I found Borderlands 2 quite a bit better. Although I must say even that pales for me compared to say Diablo 3 as far as looter RPGs go. That's probably somewhat anomalous thoughBeen playing Borderlands which is basically the first time for me. I only played it for a few hours when it launched a decade ago.
I'm enjoying the gunplay and loot, though quest structure is pretty archaic with the lack of dialogue and VA.
it's soooooooooooooooooooooooooo good!!!Grim Dawn. Almost finished the vanilla campaign with the Necromancer + Soldier combo, will start the Forgotten Gods expansion afterwards.
Ooh risk of rain 2, looks like a blast.Yakuza kiwami - chapter 2 soo almost nothing
Borderlands Goty enhanced - playing with friends, already level 33 siren
Risk of rain 2 - same group from borderlands, we played a little because of borderlands but is amazing
Monster hunter world - with a friend who recently bought it
Unpopular opinion - Witcher 1 is the best Witcher game.Finally playing the Witcher trilogy. The first game starts out kind of rough, but things are getting much more interesting now that I'm in Vizima.
I played Witcher 3 at launch, put it down for about a year, and then wrapped it after fitting the entirety of Dark Souls 2 Scholar of the First Sin in between.Unpopular opinion - Witcher 1 is the best Witcher game.
I could not finish Witcher 2 and quit Witcher 3 after like 7 hours. I wasn't for me. Hope you enjoy it tho!