Community What are you currently playing?


Dec 22, 2018
I'm 80ish hours into Witcher3 and just started the second act. I just came back to the game recently and have been really enjoying it. Thankfully my completionist side doesnt make me try to complete every side quest and witcher job, or id never finish the game.

Im noticing some limitations in the cutscene animations, a real lack of actual interaction that i never really noticed or at least over looked before. Mostly talking and gesticulating and thats kind of disapoointing but understandable given how vast a project this must have been.


Excluding exclusives
Jan 12, 2019
Started Yooka Laylee and the impossible lair today. Why didn't anyone tell me how good this game is? There are many influences from Donkey Kong County, but plenty of new ideas as well. Both the overworld and the levels are stuffed with well designed secrets, and the ability to play modified levels (for example with ice) is really cool. Having a great time with it so far! ☺
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Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
The Vagrant - Vanillaware light. Gorgeous graphics, neat effects, nice audio hack and slash with kit upgrades and a decent story.
Super cheap, £1.15 in the sale, and well worth it from what i've played so far.
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Reactions: sk2k and Ascheroth

Phoenix RISING

A phoenix always RISES!
Apr 23, 2019
Ann Arbor, MI

This game died in the groupthink of the industry. Like, everyone was hyping it to high heaven, and then you never heard about it again.

It's a great game.

I suspect that people are not talking about it as much because the game didn't provide enough of the critique of Christianity that they were expecting, like another Binding of Isaac.
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Reactions: Stevey


I <3 Pixels
Oct 21, 2018
I'm playing Witcher 3 (again, but still on a single playthrough).
So much stuff in this game, and so much of it really well-made. It's always impressive.

Finished the main campaign of X-Morph Defense last night. Great campaign, great gameplay, great music. Already bought the DLC which I'll play later this week.
I played the campaign in coop back when it was released and agree with all of that.
We didn't even realize the game got DLC until it popped up in Steam recommendations recently. Looking forward to it.


Makoto Niijima Fan Club President
Dec 23, 2018
I'm playing Lone Echo right now, and while I haven't played loads I think this might be my new favourite VR game since I played Astro Bot: Rescue Mission. It's a triumph of interaction and locomotion in zero gravity VR, and RAD should be applauded for doing this all the way back in 2017. I will save my final reaction until I've finished it as I'm reaching the point where the plot could veer into sci-fi stupidity at any point, but so far I am a big, big fan. I hope VR brings us more games like this.
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Reactions: sk2k


Excluding exclusives
Jan 12, 2019
I've finished My Big Sister last night and I've enjoyed it a lot. The game lacks clever puzzles, but the story and characters are very good. I don't think I got the best ending tho (there are many different endings) because I still have a few questions about the story.
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Excluding exclusives
Jan 12, 2019
I gave up on Tekken 7. It's hard to do some of the special moves with a controller, and there are way too much button sequences to remember to perform special moves or combo's. I can definitely see why people like it tho, many of the characters are great!

Started to play Hellheim last night. The gameplay is rather repetitive, but the developers definitely have talent. I'll be playing the rest of the game in short periods, and I'm looking forward to the devs next games.


Makoto Niijima Fan Club President
Dec 23, 2018
I'm playing Trover Saves the Universe right now and, well, it's really funny. I'm also really enjoying the use of a fixed, seated VR position to play the game from. They've done a good job of creating a link between Trover, the character you control, and you as the thing that sits in the chair. It's not quite as interesting or innovative as Astro Bot, but I think it's a solid sitting down VR game.


Junior Member
Jul 19, 2019
Having a really hard time tackling my backlog.

Always playing: World of Warcraft (2 hours to 5+ hours a day)
Last game beaten: Death Stranding

Currently playing: Jumping between a few games...

Witcher 3 (the size of this game is daunting)
Yooka Laylee & The Impossible Lair (just started, glad to see it get glowing reviews)
Red Dead Redemption 2 PC (beat it on PS4 last year, so this is an exploration/hunting playthrough)
Horizon Zero Dawn (2nd playthrough, may be going for the Platinum if I have the patience. Haven't played Frozen Wilds yet)


Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
I'm enjoying Trover too, i haven't fired it up in VR yet but i plan to and i saw the Astro Bot similarity as soon as it started up so i'm glad i'm not the only one to see it! I reccommend both Astro Bot and Trover but if you're not keen on Justin Roiland's humour then i'd watch a video of the first 10 minutes of Trover first as it is VERY Justin Roiland.

I'm about to go in and finish of A Short Hike which is a charming, positive explorathon with some collectables. It's just really nice to play.

Also going to have a session on Dark Fall: Ghost Vigil the latest in the Dark Fall series of spooky Myst-like games.


Excluding exclusives
Jan 12, 2019
I have finished the 40 levels of Yooka Laylee and the impossible lair today. Great game, great experience, great soundtrack. Very recommended for fans of DKC or 2.5D platformers in general.

I gave up on the boss level (the impossible lair itself) tho. I can manage the huge increase in difficulty, but having to replay an extremely difficult level that takes almost 30 minutes to complete because there are no checkpoints is bullshit. Even the Souls games aren't that cruel, this is a bad design choice imo.

This said, the rest of the game is definitely worth it, so don't let this keep you from buy this game!
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Reactions: sk2k and lashman


Dr. Boom Boom
Oct 17, 2018
Quebec, Canada
I have finished the 40 levels of Yooka Laylee and the impossible lair today. Great game, great experience, great soundtrack. Very recommended for fans of DKC or 2.5D platformers in general.

