completed works~)

Dorohedoro (Hayashida Q)

Quite frankly I have read a ton of stuff over the years. This is possible the weirdest of them all and it's utterly amazing in all its strange, gory insanity.
I still have not read the last 2 or 3 volumes, so I can't vouch for the ending but if it were to suck, the journey alone is something everyone needs to experience.

The story revolves around Kaiman, who does not remember who he was before he was transfigured by a Magic user. This transformation left him with a reptile's head, and a desire to find out the truth about who he really is. Accompanied by Nikaido, his female companion, he tracks down Magic Users in "The Hole" and unceremoniously chomps down on their head, hoping to find out who it was that put him in this state. One by one, they witness this "second man" inside the head of Kaiman, and after pulling them back out of his mouth he asks them all a question.
"What did the guy inside my head say?"
Alive - The Final Evolution (Kawashima Tadashi / Adachi Toka)

I have a real soft spot for this one. It's a supernaturl action shonen that goes into some very interesting and sad directions.
The writer finished the last chapters on his deathbed, so the ending to the series is absolutely tinged by that, it's essentially seeing into the thoughts and feelings of a dying person :/

A strange virus is making its way around the globe, causing its victims to commit suicide. In less than a week, it's become a lethal pandemic. Now a group of Tokyo teens who have survived the outbreak are wondering why they are still alive.
Record of a Fallen Vampire (Kyou Shirodaira / Yuri Kimura)

This is another that I've read so long ago that I don't remember any details, except it leaving a really strong impression on me. It's tragic, and really so.
Thousands of years ago, Vampire King Akabara "Red Rose" Strauss lost both his kingdom and his queen. Since humans were unable to kill the queen, they sealed her away, erecting thousands of fake seals so that the king would never find her true location. Despite being pursued by relentless dhampires, Akabara continues to search for his queen to this day…

Akabara's quest takes a sinister turn when an entity called the Black Swan appears. The Black Swan inhabits the body of a young human girl every 50 years, giving her the power to destroy the Vampire King and his queen. With each incarnation the Black Swan grows stronger--will the 49th Black Swan mean the end of Akabara?
Watashi no Messiah-sama (Minazuki Suu)

Minazuki Suu is probably best known for his manga Sora no Otoshimono / Heaven's Lost Property and his penchant for extreme mood whiplashes between over-the-top ecchi comedy and heartrending tragedy.
This is before he embraced the ecchi aspect so what's left is mostly heartrending tragedy :cryblob:

Shinya doesn't get good grades. He's weak, a coward, not athletic... he's a general good for nothing. One day; however, he meets Haruna, a girl who could change his life forever. Haruna tells Shinya that he is the Messiah, the lord chosen to save her world, and that she is his shield.
Can it be true? Is Shinya's life of ineptitude balance for this one grand cause? Is he the Messiah? If he is, can he save himself let alone an entire world?

Li Kao

It’s a strange world. Let’s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
Not very fond of hyper violence. So I will logically read Dorohedoro asap. What’s a few more traumas ? :anguished-face:

More seriously I also love weird fiction and the mangaka had me hook and sinker at the ‘what did the guy inside said ?’ part.


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
I should also finish reading Dorohedoro now that it's complete.
Undecided if I should reread it from the beginning or trust my memory enough to jump back in where I left - if I manage to find where that was, lol.
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