I gave up on the boss level (the impossible lair itself) tho. I can manage the huge increase in difficulty, but having to replay an extremely difficult level that takes almost 30 minutes to complete because there are no checkpoints is bullshit. Even the Souls games aren't that cruel, this is a bad design choice imo.

This said, the rest of the game is definitely worth it, so don't let this keep you from buy this game!
Should use a trainer just to finish it up
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Reactions: Ge0force and Flips

Phoenix RISING

A phoenix always RISES!
Apr 23, 2019
Ann Arbor, MI
Plague Tale: Innocence right now.

It's good; not the splendor everyone claimed, but it's good.

I prefer playing it in French VA with English subtitles. Trying to put my 4 years of French to use. I think the VA is better in the game's "natural" language.
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Reactions: C-Dub


Dec 17, 2018
Currently focusing on FFVI on PC using a trainer which made it more enjoyable to play. It's pretty good despite being a very old game.
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Reactions: Dandy


Bad at Games.
Apr 17, 2019
I just finished V:TM - Coteries of New York. It was ok. The ending seems 100% predetermined no matter what you do, though I could be wrong. You can certainly die before the ending, though it seems 100% down to the player choosing that fate very early in the story. Any replayability seems to come from which clan you choose(though this seems mostly to come down to flavor, with one character specific encounter for each clan), as well as which sidequests/companions you prioritize... I don't think it's possible to finish them all in one go. I don't see myself giving this another playthrough any time soon, as so much of it would just be a repetition of what I'd already done with little payoff.

All that said, I'd recommend it if you like the source material, and like visual novels. Maybe wait until it's on sale?


Sep 8, 2019
Reached Lost Ark's true meat and yeah this game is beyond DOA in the west if they ever release it as is. There's a lot to do but its so gated on all ends that honestly I feel like PvErs will go away in not even one month

Which brings me to the real good news : the pvp in it is ABSOLUTELY amazing. To me the best mmos on that end were without any contest Guild Wars 1 and Age of Conan, Lost Ark honestly just definitely nails it. Played like 100 hours + of it, currently in the top 20, ama

I really don't know if a pvp community on its own can carry a game tho. Like the pve in the game is ... yeah its not what you should play it for. Its there, its functionnal, its fine but fuck its so basic
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Reactions: sk2k


Makoto Niijima Fan Club President
Dec 23, 2018
Ghost of a Tale
Great game. I have the impression that the game was mostly ignored when it was released.

It had a successful Kickstarter and the developer is porting it to consoles while still supporting the PC version. Seems to be doing okay. I enjoyed it a fair bit but dropped it at some point. But it was a very intriguing world with a great visual style to it.

Phoenix RISING

A phoenix always RISES!
Apr 23, 2019
Ann Arbor, MI
I just finished V:TM - Coteries of New York. It was ok. The ending seems 100% predetermined no matter what you do, though I could be wrong. You can certainly die before the ending, though it seems 100% down to the player choosing that fate very early in the story. Any replayability seems to come from which clan you choose(though this seems mostly to come down to flavor, with one character specific encounter for each clan), as well as which sidequests/companions you prioritize... I don't think it's possible to finish them all in one go. I don't see myself giving this another playthrough any time soon, as so much of it would just be a repetition of what I'd already done with little payoff.

All that said, I'd recommend it if you like the source material, and like visual novels. Maybe wait until it's on sale?
It's certainly a game that is Illusion of Choice, but I enjoyed it because it was my first exposure to Vampire: The Masquerade as an intellectual property.

Since you can't explore all the routes in a single playthrough, that's how you 100% the game. I just wish the ending made more sense....
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Reactions: Dandy and sk2k


Excluding exclusives
Jan 12, 2019
Still playing Ziggurat + I started Slay the Spire last night. Both great games, although succeeding depends a lot on luck.
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Reactions: sk2k


Apr 17, 2019
Still playing Ziggurat + I started Slay the Spire last night. Both great games, although succeeding depends a lot on luck.
I've been playing Spire a lot recently, and I had the same thought as you about luck. But after watching some twitch streams and youtube videos, people who are good at this game can reliably get a win a huge percentage of the time. It mostly seems to come down to picking cards and a route that caters to the specific act boss. Also, if you memorize all the elites and regular enemies you might encounter, you can usually build a deck to get quick victories. This has actually made the game a bit less interesting for me.
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Reactions: Ge0force

Phoenix RISING

A phoenix always RISES!
Apr 23, 2019
Ann Arbor, MI
Just finished A Plague Tale: Innocence.

I'd give it a 7/5 or 8. Does that whole, "If you had just told me what you knew at the beginning of the game, we wouldn't have had to struggle so much" trope.

I have not decided on my next new game yet
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Reactions: sk2k


It has risen again!
Dec 31, 2018
Picked RUINER back up again today and it's such a fucking cool game (especially that music!). I think I need to finish like 2 more levels to beat it :dmcblob:
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Reactions: sk2k

Phoenix RISING

A phoenix always RISES!
Apr 23, 2019
Ann Arbor, MI
Crying Suns.

This is like FTL, but better.

OF all the games that claim to be an FTL-like or successor, yes, Crying Suns understands the flow best.

The best part is that it never COMPLETELY screws you with RNG. As long as you play intelligently, you can get through.

It's much better now than at launch. At launch, lots of scenarios would repeat. Now, they only repeat per run. Still more repetitive than FTL, but the story is pretty good.


Excluding exclusives
Jan 12, 2019
I was in the mood to play Oxygen Not Included today. Tried the ocean planet for the first time. What am I going to with so much salt? 🤔

Also still playing Slay the Spire. Reached the final boss with the green character last night, but lost the battle.